/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIDOMDOMRequest;
interface nsIFrameLoader;

[scriptable, function, uuid(00d0e19d-bd67-491f-8e85-b9905224d3bb)]
interface nsIBrowserElementNextPaintListener : nsISupports
  void recvNextPaint();

#define BROWSER_ELEMENT_API_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/dom/browser-element-api;1"
#define BROWSER_ELEMENT_API_CID                                 \
    { 0x651db7e3, 0x1734, 0x4536,                               \
      { 0xb1, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x3a, 0xe6, 0x44, 0x13, 0x4c } }

 * Interface to the BrowserElementParent implementation. All methods
 * but setFrameLoader throw when the remote process is dead.
[scriptable, uuid(57758c10-6036-11e5-a837-0800200c9a66)]
interface nsIBrowserElementAPI : nsISupports
  const long FIND_CASE_SENSITIVE = 0;
  const long FIND_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 1;

  const long FIND_FORWARD = 0;
  const long FIND_BACKWARD = 1;

   * Notify frame scripts that support the API to destroy.
  void destroyFrameScripts();

  void setFrameLoader(in nsIFrameLoader frameLoader);

  void setVisible(in boolean visible);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getVisible();
  void setActive(in boolean active);
  boolean getActive();

  void sendMouseEvent(in DOMString type,
                      in uint32_t x,
                      in uint32_t y,
                      in uint32_t button,
                      in uint32_t clickCount,
                      in uint32_t mifiers);
  void sendTouchEvent(in DOMString aType,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in uint32_t aIdentifiers,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in int32_t aXs,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in int32_t aYs,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in uint32_t aRxs,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in uint32_t aRys,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in float aRotationAngles,
                      [const, array, size_is(count)] in float aForces,
                      in uint32_t count,
                      in long aModifiers);
  void goBack();
  void goForward();
  void reload(in boolean hardReload);
  void stop();
  nsIDOMDOMRequest download(in DOMString url,
                            [optional] in jsval options);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest purgeHistory();
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getScreenshot(in uint32_t width,
                                 in uint32_t height,
                                 [optional] in DOMString mimeType);
  void zoom(in float zoom);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getCanGoBack();
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getCanGoForward();
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getContentDimensions();

  void findAll(in DOMString searchString, in long caseSensitivity);
  void findNext(in long direction);
  void clearMatch();

  void mute();
  void unmute();
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getMuted();

  void setVolume(in float volume);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getVolume();

  void addNextPaintListener(in nsIBrowserElementNextPaintListener listener);
  void removeNextPaintListener(in nsIBrowserElementNextPaintListener listener);

  nsIDOMDOMRequest setInputMethodActive(in boolean isActive);

  nsIDOMDOMRequest getAudioChannelVolume(in uint32_t audioChannel);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest setAudioChannelVolume(in uint32_t audioChannel, in float volume);

  nsIDOMDOMRequest getAudioChannelMuted(in uint32_t audioChannel);
  nsIDOMDOMRequest setAudioChannelMuted(in uint32_t audioChannel, in bool muted);

  nsIDOMDOMRequest isAudioChannelActive(in uint32_t audioChannel);

  nsIDOMDOMRequest executeScript(in DOMString script, in jsval options);

   * Returns an object that represents a Web Manifest:
   * http://w3c.github.io/manifest/
  nsIDOMDOMRequest getWebManifest();