<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Test for audio controller in windows</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <pre id="test"> </pre> <script type="application/javascript"> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); var expectedNotification = null; var observer = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (expectedNotification !== null) { is(topic, "audio-playback", "audio-playback received"); is(data, expectedNotification, "This is the right notification"); runTest(); } else { ok(false, "should not receive audio-playback notification!"); } } }; var observerService = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIObserverService); var audio = new Audio(); audio.loop = true; var tests = [ function() { observerService.addObserver(observer, "audio-playback", false); ok(true, "Observer set"); audio.src = "audio.ogg"; // Wait for the audio metadata to become available so that we have an audio track. audio.onloadedmetadata = runTest; }, // Verify that muting and unmuting dispatches the events as expected. function() { expectedNotification = 'active'; audio.play(); }, function() { expectedNotification = 'inactive-nonaudible'; audio.muted = true; }, function() { expectedNotification = 'active'; audio.muted = false; }, function() { expectedNotification = 'inactive-pause'; audio.pause(); }, // Verify that no events are dispatched when muted. function() { expectedNotification = 'active'; audio.play(); }, function() { expectedNotification = 'inactive-nonaudible'; audio.muted = true; }, function() { expectedNotification = null; audio.onpause = function() { // Yield to the event loop a few times to make sure that audio-playback is not dispatched. SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { audio.onpause = null; runTest(); }); }); }); }; audio.pause(); }, function() { expectedNotification = null; audio.muted = false; // Yield to the event loop a few times to make sure that audio-playback is not dispatched. SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { runTest(); }); }); }); }, function() { observerService.removeObserver(observer, "audio-playback"); ok(true, "Observer removed"); runTest(); } ]; function runTest() { if (!tests.length) { SimpleTest.finish(); return; } var test = tests.shift(); test(); } runTest(); </script> </body> </html>