/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that we can find the node with the given id along the specified path. const node3000 = makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 3000 }); const node2000 = makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 2000 }, [ makeTestDominatorTreeNode({}), node3000, makeTestDominatorTreeNode({}), ]); const node1000 = makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 1000 }, [ makeTestDominatorTreeNode({}), node2000, makeTestDominatorTreeNode({}), ]); const tree = node1000; const path = [1000, 2000, 3000]; const tests = [ { id: 1000, expected: node1000 }, { id: 2000, expected: node2000 }, { id: 3000, expected: node3000 }, ]; function run_test() { for (let { id, expected } of tests) { const actual = DominatorTreeNode.getNodeByIdAlongPath(id, tree, path); equal(actual, expected, `We should have got the node with id = ${id}`); } equal(null, DominatorTreeNode.getNodeByIdAlongPath(999999999999, tree, path), "null is returned for nodes that are not even in the tree"); const lastNodeId = tree.children[tree.children.length - 1].nodeId; equal(null, DominatorTreeNode.getNodeByIdAlongPath(lastNodeId, tree, path), "null is returned for nodes that are not along the path"); }