[DEFAULT] subsuite = webgl support-files = ensure-exts/ensure-ext.js driver-info.js es3-data.js webgl-util.js [ensure-exts/test_ANGLE_instanced_arrays.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.6') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_blend_minmax.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_color_buffer_half_float.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_disjoint_timer_query.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'mac') || (os == 'win' && os_version == '5.1') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_frag_depth.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_sRGB.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.6') || (os == 'win') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_shader_texture_lod.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'linux') [ensure-exts/test_OES_standard_derivatives.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_color_buffer_float.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'linux') || (os == 'mac') || (os == 'win') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_es3.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'linux') || (os == 'mac') || (os == 'win') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1.html] fail-if = (os == 'linux') || (os == 'mac') || (os == 'win' && os_version == '5.1') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'linux') || (os == 'mac') || (os == 'win') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'linux') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_depth_texture.html] fail-if = (os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.6') [ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_draw_buffers.html] fail-if = (os == 'android') || (os == 'win' && os_version == '5.1') [ensure-exts/test_common.html] [regress/test_bug_1268096.html] [test_backends.html] [test_backbuffer_channels.html] [test_depth_readpixels.html] [test_canvas_size.html] [test_capture.html] support-files = ../captureStream_common.js # Even though we use ../ here, in the test HTML, we need to omit this. Sub-CWD relative # paths are fine, but they locate the file and dump it in the current directory. [test_cubemap_must_be_square.html] [test_depth_tex_lazy_clear.html] [test_draw.html] [test_fb_param.html] [test_fb_param_crash.html] [test_hidden_alpha.html] [test_hidden_depth_stencil.html] fail-if = (os == 'win' && os_version == '5.1') [test_implicit_color_buffer_float.html] [test_highp_fs.html] [test_no_arr_points.html] skip-if = android_version == '18' #Android 4.3 aws only; bug 1030942 [test_noprog_draw.html] [test_pixel_pack_buffer.html] [test_privileged_exts.html] [test_renderer_strings.html] [test_sab_with_webgl.html] [test_texsubimage_float.html] [test_uninit_data.html] [test_webgl_available.html] #[test_webgl_color_buffer_float.html] # We haven't cleaned up the Try results yet, but let's get this on the books first. [test_webgl_conformance.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_webgl_compressed_texture_es3.html] [test_webgl_force_enable.html] [test_webgl_request_context.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_webgl_request_mismatch.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_webgl2_not_exposed.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_webgl2_invalidate_framebuffer.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_webgl2_alpha_luminance.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests [test_fuzzing_bugs.html] [test_webglcontextcreationerror.html]