  <title>Test for Bug 741666</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=741666">Mozilla Bug 741666</a>
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/** Test for Bug 306008 - Touch events with a reference held should retain their touch lists **/

let tests = [], testTarget, parent;

let touch = {
  id: 0,
  point: {x: 0, y: 0},
  radius: {x: 0, y: 0},
  rotation: 0,
  force: 0.5,
  target: null

function nextTest() {
  if (tests.length)

function checkEvent(aFakeEvent, aTouches) {
  return function(aEvent, aTrusted) {
    is(aFakeEvent.ctrlKey, aEvent.ctrlKey, "Correct ctrlKey");
    is(aFakeEvent.altKey, aEvent.altKey, "Correct altKey");
    is(aFakeEvent.shiftKey, aEvent.shiftKey, "Correct shiftKey");
    is(aFakeEvent.metaKey, aEvent.metaKey, "Correct metaKey");
    is(aEvent.isTrusted, aTrusted, "Event is trusted");
    checkTouches(aFakeEvent[aTouches], aEvent[aTouches]);

function checkTouches(aTouches1, aTouches2) {
  is(aTouches1.length, aTouches2.length, "Correct touches length");
  for (var i = 0; i < aTouches1.length; i++) {
    checkTouch(aTouches1[i], aTouches2[i]);

function checkTouch(aFakeTouch, aTouch) {
  is(aFakeTouch.identifier, aTouch.identifier, "Touch has correct identifier");
  is(aFakeTouch.target, aTouch.target, "Touch has correct target");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.x, aTouch.pageX, "Touch has correct pageX");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.y, aTouch.pageY, "Touch has correct pageY");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.x + Math.round(window.mozInnerScreenX), aTouch.screenX, "Touch has correct screenX");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.y + Math.round(window.mozInnerScreenY), aTouch.screenY, "Touch has correct screenY");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.x, aTouch.clientX, "Touch has correct clientX");
  is(aFakeTouch.page.y, aTouch.clientY, "Touch has correct clientY");
  is(aFakeTouch.radius.x, aTouch.radiusX, "Touch has correct radiusX");
  is(aFakeTouch.radius.y, aTouch.radiusY, "Touch has correct radiusY");
  is(aFakeTouch.rotationAngle, aTouch.rotationAngle, "Touch has correct rotationAngle");
  is(aFakeTouch.force, aTouch.force, "Touch has correct force");

function sendTouchEvent(windowUtils, aType, aEvent, aModifiers) {
  var ids = [], xs=[], ys=[], rxs = [], rys = [],
      rotations = [], forces = [];

  for (var touchType of ["touches", "changedTouches", "targetTouches"]) {
    for (var i = 0; i < aEvent[touchType].length; i++) {
      if (ids.indexOf(aEvent[touchType][i].identifier) == -1) {
  return windowUtils.sendTouchEvent(aType,
                                    ids, xs, ys, rxs, rys,
                                    rotations, forces,
                                    ids.length, aModifiers, 0);

function touchEvent(aOptions) {
  if (!aOptions) {
    aOptions = {};
  this.ctrlKey = aOptions.ctrlKey || false;
  this.altKey = aOptions.altKey || false;
  this.shiftKey = aOptions.shiftKey || false;
  this.metaKey = aOptions.metaKey || false;
  this.touches = aOptions.touches || [];
  this.targetTouches = aOptions.targetTouches || [];
  this.changedTouches = aOptions.changedTouches || [];

function testtouch(aOptions) {
  if (!aOptions)
    aOptions = {};
  this.identifier = aOptions.identifier || 0;
  this.target = aOptions.target || 0;
  this.page = aOptions.page || {x: 0, y: 0};
  this.radius = aOptions.radius || {x: 0, y: 0};
  this.rotationAngle = aOptions.rotationAngle || 0;
  this.force = aOptions.force || 1;

function testPreventDefault(name) {
  let cwu = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window);
  let target = document.getElementById("testTarget");
  let bcr = target.getBoundingClientRect();

  let touch1 = new testtouch({
    page: {x: Math.round(bcr.left + bcr.width/2),
           y: Math.round(bcr.top  + bcr.height/2)},
    target: target

  let event = new touchEvent({
    touches: [touch1],
    targetTouches: [touch1],
    changedTouches: [touch1]

  // test touchstart event fires correctly
  var checkTouches = checkEvent(event, "touches");
  var checkTargetTouches = checkEvent(event, "targetTouches");

  /* This is the heart of the test. Verify that the touch event
     looks correct both in and outside of a setTimeout */
  window.addEventListener("touchstart", function(firedEvent) {
    checkTouches(firedEvent, true);
    setTimeout(function() {
      checkTouches(firedEvent, true);
      checkTargetTouches(firedEvent, true);

      event.touches = [];
      event.targetTouches = [];
      sendTouchEvent(cwu, "touchend", event, 0);

    }, 0);
  }, false);
  sendTouchEvent(cwu, "touchstart", event, 0);

function doTest() {

  tests.push(function() {



<div id="parent">
  <span id="testTarget" style="margin-left: 200px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;">testTarget</span>