  <title>Test for Bug 699826</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=699826">Mozilla Bug 699826</a>
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/** Test for Bug 699826 **/
HTMLCollection.prototype[0] = "PASSProto0";
HTMLCollection.prototype[1] = "PASSProto1";
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("testtag");
is(list[0], "PASSProto0", "Should expose proto properties on the list");
is(list[1], "PASSProto1", "Should expose more proto properties on the list");

var testtag = document.createElement("testtag");


is(list[0], testtag, "Should expose elements in the list");
is(list[1], "PASSProto1", "Should expose proto properties out of range on the list");


is(list[0], "PASSProto0", "Should expose proto properties on the list after removal");
is(list[1], "PASSProto1", "Should expose more proto properties on the list after removal");
