/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * A base class which implements nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement and can * be subclassed by various content nodes that want to load * stylesheets (<style>, <link>, processing instructions, etc). */ #ifndef nsStyleLinkElement_h___ #define nsStyleLinkElement_h___ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/CORSMode.h" #include "mozilla/StyleSheetInlines.h" #include "mozilla/net/ReferrerPolicy.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement.h" #include "nsTArray.h" class nsIDocument; class nsIURI; namespace mozilla { class CSSStyleSheet; namespace dom { class ShadowRoot; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla class nsStyleLinkElement : public nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement { public: nsStyleLinkElement(); virtual ~nsStyleLinkElement(); NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(REFNSIID aIID, void** aInstancePtr) override = 0; mozilla::StyleSheet* GetSheet() const { return mStyleSheet; } // nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement NS_IMETHOD SetStyleSheet(mozilla::StyleSheet* aStyleSheet) override; NS_IMETHOD_(mozilla::StyleSheet*) GetStyleSheet() override; NS_IMETHOD InitStyleLinkElement(bool aDontLoadStyle) override; NS_IMETHOD UpdateStyleSheet(nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver, bool* aWillNotify, bool* aIsAlternate, bool aForceReload) override; NS_IMETHOD SetEnableUpdates(bool aEnableUpdates) override; NS_IMETHOD GetCharset(nsAString& aCharset) override; virtual void OverrideBaseURI(nsIURI* aNewBaseURI) override; virtual void SetLineNumber(uint32_t aLineNumber) override; virtual uint32_t GetLineNumber() override; enum RelValue { ePREFETCH = 0x00000001, eDNS_PREFETCH = 0x00000002, eSTYLESHEET = 0x00000004, eNEXT = 0x00000008, eALTERNATE = 0x00000010, eHTMLIMPORT = 0x00000020, ePRECONNECT = 0x00000040 }; // The return value is a bitwise or of 0 or more RelValues. // aPrincipal is used to check if HTML imports is enabled for the // provided principal. static uint32_t ParseLinkTypes(const nsAString& aTypes, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); static bool IsImportEnabled(); void UpdateStyleSheetInternal() { UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nullptr, nullptr); } protected: /** * @param aOldDocument should be non-null only if we're updating because we * removed the node from the document. * @param aForceUpdate true will force the update even if the URI has not * changed. This should be used in cases when something * about the content that affects the resulting sheet * changed but the URI may not have changed. */ nsresult UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nsIDocument *aOldDocument, mozilla::dom::ShadowRoot *aOldShadowRoot, bool aForceUpdate = false); void UpdateStyleSheetScopedness(bool aIsNowScoped); virtual already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetStyleSheetURL(bool* aIsInline) = 0; virtual void GetStyleSheetInfo(nsAString& aTitle, nsAString& aType, nsAString& aMedia, bool* aIsScoped, bool* aIsAlternate, bool* aIsExplicitlyEnabled) = 0; virtual mozilla::CORSMode GetCORSMode() const { // Default to no CORS return mozilla::CORS_NONE; } virtual mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy GetLinkReferrerPolicy() { return mozilla::net::RP_Unset; } // CC methods void Unlink(); void Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback &cb); private: /** * @param aOldDocument should be non-null only if we're updating because we * removed the node from the document. * @param aOldShadowRoot The ShadowRoot that used to contain the style. * Passed as a parameter because on an update, the node * is removed from the tree before the sheet is removed * from the ShadowRoot. * @param aForceUpdate true will force the update even if the URI has not * changed. This should be used in cases when something * about the content that affects the resulting sheet * changed but the URI may not have changed. */ nsresult DoUpdateStyleSheet(nsIDocument* aOldDocument, mozilla::dom::ShadowRoot* aOldShadowRoot, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver, bool* aWillNotify, bool* aIsAlternate, bool aForceUpdate); RefPtr<mozilla::StyleSheet> mStyleSheet; protected: bool mDontLoadStyle; bool mUpdatesEnabled; uint32_t mLineNumber; }; #endif /* nsStyleLinkElement_h___ */