<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=675884 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 675884</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=675884">Mozilla Bug 675884</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 675884 **/ var receivedEvent; document.addEventListener("hello", function(e) { receivedEvent = e; }, true); function isMethodResultInitializer(aPropName) { return aPropName.startsWith("modifier"); } function getPropValue(aEvent, aPropName) { if (aPropName.startsWith("modifier")) { return aEvent.getModifierState(aPropName.substr("modifier".length)); } return aEvent[aPropName]; } // Event var e; var ex = false; try { e = new Event(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; try { e = new Event("foo", 123); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "2nd parameter should be an object!"); ex = false; try { e = new Event("foo", "asdf"); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "2nd parameter should be an object!"); ex = false; try { e = new Event("foo", false); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "2nd parameter should be an object!"); ex = false; e = new Event("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); e.isTrusted = true; ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); try { e.__defineGetter__("isTrusted", function() { return true }); } catch (exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "Shouldn't be able to re-define the getter for isTrusted."); ex = false; ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!("isTrusted" in Object.getPrototypeOf(e))) ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new Event("hello", null); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new Event("hello", undefined); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new Event("hello", {}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new Event("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // CustomEvent try { e = new CustomEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new CustomEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new CustomEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: window }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, window , "Wrong event.detail!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new CustomEvent("hello", { cancelable: true, detail: window }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, window , "Wrong event.detail!"); e = new CustomEvent("hello", { detail: 123 }); is(e.detail, 123, "Wrong event.detail!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); var dict = { get detail() { return document.body } }; e = new CustomEvent("hello", dict); is(e.detail, dict.detail, "Wrong event.detail!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); var dict = { get detail() { throw "foo"; } }; try { e = new CustomEvent("hello", dict); } catch (exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "Should have thrown an exception!"); ex = false; // BlobEvent try { e = new BlobEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new BlobEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); try { e.__defineGetter__("isTrusted", function() { return true }); } catch (exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "Shouldn't be able to re-define the getter for isTrusted."); ex = false; ok(!e.isTrusted, "BlobEvent shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); var blob = new Blob(); e = new BlobEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, data: blob }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.data, blob , "Wrong event.data!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new BlobEvent("hello", {data: blob}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable1!"); is(e.data, blob , "Wrong event.data!"); e = new BlobEvent("hello", { data: null }); is(e.data, null, "Wrong event.data!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); blob = null; // CloseEvent try { e = new CloseEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new CloseEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.wasClean, false, "wasClean should be false!"); is(e.code, 0, "code should be 0!"); is(e.reason, "", "reason should be ''!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new CloseEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, wasClean: true, code: 1, reason: "foo" }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.wasClean, true, "wasClean should be true!"); is(e.code, 1, "code should be 1!"); is(e.reason, "foo", "reason should be 'foo'!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new CloseEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, wasClean: true, code: 1 }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.wasClean, true, "wasClean should be true!"); is(e.code, 1, "code should be 1!"); is(e.reason, "", "reason should be ''!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // HashChangeEvent try { e = new HashChangeEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new HashChangeEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.oldURL, "", "oldURL should be ''"); is(e.newURL, "", "newURL should be ''"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new HashChangeEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, oldURL: "old", newURL: "new" }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.oldURL, "old", "oldURL should be 'old'"); is(e.newURL, "new", "newURL should be 'new'"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new HashChangeEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, newURL: "new" }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.oldURL, "", "oldURL should be ''"); is(e.newURL, "new", "newURL should be 'new'"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // InputEvent e = new InputEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, 0, "detail should be 0"); ok(!e.isComposing, "isComposing should be false"); e = new InputEvent("hi!", { bubbles: true, detail: 5, isComposing: false }); is(e.type, "hi!", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, 5, "detail should be 5"); ok(!e.isComposing, "isComposing should be false"); e = new InputEvent("hi!", { cancelable: true, detail: 0, isComposing: true }); is(e.type, "hi!", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, 0, "detail should be 0"); ok(e.isComposing, "isComposing should be true"); // KeyboardEvent try { e = new KeyboardEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "KeyboardEvent: First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new KeyboardEvent("hello"); ok(e.type, "hello", "KeyboardEvent: Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "KeyboardEvent: Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "KeyboardEvent: Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "KeyboardEvent: Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "KeyboardEvent: Wrong event!"); var keyboardEventProps = [ { bubbles: false }, { cancelable: false }, { view: null }, { detail: 0 }, { key: "" }, { code: "" }, { location: 0 }, { ctrlKey: false }, { shiftKey: false }, { altKey: false }, { metaKey: false }, { modifierAltGraph: false }, { modifierCapsLock: false }, { modifierFn: false }, { modifierFnLock: false }, { modifierNumLock: false }, { modifierOS: false }, { modifierScrollLock: false }, { modifierSymbol: false }, { modifierSymbolLock: false }, { repeat: false }, { isComposing: false }, { charCode: 0 }, { keyCode: 0 }, { which: 0 }, ]; var testKeyboardProps = [ { bubbles: true }, { cancelable: true }, { view: window }, { detail: 1 }, { key: "CustomKey" }, { code: "CustomCode" }, { location: 1 }, { ctrlKey: true }, { shiftKey: true }, { altKey: true }, { metaKey: true }, { modifierAltGraph: true }, { modifierCapsLock: true }, { modifierFn: true }, { modifierFnLock: true }, { modifierNumLock: true }, { modifierOS: true }, { modifierScrollLock: true }, { modifierSymbol: true }, { modifierSymbolLock: true }, { repeat: true }, { isComposing: true }, { charCode: 2 }, { keyCode: 3 }, { which: 4 }, { charCode: 5, which: 6 }, { keyCode: 7, which: 8 }, { keyCode: 9, charCode: 10 }, { keyCode: 11, charCode: 12, which: 13 }, ]; var codeEnabled = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.keyboardevent.code.enabled"); var defaultKeyboardEventValues = {}; for (var i = 0; i < keyboardEventProps.length; ++i) { for (prop in keyboardEventProps[i]) { if (!codeEnabled && prop == "code") { continue; } if (!isMethodResultInitializer(prop)) { ok(prop in e, "keyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent doesn't have property " + prop + "!"); } defaultKeyboardEventValues[prop] = keyboardEventProps[i][prop]; } } while (testKeyboardProps.length) { var p = testKeyboardProps.shift(); e = new KeyboardEvent("foo", p); for (var def in defaultKeyboardEventValues) { if (!codeEnabled && def == "code") { continue; } if (!(def in p)) { is(getPropValue(e, def), defaultKeyboardEventValues[def], "KeyboardEvent: Wrong default value for " + def + "!"); } else { is(getPropValue(e, def), p[def], "KeyboardEvent: Wrong event init value for " + def + "!"); } } } // PageTransitionEvent try { e = new PageTransitionEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new PageTransitionEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.persisted, false, "persisted should be false"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new PageTransitionEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, persisted: true}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.persisted, true, "persisted should be true"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new PageTransitionEvent("hello", { persisted: true}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.persisted, true, "persisted should be true"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // PopStateEvent try { e = new PopStateEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new PopStateEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.state, null, "persisted should be null"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new PopStateEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, state: window}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.state, window, "persisted should be window"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new PopStateEvent("hello", { state: window}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.state, window, "persisted should be window"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // UIEvent try { e = new UIEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; try { e = new UIEvent("foo", { view: {} }); e.view.onunload; } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "{} isn't a valid value."); ex = false; try { e = new UIEvent("foo", { view: null }); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(!ex, "null is a valid value."); is(e.view, null); ex = false; e = new UIEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, 0, "detail should be 0"); is(e.view, null, "view should be null"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new UIEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window, detail: 1}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.detail, 1, "detail should be 1"); is(e.view, window, "view should be window"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // StorageEvent e = document.createEvent("StorageEvent"); ok(e, "Should have created an event!"); try { e = new StorageEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new StorageEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.key, null, "key should be null"); is(e.oldValue, null, "oldValue should be null"); is(e.newValue, null, "newValue should be null"); is(e.url, "", "url should be ''"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new StorageEvent("hello", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: "key", oldValue: "oldValue", newValue: "newValue", url: "url", storageArea: localStorage }); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(e.bubbles, "Event should bubble!"); ok(e.cancelable, "Event should be cancelable!"); is(e.key, "key", "Wrong value"); is(e.oldValue, "oldValue", "Wrong value"); is(e.newValue, "newValue", "Wrong value"); is(e.url, "url", "Wrong value"); is(e.storageArea, localStorage, "Wrong value"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // DeviceProximityEvent e = new DeviceProximityEvent("hello", {min: 0, value: 1, max: 2}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event should not be trusted"); is(e.value, 1, "value should be 1"); is(e.min, 0, "min should be 0"); is(e.max, 2, "max should be 2"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new DeviceProximityEvent("hello"); is(e.value, Infinity, "Uninitialized value should be infinity"); is(e.min, -Infinity, "Uninitialized min should be -infinity"); is(e.max, Infinity, "Uninitialized max should be infinity"); // UserProximityEvent e = new UserProximityEvent("hello", {near: true}); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event should not be trusted"); is(e.near, true, "near should be true"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // DeviceLightEvent e = new DeviceLightEvent("hello", {value: 1} ); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event should not be trusted"); is(e.value, 1, "value should be 1"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); e = new DeviceLightEvent("hello", {value: Infinity} ); is(e.value, Infinity, "value should be positive infinity"); e = new DeviceLightEvent("hello", {value: -Infinity} ); is(e.value, -Infinity, "value should be negative infinity"); e = new DeviceLightEvent("hello"); is(e.value, Infinity, "Uninitialized value should be positive infinity"); // DeviceOrientationEvent e = new DeviceOrientationEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event should not be trusted"); is(e.alpha, null); is(e.beta, null); is(e.gamma, null); is(e.absolute, false); e = new DeviceOrientationEvent("hello", { alpha: 1, beta: 2, gamma: 3, absolute: true } ); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "Event should not be trusted"); is(e.alpha, 1); is(e.beta, 2); is(e.gamma, 3); is(e.absolute, true); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "Wrong event!"); // MouseEvent try { e = new MouseEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "MouseEvent: First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new MouseEvent("hello", { buttons: 1, movementX: 2, movementY: 3}); is(e.type, "hello", "MouseEvent: Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "MouseEvent: Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "MouseEvent: Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "MouseEvent: Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); is(e.buttons, 1); is(e.movementX, 2); is(e.movementY, 3); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "MouseEvent: Wrong event!"); var mouseEventProps = [ { screenX: 0 }, { screenY: 0 }, { clientX: 0 }, { clientY: 0 }, { ctrlKey: false }, { shiftKey: false }, { altKey: false }, { metaKey: false }, { modifierAltGraph: false }, { modifierCapsLock: false }, { modifierFn: false }, { modifierFnLock: false }, { modifierNumLock: false }, { modifierOS: false }, { modifierScrollLock: false }, { modifierSymbol: false }, { modifierSymbolLock: false }, { button: 0 }, { buttons: 0 }, { relatedTarget: null }, ]; var testProps = [ { screenX: 1 }, { screenY: 2 }, { clientX: 3 }, { clientY: 4 }, { ctrlKey: true }, { shiftKey: true }, { altKey: true }, { metaKey: true }, { modifierAltGraph: true }, { modifierCapsLock: true }, { modifierFn: true }, { modifierFnLock: true }, { modifierNumLock: true }, { modifierOS: true }, { modifierScrollLock: true }, { modifierSymbol: true }, { modifierSymbolLock: true }, { button: 5 }, { buttons: 6 }, { relatedTarget: window } ]; var defaultMouseEventValues = {}; for (var i = 0; i < mouseEventProps.length; ++i) { for (prop in mouseEventProps[i]) { if (!isMethodResultInitializer(prop)) { ok(prop in e, "MouseEvent: MouseEvent doesn't have property " + prop + "!"); } defaultMouseEventValues[prop] = mouseEventProps[i][prop]; } } while (testProps.length) { var p = testProps.shift(); e = new MouseEvent("foo", p); for (var def in defaultMouseEventValues) { if (!(def in p)) { is(getPropValue(e, def), defaultMouseEventValues[def], "MouseEvent: Wrong default value for " + def + "!"); } else { is(getPropValue(e, def), p[def], "MouseEvent: Wrong event init value for " + def + "!"); } } } // PopupBlockedEvent try { e = new PopupBlockedEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "PopupBlockedEvent: First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new PopupBlockedEvent("hello"); is(e.type, "hello", "PopupBlockedEvent: Wrong event type!"); ok(!e.isTrusted, "PopupBlockedEvent: Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "PopupBlockedEvent: Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "PopupBlockedEvent: Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "PopupBlockedEvent: Wrong event!"); e = new PopupBlockedEvent("hello", { requestingWindow: window, popupWindowFeatures: "features", popupWindowName: "name" }); is(e.requestingWindow, window); is(e.popupWindowFeatures, "features"); is(e.popupWindowName, "name"); // WheelEvent try { e = new WheelEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "WheelEvent: First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new WheelEvent("hello", { buttons: 1, movementX: 2, movementY: 3}); is(e.type, "hello", "WheelEvent: Wrong event type!"); is(e.buttons, 1); is(e.movementX, 2); is(e.movementY, 3); ok(!e.isTrusted, "WheelEvent: Event shouldn't be trusted!"); ok(!e.bubbles, "WheelEvent: Event shouldn't bubble!"); ok(!e.cancelable, "WheelEvent: Event shouldn't be cancelable!"); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "WheelEvent: Wrong event!"); var wheelEventProps = [ { screenX: 0 }, { screenY: 0 }, { clientX: 0 }, { clientY: 0 }, { ctrlKey: false }, { shiftKey: false }, { altKey: false }, { metaKey: false }, { modifierAltGraph: false }, { modifierCapsLock: false }, { modifierFn: false }, { modifierFnLock: false }, { modifierNumLock: false }, { modifierOS: false }, { modifierScrollLock: false }, { modifierSymbol: false }, { modifierSymbolLock: false }, { button: 0 }, { buttons: 0 }, { relatedTarget: null }, { deltaX: 0.0 }, { deltaY: 0.0 }, { deltaZ: 0.0 }, { deltaMode: 0 } ]; var testWheelProps = [ { screenX: 1 }, { screenY: 2 }, { clientX: 3 }, { clientY: 4 }, { ctrlKey: true }, { shiftKey: true }, { altKey: true }, { metaKey: true }, { modifierAltGraph: true }, { modifierCapsLock: true }, { modifierFn: true }, { modifierFnLock: true }, { modifierNumLock: true }, { modifierOS: true }, { modifierScrollLock: true }, { modifierSymbol: true }, { modifierSymbolLock: true }, { button: 5 }, { buttons: 6 }, { relatedTarget: window }, { deltaX: 7.8 }, { deltaY: 9.1 }, { deltaZ: 2.3 }, { deltaMode: 4 } ]; var defaultWheelEventValues = {}; for (var i = 0; i < wheelEventProps.length; ++i) { for (prop in wheelEventProps[i]) { if (!isMethodResultInitializer(prop)) { ok(prop in e, "WheelEvent: WheelEvent doesn't have property " + prop + "!"); } defaultWheelEventValues[prop] = wheelEventProps[i][prop]; } } while (testWheelProps.length) { var p = testWheelProps.shift(); e = new WheelEvent("foo", p); for (var def in defaultWheelEventValues) { if (!(def in p)) { is(getPropValue(e, def), defaultWheelEventValues[def], "WheelEvent: Wrong default value for " + def + "!"); } else { is(getPropValue(e, def), p[def], "WheelEvent: Wrong event init value for " + def + "!"); } } } // DragEvent try { e = new DragEvent(); } catch(exp) { ex = true; } ok(ex, "DragEvent: First parameter is required!"); ex = false; e = new DragEvent("hello", { buttons: 1, movementX: 2, movementY: 3}); is(e.type, "hello", "DragEvent: Wrong event type!"); is(e.buttons, 1); is(e.movementX, 2); is(e.movementY, 3); document.dispatchEvent(e); is(receivedEvent, e, "DragEvent: Wrong event!"); // TransitionEvent e = new TransitionEvent("hello", { propertyName: "color", elapsedTime: 3.5, pseudoElement: "", foobar: "baz" }) is("propertyName" in e, true, "Transition events have propertyName property"); is("foobar" in e, false, "Transition events do not copy random properties from event init"); is(e.propertyName, "color", "Transition event copies propertyName from TransitionEventInit"); is(e.elapsedTime, 3.5, "Transition event copies elapsedTime from TransitionEventInit"); is(e.pseudoElement, "", "Transition event copies pseudoElement from TransitionEventInit"); is(e.bubbles, false, "Lack of bubbles property in TransitionEventInit"); is(e.cancelable, false, "Lack of cancelable property in TransitionEventInit"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); is(e.isTrusted, false, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); // AnimationEvent e = new AnimationEvent("hello", { animationName: "bounce3", elapsedTime: 3.5, pseudoElement: "", foobar: "baz" }) is("animationName" in e, true, "Animation events have animationName property"); is("foobar" in e, false, "Animation events do not copy random properties from event init"); is(e.animationName, "bounce3", "Animation event copies animationName from AnimationEventInit"); is(e.elapsedTime, 3.5, "Animation event copies elapsedTime from AnimationEventInit"); is(e.pseudoElement, "", "Animation event copies pseudoElement from AnimationEventInit"); is(e.bubbles, false, "Lack of bubbles property in AnimationEventInit"); is(e.cancelable, false, "Lack of cancelable property in AnimationEventInit"); is(e.type, "hello", "Wrong event type!"); is(e.isTrusted, false, "Event shouldn't be trusted!"); is(e.eventPhase, Event.NONE, "Wrong event phase"); </script> </pre> </body> </html>