<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Test for X-Frame-Options response header</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> </head> <body> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <iframe style="width:100%;height:300px;" id="harness"></iframe> <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript"> var path = "/tests/dom/base/test/"; var testFramesLoaded = function() { var harness = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).getElementById("harness"); // iframe from same origin, no X-F-O header - should load var frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("control1"); var test1 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test1, "control1", "test control1"); // iframe from different origin, no X-F-O header - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("control2"); var test2 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test2, "control2", "test control2"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: DENY - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("deny"); var test3 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test3, null, "test deny"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin1"); var test4 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test4, "sameorigin1", "test sameorigin1"); // iframe from different origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin2"); var test5 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test5, null, "test sameorigin2"); // iframe from different origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin5"); var test6 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test6, null, "test sameorigin5"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin6"); var test7 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test7, "sameorigin6", "test sameorigin6"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN,SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin7"); var test8 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test8, "sameorigin7", "test sameorigin7"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN,SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin8"); var test9 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test9, null, "test sameorigin8"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: DENY,SAMEORIGIN - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("mixedpolicy"); var test10 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test10, null, "test mixedpolicy"); // iframe from different origin, allow-from: this origin - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("allow-from-allow"); var test11 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test11, "allow-from-allow", "test allow-from-allow"); // iframe from different origin, with allow-from: other - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("allow-from-deny"); var test12 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test12, null, "test allow-from-deny"); // iframe from different origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN, multipart - should not load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin-multipart"); var test13 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(test13, null, "test sameorigin-multipart"); // iframe from same origin, X-F-O: SAMEORIGIN, multipart - should load frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("sameorigin-multipart2"); var test14 = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test").textContent; is(test14, "sameorigin-multipart2", "test sameorigin-multipart2"); // frames from bug 836132 tests { frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("allow-from-allow-1"); var theTestResult = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); isnot(theTestResult, null, "test afa1 should have been allowed"); if(theTestResult) { is(theTestResult.textContent, "allow-from-allow-1", "test allow-from-allow-1"); } } for (var i = 1; i<=14; i++) { frame = harness.contentDocument.getElementById("allow-from-deny-" + i); var theTestResult = frame.contentDocument.getElementById("test"); is(theTestResult, null, "test allow-from-deny-" + i); } // call tests to check principal comparison, e.g. a document can open a window // to a data: or javascript: document which frames an // X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN document and the frame should load testFrameInJSURI(); } // test that a document can be framed under a javascript: URL opened by the // same site as the frame // We can't set a load event listener before calling document.open/document.write, because those will remove such listeners. So we need to define a function that the new window will be able to call. function frameInJSURILoaded(win) { var test = win.document.getElementById("sameorigin3") .contentDocument.getElementById("test"); ok(test != null, "frame under javascript: URL should have loaded."); win.close(); // run last test if (!isUnique) { testFrameInDataURI(); } else { testFrameNotLoadedInDataURI(); } } var testFrameInJSURI = function() { var html = '<iframe id="sameorigin3" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/base/test/file_x-frame-options_page.sjs?testid=sameorigin3&xfo=sameorigin"></iframe>'; var win = window.open(); win.location.href = "javascript:document.open(); onload = opener.frameInJSURILoaded.bind(null, window); document.write('"+html+"');document.close();"; } // test that a document can be framed under a data: URL opened by the // same site as the frame var testFrameInDataURI = function() { var html = '<iframe id="sameorigin4" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/base/test/file_x-frame-options_page.sjs?testid=sameorigin4&xfo=sameorigin"></iframe>'; var win = window.open(); win.onload = function() { var test = win.document.getElementById("sameorigin4") .contentDocument.getElementById("test"); ok(test != null, "frame under data: URL should have loaded."); win.close(); SimpleTest.finish(); } win.location.href = "data:text/html,"+html; } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); // load the test harness SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ "set": [["security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations", false],] }, function() { document.getElementById("harness").src = "file_x-frame-options_main.html"; }); </script> </pre> </body> </html>