/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsDOMDataChannel_h #define nsDOMDataChannel_h #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DataChannelBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TypedArray.h" #include "mozilla/net/DataChannelListener.h" #include "nsIDOMDataChannel.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class Blob; } class DataChannel; }; class nsDOMDataChannel final : public mozilla::DOMEventTargetHelper, public nsIDOMDataChannel, public mozilla::DataChannelListener { public: nsDOMDataChannel(already_AddRefed<mozilla::DataChannel>& aDataChannel, nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow); nsresult Init(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aDOMWindow); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED NS_DECL_NSIDOMDATACHANNEL NS_REALLY_FORWARD_NSIDOMEVENTTARGET(mozilla::DOMEventTargetHelper) NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS_INHERITED(nsDOMDataChannel, mozilla::DOMEventTargetHelper) // EventTarget virtual void EventListenerAdded(nsIAtom* aType) override; virtual void EventListenerRemoved(nsIAtom* aType) override; virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override; nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetParentObject() const { return GetOwner(); } // WebIDL // Uses XPIDL GetLabel. bool Reliable() const; mozilla::dom::RTCDataChannelState ReadyState() const; uint32_t BufferedAmount() const; uint32_t BufferedAmountLowThreshold() const; void SetBufferedAmountLowThreshold(uint32_t aThreshold); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(open) IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(error) IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(close) // Uses XPIDL Close. IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(message) IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(bufferedamountlow) mozilla::dom::RTCDataChannelType BinaryType() const { return static_cast<mozilla::dom::RTCDataChannelType>( static_cast<int>(mBinaryType)); } void SetBinaryType(mozilla::dom::RTCDataChannelType aType) { mBinaryType = static_cast<DataChannelBinaryType>( static_cast<int>(aType)); } void Send(const nsAString& aData, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); void Send(mozilla::dom::Blob& aData, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); void Send(const mozilla::dom::ArrayBuffer& aData, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); void Send(const mozilla::dom::ArrayBufferView& aData, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); // Uses XPIDL GetProtocol. bool Ordered() const; uint16_t Id() const; nsresult DoOnMessageAvailable(const nsACString& aMessage, bool aBinary); virtual nsresult OnMessageAvailable(nsISupports* aContext, const nsACString& aMessage) override; virtual nsresult OnBinaryMessageAvailable(nsISupports* aContext, const nsACString& aMessage) override; virtual nsresult OnSimpleEvent(nsISupports* aContext, const nsAString& aName); virtual nsresult OnChannelConnected(nsISupports* aContext) override; virtual nsresult OnChannelClosed(nsISupports* aContext) override; virtual nsresult OnBufferLow(nsISupports* aContext) override; virtual nsresult NotBuffered(nsISupports* aContext) override; virtual void AppReady(); // if there are "strong event listeners" or outgoing not sent messages // then this method keeps the object alive when js doesn't have strong // references to it. void UpdateMustKeepAlive(); // ATTENTION, when calling this method the object can be released // (and possibly collected). void DontKeepAliveAnyMore(); protected: ~nsDOMDataChannel(); private: void Send(nsIInputStream* aMsgStream, const nsACString& aMsgString, uint32_t aMsgLength, bool aIsBinary, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); // to keep us alive while we have listeners RefPtr<nsDOMDataChannel> mSelfRef; // Owning reference RefPtr<mozilla::DataChannel> mDataChannel; nsString mOrigin; enum DataChannelBinaryType { DC_BINARY_TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER, DC_BINARY_TYPE_BLOB, }; DataChannelBinaryType mBinaryType; bool mCheckMustKeepAlive; bool mSentClose; }; #endif // nsDOMDataChannel_h