<!-- /* ** Copyright (c) 2013 The Khronos Group Inc. ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ** copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the ** "Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to ** permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ** in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. ** ** THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ** MATERIALS OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MATERIALS. */ --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <!-- Prevents Chrome from offering to translate tests which generate random characters for things like attribute names --> <meta name="google" value="notranslate"> <title>WebGL Conformance Tests</title> <style> body { border: 0; 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var skippedMsg = ''; if (this.totalSkipped > 0) { skippedMsg = ' Skipped: ' + this.totalSkipped + '/' + this.totalTests; } var failedMsg = ''; if (this.totalFailed > 0) { failedMsg = ' Failed: ' + this.totalFailed + '/' + this.totalTests; } var timeoutMsg = ''; if (this.totalTimeouts > 0) { timeoutMsg = ' Timeout: ' + this.totalTimeouts + '/' + this.totalTests; } var msg = passedMsg + skippedMsg + failedMsg + timeoutMsg + ' in ' + this.totalTime.toFixed(1) + ' ms)'; if (success === undefined) { var css = 'testpagetimeout'; msg = '(*timeout*)'; ++this.totalTests; ++this.totalTimeouts; } else if (this.totalSkipped) { var css = 'testpageskipped'; } else if (this.totalSuccessful != this.totalTests) { var css = 'testpagefail'; } else { var css = 'testpagesuccess'; } this.elem.classList.add(css); this.totalsElem.textContent = msg; this.folder.pageFinished(this, success); }; Page.prototype.enableTest = function(re) { if (this.url.match(re)) { this.check.checked = true; this.folder.enableUp_(); } }; Page.prototype.disableTest = function(re) { if (this.url.match(re)) { this.check.checked = false; } }; var Folder = function(reporter, folder, depth, opt_name) { this.reporter = reporter; this.depth = depth; this.name = opt_name || ""; this.displayName = this.name; if (folder && folder.displayName) { this.displayName = folder.displayName + '/' + this.displayName; } this.subFolders = {}; this.pages = []; this.items = []; this.folder = folder; this.cachedTotalTime = 0; this.cachedTotalSuccessful = 0; this.cachedTotalSkipped = 0; this.cachedTotalTimeouts = 0; this.cachedTotalTests = 0; var that = this; var doc = reporter.localDoc; this.elementId = "folder" + folderCount++; var li = doc.createElement('li'); li.id = this.elementId; li.classList.add("folder"); var div = doc.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('folderHeader'); var check = doc.createElement('input'); check.type = 'checkbox'; check.checked = true; check.onclick = function() { if (this.checked) { that.enableTest(".*"); } else { that.disableTest(".*", true); } }; div.appendChild(check); var button = doc.createElement('input'); button.type = 'button'; button.value = 'run'; button.onclick = function() { autoScroll = autoScrollEnabled; that.run(); }; if (reporter.noSelectedWebGLVersion) { button.disabled = true; } div.appendChild(button); var h = doc.createElement('span'); h.classList.add('folderName'); h.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(this.displayName)); div.appendChild(h); var m = doc.createElement('span'); m.classList.add('folderMessage'); this.msgNode = doc.createTextNode(''); m.appendChild(this.msgNode); div.appendChild(m); var ul = doc.createElement('ul'); li.appendChild(div); li.appendChild(ul); this.childUL = ul; this.elem = li; this.check = check; this.folderHeader = div; }; Folder.prototype.checked = function() { return this.check.checked && (this.folder ? this.folder.checked() : true); }; Folder.prototype.firstTestIndex = function() { return this.items[0].firstTestIndex(); }; Folder.prototype.numChildren = function() { var numChildren = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { numChildren += this.subFolders[name].numChildren(); } return numChildren + this.pages.length; }; Folder.prototype.totalTime = function() { // Check to see if the cached total time needs to be recomputed if (this.cachedTotalTime == -1) { this.cachedTotalTime = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalTime += this.subFolders[name].totalTime(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalTime += this.pages[ii].totalTime; } } return this.cachedTotalTime; }; Folder.prototype.totalSuccessful = function() { if (this.cachedTotalSuccessful == -1) { this.cachedTotalSuccessful = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalSuccessful += this.subFolders[name].totalSuccessful(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalSuccessful += this.pages[ii].totalSuccessful; } } return this.cachedTotalSuccessful; }; Folder.prototype.totalSkipped = function() { if (this.cachedTotalSkipped == -1) { this.cachedTotalSkipped = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalSkipped += this.subFolders[name].totalSkipped(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalSkipped += this.pages[ii].totalSkipped; } } return this.cachedTotalSkipped; }; Folder.prototype.totalFailed = function() { if (this.cachedTotalFailed == -1) { this.cachedTotalFailed = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalFailed += this.subFolders[name].totalFailed(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalFailed += this.pages[ii].totalFailed; } } return this.cachedTotalFailed; }; Folder.prototype.totalTimeouts = function() { if (this.cachedTotalTimeouts == -1) { this.cachedTotalTimeouts = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalTimeouts += this.subFolders[name].totalTimeouts(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalTimeouts += this.pages[ii].totalTimeouts; } } return this.cachedTotalTimeouts; }; Folder.prototype.totalTests = function() { if (this.cachedTotalTests == -1) { this.cachedTotalTests = 0; for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.cachedTotalTests += this.subFolders[name].totalTests(); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.cachedTotalTests += this.pages[ii].totalTests; } } return this.cachedTotalTests; }; Folder.prototype.run = function() { this.msgNode.textContent = ''; var firstTestIndex = this.firstTestIndex(); var count = this.numChildren(); log("run tests: " + firstTestIndex + " to " + (firstTestIndex + count - 1)) testHarness.runTests({start: firstTestIndex, count: count}); }; Folder.prototype.pageFinished = function(page, success) { this.cachedTotalTime = -1; this.cachedTotalSuccessful = -1; this.cachedTotalSkipped = -1; this.cachedTotalFailed = -1; this.cachedTotalTimeouts = -1; this.cachedTotalTests = -1; var passedMsg = ' (Passed: ' + this.totalSuccessful() + '/' + this.totalTests(); var skippedMsg = ''; if (this.totalSkipped() > 0) { skippedMsg = ' Skipped: ' + this.totalSkipped() + '/' + this.totalTests(); } var failedMsg = ''; if (this.totalFailed() > 0) { failedMsg = ' Failed: ' + this.totalFailed() + '/' + this.totalTests(); } var timeoutMsg = ''; if (this.totalTimeouts() > 0) { timeoutMsg = ' Timeout: ' + this.totalTimeouts() + '/' + this.totalTests(); } this.msgNode.textContent = passedMsg + skippedMsg + failedMsg + timeoutMsg + ' in ' + (this.totalTime() / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' seconds)'; if (this.folder) { this.folder.pageFinished(page, success); } }; Folder.prototype.getSubFolder = function(name) { var subFolder = this.subFolders[name]; if (subFolder === undefined) { subFolder = new Folder(this.reporter, this, this.depth + 1, name); this.subFolders[name] = subFolder; this.items.push(subFolder); this.childUL.appendChild(subFolder.elem); } return subFolder; }; Folder.prototype.getOrCreateFolder = function(url) { var parts = url.split('/'); var folder = this; for (var pp = 0; pp < parts.length - 1; ++pp) { folder = folder.getSubFolder(parts[pp]); } return folder; }; Folder.prototype.addPage = function(page) { this.pages.push(page); this.items.push(page); this.childUL.appendChild(page.elem); this.folderHeader.classList.add('hasPages'); }; Folder.prototype.disableTest = function(re, opt_forceRecurse) { var recurse = true; if (this.name.match(re)) { this.check.checked = false; recurse = opt_forceRecurse; } if (recurse) { for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.subFolders[name].disableTest(re, opt_forceRecurse); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.pages[ii].disableTest(re); } } }; Folder.prototype.enableUp_ = function() { this.check.checked = true; var parent = this.folder; if (parent) { parent.enableUp_(); } } Folder.prototype.disableUp_ = function() { var checked = false; for (var name in this.subFolders) { checked = this.subFolders[name].checked(); if (checked) { break; } } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length && checked == false; ++ii) { checked = this.pages[ii].checked(); } this.check.checked = checked; var parent = this.folder; if (parent) { parent.disableUp_(); } } Folder.prototype.enableTest = function(re) { if (this.name.match(re)) { this.enableUp_(); } for (var name in this.subFolders) { this.subFolders[name].enableTest(re); } for (var ii = 0; ii < this.pages.length; ++ii) { this.pages[ii].enableTest(re); } }; var Reporter = function(iframes) { this.localDoc = document; this.resultElem = document.getElementById("results"); this.fullResultsElem = document.getElementById("fullresults"); var node = this.localDoc.createTextNode(''); this.fullResultsElem.appendChild(node); this.fullResultsNode = node; this.iframes = iframes; this.currentPageElem = null; this.totalPages = 0; this.pagesByURL = {}; // Check to see if WebGL is supported var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx = create3DContext(canvas, null, 1); // Check to see if WebGL2 is supported var canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx2 = create3DContext(canvas2, null, 2); this.noSelectedWebGLVersion = false; this.selectedWebGLVersion = WebGLTestHarnessModule.getMajorVersion(OPTIONS.version); if (this.selectedWebGLVersion == 2 && !ctx2) { this.noSelectedWebGLVersion = true; } else if (this.selectedWebGLVersion == 1 && !ctx) { this.noSelectedWebGLVersion = true; } // If the WebGL2 context could be created use it to get context info if (ctx2) { ctx = ctx2; } this.noWebGL = !ctx; this.contextInfo = {}; this.root = new Folder(this, null, 0, "all"); this.resultElem.appendChild(this.root.elem); this.callbacks = { }; this.startTime = 0; if (ctx) { this.contextInfo["VENDOR"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.VENDOR); this.contextInfo["VERSION"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.VERSION); this.contextInfo["RENDERER"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.RENDERER); this.contextInfo["RED_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.RED_BITS); this.contextInfo["GREEN_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.GREEN_BITS); this.contextInfo["BLUE_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.BLUE_BITS); this.contextInfo["ALPHA_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.ALPHA_BITS); this.contextInfo["DEPTH_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.DEPTH_BITS); this.contextInfo["STENCIL_BITS"] = ctx.getParameter(ctx.STENCIL_BITS); var ext = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info"); if (ext) { this.contextInfo["UNMASKED_VENDOR"] = ctx.getParameter(ext.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL); this.contextInfo["UNMASKED_RENDERER"] = ctx.getParameter(ext.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL); } } }; Reporter.prototype.enableTest = function(name) { this.root.enableTest(name); }; Reporter.prototype.disableTest = function(name) { this.root.disableTest(name); }; Reporter.prototype.disableAllTests = function() { this.root.disableTest(".*", true); }; Reporter.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, func) { if (!this.callbacks[type]) { this.callbacks[type] = []; } this.callbacks[type].push(func); }; Reporter.prototype.executeListenerEvents_ = function(type) { var callbacks = this.callbacks[type].slice(0); for (var ii = 0; ii < callbacks.length; ++ii) { setTimeout(callbacks[ii], 0); } }; Reporter.prototype.runTest = function(url) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; testHarness.runTests({start: page.firstTestIndex(), count: 1}); }; Reporter.prototype.getFolder = function(url) { return this.root.getOrCreateFolder(url); }; Reporter.prototype.addPage = function(url) { var folder = this.getFolder(url); var page = new Page(this, folder, this.totalPages, url); folder.addPage(page); ++this.totalPages; this.pagesByURL[url] = page; }; Reporter.prototype.startPage = function(url) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; return page.startPage(); }; Reporter.prototype.addResult = function(url, msg, success, skipped) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; page.addResult(msg, success, skipped); }; Reporter.prototype.finishPage = function(url, success) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; page.finishPage(success); if (OPTIONS.dumpShaders == 1) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', "/finishIndividualTest", true); xhr.send(null); } }; Reporter.prototype.displayFinalResults = function(msg, success) { if (success) { var totalTests = 0; var totalSuccessful = 0; var totalTimeouts = 0; var totalSkipped = 0; var totalFailed = 0; var totalTime = Date.now() - this.startTime; for (var url in this.pagesByURL) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; totalTests += page.totalTests; totalSuccessful += page.totalSuccessful; totalTimeouts += page.totalTimeouts; totalSkipped += page.totalSkipped; totalFailed += page.totalFailed; } var passedMsg = 'Passed ' + totalSuccessful + '/' + totalTests + ' (' + (totalSuccessful * 100.0 / totalTests).toFixed(2) + '%)'; var timeout = ''; if (totalTimeouts > 0) { timeout = ', ' + totalTimeouts + ' timed out'; } var skippedMsg = ''; if (totalSkipped > 0) { skippedMsg = ' Skipped ' + totalSkipped + '/' + totalTests + ' (' + (totalSkipped * 100.0 / totalTests).toFixed(2) + '%)'; } var failedMsg = ''; if (totalFailed > 0) { failedMsg = ' Failed ' + totalFailed + '/' + totalTests + ' (' + (totalFailed * 100.0 / totalTests).toFixed(2) + '%)'; } var timeoutMsg = ''; if (totalTimeouts > 0) { timeoutMsg = ' Timeout ' + totalTimeouts + '/' + totalTests + ' (' + (totalTimeouts * 100.0 / totalTests).toFixed(2) + '%)'; } var msg = passedMsg + skippedMsg + failedMsg + timeoutMsg; this.fullResultsNode.textContent = msg; // generate a text summary var tx = ""; tx += "WebGL Conformance Test Results\n"; tx += "Version " + OPTIONS.version + "\n"; tx += "\n"; tx += "-------------------\n\n"; tx += "User Agent: " + (navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent : "(navigator.userAgent is null)") + "\n"; tx += "WebGL VENDOR: " + this.contextInfo["VENDOR"] + "\n"; tx += "WebGL VERSION: " + this.contextInfo["VERSION"] + "\n"; tx += "WebGL RENDERER: " + this.contextInfo["RENDERER"] + "\n"; tx += "Unmasked VENDOR: " + this.contextInfo["UNMASKED_VENDOR"] + "\n"; tx += "Unmasked RENDERER: " + this.contextInfo["UNMASKED_RENDERER"] + "\n"; tx += "WebGL R/G/B/A/Depth/Stencil bits (default config): " + this.contextInfo["RED_BITS"] + "/" + this.contextInfo["GREEN_BITS"] + "/" + this.contextInfo["BLUE_BITS"] + "/" + this.contextInfo["ALPHA_BITS"] + "/" + this.contextInfo["DEPTH_BITS"] + "/" + this.contextInfo["STENCIL_BITS"] + "\n"; tx += "\n"; tx += "-------------------\n\n"; tx += "Test Summary (" + totalTests + " total tests):\n"; tx += "Tests ran in " + (totalTime / 1000.0).toFixed(2) + " seconds\n"; tx += "Tests PASSED: " + totalSuccessful + "\n"; tx += "Tests FAILED: " + (totalTests - totalSuccessful - totalSkipped) + "\n"; tx += "Tests TIMED OUT: " + totalTimeouts + "\n"; tx += "Tests SKIPPED: " + totalSkipped + "\n"; tx += "\n"; tx += "-------------------\n\n"; if (totalSuccessful < totalTests) { tx += "Failures:\n\n"; for (var url in this.pagesByURL) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; var pageTotalFail = page.totalTests - page.totalSuccessful - page.totalSkipped; if (!(page.totalTests == 0 && page.totalTimeouts == 0) && pageTotalFail > 0) { tx += url + ": " + pageTotalFail + " tests failed"; if (page.totalTimeouts) tx += " (" + page.totalTimeouts + " timed out)"; tx += "\n"; } } } else { tx += "All tests PASSED\n\n"; } tx += "\n"; tx += "-------------------\n\n"; tx += "Complete Test Results (total / pass / fail / timeout / skipped):\n\n"; for (var url in this.pagesByURL) { var page = this.pagesByURL[url]; var pageTotalFail = page.totalTests - page.totalSuccessful - page.totalSkipped; if (!(page.totalTests == 0 && page.totalTimeouts == 0)) { tx += url + ": " + page.totalTests + " / " + page.totalSuccessful + " / " + pageTotalFail + " / " + page.totalTimeouts + " / " + page.totalSkipped + "\n"; } } tx += "\n"; tx += "-------------------\n\n"; tx += "Generated on: " + (new Date()).toString() + "\n"; var r = document.getElementById("testResultsAsText"); while (r.firstChild) r.removeChild(r.firstChild); r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tx)); document.getElementById("showTextSummary").style.visibility = "visible"; this.postResultsToServer(tx); } else { var e = document.getElementById("error"); e.innerHTML = msg; this.postResultsToServer(msg); } }; Reporter.prototype.postTestStartToServer = function(resultText) { this.startTime = Date.now(); if(OPTIONS.postResults == undefined || OPTIONS.postResults == 0) { return; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', "/start", true); xhr.send(null); }; Reporter.prototype.postResultsToServer = function(resultText) { if(OPTIONS.postResults == undefined || OPTIONS.postResults == 0) { return; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', "/finish", true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); xhr.send(resultText); }; Reporter.prototype.ready = function() { var loading = document.getElementById("loading"); loading.style.display = "none"; if (!this.noSelectedWebGLVersion) { var button = document.getElementById("runTestsButton"); button.disabled = false; this.executeListenerEvents_("ready"); } }; Reporter.prototype.reportFunc = function(type, url, msg, success, skipped) { switch (type) { case reportType.ADD_PAGE: return this.addPage(msg); case reportType.READY: return this.ready(); case reportType.START_PAGE: return this.startPage(url); case reportType.TEST_RESULT: return this.addResult(url, msg, success, skipped); case reportType.FINISH_PAGE: return this.finishPage(url, success); case reportType.FINISHED_ALL_TESTS: return this.displayFinalResults(msg, success); default: throw 'unhandled'; break; }; }; var getURLOptions = function(obj) { var s = window.location.href; var q = s.indexOf("?"); var e = s.indexOf("#"); if (e < 0) { e = s.length; } var query = s.substring(q + 1, e); var pairs = query.split("&"); for (var ii = 0; ii < pairs.length; ++ii) { var keyValue = pairs[ii].split("="); var key = keyValue[0]; var value = decodeURIComponent(keyValue[1]); obj[key] = value; } }; getURLOptions(OPTIONS); var makeVersionSelect = function(currentVersion) { var versionSelect = document.getElementById("testVersion"); var foundCurrentVersion = false; var numericCurrentVersion = currentVersion.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''); for (var i in testVersions) { var version = testVersions[i]; var numericVersion = version.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''); var option = document.createElement("option"); option.setAttribute('value', numericVersion); option.innerHTML = version; if (numericVersion == numericCurrentVersion) { foundCurrentVersion = true; option.selected = true; } versionSelect.appendChild(option); } // If the version requested by the query string isn't in the list add it. if (!foundCurrentVersion) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.setAttribute('value', numericCurrentVersion); option.innerHTML = currentVersion + " (unknown)"; option.selected = true; versionSelect.appendChild(option); } versionSelect.addEventListener('change', function(ev) { window.location.href = "?version=" + versionSelect.value; }, false); } makeVersionSelect(OPTIONS.version); // Make iframes var makeIFrames = function() { var toparea = document.getElementById("toparea"); var frame = document.getElementById("frames"); var areaWidth = Math.max(100, toparea.clientWidth - 300); var areaHeight = Math.max(100, frame.clientHeight); var numCells = OPTIONS.frames; var gridWidth = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numCells))); var gridHeight = gridWidth; var bestAspect = 99999; var bestNumEmptyCells = 99999; var bestNumEmptyCellsColumns = 0; var bestNumEmptyCellsAspect = 99999; var minGoodAspect = 1 / 3; var maxGoodAspect = 3 / 1; for (var columns = 1; columns <= numCells; ++columns) { var rows = Math.ceil(numCells / columns); var cellWidth = areaWidth / columns; var cellHeight = areaHeight / rows; var cellAspect = cellWidth / cellHeight; if (cellAspect >= minGoodAspect && cellAspect <= maxGoodAspect) { var numEmptyCells = columns * rows - numCells; // Keep the one with the least number of empty cells. if (numEmptyCells < bestNumEmptyCells) { bestNumEmptyCells = numEmptyCells; bestNumEmptyCellsColumns = columns; bestNumEmptyCellsAspect = cellAspect; // If it's the same number of empty cells keep the one // with the best aspect. } else if (numEmptyCells == bestNumEmptyCells && Math.abs(cellAspect - 1) < Math.abs(bestNumEmptyCellsAspect - 1)) { bestNumEmptyCellsColumns = columns; bestNumEmptyCellsAspect = cellAspect; } } if (Math.abs(cellAspect - 1) < Math.abs(bestAspect - 1)) { gridWidth = columns; gridHeight = rows; bestAspect = cellAspect; } } // if we found an aspect with few empty cells use that. var numEmptyCells = gridWidth * gridHeight - numCells; if (bestNumEmptyCellsColumns && bestNumEmptyCells < numEmptyCells) { gridWidth = bestNumEmptyCellsColumns; gridHeight = Math.ceil(numCells / gridWidth); } var table = document.createElement("table"); table.style.height = areaHeight + "px"; var tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); var iframes = []; for (var row = 0; row < gridHeight; ++row) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (var column = 0; column < gridWidth; ++column) { var td = document.createElement("td"); if (numCells > 0) { --numCells; var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("scrolling", "yes"); iframe.style.width = "100%"; iframe.style.height = "100%"; iframes.push(iframe); td.appendChild(iframe); } tr.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr); } table.appendChild(tbody); frame.appendChild(table); return iframes; }; var iframes = makeIFrames(); var testPath = "00_test_list.txt"; if (OPTIONS.root) { testPath = OPTIONS.root + "/" + testPath; } var reporter = new Reporter(iframes); var testHarness = new WebGLTestHarnessModule.TestHarness( iframes, testPath, function(type, url, msg, success, skipped) { return reporter.reportFunc(type, url, msg, success, skipped); }, OPTIONS); reporter.addEventListener("ready", function() { // Set which tests to include. if (OPTIONS.include) { reporter.disableAllTests(); var includes = OPTIONS.include.split(",") for (var ii = 0; ii < includes.length; ++ii) { reporter.enableTest(new RegExp(includes[ii])); } } // Remove tests based on skip=re1,re2 in URL. if (OPTIONS.skip) { var skips = OPTIONS.skip.split(",") for (var ii = 0; ii < skips.length; ++ii) { reporter.disableTest(new RegExp(skips[ii])); } } // Auto run the tests if the run=1 in URL if (OPTIONS.run != undefined && OPTIONS.run != 0) { reporter.postTestStartToServer(); testHarness.runTests(); } }); window.webglTestHarness = testHarness; var button = document.getElementById("runTestsButton"); button.disabled = true; button.onclick = function() { autoScroll = autoScrollEnabled; reporter.postTestStartToServer(); testHarness.runTests(); }; var autoScrollCheckbox = document.getElementById("autoScrollCheckbox"); autoScrollCheckbox.checked = autoScrollEnabled; autoScrollCheckbox.onclick = function() { autoScrollEnabled = autoScrollCheckbox.checked; autoScroll = autoScrollEnabled; }; var hidePassedSheet = createStylesheet(); var hidePassedCheckbox = document.getElementById("hidePassedCheckbox"); hidePassedCheckbox.checked = false; hidePassedCheckbox.onclick = function() { var hidePassedTests = hidePassedCheckbox.checked; if (hidePassedTests) { hidePassedSheet.insertRule(".testpagesuccess { display: none; }", 0); } else { hidePassedSheet.deleteRule(0); } }; var textbutton = document.getElementById("showTextSummary"); textbutton.onclick = function() { log("click"); var htmldiv = document.getElementById("testResultsHTML"); var textdiv = document.getElementById("testResultsText"); if (textdiv.style.display == "none") { textdiv.style.display = "block"; htmldiv.style.display = "none"; textbutton.setAttribute("value", "display html summary"); } else { textdiv.style.display = "none"; htmldiv.style.display = "block"; textbutton.setAttribute("value", "display text summary"); } }; if (reporter.noSelectedWebGLVersion) { button.disabled = true; } if (reporter.noWebGL) { var elem = document.getElementById("nowebgl"); elem.style.display = ""; reporter.postResultsToServer("Browser does not appear to support WebGL"); } else if (reporter.noSelectedWebGLVersion) { var elem = document.getElementById("noselectedwebgl"); elem.style.display = ""; reporter.postResultsToServer("Browser does not appear to support the selected version of WebGL"); } } </script> </head> <body onload="start()"> <div id="testlist"> <div id="testResultsHTML"> <ul id="results"> </ul> </div> <div style="display: none;" id="testResultsText"> <pre id="testResultsAsText"></pre> </div> </div> <!-- end of container --> <div id="header"> <table> <tr style="height: 300px;"> <td> <table id="toparea"> <tr> <td style="width: 300px"> <div id="info"> <img src="resources/webgl-logo.png" /><br /> WebGL Conformance Test Runner<br/> Version <select id="testVersion"> </select> <br/> <a href="../../conformance-suites/"><i>(click here for previous versions)</i></a> <br/> <input type="button" value="run tests" id="runTestsButton"/> <br/> <input type="checkbox" id="autoScrollCheckbox"/> <label for="autoScrollCheckbox">auto scroll</label> <br/> <input type="checkbox" id="hidePassedCheckbox"/> <label for="hidePassedCheckbox">hide passed tests</label> <br/> <input type="button" style="visibility: hidden;" value="display text summary" id="showTextSummary"/> <div id="nowebgl" class="nowebgl" style="display: none;"> This browser does not appear to support WebGL </div> <div id="noselectedwebgl" class="nowebgl" style="display: none;"> This browser does not appear to support the selected version of WebGL </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div id="loading"> Loading Tests... </div> <div> Results: <span id="fullresults"> </span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div id="error-wrap"> <pre id="error"></pre> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td id="frames"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- end of header --> </body> </html>