<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" id="html" class="unitTest" title=":root selector"> <head> <title>selectorTest</title> <!-- (c) Disruptive Innovations 2008 --> <style type="text/css"> /* TEST 0 : BASIC TESTS */ /* element type selector */ body { background-color: red; margin: 10px; padding: 10px; color: red; font-family: sans-serif } div { background-color: red; color: red; } div.header { background-color: #e0e0e0; color: black; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;} /* class selector */ .unitTest { width: 10px; background-color: red; color: red; margin: 0px; margin-right: 2px; float: left; } .test { margin-bottom: 2px; background-color: green; color: green; } /* group of selectors */ .unitTest, .test { height: 10px; } .UI > * { float: left } .UI { clear: both; height: auto; padding-top: 6px;} .tilda { clear: both; height: auto; padding-top: 6px;} .plus { clear: both; height: auto; padding-top: 6px;} h1, p { width: 500px; color: #000; } a { color: #000; } #results { background: #FFF; width: 600px; padding: 10px 40px; color: #000; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.3em; } #root, #root2, #root3 { display: none; } /* init */ .blox16 { background-color: red; } .blox17 { background-color: red; } .lastChild > p { background-color: red; } .firstOfType > p { background-color: red } .lastOfType > p { background-color: red } .empty > .isEmpty { color: red; } html { background-color: red; } </style> <span type="text/test" id="test"><![CDATA[ /* :target selector */ .target :target { background-color: lime; } /* test 1 : childhood selector */ html > body { background-color: green; } .test > .blox1 { background-color: lime; } /* test 2 : attribute existence selector */ /* attribute with a value */ .blox2[align] { background-color: lime; } /* attribute with empty value */ .blox3[align] { background-color: lime; } /* attribute with almost similar name */ .blox4, .blox5 { background-color: lime } .blox4[align], .blox5[align] { background-color: red; } /* test3 : attribute value selector */ .blox6[align="center"] { background-color: lime; } .blox6[align="c"] { background-color: red; } .blox6[align="centera"] { background-color: red; } .blox6[foo="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } .blox6[\_foo="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test 4 : [~=] */ .blox7[class~="foo"] { background-color: lime; } .blox8, .blox9, .blox10 { background-color: lime; } .blox8[class~=""] { background-color: red; } .blox9[foo~=""] { background-color: red; } .blox10[foo~="foo"] { background-color: red; } /* test5 [^=] */ .attrStart > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t1[class^="unit"] { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t2[class^="nit"] { background-color: red; } .attrStart > .t3[align^=""] { background-color: red; } .attrStart > .t4[foo^="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test6 [$=] */ .attrEnd > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t1[class$="t1"] { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t2[class$="unit"] { background-color: red; } .attrEnd > .t3[align$=""] { background-color: red; } .attrEnd > .t4[foo$="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test7 [*=] */ .attrMiddle > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t1[class*="t t"] { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t2[class*="a"] { background-color: red; } .attrMiddle > .t3[align*=""] { background-color: red; } .attrMiddle > .t4[foo*="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* :first-child tests */ .firstChild .unitTest:first-child { background-color: lime; } .blox12:first-child { background-color: red; } .blox13:first-child { background-color: red; } .blox12, .blox13 { background-color: lime } /* :root tests */ :root { background-color: green; } /* :scope tests */ :scope { background-color: green; } /* :nth-child(n) tests */ .nthchild1 > :nth-last-child(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild1 > :nth-child(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild2 > :nth-last-child(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild2 > :nth-child(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-child(3n+2) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-last-child(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-last-child(3n+3) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > div:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > div:nth-last-of-type(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > p { background-color: green; } .nthoftype2 > div:nth-of-type(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype2 > div:nth-last-of-type(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype2 > p { background-color: green; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-of-type(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-last-of-type(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-last-of-type(3n+2) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > p { background-color: green; } /* :not() tests */ .blox14:not(span) { background-color: lime; } .blox15:not([foo="blox14"]) { background-color: lime; } .blox16:not(.blox15) { background-color: lime; } /* :only-of-type tests */ .blox17:only-of-type { background-color: lime; } .blox18:only-of-type { background-color: red; } .blox18:not(:only-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :last-child tests */ .lastChild > :last-child { background-color: lime } .lastChild > :not(:last-child) { background-color: lime } /* :first-of-type tests */ .firstOfType > *:first-of-type { background-color: lime; } *.firstOfType > :not(:first-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :last-of-type tests */ .lastOfType > *:last-of-type { background-color: lime; } *.lastOfType > :not(:last-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :only-child tests */ .onlyChild > *:not(:only-child) { background-color: lime; } .onlyChild > .unitTest > *:only-child { background-color: lime; } /* :only-of-type tests */ .onlyOfType *:only-of-type { background-color: lime; } .onlyOfType *:not(:only-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :empty tests */ .empty > *.isEmpty:empty { background-color: lime; color: lime; } .empty > .isNotEmpty { background-color: blue; color: blue; } .empty > .isNotEmpty:empty { background-color: red; color: red; } .empty > .isNotEmpty:not(:empty) { background-color: lime; color: lime; } /* :lang() tests */ .lang :lang(en) { background-color: lime; } .lang :lang(fr) { background-color: lime; } .lang .t1 { background-color: blue; } .lang .t1:lang(es) { background-color: lime; } .lang :lang(es-AR) { background-color: red; } /* [|=] tests */ .attrLang .t1 { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t1[lang|="en"] { background-color: red; } .attrLang [lang|="fr"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t2[lang|="en"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t3 { background-color: blue; } .attrLang .t3[lang|="es"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang [lang|="es-AR"] { background-color: red; } /* UI tests */ .UI .t1:enabled > .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .UI .t2:disabled > .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .UI .t3:checked + div { background-color: lime; } .UI .t4:not(:checked) + div { background-color: lime; } /* ~ combinator tests */ .tilda .t1 { background-color: white; } .tilda .t1 ~ .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .tilda .t1:hover ~ .unitTest { background-color: red; } /* ~ combinator tests */ .plus .t1, .plus .t2 { background-color: white; } .plus .t1 + .unitTest + .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .plus .t1:hover + .unitTest + .unitTest { background-color: red; } ]]></span> <span type="text/test" id="error"> .blox16:not(.blox15[foo="blox14"]) { background-color: red; } /* Tests from http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Selectors/20060307/html/index.html */ div:not(:not(div)) { background-color : red } div, { background: red; } .5cm { background: red; } foo & address, p { background: red; } [*=test] { background: red; } [*|*=test] { background: red; } div:subject { background: red; } :canvas { background: red; } :viewport { background: red; } :window { background: red; } :menu { background: red; } :table { background: red; } :select { background: red; } ::canvas { background: red; } ::viewport { background: red; } ::window { background: red; } ::menu { background: red; } ::table { background: red; } ::select { background: red; } ..test { background: red; color: yellow; } .foo..quux { background: red; color: yellow; } .bar. { background: red; color: yellow; } </span> <script><![CDATA[ window.onload = function() { if (window.parent && window.parent.SpecialPowers) { window.parent.SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv( { 'set': [[ "layout.css.scope-pseudo.enabled", true]] }, doTest); } else { doTest(); } } function doTest(){ if ( window.location.hash.indexOf("target") == -1 ) window.location.hash = "#target"; var root = document.getElementById("root"); var root2 = document.getElementById("root2"); var root3 = document.getElementById("root3"); var results = []; var tests = 0, passed = 0; var cache = {}; var css = document.getElementById("test").firstChild.nodeValue.split("\n"); for ( var i = 0; i < css.length; i++ ) { css[i] = css[i].replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, "") .replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "").split(/\s*{/); } var ecss = document.getElementById("error").firstChild.nodeValue.split("\n"); for ( var i = 0; i < ecss.length; i++ ) { ecss[i] = ecss[i].replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, "") .replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "").split(/\s*{/); } var namespaceCheck = {}; var badNamespace = [ {}, null, undefined, ]; interfaceCheck(root, "Element"); runTest( css, "Element", root, true ); check( "Inside Element", root, true, false ); cacheCheck( "Element", root ); check( "Outside Element", root2, passed === 0 ? "autofail" : false, false ); runTest( ecss, "SyntaxError: Element", root, false ); jqTests("Element", root3, "querySelectorAll"); var root4 = root2.cloneNode(true); interfaceCheck(root4, "Disconnected Element"); runTest( css, "Disconnected Element", root4, true ); check( "Disconnected Element", root4, true, true ); cacheCheck( "Disconnected Element", root4 ); runTest( ecss, "SyntaxError: Disconnected Element", root4, false ); jqTests("Disconnected Element", root3.cloneNode(true), "querySelectorAll"); var newRoot = document.createElement("nosuchtag"); newRoot.appendChild(root3.cloneNode(true)); jqTests("Disconnected Element scoping", newRoot, "querySelectorAll"); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild( root2.cloneNode(true) ); interfaceCheck(fragment, "Fragment"); runTest( css, "Fragment", fragment, true ); check( "Fragment", fragment, true, true ); runTest( ecss, "SyntaxError: Fragment", fragment, false ); cacheCheck( "Fragment", fragment ); root.parentNode.removeChild( root ); interfaceCheck(document, "Document"); runTest( css, "Document", document, true ); check( "Document", document, true, false ); runTest( ecss, "SyntaxError: Document", document, false ); jqTests("Document", document, "querySelectorAll"); cacheCheck( "Document", document ); done(); function interfaceCheck(obj, type){ var q = typeof obj.querySelector === "function"; assert( q, type + " supports querySelector" ); var qa = typeof obj.querySelectorAll === "function"; assert( qa, type + " supports querySelectorAll" ); return q && qa; } function done(){ if (window.parent && window.parent.SimpleTest) { window.parent.SimpleTest.finish(); } else { var r = document.getElementById("results"); var li = document.createElement("li"); var b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ((passed / tests) * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" ) ); li.appendChild( b ); li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ": " + passed + " passed, " + (tests - passed) + " failed" ) ); r.appendChild( li ); for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { var li = document.createElement("li"); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.style.color = (results[i][0] === "FAIL" ? "red" : "green"); span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( results[i][0] ) ); li.appendChild( span ); li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " + results[i][1] ) ); r.appendChild( li ); } } } function cacheCheck( type, root ) { try { var pre = root.querySelectorAll( "div" ), preLength = pre.length; var div = document.createElement("div"); (root.body || root).appendChild( div ); var post = root.querySelectorAll( "div" ), postLength = post.length; assert( pre.length == preLength, type + ": StaticNodeList" ); assert( post.length != pre.length, type + ": StaticNodeList" ); } catch(e) { assert( false, type + ": StaticNodeList" ); assert( false, type + ": StaticNodeList" ); } if ( div ) (root.body || root).removeChild( div ); } function runTest( css, type, root, expect ) { var pass = false; try { root.querySelectorAll(""); } catch(e){ pass = e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelectorAll Empty String" ); pass = false; try { pass = root.querySelectorAll(null).length === 0; } catch(e){ pass = false; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelectorAll null" ); pass = false; try { pass = root.querySelectorAll(undefined).length === 0; } catch(e){ pass = false; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelectorAll undefined" ); pass = false; try { if ( root.querySelectorAll ) root.querySelectorAll(); } catch(e){ pass = true; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelectorAll no value" ); pass = false; try { root.querySelector(""); } catch(e){ pass = e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelector Empty String" ); pass = false; try { pass = root.querySelector(null) === null; } catch(e){ pass = false; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelector null" ); pass = false; try { pass = root.querySelector(undefined) === null; } catch(e){ pass = false; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelector undefined" ); pass = false; try { if ( root.querySelector ) root.querySelector(); } catch(e){ pass = true; } assert( pass, type + ".querySelector no value" ); for ( var i = 0; i < css.length; i++ ) { var test = css[i]; if ( test.length == 2 ) { var query = test[0], color = test[1].match(/: ([^\s;]+)/)[1]; try { var found = root.querySelectorAll(query); for ( var f = 0; f < found.length; f++ ) { found[f].style.backgroundColor = color; } var pass = color != "red" || found.length === 0; assert(expect && pass, type + ".querySelectorAll: " + query); } catch(e){ var pass = !expect && e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR || false; assert(pass, type + ".querySelectorAll: " + query); } if ( expect ) { var pass = false; try { var found2 = root.querySelectorAll( " \t\r\n " + query + " \t\r\n " ); pass = found2.length == found.length; } catch(e) {} assert(pass, type + ".querySelectorAll Whitespace Trim: " + query); } try { var single = root.querySelector(query); var pass = found.length == 0 && single === null || found.length && found[0] == single; assert(expect, type + ".querySelector: " + query); } catch(e){ var pass = !expect && e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR || false; assert(pass, type + ".querySelector: " + query); } } } } function check( type, root, expect, fragment ){ var walker = document.createTreeWalker( root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, { acceptNode: function(){ return 1; } } ); while ( walker.nextNode() ) { var div = walker.currentNode; if ( (div.getAttribute("class") || "").toString().indexOf("unitTest") > -1 && (!fragment || div.getAttribute("id") !== "nofragment") ) { // If we're display:none, we need to toggle that when doing computed // style. var needToggle = (window.frameElement && window.frameElement.style.display == "none"); if (needToggle) { if ((div.getAttribute("class") || "").toString().indexOf("skipWhenToggling") > -1) { continue; } window.frameElement.style.display = ""; // make sure it kicks in immediately document.body.offsetWidth; } var view = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(div, null); var bg = view.getPropertyValue("background-color") || div.style.backgroundColor; if (needToggle) { window.frameElement.style.display = "none"; // make sure it kicks in immediately document.body.offsetWidth; } var pass = bg && bg.indexOf("(255, 0, 0") == -1 && bg.indexOf("#ff0000") == -1 && bg.indexOf("red") == -1; //var pass = bg && bg.indexOf("(255, 0, 0") == -1 && bg.indexOf("#ff0000") == -1; assert(pass === expect, type + ": " + (div.title || div.parentNode.title)); } } } function assert(pass, title) { // Update |passed| no matter what: some tests depend on this passed += (pass ? 1 : 0); if (window.parent && window.parent.SimpleTest) { window.parent.SimpleTest.ok(pass, title); } else { results.push([ (!pass ? "FAIL" : "PASS"), title ]); tests++; } } function jqTests(type, root, select) { function query(q, resolver){ try { return root[select](q, resolver); } catch(e){ if ( e.message.indexOf("ERR") > -1 || (e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR) ) throw e; } } var all = query("*"); function checkMatchesSelector(results, q) { var key = +new Date + ":" + Math.random(); function report(item, shouldMatch) { assert( item.matches(q) === shouldMatch, item + (shouldMatch ? "does not match" : "matches") + " selector '" + q + "'" ); } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var item = results.item(i); item[key] = true; report( item, true ); } for (var stride = 15, // reduce test spam i = Math.round(Math.random() * stride); i < all.length; i += stride) { var item = all.item(i), shouldMatch = !!item[key]; report( item, shouldMatch ); } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) delete results.item(i)[key]; } function t( name, q, ids, restrict, ids2 ) { var pass = true; if ( restrict === false && root != document ) return; var namespaced = /\|[^=]/.test( q ); var prepend = namespaced ? "xHTML|*#root3 " : "#root3 "; q = (restrict === false || restrict === ":root" || restrict === ":scope" ? "" : prepend) + q.replace(/,/g, ", " + prepend); var nq = q.replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<"); if ( namespaced ) { for ( var i = 0; i < badNamespace.length; i++ ) { var resolver = badNamespace[i], pass = false, results = null; try { results = query(q, resolver); } catch(e) { pass = (e.message === "bad ERROR" || (e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR)); } assert( pass, type + ": " + name + " Bad Resolver #" + (i+1) + " (" + nq + ")" + (pass ? "" : " Expected: " + extra(ids) + " Received: " + extra(results)) ); } } else { var pass = false; try { var results = query(q); pass = hasPassed( results, ids ); } catch(e) { pass = e.name == "SyntaxError" && e.code == DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR; } assert( pass, type + ": " + name + " (" + nq + ")" + (pass ? "" : " Expected: " + extra(ids) + " Received: " + extra(results)) ); // For now, don't use checkMatchesSelector when // restrict === ":scope" because we have no way to hand the // right scope to it yet. if (results && restrict !== ":scope") checkMatchesSelector( results, q ); } function hasPassed(results, ids){ var pass = (results && results.length == ids.length) || (!results && !ids); if ( ids && results ) { for ( var i = 0; ids && i < ids.length; i++ ) { if ( ids[i] !== results[i].getAttribute("id") ) { pass = false; } } } else { pass = false; } return pass; } function extra(results){ var extra = " ["; if ( results ) { for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { extra += (extra.length > 2 ? "," : "") + "'" + (results[i].id || results[i]) + "'"; } } extra += "]"; return extra; } } t( "SVG", "*|svg", ["svg1","svg2","svg3"] ); t( "SVG", "svg|svg", ["svg2","svg3"] ); t( "SVG", "svg|svg *|circle", ["circle2","circle3"] ); t( "SVG", "svg|svg svg|circle", ["circle2","circle3"] ); t( "SVG", "xHTML|div *|svg", ["svg1","svg2","svg3"] ); t( "SVG", "div svg|svg", ["svg2","svg3"] ); t( "SVG", "xHTML|div svg|svg", ["svg2","svg3"] ); t( "SVG", "xHTML|div svg|svg *|circle", ["circle2","circle3"] ); t( "SVG", "xHTML|div svg *|circle", ["circle1","circle2","circle3"], true, ["circle1"] ); t( "SVG", "xHTML|div svg|svg svg|circle", ["circle2","circle3"] ); t( "Element Selector", "xHTML|p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Parent Element", "xHTML|div p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Parent Element", "xHTML|div xHTML|p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Parent Element", "*|div xHTML|p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Parent Element", "*|div *|p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Child", "xHTML|p > xHTML|a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Adjacent", "xHTML|a + xHTML|a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "xHTML|a + a", ["groups"] ); t( "Nth-child", "xHTML|*#form xHTML|*#select1 xHTML|option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] ); assert( all && all.length > 30, type + ": Select all" ); var good = all && all.length; for ( var i = 0; all && i < all.length; i++ ) if ( all[i].nodeType != 1 ) good = false; assert( good, type + ": Select all elements, no comment nodes" ); if ( root == document ) { t( ":root Selector", ":root", ["html"], false ); t( ":scope Selector", ":scope", ["html"], ":scope" ); } else { t( ":root Selector", ":root", [], ":root" ); if (root.localName != "nosuchtag") { t( ":scope Selector", ":scope > nosuchtag", [ "outerbogustag" ], ":scope"); } t( ":scope Selector", ":scope nosuchtag nosuchtag", [ "innerbogustag" ], ":scope"); if ( !root.parentNode ) { t( ":root All Selector", ":root *", [], ":root" ); } } if ( root.parentNode || root == document ) { assert( query(":root *").length == query("*").length - (root == document ? 1 : 0), type + ": :root All Selector" ); } assert( query(":scope *").length == query("*").length - (root == document ? 1 : 0), type + ": :scope All Selector" ); t( "Element Selector", "p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"], false ); t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"], false ); t( "Parent Element", "div p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); var param = query("#object1 param"); assert( param && param.length == 2, type + ": Object/param as context" ); var l = query("#length"); assert( l && l.length, type + ': <input name="length"> cannot be found under IE' ); var lin = query("#lengthtest input"); assert( lin && lin.length, type + ': <input name="length"> cannot be found under IE' ); t( "Broken Selector", "[" ); t( "Broken Selector", "(" ); t( "Broken Selector", "{" ); t( "Broken Selector", "<" ); t( "Broken Selector", "()" ); t( "Broken Selector", "<>" ); t( "Broken Selector", "{}" ); t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"], false ); t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", ["body"], false ); t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] ); t( "ID selector with existing ID descendant", "#firstp #simon1", ["simon1"] ); t( "ID selector with nonexistent descendant", "#firstp #foobar", [] ); t( "ID selector using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi", ["台北Táiběi"] ); t( "Multiple ID selectors using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi, #台北", ["台北Táiběi","台北"] ); t( "Descendant ID selector using UTF8", "div #台北", ["台北"] ); t( "Child ID selector using UTF8", "form > #台北", ["台北"] ); t( "Escaped ID", "#foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Escaped ID", "#test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "ID Selector, child ID present", "#form > #radio1", ["radio1"] ); // bug #267 t( "ID Selector, not an ancestor ID", "#form #first", [] ); t( "ID Selector, not a child ID", "#form > #option1a", [] ); t( "All Children of ID", "#foo > *", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] ); t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL > *", [] ); t( "ID selector with nonexistent ancestor", "#asdfasdf #foobar", [] ); // bug #986 //t( "body div#form", [], "ID selector within the context of another element" ); t( "Class Selector", ".blog", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "Class Selector", ".blog.link", ["simon"] ); t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "a.blog", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi.台北", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi, .台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] ); t( "Descendant class selector using UTF8", "div .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Child class selector using UTF8", "form > .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Escaped Class", ".foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Escaped Class", ".test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["test.foo[5]bar"] ); t( "Comma Support", "a.blog, p", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Comma Support", "a.blog , p", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Comma Support", "a.blog ,p", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Comma Support", "a.blog,p", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Outer Whitespace", " a.blog,p", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Outer Whitespace", "a.blog,p ", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Outer Whitespace", " p,a.blog", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Outer Whitespace", "p,a.blog ", ['firstp','ap','mark','sndp','en','sap','simon','first'] ); t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p>a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child w/ Class", "p > a.blog", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "All Children", "code > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a + a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a +a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a+ a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a+a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "p + p", ["ap","en","sap"] ); t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Nth Child", "p:nth-child(1)", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] ); t( "Last Child", "a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text2"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text2"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(0n+3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(1n+0)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(1n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(even)", ["option1b", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(odd)", ["option1a", "option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(2n)", ["option1b", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(2n+1)", ["option1a", "option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n+1)", ["option1a", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n+2)", ["option1b"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n+3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n-1)", ["option1b"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n-2)", ["option1a", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n-3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(3n+0)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form #select1 option:nth-child(-n+3)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "a[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "*[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='hidden'],#form input[type='radio']", ['radio1','radio2','hidden1'] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type=\"hidden\"],#form input[type='radio']", ['radio1','radio2','hidden1'] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type=hidden],#form input[type=radio]", ['radio1','radio2','hidden1'] ); t( "Attribute selector using UTF8", "span[lang=中文]", ["台北"] ); t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] ); t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] ); t( "Attribute Contains", "a[href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] ); // t("Select options via [selected]", "#select1 option[selected]", ["option1a"] ); t("Select options via [selected]", "#select1 option[selected]", [] ); t("Select options via [selected]", "#select2 option[selected]", ["option2d"] ); t("Select options via [selected]", "#select3 option[selected]", ["option3b", "option3c"] ); t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( ":not() Existing attribute", "#form select:not([multiple])", ["select1", "select2"]); t( ":not() Equals attribute", "#form select:not([name=select1])", ["select2", "select3"]); t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "#form select:not([name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3"]); t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] ); t( "Only Child", "a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2"] ); t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] ); //t( "Enabled UI Element", "#form input:enabled", ["text1","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden2","name"] ); t( "Disabled UI Element", "#form input:disabled", ["text2"] ); t( "Checked UI Element", "#form input:checked", ["radio2","check1"] ); t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo","fx-queue","fx-tests", "moretests"] ); t( "Not", "a.blog:not(.link)", ["mark"] ); } }; ]]></script> </head> <body id="body" class="unitTest" title="childhood and element type selectors"> <h1><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-api/">Selectors API</a> Test Suite</h1> <p>Testrunner by <a href="http://ejohn.org/">John Resig</a>, tests by <a href="http://ejohn.org/">John Resig</a>, <a href="http://disruptive-innovations.com/zoo/css3tests/selectorTest.html">Disruptive Innovations</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Selectors/20060307/html/index.html">W3C CSS Working Group</a>, <a href="http://jquery.com/test/">jQuery JavaScript Library</a>.</p> <div id="root"> <div class="header"> <h3>CSS 3 Selectors tests</h3> <p>(c) <a href="http://www.disruptive-innovations.com">Disruptive Innovations</a> 2008<br/> Last update: 2008-06-06</p> </div> <div class="test target"> <div class="unitTest skipWhenToggling" id="target" title=":target selector"></div> </div> <div class="test"> <div class="blox1 unitTest" title="childhood selector"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeExistence"> <div class="blox2 unitTest" align="center" title="attribute existence selector"></div> <div class="blox3 unitTest" align="" title="attribute existence selector with empty string value"></div> <div class="blox4 unitTest" valign="center" title="attribute existence selector with almost identical attribute"></div> <div class="blox5 unitTest" alignv="center" title="attribute existence selector with almost identical attribute"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeValue"> <div class="blox6 unitTest" align="center" title="attribute value selector"></div> <div class="blox6 unitTest" foo="é" title="attribute value selector with an entity in the attribute and an escaped value in the selector"></div> <div class="blox6 unitTest" _foo="é" title="attribute value selector with an entity in the attribute, an escaped value in the selector, and a leading underscore in the attribute name"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeSpaceSeparatedValues"> <div class="blox7 foo unitTest" title="[~=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="blox8 unitTest" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="blox9 unitTest" foo="" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for empty string in empty attribute"></div> <div class="blox10 unitTest" foo="foobar" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for 'foo' in 'foobar'"></div> </div> <div class="test attrStart"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[^=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[^=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[^=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="étagada" title="[^=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test attrEnd"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[$=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[$=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[$=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="tagadaé" title="[$=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test attrMiddle"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[*=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[*=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[*=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="tagadaéfoo" title="[*=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test firstChild"> <div class="unitTest" title=":first-child selector"></div> <div class="blox12 unitTest" title=":first-child selector should not match non first child"></div> <div class="blox13 unitTest" title=":first-child selector should not match non first child"></div> </div> <div class="test not"> <div class="blox14 unitTest" title="negation pseudo-class with argument being an element type selector"></div> <div class="blox15 unitTest" foo="blox15" title="negation pseudo-class with argument being an attribute selector"></div> <div class="blox16 unitTest" foo="blox15" title="negation pseudo-class accepts only simple selectors for argument"></div> </div> <div class="test onlyOfType"> <div class="blox17 unitTest" title=":only-of-type selector"></div> <p class="blox18 unitTest" title="negated :only-of-type selector"></p> <p class="blox18 unitTest" title="negated :only-of-type selector"></p> </div> <div class="test nthchild1"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthchild2"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthchild3"> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+3) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+1) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+3) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+1) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype1"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(odd) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype2"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(even) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(even) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(even) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype3"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+2) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test lastChild"> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-child) selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":last-child selector"></div> </div> <div class="test firstOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":first-of-type selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":first-of-type selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:first-of-type)"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(:first-of-type)"></div> </div> <div class="test lastOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-of-type)"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-of-type)"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":last-of-type selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":last-of-type selector"></div> </div> <div class="test onlyChild"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is NOT the only child"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is the only child"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is the only child"></div> </div> </div> <div class="test onlyOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"></div> </div> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(only-of-type)"></div> </div> <div class="test empty"> <div class="unitTest isEmpty" title=":empty with empty element"></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains a whitespace"> </div> <div class="unitTest isEmpty" title=":empty and element contains an SGML comment"><!-- foo --></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains a SPAN element"><span></span></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains an entity reference"> </div> </div> <div class="test lang"> <div id="nofragment" class="unitTest" title=":lang() where language comes from the document"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="fr" title=":lang() where language comes from the element"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="en-US" title=":lang() where language comes from the element but is a dialect of the language queried"></div> <div class="unitTest t1" lang="es" title=":lang() where language comes from the element but the language queried is a dialect of the element's one so it should not match"></div> </div> <div class="test attrLang"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[|=] where language comes from the document"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="fr" title="[|=] where language comes from the element"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" lang="en-US" title="[|=] where language comes from the element but is a dialect of the language queried"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" lang="es" title="[|=] where language comes from the element but the language queried is a dialect of the element's one so it should not match"></div> </div> <div class="test UI"> <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="t1" title=":enabled pseudo-class"><div class="unitTest"></div></button> <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="t2" disabled="true" title=":enabled pseudo-class"><div class="unitTest"></div></button> </div> <div class="test UI"> <input class="t3" type="checkbox" checked="true"/><div class="unitTest" title=":checked"></div> the previous square should be green when the checkbox is checked and become red when you uncheck it </div> <div class="test UI"> <input class="t4" type="checkbox"/><div class="unitTest" title=":not(:checked)"></div> the previous square should be green when the checkbox is NOT checked and become red when you check it </div> <div class="test tilda"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <span style="float:left">the three last squares should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the white square</span> </div> <div class="test plus"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="+ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="+ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="+ combinator"></div> <span style="float:left">the last square should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the FIRST white square</span> </div> </div> <div id="root2"> <div class="header"> <h3>CSS 3 Selectors tests</h3> <p>(c) <a href="http://www.disruptive-innovations.com">Disruptive Innovations</a> 2008<br/> Last update: 2008-06-06</p> </div> <div class="test"> <div class="blox1 unitTest" title="childhood selector"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeExistence"> <div class="blox2 unitTest" align="center" title="attribute existence selector"></div> <div class="blox3 unitTest" align="" title="attribute existence selector with empty string value"></div> <div class="blox4 unitTest" valign="center" title="attribute existence selector with almost identical attribute"></div> <div class="blox5 unitTest" alignv="center" title="attribute existence selector with almost identical attribute"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeValue"> <div class="blox6 unitTest" align="center" title="attribute value selector"></div> <div class="blox6 unitTest" foo="é" title="attribute value selector with an entity in the attribute and an escaped value in the selector"></div> <div class="blox6 unitTest" _foo="é" title="attribute value selector with an entity in the attribute, an escaped value in the selector, and a leading underscore in the attribute name"></div> </div> <div class="test attributeSpaceSeparatedValues"> <div class="blox7 foo unitTest" title="[~=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="blox8 unitTest" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="blox9 unitTest" foo="" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for empty string in empty attribute"></div> <div class="blox10 unitTest" foo="foobar" title="[~=] attribute selector looking for 'foo' in 'foobar'"></div> </div> <div class="test attrStart"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[^=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[^=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[^=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="étagada" title="[^=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test attrEnd"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[$=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[$=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[$=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="tagadaé" title="[$=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test attrMiddle"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[*=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="[*=] attribute selector"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" align="center" title="[*=] attribute selector looking for empty string"></div> <div class="unitTest t4" foo="tagadaéfoo" title="[*=] attribute selector looking for é"></div> </div> <div class="test firstChild"> <div class="unitTest" title=":first-child selector"></div> <div class="blox12 unitTest" title=":first-child selector should not match non first child"></div> <div class="blox13 unitTest" title=":first-child selector should not match non first child"></div> </div> <div class="test not"> <div class="blox14 unitTest" title="negation pseudo-class with argument being an element type selector"></div> <div class="blox15 unitTest" foo="blox15" title="negation pseudo-class with argument being an attribute selector"></div> <div class="blox16 unitTest" foo="blox15" title="negation pseudo-class accepts only simple selectors for argument"></div> </div> <div class="test onlyOfType"> <div class="blox17 unitTest" title=":only-of-type selector"></div> <p class="blox18 unitTest" title="negated :only-of-type selector"></p> <p class="blox18 unitTest" title="negated :only-of-type selector"></p> </div> <div class="test nthchild1"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(odd) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthchild2"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-child(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(even) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthchild3"> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+3) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+1) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+3) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-child(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest no" title=":nth-last-child(3n+1) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype1"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(odd) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(odd) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype2"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(even) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(even) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(even) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(even) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test nthoftype3"> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+2) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":nth-of-* selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+2) selector"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":nth-last-of-type(3n+1) selector"></div> </div> <div class="test lastChild"> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-child) selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":last-child selector"></div> </div> <div class="test firstOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":first-of-type selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":first-of-type selector"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:first-of-type)"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(:first-of-type)"></div> </div> <div class="test lastOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-of-type)"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(:last-of-type)"></div> <p class="unitTest" title=":last-of-type selector"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":last-of-type selector"></div> </div> <div class="test onlyChild"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is NOT the only child"></div> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is the only child"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-child where the element is the only child"></div> </div> </div> <div class="test onlyOfType"> <p class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"></p> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"> <div class="unitTest" title=":only-of-type"></div> </div> <div class="unitTest" title=":not(only-of-type)"></div> </div> <div class="test empty"> <div class="unitTest isEmpty" title=":empty with empty element"></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains a whitespace"> </div> <div class="unitTest isEmpty" title=":empty and element contains an SGML comment"><!-- foo --></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains a SPAN element"><span></span></div> <div class="unitTest isNotEmpty" title=":empty but element contains an entity reference"> </div> </div> <div class="test lang"> <div id="nofragment" class="unitTest" title=":lang() where language comes from the document"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="fr" title=":lang() where language comes from the element"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="en-US" title=":lang() where language comes from the element but is a dialect of the language queried"></div> <div class="unitTest t1" lang="es" title=":lang() where language comes from the element but the language queried is a dialect of the element's one so it should not match"></div> </div> <div class="test attrLang"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="[|=] where language comes from the document"></div> <div class="unitTest" lang="fr" title="[|=] where language comes from the element"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" lang="en-US" title="[|=] where language comes from the element but is a dialect of the language queried"></div> <div class="unitTest t3" lang="es" title="[|=] where language comes from the element but the language queried is a dialect of the element's one so it should not match"></div> </div> <div class="test UI"> <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="t1" title=":enabled pseudo-class"><div class="unitTest"></div></button> <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="t2" disabled="true" title=":enabled pseudo-class"><div class="unitTest"></div></button> </div> <div class="test UI"> <input class="t3" type="checkbox" checked="true"/><div class="unitTest" title=":checked"></div> the previous square should be green when the checkbox is checked and become red when you uncheck it </div> <div class="test UI"> <input class="t4" type="checkbox"/><div class="unitTest" title=":not(:checked)"></div> the previous square should be green when the checkbox is NOT checked and become red when you check it </div> <div class="test tilda"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="~ combinator"></div> <span style="float:left">the three last squares should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the white square</span> </div> <div class="test plus"> <div class="unitTest t1" title="+ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest t2" title="+ combinator"></div> <div class="unitTest" title="+ combinator"></div> <span style="float:left">the last square should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the FIRST white square</span> </div> </div> <div id="root3"> <div id="svgs"> <!-- svg elements, but in the xhtml namespace --> <svg width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400" version="1.1" id="svg1"> <desc id="desc1">Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue</desc> <rect id="rect1" x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2"/> <circle id="circle1" cx="600" cy="200" r="100" fill="red" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg> <!-- svg elements using svg: --> <svg:svg width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400" version="1.1" id="svg2"> <svg:desc id="desc2">Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue</svg:desc> <svg:rect id="rect2" x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2"/> <svg:circle id="circle2" cx="600" cy="200" r="100" fill="red" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg:svg> <!-- svg using an inline xmlns --> <svg width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" id="svg3"> <desc id="desc3">Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue</desc> <rect id="rect3" x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2"/> <circle id="circle3" cx="600" cy="200" r="100" fill="red" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" /> </svg> </div> <h1 id="header">jQuery Test Suite</h1> <h2 id="banner"></h2> <h2 id="userAgent"></h2> <!-- Test HTML --> <div id="nothiddendiv" style="height:1px;background:white;"> <div id="nothiddendivchild"></div> </div> <!-- Test for scoping --> <nosuchtag id="outerbogustag"> <nosuchtag id="innerbogustag"></nosuchtag> </nosuchtag> <!-- this iframe is outside the #main so it won't reload constantly wasting time, but it means the tests must be "safe" and clean up after themselves --> <iframe id="loadediframe" name="loadediframe" style="display:none;" src="data/iframe.html"></iframe> <dl id="dl" style="display:none;"> <div id="main" style="display: none;"> <p id="firstp">See <a id="simon1" href="http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/03/25/#getElementsBySelector" rel="bookmark">this blog entry</a> for more information.</p> <p id="ap"> Here are some links in a normal paragraph: <a id="google" href="http://www.google.com/" title="Google!">Google</a>, <a id="groups" href="http://groups.google.com/">Google Groups</a>. This link has <code><a href="http://smin" id="anchor1">class="blog"</a></code>: <a href="http://diveintomark.org/" class="blog" hreflang="en" id="mark">diveintomark</a> </p> <div id="foo"> <p id="sndp">Everything inside the red border is inside a div with <code>id="foo"</code>.</p> <p lang="en" id="en">This is a normal link: <a id="yahoo" href="http://www.yahoo.com/" class="blogTest">Yahoo</a></p> <p id="sap">This link has <code><a href="#2" id="anchor2">class="blog"</a></code>: <a href="http://simon.incutio.com/" class="blog link" id="simon">Simon Willison's Weblog</a></p> </div> <p id="first">Try them out:</p> <ul id="firstUL"></ul> <ol id="empty"></ol> <form id="form" action="formaction"> <input type="text" name="action" value="Test" id="text1" maxlength="30"/> <input type="text" name="text2" value="Test" id="text2" disabled="disabled"/> <input type="radio" name="radio1" id="radio1" value="on"/> <input type="radio" name="radio2" id="radio2" checked="checked"/> <input type="checkbox" name="check" id="check1" checked="checked"/> <input type="checkbox" id="check2" value="on"/> <input type="hidden" name="hidden" id="hidden1"/> <input type="text" style="display:none;" name="foo[bar]" id="hidden2"/> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="name" /> <button id="button" name="button">Button</button> <textarea id="area1" maxlength="30">foobar</textarea> <select name="select1" id="select1"> <option id="option1a" class="emptyopt" value="">Nothing</option> <option id="option1b" value="1">1</option> <option id="option1c" value="2">2</option> <option id="option1d" value="3">3</option> </select> <select name="select2" id="select2"> <option id="option2a" class="emptyopt" value="">Nothing</option> <option id="option2b" value="1">1</option> <option id="option2c" value="2">2</option> <option id="option2d" selected="selected" value="3">3</option> </select> <select name="select3" id="select3" multiple="multiple"> <option id="option3a" class="emptyopt" value="">Nothing</option> <option id="option3b" selected="selected" value="1">1</option> <option id="option3c" selected="selected" value="2">2</option> <option id="option3d" value="3">3</option> </select> <object id="object1" codebase="stupid"> <param name="p1" value="x1" /> <param name="p2" value="x2" /> </object> <span id="台北Táiběi"></span> <span id="台北" lang="中文"></span> <span id="utf8class1" class="台北Táiběi 台北"></span> <span id="utf8class2" class="台北"></span> <span id="foo:bar" class="foo:bar"></span> <span id="test.foo[5]bar" class="test.foo[5]bar"></span> <foo_bar id="foobar">test element</foo_bar> </form> <b id="floatTest">Float test.</b> <iframe id="iframe" name="iframe"></iframe> <form id="lengthtest"> <input type="text" id="length" name="test"/> <input type="text" id="idTest" name="id"/> </form> <table id="table"></table> <div id="fx-queue"> <div id="fadein" class='chain test'>fadeIn<div>fadeIn</div></div> <div id="fadeout" class='chain test out'>fadeOut<div>fadeOut</div></div> <div id="show" class='chain test'>show<div>show</div></div> <div id="hide" class='chain test out'>hide<div>hide</div></div> <div id="togglein" class='chain test'>togglein<div>togglein</div></div> <div id="toggleout" class='chain test out'>toggleout<div>toggleout</div></div> <div id="slideup" class='chain test'>slideUp<div>slideUp</div></div> <div id="slidedown" class='chain test out'>slideDown<div>slideDown</div></div> <div id="slidetogglein" class='chain test'>slideToggleIn<div>slideToggleIn</div></div> <div id="slidetoggleout" class='chain test out'>slideToggleOut<div>slideToggleOut</div></div> </div> <div id="fx-tests"></div> <form id="testForm" action="#" method="get"> <textarea name="T3" rows="2" cols="15">? Z</textarea> <input type="hidden" name="H1" value="x" /> <input type="hidden" name="H2" /> <input name="PWD" type="password" value="" /> <input name="T1" type="text" /> <input name="T2" type="text" value="YES" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="checkbox" name="C1" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" name="C2" /> <input type="radio" name="R1" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="R1" value="2" /> <input type="text" name="My Name" value="me" /> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="NO" /> <select name="S1"> <option value="abc">ABC</option> <option value="abc">ABC</option> <option value="abc">ABC</option> </select> <select name="S2" multiple="multiple" size="3"> <option value="abc">ABC</option> <option value="abc">ABC</option> <option value="abc">ABC</option> </select> <select name="S3"> <option selected="selected">YES</option> </select> <select name="S4"> <option value="" selected="selected">NO</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="sub1" value="NO" /> <input type="submit" name="sub2" value="NO" /> <input type="image" name="sub3" value="NO" /> <button name="sub4" type="submit" value="NO">NO</button> <input name="D1" type="text" value="NO" disabled="disabled" /> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" name="D2" value="NO" /> <input type="radio" name="D3" value="NO" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" /> <select name="D4" disabled="disabled"> <option selected="selected" value="NO">NO</option> </select> </form> <div id="moretests"> <form> <div id="checkedtest" style="display:none;"> <input type="radio" name="checkedtestradios" checked="checked"/> <input type="radio" name="checkedtestradios" value="on"/> <input type="checkbox" name="checkedtestcheckboxes" checked="checked"/> <input type="checkbox" name="checkedtestcheckboxes" /> </div> </form> <div id="nonnodes"><span>hi</span> there <!-- mon ami --></div> <div id="t2037"> <div><div class="hidden">hidden</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </dl> <ol id="tests"></ol> </div> <ol id="results"></ol> </body> </html>