/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_InternalRequest_h #define mozilla_dom_InternalRequest_h #include "mozilla/dom/HeadersBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/InternalHeaders.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RequestBinding.h" #include "mozilla/LoadTainting.h" #include "mozilla/net/ReferrerPolicy.h" #include "nsIContentPolicy.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsISupportsImpl.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "nsIURLParser.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #endif namespace mozilla { namespace ipc { class PrincipalInfo; } // namespace ipc namespace dom { /* * The mapping of RequestContext and nsContentPolicyType is currently as the * following. Note that this mapping is not perfect yet (see the TODO comments * below for examples). * * RequestContext | nsContentPolicyType * ------------------+-------------------- * audio | TYPE_INTERNAL_AUDIO * beacon | TYPE_BEACON * cspreport | TYPE_CSP_REPORT * download | * embed | TYPE_INTERNAL_EMBED * eventsource | * favicon | * fetch | TYPE_FETCH * font | TYPE_FONT * form | * frame | TYPE_INTERNAL_FRAME * hyperlink | * iframe | TYPE_INTERNAL_IFRAME * image | TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE, TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE_PRELOAD, TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE_FAVICON * imageset | TYPE_IMAGESET * import | Not supported by Gecko * internal | TYPE_DOCUMENT, TYPE_XBL, TYPE_OTHER * location | * manifest | TYPE_WEB_MANIFEST * object | TYPE_INTERNAL_OBJECT * ping | TYPE_PING * plugin | TYPE_OBJECT_SUBREQUEST * prefetch | * script | TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT, TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT_PRELOAD * sharedworker | TYPE_INTERNAL_SHARED_WORKER * subresource | Not supported by Gecko * style | TYPE_INTERNAL_STYLESHEET, TYPE_INTERNAL_STYLESHEET_PRELOAD * track | TYPE_INTERNAL_TRACK * video | TYPE_INTERNAL_VIDEO * worker | TYPE_INTERNAL_WORKER * xmlhttprequest | TYPE_INTERNAL_XMLHTTPREQUEST * eventsource | TYPE_INTERNAL_EVENTSOURCE * xslt | TYPE_XSLT * * TODO: Figure out if TYPE_REFRESH maps to anything useful * TODO: Figure out if TYPE_DTD maps to anything useful * TODO: Figure out if TYPE_WEBSOCKET maps to anything useful * TODO: Add a content type for prefetch * TODO: Use the content type for manifest when it becomes available * TODO: Add a content type for location * TODO: Add a content type for hyperlink * TODO: Add a content type for form * TODO: Add a content type for favicon * TODO: Add a content type for download */ class Request; class IPCInternalRequest; #define kFETCH_CLIENT_REFERRER_STR "about:client" class InternalRequest final { friend class Request; public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(InternalRequest) InternalRequest(const nsACString& aURL, const nsACString& aFragment); InternalRequest(const nsACString& aURL, const nsACString& aFragment, const nsACString& aMethod, already_AddRefed<InternalHeaders> aHeaders, RequestCache aCacheMode, RequestMode aMode, RequestRedirect aRequestRedirect, RequestCredentials aRequestCredentials, const nsAString& aReferrer, ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy, nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType, const nsAString& aIntegrity); explicit InternalRequest(const IPCInternalRequest& aIPCRequest); void ToIPC(IPCInternalRequest* aIPCRequest); already_AddRefed<InternalRequest> Clone(); void GetMethod(nsCString& aMethod) const { aMethod.Assign(mMethod); } void SetMethod(const nsACString& aMethod) { mMethod.Assign(aMethod); } bool HasSimpleMethod() const { return mMethod.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("get") || mMethod.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("post") || mMethod.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("head"); } // GetURL should get the request's current url with fragment. A request has // an associated current url. It is a pointer to the last fetch URL in // request's url list. void GetURL(nsACString& aURL) const { aURL.Assign(GetURLWithoutFragment()); if (GetFragment().IsEmpty()) { return; } aURL.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("#")); aURL.Append(GetFragment()); } const nsCString& GetURLWithoutFragment() const { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!mURLList.IsEmpty(), "Internal Request's urlList should not be empty."); return mURLList.LastElement(); } // AddURL should append the url into url list. // Normally we strip the fragment from the URL in Request::Constructor and // pass the fragment as the second argument into it. // If a fragment is present in the URL it must be stripped and passed in // separately. void AddURL(const nsACString& aURL, const nsACString& aFragment) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aURL.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(!aURL.Contains('#')); mURLList.AppendElement(aURL); mFragment.Assign(aFragment); } // Get the URL list without their fragments. void GetURLListWithoutFragment(nsTArray<nsCString>& aURLList) { aURLList.Assign(mURLList); } void GetReferrer(nsAString& aReferrer) const { aReferrer.Assign(mReferrer); } void SetReferrer(const nsAString& aReferrer) { #ifdef DEBUG bool validReferrer = false; if (aReferrer.IsEmpty() || aReferrer.EqualsLiteral(kFETCH_CLIENT_REFERRER_STR)) { validReferrer = true; } else { nsCOMPtr<nsIURLParser> parser = do_GetService(NS_STDURLPARSER_CONTRACTID); if (!parser) { NS_WARNING("Could not get parser to validate URL!"); } else { uint32_t schemePos; int32_t schemeLen; uint32_t authorityPos; int32_t authorityLen; uint32_t pathPos; int32_t pathLen; NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 ref(aReferrer); nsresult rv = parser->ParseURL(ref.get(), ref.Length(), &schemePos, &schemeLen, &authorityPos, &authorityLen, &pathPos, &pathLen); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Invalid referrer URL!"); } else if (schemeLen < 0 || authorityLen < 0) { NS_WARNING("Invalid referrer URL!"); } else { validReferrer = true; } } } MOZ_ASSERT(validReferrer); #endif mReferrer.Assign(aReferrer); } ReferrerPolicy ReferrerPolicy_() const { return mReferrerPolicy; } void SetReferrerPolicy(ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy) { mReferrerPolicy = aReferrerPolicy; } net::ReferrerPolicy GetEnvironmentReferrerPolicy() const { return mEnvironmentReferrerPolicy; } void SetEnvironmentReferrerPolicy(net::ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy) { mEnvironmentReferrerPolicy = aReferrerPolicy; } bool SkipServiceWorker() const { return mSkipServiceWorker; } void SetSkipServiceWorker() { mSkipServiceWorker = true; } bool IsSynchronous() const { return mSynchronous; } RequestMode Mode() const { return mMode; } void SetMode(RequestMode aMode) { mMode = aMode; } RequestCredentials GetCredentialsMode() const { return mCredentialsMode; } void SetCredentialsMode(RequestCredentials aCredentialsMode) { mCredentialsMode = aCredentialsMode; } LoadTainting GetResponseTainting() const { return mResponseTainting; } void MaybeIncreaseResponseTainting(LoadTainting aTainting) { if (aTainting > mResponseTainting) { mResponseTainting = aTainting; } } RequestCache GetCacheMode() const { return mCacheMode; } void SetCacheMode(RequestCache aCacheMode) { mCacheMode = aCacheMode; } RequestRedirect GetRedirectMode() const { return mRedirectMode; } void SetRedirectMode(RequestRedirect aRedirectMode) { mRedirectMode = aRedirectMode; } const nsString& GetIntegrity() const { return mIntegrity; } void SetIntegrity(const nsAString& aIntegrity) { MOZ_ASSERT(mIntegrity.IsEmpty()); mIntegrity.Assign(aIntegrity); } const nsCString& GetFragment() const { return mFragment; } nsContentPolicyType ContentPolicyType() const { return mContentPolicyType; } void SetContentPolicyType(nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType); void OverrideContentPolicyType(nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType); RequestContext Context() const { return MapContentPolicyTypeToRequestContext(mContentPolicyType); } bool UnsafeRequest() const { return mUnsafeRequest; } void SetUnsafeRequest() { mUnsafeRequest = true; } InternalHeaders* Headers() { return mHeaders; } bool ForceOriginHeader() { return mForceOriginHeader; } bool SameOriginDataURL() const { return mSameOriginDataURL; } void UnsetSameOriginDataURL() { mSameOriginDataURL = false; } void SetBody(nsIInputStream* aStream) { // A request's body may not be reset once set. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aStream, !mBodyStream); mBodyStream = aStream; } // Will return the original stream! // Use a tee or copy if you don't want to erase the original. void GetBody(nsIInputStream** aStream) { nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> s = mBodyStream; s.forget(aStream); } // The global is used as the client for the new object. already_AddRefed<InternalRequest> GetRequestConstructorCopy(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, ErrorResult& aRv) const; bool WasCreatedByFetchEvent() const { return mCreatedByFetchEvent; } void SetCreatedByFetchEvent() { mCreatedByFetchEvent = true; } void ClearCreatedByFetchEvent() { mCreatedByFetchEvent = false; } bool IsNavigationRequest() const; bool IsWorkerRequest() const; bool IsClientRequest() const; void MaybeSkipCacheIfPerformingRevalidation(); bool IsContentPolicyTypeOverridden() const { return mContentPolicyTypeOverridden; } static RequestMode MapChannelToRequestMode(nsIChannel* aChannel); static RequestCredentials MapChannelToRequestCredentials(nsIChannel* aChannel); // Takes ownership of the principal info. void SetPrincipalInfo(UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo> aPrincipalInfo); const UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo>& GetPrincipalInfo() const { return mPrincipalInfo; } private: // Does not copy mBodyStream. Use fallible Clone() for complete copy. explicit InternalRequest(const InternalRequest& aOther); ~InternalRequest(); static RequestContext MapContentPolicyTypeToRequestContext(nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType); static bool IsNavigationContentPolicy(nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType); static bool IsWorkerContentPolicy(nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType); nsCString mMethod; // mURLList: a list of one or more fetch URLs nsTArray<nsCString> mURLList; RefPtr<InternalHeaders> mHeaders; nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> mBodyStream; nsContentPolicyType mContentPolicyType; // Empty string: no-referrer // "about:client": client (default) // URL: an URL nsString mReferrer; ReferrerPolicy mReferrerPolicy; // This will be used for request created from Window or Worker contexts // In case there's no Referrer Policy in Request, this will be passed to // channel. // The Environment Referrer Policy should be net::ReferrerPolicy so that it // could be associated with nsIHttpChannel. net::ReferrerPolicy mEnvironmentReferrerPolicy; RequestMode mMode; RequestCredentials mCredentialsMode; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR LoadTainting mResponseTainting; RequestCache mCacheMode; RequestRedirect mRedirectMode; nsString mIntegrity; nsCString mFragment; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mAuthenticationFlag; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mForceOriginHeader; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mPreserveContentCodings; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mSameOriginDataURL; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mSkipServiceWorker; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mSynchronous; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mUnsafeRequest; MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR bool mUseURLCredentials; // This is only set when a Request object is created by a fetch event. We // use it to check if Service Workers are simply fetching intercepted Request // objects without modifying them. bool mCreatedByFetchEvent = false; // This is only set when Request.overrideContentPolicyType() has been set. // It is illegal to pass such a Request object to a fetch() method unless // if the caller has chrome privileges. bool mContentPolicyTypeOverridden = false; UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo> mPrincipalInfo; }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_InternalRequest_h