/* Any copyright is dedicated to the public domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that the onmozbrowsermanifestchange event works. "use strict"; SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); browserElementTestHelpers.setEnabledPref(true); browserElementTestHelpers.addPermission(); browserElementTestHelpers.allowTopLevelDataURINavigation(); function createHtml(manifest) { return 'data:text/html,<html xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"><head>' + manifest + '<body></body></html>'; } function createManifest(href) { return '<link rel="manifest" href="' + href + '">'; } function runTest() { var iframe1 = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe1.setAttribute('mozbrowser', 'true'); document.body.appendChild(iframe1); // iframe2 is a red herring; we modify its manifest link elements but don't // listen for manifestchanges; we want to make sure that its manifestchange // events aren't picked up by the listener on iframe1. var iframe2 = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe2.setAttribute('mozbrowser', 'true'); document.body.appendChild(iframe2); // iframe3 is another red herring. It's not a mozbrowser, so we shouldn't // get any manifestchange events on it. var iframe3 = document.createElement('iframe'); document.body.appendChild(iframe3); var numManifestChanges = 0; iframe1.addEventListener('mozbrowsermanifestchange', function(e) { numManifestChanges++; if (numManifestChanges == 1) { is(e.detail.href, 'manifest.1', 'manifest.1 matches'); // We should receive manifestchange events when the user creates new // manifests SpecialPowers.getBrowserFrameMessageManager(iframe1) .loadFrameScript("data:,content.document.title='New title';", /* allowDelayedLoad = */ false); SpecialPowers.getBrowserFrameMessageManager(iframe1) .loadFrameScript("data:,content.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<link rel=manifest href=manifest.2>')", /* allowDelayedLoad = */ false); SpecialPowers.getBrowserFrameMessageManager(iframe2) .loadFrameScript("data:,content.document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<link rel=manifest href=manifest.2>')", /* allowDelayedLoad = */ false); } else if (numManifestChanges == 2) { is(e.detail.href, 'manifest.2', 'manifest.2 matches'); // Full new pages should trigger manifestchange events iframe1.src = createHtml(createManifest('manifest.3')); } else if (numManifestChanges == 3) { is(e.detail.href, 'manifest.3', 'manifest.3 matches'); // Test setting a page with multiple manifest link elements iframe1.src = createHtml(createManifest('manifest.4a') + createManifest('manifest.4b')); } else if (numManifestChanges == 4) { is(e.detail.href, 'manifest.4a', 'manifest.4a matches'); // 2 events will be triggered by previous test, wait for next } else if (numManifestChanges == 5) { is(e.detail.href, 'manifest.4b', 'manifest.4b matches'); SimpleTest.finish(); } else { ok(false, 'Too many manifestchange events.'); } }); iframe3.addEventListener('mozbrowsermanifestchange', function(e) { ok(false, 'Should not get a manifestchange event for iframe3.'); }); iframe1.src = createHtml(createManifest('manifest.1')); // We should not receive manifest change events for either of the below iframes iframe2.src = createHtml(createManifest('manifest.1')); iframe3.src = createHtml(createManifest('manifest.1')); } addEventListener('testready', runTest);