const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
var prefetch = Cc["@mozilla.org/prefetch-service;1"].
var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
var prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].

var parser = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"].

var doc;

var docbody = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body>' +
              '<link id="node1"/><link id="node2"/>' +

var node1;
var node2;

function run_test() {
  prefs.setBoolPref("network.prefetch-next", true);

  doc = parser.parseFromString(docbody, "text/html");

  node1 = doc.getElementById("node1");
  node2 = doc.getElementById("node2");


add_test(function test_cancel1() {

  var uri = ios.newURI("http://localhost/1", null, null);
  prefetch.prefetchURI(uri, uri, node1, true);

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is a request in the queue');

  // Trying to prefetch again the same uri with the same node will fail.
  var didFail = 0;

  try {
    prefetch.prefetchURI(uri, uri, node1, true);
  } catch(e) {
    didFail = 1;

  do_check_true(didFail == 1, 'Prefetching the same request with the same ' +
                              'node fails.');

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is still request in ' +
                                            'the queue');

  prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri, node1);

  do_check_false(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is no request in the ' +

add_test(function test_cancel2() {
  // Prefetch a uri with 2 different nodes. There should be 2 request
  // in the queue and canceling one will not cancel the other.

  var uri = ios.newURI("http://localhost/1", null, null);
  prefetch.prefetchURI(uri, uri, node1, true);
  prefetch.prefetchURI(uri, uri, node2, true);

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There are requests in the queue');

  prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri, node1);

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is still one more request ' +
                                            'in the queue');

  prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri, node2);

  do_check_false(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is no request in the queue');

add_test(function test_cancel3() {
  // Request a prefetch of a uri. Trying to cancel a prefetch for the same uri
  // with a different node will fail.
  var uri = ios.newURI("http://localhost/1", null, null);
  prefetch.prefetchURI(uri, uri, node1, true);

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is a request in the queue');

  var didFail = 0;

  try {
    prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri, node2);
  } catch(e) {
    didFail = 1;
  do_check_true(didFail == 1, 'Canceling the request failed');

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is still a request ' +
                                            'in the queue');

  prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri, node1);
  do_check_false(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is no request in the queue');

add_test(function test_cancel4() {
  // Request a prefetch of a uri. Trying to cancel a prefetch for a different uri
  // with the same node will fail.
  var uri1 = ios.newURI("http://localhost/1", null, null);
  var uri2 = ios.newURI("http://localhost/2", null, null);
  prefetch.prefetchURI(uri1, uri1, node1, true);

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is a request in the queue');

  var didFail = 0;

  try {
    prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri2, node1);
  } catch(e) {
    didFail = 1;
  do_check_true(didFail == 1, 'Canceling the request failed');

  do_check_true(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is still a request ' +
                                            'in the queue');

  prefetch.cancelPrefetchURI(uri1, node1);
  do_check_false(prefetch.hasMoreElements(), 'There is no request in the queue');