/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test diffing census reports of breakdown by "allocationStack". const BREAKDOWN = { by: "allocationStack", then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, noStack: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }, }; const stack1 = saveStack(); const stack2 = saveStack(); const stack3 = saveStack(); const REPORT1 = new Map([ [stack1, { "count": 10, "bytes": 100 }], [stack2, { "count": 1, "bytes": 10 }], ]); const REPORT2 = new Map([ [stack2, { "count": 10, "bytes": 100 }], [stack3, { "count": 1, "bytes": 10 }], ]); const EXPECTED = new Map([ [stack1, { "count": -10, "bytes": -100 }], [stack2, { "count": 9, "bytes": 90 }], [stack3, { "count": 1, "bytes": 10 }], ]); function run_test() { assertDiff(BREAKDOWN, REPORT1, REPORT2, EXPECTED); }