<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448602 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 448602</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448602">Mozilla Bug 448602</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 448602 **/ var els, root, l2, l3; function runTests() { els = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/eventlistenerservice;1"] .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIEventListenerService); // Event listener info tests root = document.getElementById("testroot"); var infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 0, "Element shouldn't have listeners (1)"); var listenerSource = 'alert(event);'; root.setAttribute("onclick", listenerSource); infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 1, "Element should have listeners (1)"); is(infos[0].toSource(), 'function onclick(event) {\n' + listenerSource + '\n}', "Unexpected serialization (1)"); is(infos[0].type, "click", "Wrong type (1)"); is(infos[0].capturing, false, "Wrong phase (1)"); is(infos[0].allowsUntrusted, true, "Should allow untrusted events (1)"); is(SpecialPowers.unwrap(infos[0].listenerObject), root.onclick, "Should have the right listener object (1)"); root.removeAttribute("onclick"); root.setAttribute("onclick", "...invalid script..."); SimpleTest.expectUncaughtException(true); infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); SimpleTest.expectUncaughtException(false); is(infos.length, 1); is(infos[0].listenerObject, null); root.removeAttribute("onclick"); infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 0, "Element shouldn't have listeners (2)"); var l = function (e) { alert(e); }; root.addEventListener("foo", l, true, true); root.addEventListener("foo", l, false, false); infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 2, "Element should have listeners (2)"); is(infos[0].toSource(), "(function (e) { alert(e); })", "Unexpected serialization (2)"); is(infos[0].type, "foo", "Wrong type (2)"); is(infos[0].capturing, true, "Wrong phase (2)"); is(infos[0].allowsUntrusted, true, "Should allow untrusted events (2)"); is(SpecialPowers.unwrap(infos[0].listenerObject), l, "Should have the right listener object (2)"); is(infos[1].toSource(), "(function (e) { alert(e); })", "Unexpected serialization (3)"); is(infos[1].type, "foo", "Wrong type (3)"); is(infos[1].capturing, false, "Wrong phase (3)"); is(infos[1].allowsUntrusted, false, "Shouldn't allow untrusted events (1)"); is(SpecialPowers.unwrap(infos[1].listenerObject), l, "Should have the right listener object (3)"); root.removeEventListener("foo", l, true); root.removeEventListener("foo", l, false); infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 0, "Element shouldn't have listeners (3)"); root.onclick = l; infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root, {}); is(infos.length, 1, "Element should have listeners (3)"); is(infos[0].toSource(), '(function (e) { alert(e); })', "Unexpected serialization (4)"); is(infos[0].type, "click", "Wrong type (4)"); is(infos[0].capturing, false, "Wrong phase (4)"); is(infos[0].allowsUntrusted, true, "Should allow untrusted events (3)"); is(SpecialPowers.unwrap(infos[0].listenerObject), l, "Should have the right listener object (4)"); // Event target chain tests l2 = document.getElementById("testlevel2"); l3 = document.getElementById("testlevel3"); var textnode = l3.firstChild; var chain = els.getEventTargetChainFor(textnode, true, {}); ok(chain.length > 3, "Too short event target chain."); ok(SpecialPowers.compare(chain[0], textnode), "Wrong chain item (1)"); ok(SpecialPowers.compare(chain[1], l3), "Wrong chain item (2)"); ok(SpecialPowers.compare(chain[2], l2), "Wrong chain item (3)"); ok(SpecialPowers.compare(chain[3], root), "Wrong chain item (4)"); var hasDocumentInChain = false; var hasWindowInChain = false; for (var i = 0; i < chain.length; ++i) { if (SpecialPowers.compare(chain[i], document)) { hasDocumentInChain = true; } else if (SpecialPowers.compare(chain[i], window)) { hasWindowInChain = true; } } ok(hasDocumentInChain, "Should have document in event target chain!"); ok(hasWindowInChain, "Should have window in event target chain!"); try { els.getListenerInfoFor(null, {}); ok(false, "Should have thrown an exception."); } catch (ex) { ok(true, "We should be still running."); } setTimeout(testAllListener, 0); } function dispatchTrusted(t, o) { SpecialPowers.dispatchEvent(window, t, new Event("testevent", o)); } function testAllListener() { els = SpecialPowers.wrap(els); var results = []; var expectedResults = [ { target: "testlevel3", phase: 3, trusted: false }, { target: "testlevel3", phase: 3, trusted: false }, { target: "testlevel3", phase: 3, trusted: true }, { target: "testlevel3", phase: 3, trusted: true }, { target: "testlevel3", phase: 3, trusted: true } ]; function allListener(e) { results.push({ target: e.target.id, phase: e.eventPhase, trusted: e.isTrusted }); e.stopPropagation(); } function allListenerTrustedOnly(e) { results.push({ target: e.target.id, phase: e.eventPhase, trusted: e.isTrusted }); e.stopPropagation(); } els.addListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener, false, true); var infos = els.getListenerInfoFor(root); var nullTypes = 0; for (var i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i) { if (infos[i].type == null) { ++nullTypes; } } is(nullTypes, 1, "Should have one all-event-listener!"); els.addListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener, false, true, true); els.addListenerForAllEvents(root, allListenerTrustedOnly, false, false, true); l3.dispatchEvent(new Event("testevent", { bubbles: true, composed: true })); dispatchTrusted(l3, { bubbles: true, composed: true }); els.removeListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener, false); els.removeListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener, false, true); els.removeListenerForAllEvents(root, allListenerTrustedOnly, false, true); // make sure removeListenerForAllEvents works. l3.dispatchEvent(new Event("testevent", { bubbles: true, composed : true })); dispatchTrusted(l3, { bubbles: true, composed: true }); // Test the order of event listeners. var clickListenerCalled = false; var allListenerCalled = false; function clickListener() { clickListenerCalled = true; ok(allListenerCalled, "Should have called '*' listener before normal listener!"); } function allListener2() { allListenerCalled = true; notok(clickListenerCalled, "Shouldn't have called click listener before '*' listener!"); } root.onclick = null; // Remove the listener added in earlier tests. root.addEventListener("click", clickListener); els.addListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener2, false, true); l3.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true })); root.removeEventListener("click", clickListener); els.removeListenerForAllEvents(root, allListener2, false); ok(allListenerCalled, "Should have called '*' listener"); ok(clickListenerCalled, "Should have called click listener"); is(results.length, expectedResults.length, "count"); for (var i = 0; i < expectedResults.length; ++i) { for (var p in expectedResults[i]) { is(results[i][p], expectedResults[i][p], p); } } SimpleTest.finish(); } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); addLoadEvent(runTests); </script> </pre> <div id="testroot"> <div id="testlevel2"> <div id="testlevel3"> Test </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>