# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

webidl_base := $(topsrcdir)/dom/webidl


# Generated by moz.build
include webidlsrcs.mk

# These come from webidlsrcs.mk.
# TODO Write directly into backend.mk (bug 1281618)
CPPSRCS += $(globalgen_sources) $(unified_binding_cpp_files)

include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk

# TODO This list should be emitted to a .pp file via
# GenerateCSS2PropertiesWebIDL.py (bug 1281614)
css2properties_dependencies = \
  $(topsrcdir)/layout/style/nsCSSPropList.h \
  $(topsrcdir)/layout/style/nsCSSPropAliasList.h \
  $(webidl_base)/CSS2Properties.webidl.in \
  $(topsrcdir)/layout/style/PythonCSSProps.h \
  $(srcdir)/GenerateCSS2PropertiesWebIDL.py \

CSS2Properties.webidl: $(css2properties_dependencies)

# Most of the logic for dependencies lives inside Python so it can be
# used by multiple build backends. We simply have rules to generate
# and include the .pp file.
# The generated .pp file contains all the important dependencies such as
# changes to .webidl or .py files should result in code generation being
# performed. But we do pull in file-lists.jon to catch file additions.
codegen_dependencies := \
  file-lists.json \
  $(nonstatic_webidl_files) \

include codegen.pp

codegen.pp: $(codegen_dependencies)
	$(call py_action,webidl,$(srcdir))
	@$(TOUCH) $@

.PHONY: compiletests
	$(call SUBMAKE,libs,test)


  codegen.pp \
  codegen.json \
  parser.out \
  WebIDLGrammar.pkl \
  $(wildcard *.h) \
  $(wildcard *Binding.cpp) \
  $(wildcard *Event.cpp) \
  $(wildcard *-event.cpp) \
  $(wildcard *.webidl) \

  file-lists.json \