/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * A base class which implements nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement and can * be subclassed by various content nodes that want to load * stylesheets (<style>, <link>, processing instructions, etc). */ #include "nsStyleLinkElement.h" #include "mozilla/StyleSheet.h" #include "mozilla/StyleSheetInlines.h" #include "mozilla/css/Loader.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FragmentOrElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLLinkElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ShadowRoot.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SRILogHelper.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMComment.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIDOMStyleSheet.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsXPCOMCIDInternal.h" #include "nsUnicharInputStream.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsStyleUtil.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; nsStyleLinkElement::nsStyleLinkElement() : mDontLoadStyle(false) , mUpdatesEnabled(true) , mLineNumber(1) { } nsStyleLinkElement::~nsStyleLinkElement() { nsStyleLinkElement::SetStyleSheet(nullptr); } void nsStyleLinkElement::Unlink() { nsStyleLinkElement::SetStyleSheet(nullptr); } void nsStyleLinkElement::Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback &cb) { nsStyleLinkElement* tmp = this; NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mStyleSheet); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsStyleLinkElement::SetStyleSheet(StyleSheet* aStyleSheet) { if (mStyleSheet) { mStyleSheet->SetOwningNode(nullptr); } mStyleSheet = aStyleSheet; if (mStyleSheet) { nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = do_QueryObject(this); if (node) { mStyleSheet->SetOwningNode(node); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP_(StyleSheet*) nsStyleLinkElement::GetStyleSheet() { return mStyleSheet; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsStyleLinkElement::InitStyleLinkElement(bool aDontLoadStyle) { mDontLoadStyle = aDontLoadStyle; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsStyleLinkElement::SetEnableUpdates(bool aEnableUpdates) { mUpdatesEnabled = aEnableUpdates; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsStyleLinkElement::GetCharset(nsAString& aCharset) { // descendants have to implement this themselves return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* virtual */ void nsStyleLinkElement::OverrideBaseURI(nsIURI* aNewBaseURI) { NS_NOTREACHED("Base URI can't be overriden in this implementation " "of nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement."); } /* virtual */ void nsStyleLinkElement::SetLineNumber(uint32_t aLineNumber) { mLineNumber = aLineNumber; } /* virtual */ uint32_t nsStyleLinkElement::GetLineNumber() { return mLineNumber; } /* static */ bool nsStyleLinkElement::IsImportEnabled() { static bool sAdded = false; static bool sImportsEnabled; if (!sAdded) { // This part runs only once because of the static flag. Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sImportsEnabled, "dom.htmlimports.enabled", false); sAdded = true; } return sImportsEnabled; } static uint32_t ToLinkMask(const nsAString& aLink, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) { // Keep this in sync with sRelValues in HTMLLinkElement.cpp if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("prefetch")) return nsStyleLinkElement::ePREFETCH; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("dns-prefetch")) return nsStyleLinkElement::eDNS_PREFETCH; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("stylesheet")) return nsStyleLinkElement::eSTYLESHEET; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("next")) return nsStyleLinkElement::eNEXT; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("alternate")) return nsStyleLinkElement::eALTERNATE; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("import") && nsStyleLinkElement::IsImportEnabled()) return nsStyleLinkElement::eHTMLIMPORT; else if (aLink.EqualsLiteral("preconnect")) return nsStyleLinkElement::ePRECONNECT; else return 0; } uint32_t nsStyleLinkElement::ParseLinkTypes(const nsAString& aTypes, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) { uint32_t linkMask = 0; nsAString::const_iterator start, done; aTypes.BeginReading(start); aTypes.EndReading(done); if (start == done) return linkMask; nsAString::const_iterator current(start); bool inString = !nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*current); nsAutoString subString; while (current != done) { if (nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace(*current)) { if (inString) { nsContentUtils::ASCIIToLower(Substring(start, current), subString); linkMask |= ToLinkMask(subString, aPrincipal); inString = false; } } else { if (!inString) { start = current; inString = true; } } ++current; } if (inString) { nsContentUtils::ASCIIToLower(Substring(start, current), subString); linkMask |= ToLinkMask(subString, aPrincipal); } return linkMask; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsStyleLinkElement::UpdateStyleSheet(nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver, bool* aWillNotify, bool* aIsAlternate, bool aForceReload) { if (aForceReload) { // We remove this stylesheet from the cache to load a new version. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> thisContent; CallQueryInterface(this, getter_AddRefs(thisContent)); nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = thisContent->IsInShadowTree() ? thisContent->OwnerDoc() : thisContent->GetUncomposedDoc(); if (doc && doc->CSSLoader()->GetEnabled() && mStyleSheet && !mStyleSheet->IsInline()) { doc->CSSLoader()->ObsoleteSheet(mStyleSheet->GetOriginalURI()); } } return DoUpdateStyleSheet(nullptr, nullptr, aObserver, aWillNotify, aIsAlternate, aForceReload); } nsresult nsStyleLinkElement::UpdateStyleSheetInternal(nsIDocument *aOldDocument, ShadowRoot *aOldShadowRoot, bool aForceUpdate) { bool notify, alternate; return DoUpdateStyleSheet(aOldDocument, aOldShadowRoot, nullptr, ¬ify, &alternate, aForceUpdate); } static bool IsScopedStyleElement(nsIContent* aContent) { // This is quicker than, say, QIing aContent to nsStyleLinkElement // and then calling its virtual GetStyleSheetInfo method to find out // if it is scoped. return (aContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::style) || aContent->IsSVGElement(nsGkAtoms::style)) && aContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::scoped); } static bool HasScopedStyleSheetChild(nsIContent* aContent) { for (nsIContent* n = aContent->GetFirstChild(); n; n = n->GetNextSibling()) { if (IsScopedStyleElement(n)) { return true; } } return false; } // Called when aElement has had a <style scoped> child removed. static void UpdateIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree(Element* aElement) { NS_ASSERTION(aElement->IsElementInStyleScope(), "only call UpdateIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree on a " "subtree that has IsElementInStyleScope boolean flag set"); if (HasScopedStyleSheetChild(aElement)) { return; } aElement->ClearIsElementInStyleScope(); nsIContent* n = aElement->GetNextNode(aElement); while (n) { if (HasScopedStyleSheetChild(n)) { n = n->GetNextNonChildNode(aElement); } else { if (n->IsElement()) { n->ClearIsElementInStyleScope(); } n = n->GetNextNode(aElement); } } } nsresult nsStyleLinkElement::DoUpdateStyleSheet(nsIDocument* aOldDocument, ShadowRoot* aOldShadowRoot, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver, bool* aWillNotify, bool* aIsAlternate, bool aForceUpdate) { *aWillNotify = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> thisContent; CallQueryInterface(this, getter_AddRefs(thisContent)); // All instances of nsStyleLinkElement should implement nsIContent. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(thisContent, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); if (thisContent->IsInAnonymousSubtree() && thisContent->IsAnonymousContentInSVGUseSubtree()) { // Stylesheets in <use>-cloned subtrees are disabled until we figure out // how they should behave. return NS_OK; } // Check for a ShadowRoot because link elements are inert in a // ShadowRoot. ShadowRoot* containingShadow = thisContent->GetContainingShadow(); if (thisContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::link) && (aOldShadowRoot || containingShadow)) { return NS_OK; } // XXXheycam ServoStyleSheets do not support <style scoped>. Element* oldScopeElement = nullptr; if (mStyleSheet) { if (mStyleSheet->IsServo()) { NS_WARNING("stylo: ServoStyleSheets don't support <style scoped>"); } else { oldScopeElement = mStyleSheet->AsGecko()->GetScopeElement(); } } if (mStyleSheet && (aOldDocument || aOldShadowRoot)) { MOZ_ASSERT(!(aOldDocument && aOldShadowRoot), "ShadowRoot content is never in document, thus " "there should not be a old document and old " "ShadowRoot simultaneously."); // We're removing the link element from the document or shadow tree, // unload the stylesheet. We want to do this even if updates are // disabled, since otherwise a sheet with a stale linking element pointer // will be hanging around -- not good! if (aOldShadowRoot) { aOldShadowRoot->RemoveSheet(mStyleSheet); } else { aOldDocument->BeginUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); aOldDocument->RemoveStyleSheet(mStyleSheet); aOldDocument->EndUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); } nsStyleLinkElement::SetStyleSheet(nullptr); if (oldScopeElement) { UpdateIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree(oldScopeElement); } } // When static documents are created, stylesheets are cloned manually. if (mDontLoadStyle || !mUpdatesEnabled || thisContent->OwnerDoc()->IsStaticDocument()) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = thisContent->IsInShadowTree() ? thisContent->OwnerDoc() : thisContent->GetUncomposedDoc(); if (!doc || !doc->CSSLoader()->GetEnabled()) { return NS_OK; } bool isInline; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = GetStyleSheetURL(&isInline); if (!aForceUpdate && mStyleSheet && !isInline && uri) { nsIURI* oldURI = mStyleSheet->GetSheetURI(); if (oldURI) { bool equal; nsresult rv = oldURI->Equals(uri, &equal); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && equal) { return NS_OK; // We already loaded this stylesheet } } } if (mStyleSheet) { if (thisContent->IsInShadowTree()) { ShadowRoot* containingShadow = thisContent->GetContainingShadow(); containingShadow->RemoveSheet(mStyleSheet); } else { doc->BeginUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); doc->RemoveStyleSheet(mStyleSheet); doc->EndUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); } nsStyleLinkElement::SetStyleSheet(nullptr); } if (!uri && !isInline) { return NS_OK; // If href is empty and this is not inline style then just bail } nsAutoString title, type, media; bool isScoped; bool isAlternate; bool isExplicitlyEnabled; GetStyleSheetInfo(title, type, media, &isScoped, &isAlternate, &isExplicitlyEnabled); if (!type.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("text/css")) { return NS_OK; } Element* scopeElement = isScoped ? thisContent->GetParentElement() : nullptr; if (scopeElement) { NS_ASSERTION(isInline, "non-inline style must not have scope element"); scopeElement->SetIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree(true); } bool doneLoading = false; nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (isInline) { nsAutoString text; if (!nsContentUtils::GetNodeTextContent(thisContent, false, text, fallible)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } MOZ_ASSERT(thisContent->NodeInfo()->NameAtom() != nsGkAtoms::link, "<link> is not 'inline', and needs different CSP checks"); if (!nsStyleUtil::CSPAllowsInlineStyle(thisContent, thisContent->NodePrincipal(), doc->GetDocumentURI(), mLineNumber, text, &rv)) return rv; // Parse the style sheet. rv = doc->CSSLoader()-> LoadInlineStyle(thisContent, text, mLineNumber, title, media, scopeElement, aObserver, &doneLoading, &isAlternate, &isExplicitlyEnabled); } else { nsAutoString integrity; thisContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::integrity, integrity); if (!integrity.IsEmpty()) { MOZ_LOG(SRILogHelper::GetSriLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, ("nsStyleLinkElement::DoUpdateStyleSheet, integrity=%s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(integrity).get())); } // if referrer attributes are enabled in preferences, load the link's referrer // attribute. If the link does not provide a referrer attribute, ignore this // and use the document's referrer policy net::ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy = GetLinkReferrerPolicy(); if (referrerPolicy == net::RP_Unset) { referrerPolicy = doc->GetReferrerPolicy(); } // XXXbz clone the URI here to work around content policies modifying URIs. nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> clonedURI; uri->Clone(getter_AddRefs(clonedURI)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(clonedURI, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); rv = doc->CSSLoader()-> LoadStyleLink(thisContent, clonedURI, title, media, isAlternate, GetCORSMode(), referrerPolicy, integrity, aObserver, &isAlternate, &isExplicitlyEnabled); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Don't propagate LoadStyleLink() errors further than this, since some // consumers (e.g. nsXMLContentSink) will completely abort on innocuous // things like a stylesheet load being blocked by the security system. doneLoading = true; isAlternate = false; isExplicitlyEnabled = false; rv = NS_OK; } } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *aWillNotify = !doneLoading; *aIsAlternate = isAlternate; return NS_OK; } void nsStyleLinkElement::UpdateStyleSheetScopedness(bool aIsNowScoped) { if (!mStyleSheet) { return; } if (mStyleSheet->IsServo()) { // XXXheycam ServoStyleSheets don't support <style scoped>. NS_ERROR("stylo: ServoStyleSheets don't support <style scoped>"); return; } CSSStyleSheet* sheet = mStyleSheet->AsGecko(); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> thisContent; CallQueryInterface(this, getter_AddRefs(thisContent)); Element* oldScopeElement = sheet->GetScopeElement(); Element* newScopeElement = aIsNowScoped ? thisContent->GetParentElement() : nullptr; if (oldScopeElement == newScopeElement) { return; } nsIDocument* document = thisContent->GetOwnerDocument(); if (thisContent->IsInShadowTree()) { ShadowRoot* containingShadow = thisContent->GetContainingShadow(); containingShadow->RemoveSheet(mStyleSheet); sheet->SetScopeElement(newScopeElement); containingShadow->InsertSheet(mStyleSheet, thisContent); } else { document->BeginUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); document->RemoveStyleSheet(mStyleSheet); sheet->SetScopeElement(newScopeElement); document->AddStyleSheet(mStyleSheet); document->EndUpdate(UPDATE_STYLE); } if (oldScopeElement) { UpdateIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree(oldScopeElement); } if (newScopeElement) { newScopeElement->SetIsElementInStyleScopeFlagOnSubtree(true); } }