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  <title>Test for Bug 1021066</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1021066">Mozilla Bug 1021066</a>
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/** Test for Bug 1021066 **/

function test()
  "use strict"; // So we'll get exceptions on sets
  var doc = document.getElementById("t").contentWindow.document;
  ok(!("x" in doc), "Should have an Xray here");
  is(doc.x, undefined, "Really should have an Xray here");
  is(doc.wrappedJSObject.x, 5, "And wrapping the right thing");

  // Test overridebuiltins binding without named setter
  is(doc.y, doc.getElementById("y"),
     "Named getter should work on Document");
  try {
    doc.z = 5;
    ok(false, "Should have thrown on set of readonly property on Document");
  } catch (e) {
       "Threw the right exception on set of readonly property on Document");

  doc.w = 5;
  is(doc.w, 5, "Should be able to set things that are not named props");

  // Test non-overridebuiltins binding without named setter
  var l = doc.getElementsByTagName("img");
  is(l.y, doc.getElementById("y"),
     "Named getter should work on HTMLCollection");
  try {
    l.z = 5;
    ok(false, "Should have thrown on set of readonly property on HTMLCollection");
  } catch (e) {
       "Should throw the right exception on set of readonly property on HTMLCollection");
  try {
    l[10] = 5;
    ok(false, "Should have thrown on set of indexed property on HTMLCollection");
  } catch (e) {
    ok(/doesn't have an indexed property setter/.test(e.message),
       "Should throw the right exception on set of indexed property on HTMLCollection");

  // Test overridebuiltins binding with named setter
  var d = doc.documentElement.dataset;
  d.foo = "bar";
  // Check that this actually got passed on to the underlying object.
  is(d.wrappedJSObject.foo, "bar",
     "Set should get forwarded to the underlying object");
  is(doc.documentElement.getAttribute("data-foo"), "bar",
     "Attribute setter should have been called");
  d.foo = "baz";
  // Check that this actually got passed on to the underlying object.
  is(d.wrappedJSObject.foo, "baz",
     "Set should get forwarded to the underlying object again");
  is(doc.documentElement.getAttribute("data-foo"), "baz",
     "Attribute setter should have been called again");

  // Test non-overridebuiltins binding with named setter
  var s = doc.defaultView.localStorage;
  s["test_proxies_via_xray"] = "bar";
  // Check that this actually got passed on to the underlying object.
  is(s.wrappedJSObject["test_proxies_via_xray"], "bar",
     "Set should get forwarded to the underlying object without overridebuiltins");
  s["test_proxies_via_xray"] = "baz";
  // Check that this actually got passed on to the underlying object.
  is(s.wrappedJSObject["test_proxies_via_xray"], "baz",
     "Set should get forwarded to the underlying object again without overridebuiltins");


