<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- --> <head> <title>Test on the html copy encoder</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=422403">Mozilla Bug </a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript"> function testHtmlCopyEncoder () { const de = SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder; var encoder = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/layout/htmlCopyEncoder;1"] .createInstance(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder); var out, expected; var node = document.getElementById('draggable'); // in the following tests, we must use the OutputLFLineBreak flag, to avoid // to have the default line break of the platform in the result, so the test // can pass on all platform encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setContainerNode(node); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = 'This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.'; is(out, expected, "test container node "); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setNode(node); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = "<div id=\"draggable\" ondragstart=\"doDragStartSelection(event)\">This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.</div>"; is(out, expected, "test node"); var select = window.getSelection(); select.selectAllChildren(node); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = "<div style=\"display: none\">\n\n<div id=\"draggable\" ondragstart=\"doDragStartSelection(event)\">This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.</div>\n\n</div>"; is(out, expected, "test selection"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputAbsoluteLinks | de.OutputEncodeHTMLEntities | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw); encoder.setSelection(select); var outContext = {value:''}, outInfo = {value:''}; out = encoder.encodeToStringWithContext(outContext, outInfo); expected = "<div style=\"display: none\">\n\n<div id=\"draggable\" ondragstart=\"doDragStartSelection(event)\">This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.</div>\n\n</div>"; is(out, expected, "test encodeToStringWithContext with selection "); node.nextSibling.data="\nfoo bar\n"; encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = "<div id=\"draggable\" ondragstart=\"doDragStartSelection(event)\">This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.</div>"; is(out, expected, "test selection with additional data"); node = document.getElementById('aList'); var select = window.getSelection(); select.selectAllChildren(node); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<ol id=\"aList\">\n <li>Lorem ipsum dolor</li>\n <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>'; is(out, expected, "test list selection"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setContainerNode(node); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '\n <li>Lorem ipsum dolor</li>\n <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n'; is(out, expected, "test list container node"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setNode(node); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = "<ol id=\"aList\">\n <li>Lorem ipsum dolor</li>\n <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>"; is(out, expected, "test list node"); var liList = node.getElementsByTagName("li"); var range = document.createRange(); // selection start at the first child of the ol, and end after the element ol range.setStart(node, 1); range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2); select.removeAllRanges(); select.addRange(range); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<ol id="aList">\n <li>Lorem ipsum dolor</li>\n <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>'; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the first child of the ol, and end after the element ol"); // selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol range.setStart(node, 3); range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<ol id="aList"><li value=\"2\">sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>'; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol"); // selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol + ol start at the value 5 range.setStart(node, 3); range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2); node.setAttribute("start","5"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<ol id=\"aList\" start=\"5\"><li value=\"6\">sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>'; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol + ol start at the value 5"); // selection contains only some child of the ol node.removeAttribute("start"); range.setStart(node, 3); range.setEnd(node, 5); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n '; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol"); // selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5 node.setAttribute("start","5"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n '; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5"); // selection contains only some child of the ol + a value is set on the first li node.removeAttribute("start"); liList[0].setAttribute("value","8"); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n '; is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5"); select.selectAllChildren(node); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<ol id=\"aList\">\n <li value=\"8\">Lorem ipsum dolor</li>\n <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li>\n <li>adipiscing elit</li>\n <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li>\n <li>aptent taciti</li>\n</ol>'; is(out, expected, "test list selection with a value on a LI"); //test Bug 436703 node = document.getElementById('aContentEditable'); select.selectAllChildren(node); encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly); encoder.setSelection(select); out = encoder.encodeToString(); expected = '<p>one</p><p>two</p>'; is(out, expected, "select all children in an contentEditable div should not select the div itself"); SimpleTest.finish(); } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); addLoadEvent(testHtmlCopyEncoder); </script> </pre> <div style="display: none"> <div id="draggable" ondragstart="doDragStartSelection(event)">This is a <em>draggable</em> bit of text.</div> </div> <div style="display: none"> <ol id="aList"> <li>Lorem ipsum dolor</li> <li>sit amet, <strong>consectetuer</strong> </li> <li>adipiscing elit</li> <li>Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class</li> <li>aptent taciti</li> </ol> foo bar </div> <div id="aContentEditable" contentEditable="true"><p>one</p><p>two</p></div> </body> </html>