/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLTableColElement.h" #include "nsMappedAttributes.h" #include "nsAttrValueInlines.h" #include "nsRuleData.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLTableColElementBinding.h" NS_IMPL_NS_NEW_HTML_ELEMENT(TableCol) namespace mozilla { namespace dom { // use the same protection as ancient code did // http://lxr.mozilla.org/classic/source/lib/layout/laytable.c#46 #define MAX_COLSPAN 1000 HTMLTableColElement::~HTMLTableColElement() { } JSObject* HTMLTableColElement::WrapNode(JSContext *aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) { return HTMLTableColElementBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } NS_IMPL_ELEMENT_CLONE(HTMLTableColElement) bool HTMLTableColElement::ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsIAtom* aAttribute, const nsAString& aValue, nsAttrValue& aResult) { if (aNamespaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) { /* ignore these attributes, stored simply as strings ch */ if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::charoff) { return aResult.ParseSpecialIntValue(aValue); } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::span) { /* protection from unrealistic large colspan values */ aResult.ParseIntWithFallback(aValue, 1, MAX_COLSPAN); return true; } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::width) { return aResult.ParseSpecialIntValue(aValue); } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::align) { return ParseTableCellHAlignValue(aValue, aResult); } if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::valign) { return ParseTableVAlignValue(aValue, aResult); } } return nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseAttribute(aNamespaceID, aAttribute, aValue, aResult); } void HTMLTableColElement::MapAttributesIntoRule(const nsMappedAttributes* aAttributes, nsRuleData* aData) { if (aData->mSIDs & NS_STYLE_INHERIT_BIT(Table)) { nsCSSValue *span = aData->ValueForSpan(); if (span->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null) { // span: int const nsAttrValue* value = aAttributes->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::span); if (value && value->Type() == nsAttrValue::eInteger) { int32_t val = value->GetIntegerValue(); // Note: Do NOT use this code for table cells! The value "0" // means something special for colspan and rowspan, but for <col // span> and <colgroup span> it's just disallowed. if (val > 0) { span->SetIntValue(value->GetIntegerValue(), eCSSUnit_Integer); } } } } if (aData->mSIDs & NS_STYLE_INHERIT_BIT(Position)) { nsCSSValue* width = aData->ValueForWidth(); if (width->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null) { // width const nsAttrValue* value = aAttributes->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::width); if (value) { switch (value->Type()) { case nsAttrValue::ePercent: { width->SetPercentValue(value->GetPercentValue()); break; } case nsAttrValue::eInteger: { width->SetFloatValue((float)value->GetIntegerValue(), eCSSUnit_Pixel); break; } default: break; } } } } if (aData->mSIDs & NS_STYLE_INHERIT_BIT(Text)) { nsCSSValue* textAlign = aData->ValueForTextAlign(); if (textAlign->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null) { // align: enum const nsAttrValue* value = aAttributes->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::align); if (value && value->Type() == nsAttrValue::eEnum) textAlign->SetIntValue(value->GetEnumValue(), eCSSUnit_Enumerated); } } if (aData->mSIDs & NS_STYLE_INHERIT_BIT(Display)) { nsCSSValue* verticalAlign = aData->ValueForVerticalAlign(); if (verticalAlign->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null) { // valign: enum const nsAttrValue* value = aAttributes->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::valign); if (value && value->Type() == nsAttrValue::eEnum) verticalAlign->SetIntValue(value->GetEnumValue(), eCSSUnit_Enumerated); } } nsGenericHTMLElement::MapCommonAttributesInto(aAttributes, aData); } NS_IMETHODIMP_(bool) HTMLTableColElement::IsAttributeMapped(const nsIAtom* aAttribute) const { static const MappedAttributeEntry attributes[] = { { &nsGkAtoms::width }, { &nsGkAtoms::align }, { &nsGkAtoms::valign }, { &nsGkAtoms::span }, { nullptr } }; static const MappedAttributeEntry* const map[] = { attributes, sCommonAttributeMap, }; return FindAttributeDependence(aAttribute, map); } nsMapRuleToAttributesFunc HTMLTableColElement::GetAttributeMappingFunction() const { return &MapAttributesIntoRule; } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla