function load() {
  (window.opener || window.parent).innerLoaded(window);

function doXHR(req) {
  // Do a sync XHR and return the XHR's referrer.
  if (!req) {
    req = new XMLHttpRequest();

  // file_bug622088.sjs echos its referrer back to us.  We need to refer to it
  // using an absolute URI because we sometimes pass in |req| from a window
  // which has a data: URI.  In that case, a relative path would not get
  // resolved properly!
  // Resolve our relative URI to an absolute one by creating an anchor element
  // and reading its href property.
  var anchor = document.createElement('a');
  anchor.href = 'file_bug622088.sjs';

  dump('anchor.href=' + anchor.href + '\n');

  req.open('GET', anchor.href, false);
  return req.responseText;

<body onload='load()'>
<!--Inner frame target for test_bug622088_2.html. -->
