  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 848294</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/WindowSnapshot.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
  <script type="application/javascript">
  function testMessageEvent(e, test) {
    ok(e, "MessageEvent created");
    is(e.type, 'message', 'MessageEvent.type is right');

    is(e.data, 'data' in test ? test.data : null, 'MessageEvent.data is ok');
    is(e.origin, 'origin' in test ? test.origin : '', 'MessageEvent.origin is ok');
    is(e.lastEventId, 'lastEventId' in test ? test.lastEventId : '', 'MessageEvent.lastEventId is ok');
    is(e.source, 'source' in test ? test.source : null, 'MessageEvent.source is ok');

    if (test.ports != undefined) {
      is(e.ports.length, test.ports.length, 'MessageEvent.ports is ok');
      is(e.ports, e.ports, 'MessageEvent.ports is ok');
    } else {
      ok(!('ports' in test) || test.ports == null, 'MessageEvent.ports is ok');

  function runTest() {
    var channel = new MessageChannel();

    var tests = [
      { data: 42 },
      { data: {} },
      { data: true, origin: 'wow' },
      { data: [], lastEventId: 'wow2'  },
      { data: null, source: null },
      { data: window, source: window },
      { data: window, source: channel.port1 },
      { data: window, source: channel.port1, ports: [ channel.port1, channel.port2 ] },
      { data: null, ports: [] },

    while (tests.length) {
      var test = tests.shift();

      var e = new MessageEvent('message', test);
      testMessageEvent(e, test);

      e = new MessageEvent('message');
      e.initMessageEvent('message', true, true,
                         'data' in test ? test.data : null,
                         'origin' in test ? test.origin : '',
                         'lastEventId' in test ? test.lastEventId : '',
                         'source' in test ? test.source : null,
                         'ports' in test ? test.ports : []);
      testMessageEvent(e, test);

    try {
      var e = new MessageEvent('foobar', { source: 42 });
      ok(false, "Source has to be a window or a port");
    } catch(e) {
      ok(true, "Source has to be a window or a port");

