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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Test for Bug 648573</title>
    <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
    <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=648573">Mozilla Bug 648573</a>
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    <pre id="test">
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      /** Test for Bug 648573 **/
      var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window);

      ok("createTouch" in document, "Should have createTouch function");
      ok("createTouchList" in document, "Should have createTouchList function");
      ok(document.createEvent("touchevent"), "Should be able to create TouchEvent objects");

      var t1 = document.createTouch(window, document, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
      is(t1.target, document, "Wrong target");
      is(t1.identifier, 1, "Wrong identifier");
      is(t1.pageX, 2, "Wrong pageX");
      is(t1.pageY, 3, "Wrong pageY");
      is(t1.screenX, 4, "Wrong screenX");
      is(t1.screenY, 5, "Wrong screenY");
      is(t1.clientX, 6, "Wrong clientX");
      is(t1.clientY, 7, "Wrong clientY");
      is(t1.radiusX, 8, "Wrong radiusX");
      is(t1.radiusY, 9, "Wrong radiusY");
      is(t1.rotationAngle, 10, "Wrong rotationAngle");
      is(t1.force, 11, "Wrong force");

      var t2 = document.createTouch();

      var l1 = document.createTouchList(t1);
      is(l1.length, 1, "Wrong length");
      is(l1.item(0), t1, "Wront item (1)");
      is(l1[0], t1, "Wront item (2)");

      var l2 = document.createTouchList([t1, t2]);
      is(l2.length, 2, "Wrong length");
      is(l2.item(0), t1, "Wront item (3)");
      is(l2.item(1), t2, "Wront item (4)");
      is(l2[0], t1, "Wront item (5)");
      is(l2[1], t2, "Wront item (6)");

      var l3 = document.createTouchList();

      var e = document.createEvent("touchevent");
      e.initTouchEvent("touchmove", true, true, window, 0, true, true, true, true,
                       l1, l2, l3);
      is(e.touches, l1, "Wrong list (1)");
      is(e.targetTouches, l2, "Wrong list (2)");
      is(e.changedTouches, l3, "Wrong list (3)");
      ok(e.altKey, "Alt should be true");
      ok(e.metaKey, "Meta should be true");
      ok(e.ctrlKey, "Ctrl should be true");
      ok(e.shiftKey, "Shift should be true");

      var events =

      function runEventTest(type) {
        var e = document.createEvent("touchevent");
        e.initTouchEvent(type, true, true, window, 0, true, true, true, true,
                         l1, l2, l3);
        var t = document.createElement("div");
        // Testing target.onFoo;
        var didCall = false;
        t["on" + type] = function (evt) {
          is(evt, e, "Wrong event");
          evt.target.didCall = true;
        ok(t.didCall, "Should have called the listener(1)");

        // Testing <element onFoo="">
        t = document.createElement("div");
        t.setAttribute("on" + type, "this.didCall = true;");
        ok(t.didCall, "Should have called the listener(2)");

      for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) {
