This is a spot check for whether the speculative parser reuses style, script or image loads after the referrer policy has changed.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test preloads for Bug 704320</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="referrerHelper.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>

<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7">

var advance = function() { tests.next(); };

 * This is the main test routine -- serialized by use of a generator.
 * It resets the counter, then performs two tests in sequence using
 * the same iframe.
var tests = (function() {
  var iframe = document.getElementById("testframe");

  // reset the counter
  yield resetCounter();

  // load the first test frame
  // it will call back into this function via postMessage when it finishes loading.
  // and continue beyond the yield.
  yield iframe.src = 'file_bug704320_preload_noreuse.html';

  // check the first test
  yield checkResults(finalizePreloadNoreuse);

  // reset the counter
  yield resetCounter();

  // load the second test frame
  // it will call back into this function via postMessage when it finishes loading.
  // and continue beyond the yield.
  yield iframe.src = 'file_bug704320_preload_reuse.html';

  // check the second test
  yield checkResults(finalizePreloadReuse);

  // complete.  Be sure to yield so we don't call this twice.
  yield SimpleTest.finish();

// Helper functions below.

 * This checks the first test: a test where the preloads should not
 * be reused.  * we expect two requests for each image, script, js request
 * since the referrer policy changed after speculative loads were started.
 * Problem is that the "origin"/revised loads won't necessarily happen,
 * so we test for one or two loads (both are OK) and make the 'origin'
 * referrer optional.
function finalizePreloadNoreuse(results) {
  console.log("<br/><pre>" + JSON.stringify(results) + "</pre>");
  var expected = {'css': {'count': 2, 'referrers': ['full', 'origin']},
                  'img': {'count': 2, 'referrers': ['full', 'origin']},
                  'js':  {'count': 2, 'referrers': ['full', 'origin']}};

  for (var x in expected) {
    ok(x in results, "some " + x + " loads required in results object.");

    ok(results[x].count == 1 || results[x].count == 2,
       "Expected 1-2  loads for " + x + " requests.");

    // the 'full' preload is optional, but required if count > 1
    if (results[x].count > 1) {
      ok(results[x].referrers.indexOf('full') >= 0,
         "More than one load for " + x + ", so expected an 'full' referrer preload.")

    // 'origin' (final load) is required
    ok(results[x].referrers.indexOf('origin') >= 0,
       "One load for " + x + " should have had 'origin' referrer.");

    // no other values should be in the referrers.
    is(results[x].referrers.indexOf('none'), -1,
       "No loads for " + x + " should have a missing referrer.");


 * This checks the second test: a test where preloads SHOULD be reused.
 * We expect one request for each image, script, js request since
 * the referrer policy does not change after speculative loads.
function finalizePreloadReuse(results) {
  var expected = {'css': {'count': 1, 'referrers': ['origin']},
                  'img': {'count': 1, 'referrers': ['origin']},
                  'js':  {'count': 1, 'referrers': ['origin']}};

  for (var x in expected) {
    ok(x in results, "some " + x + " loads required in results object.");

    is(results[x].count, expected[x].count,
       "Expected " + expected[x].count + " loads for " + x + " requests.");

    // 'origin' is required
    ok(results[x].referrers.indexOf('origin') >= 0,
       "One load for " + x + " should have had 'origin' referrer.");

    // no other values should be in the referrers.
    is(results[x].referrers.indexOf('none'), -1,
       "No loads for " + x + " should have a missing referrer.");
    is(results[x].referrers.indexOf('full'), -1,
       "No loads for " + x + " should have an 'full' referrer.")


 * Grabs the results via XHR and passes to checker.
function checkResults(checker) {
        function(xhr) {
        function(xhr) {
          ok(false, "Can't get results from the counter server.");


<body onload="tests.next();">
  <iframe id="testframe"></iframe>
