/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* A namespace class for static content utilities. */ #ifndef nsContentUtils_h___ #define nsContentUtils_h___ #ifdef XP_WIN #include <float.h> #endif #ifdef XP_SOLARIS #include <ieeefp.h> #endif #include "js/TypeDecls.h" #include "js/Value.h" #include "js/RootingAPI.h" #include "mozilla/EventForwards.h" #include "mozilla/GuardObjects.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "nsContentListDeclarations.h" #include "nsMathUtils.h" #include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h" #include "Units.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AutocompleteInfoBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h" // For CallerType #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" #include "mozilla/net/ReferrerPolicy.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/NotNull.h" #include "nsIContentPolicy.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #if defined(XP_WIN) // Undefine LoadImage to prevent naming conflict with Windows. #undef LoadImage #endif class imgICache; class imgIContainer; class imgINotificationObserver; class imgIRequest; class imgLoader; class imgRequestProxy; class nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved; class nsHtml5StringParser; class nsIChannel; class nsIConsoleService; class nsIContent; class nsIContentPolicy; class nsIContentSecurityPolicy; class nsIDocShellTreeItem; class nsIDocumentLoaderFactory; class nsIDOMDocument; class nsIDOMDocumentFragment; class nsIDOMEvent; class nsIDOMHTMLInputElement; class nsIDOMKeyEvent; class nsIDOMNode; class nsIDragSession; class nsIEditor; class nsIFragmentContentSink; class nsIFrame; class nsIImageLoadingContent; class nsIInterfaceRequestor; class nsIIOService; class nsILineBreaker; class nsILoadGroup; class nsIMessageBroadcaster; class nsNameSpaceManager; class nsIObserver; class nsIParser; class nsIParserService; class nsIPresShell; class nsIPrincipal; class nsIRequest; class nsIRunnable; class nsIScriptContext; class nsIScriptSecurityManager; class nsIStringBundle; class nsIStringBundleService; class nsISupportsHashKey; class nsIURI; class nsIUUIDGenerator; class nsIWidget; class nsIWordBreaker; class nsIXPConnect; class nsNodeInfoManager; class nsPIDOMWindowInner; class nsPIDOMWindowOuter; class nsPresContext; class nsStringBuffer; class nsStringHashKey; class nsTextFragment; class nsView; class nsViewportInfo; class nsWrapperCache; class nsAttrValue; class nsITransferable; class nsPIWindowRoot; class nsIWindowProvider; struct JSRuntime; template<class E> class nsCOMArray; template<class K, class V> class nsDataHashtable; template<class K, class V> class nsRefPtrHashtable; template<class T> class nsReadingIterator; namespace mozilla { class ErrorResult; class EventListenerManager; namespace dom { struct CustomElementDefinition; class DocumentFragment; class Element; class EventTarget; class IPCDataTransfer; class IPCDataTransferItem; struct LifecycleCallbackArgs; struct LifecycleAdoptedCallbackArgs; class NodeInfo; class nsIContentChild; class nsIContentParent; class TabChild; class Selection; class TabParent; } // namespace dom namespace ipc { class Shmem; class IShmemAllocator; } namespace gfx { class DataSourceSurface; } // namespace gfx namespace layers { class LayerManager; } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla class nsIBidiKeyboard; extern const char kLoadAsData[]; // Stolen from nsReadableUtils, but that's OK, since we can declare the same // name multiple times. const nsAFlatString& EmptyString(); const nsAFlatCString& EmptyCString(); enum EventNameType { EventNameType_None = 0x0000, EventNameType_HTML = 0x0001, EventNameType_XUL = 0x0002, EventNameType_SVGGraphic = 0x0004, // svg graphic elements EventNameType_SVGSVG = 0x0008, // the svg element EventNameType_SMIL = 0x0010, // smil elements EventNameType_HTMLBodyOrFramesetOnly = 0x0020, EventNameType_HTMLXUL = 0x0003, EventNameType_All = 0xFFFF }; struct EventNameMapping { // This holds pointers to nsGkAtoms members, and is therefore safe as a // non-owning reference. nsIAtom* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mAtom; int32_t mType; mozilla::EventMessage mMessage; mozilla::EventClassID mEventClassID; // True if mAtom is possibly used by special SVG/SMIL events, but // mMessage is eUnidentifiedEvent. See EventNameList.h bool mMaybeSpecialSVGorSMILEvent; }; typedef bool (*CallOnRemoteChildFunction) (mozilla::dom::TabParent* aTabParent, void* aArg); class nsContentUtils { friend class nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved; typedef mozilla::dom::Element Element; typedef mozilla::TimeDuration TimeDuration; public: static nsresult Init(); static bool IsCallerChrome(); static bool ThreadsafeIsCallerChrome(); static bool IsCallerContentXBL(); // In the traditional Gecko architecture, both C++ code and untrusted JS code // needed to rely on the same XPCOM method/getter/setter to get work done. // This required lots of security checks in the various exposed methods, which // in turn created difficulty in determining whether the caller was script // (whose access needed to be checked) and internal C++ platform code (whose // access did not need to be checked). To address this problem, Gecko had a // convention whereby the absence of script on the stack was interpretted as // "System Caller" and always granted unfettered access. // // Unfortunately, this created a bunch of footguns. For example, when the // implementation of a DOM method wanted to perform a privileged // sub-operation, it needed to "hide" the presence of script on the stack in // order for that sub-operation to be allowed. Additionally, if script could // trigger an API entry point to be invoked in some asynchronous way without // script on the stack, it could potentially perform privilege escalation. // // In the modern world, untrusted script should interact with the platform // exclusively over WebIDL APIs, and platform code has a lot more flexibility // in deciding whether or not to use XPCOM. This gives us the flexibility to // do something better. // // Going forward, APIs should be designed such that any security checks that // ask the question "is my caller allowed to do this?" should live in WebIDL // API entry points, with a separate method provided for internal callers // that just want to get the job done. // // To enforce this and catch bugs, nsContentUtils::SubjectPrincipal will crash // if it is invoked without script on the stack. To land that transition, it // was necessary to go through and whitelist a bunch of callers that were // depending on the old behavior. Those callers should be fixed up, and these // methods should not be used by new code without review from bholley or bz. static bool LegacyIsCallerNativeCode() { return !GetCurrentJSContext(); } static bool LegacyIsCallerChromeOrNativeCode() { return LegacyIsCallerNativeCode() || IsCallerChrome(); } static nsIPrincipal* SubjectPrincipalOrSystemIfNativeCaller() { if (!GetCurrentJSContext()) { return GetSystemPrincipal(); } return SubjectPrincipal(); } static bool LookupBindingMember(JSContext* aCx, nsIContent *aContent, JS::Handle<jsid> aId, JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> aDesc); // Check whether we should avoid leaking distinguishing information to JS/CSS. static bool ShouldResistFingerprinting(nsIDocShell* aDocShell); /** * Returns the parent node of aChild crossing document boundaries. * Uses the parent node in the composed document. */ static nsINode* GetCrossDocParentNode(nsINode* aChild); /** * Do not ever pass null pointers to this method. If one of your * nsIContents is null, you have to decide for yourself what * "IsDescendantOf" really means. * * @param aPossibleDescendant node to test for being a descendant of * aPossibleAncestor * @param aPossibleAncestor node to test for being an ancestor of * aPossibleDescendant * @return true if aPossibleDescendant is a descendant of * aPossibleAncestor (or is aPossibleAncestor). false * otherwise. */ static bool ContentIsDescendantOf(const nsINode* aPossibleDescendant, const nsINode* aPossibleAncestor); /** * Similar to ContentIsDescendantOf, except will treat an HTMLTemplateElement * or ShadowRoot as an ancestor of things in the corresponding DocumentFragment. * See the concept of "host-including inclusive ancestor" in the DOM * specification. */ static bool ContentIsHostIncludingDescendantOf( const nsINode* aPossibleDescendant, const nsINode* aPossibleAncestor); /** * Similar to ContentIsDescendantOf except it crosses document boundaries, * this function uses ancestor/descendant relations in the composed document * (see shadow DOM spec). */ static bool ContentIsCrossDocDescendantOf(nsINode* aPossibleDescendant, nsINode* aPossibleAncestor); /* * This method fills the |aArray| with all ancestor nodes of |aNode| * including |aNode| at the zero index. */ static nsresult GetAncestors(nsINode* aNode, nsTArray<nsINode*>& aArray); /* * This method fills |aAncestorNodes| with all ancestor nodes of |aNode| * including |aNode| (QI'd to nsIContent) at the zero index. * For each ancestor, there is a corresponding element in |aAncestorOffsets| * which is the IndexOf the child in relation to its parent. * * This method just sucks. */ static nsresult GetAncestorsAndOffsets(nsIDOMNode* aNode, int32_t aOffset, nsTArray<nsIContent*>* aAncestorNodes, nsTArray<int32_t>* aAncestorOffsets); /* * The out parameter, |aCommonAncestor| will be the closest node, if any, * to both |aNode| and |aOther| which is also an ancestor of each. * Returns an error if the two nodes are disconnected and don't have * a common ancestor. */ static nsresult GetCommonAncestor(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIDOMNode *aOther, nsIDOMNode** aCommonAncestor); /** * Returns the common ancestor, if any, for two nodes. Returns null if the * nodes are disconnected. */ static nsINode* GetCommonAncestor(nsINode* aNode1, nsINode* aNode2); /** * Returns true if aNode1 is before aNode2 in the same connected * tree. */ static bool PositionIsBefore(nsINode* aNode1, nsINode* aNode2); /** * Utility routine to compare two "points", where a point is a * node/offset pair * Returns -1 if point1 < point2, 1, if point1 > point2, * 0 if error or if point1 == point2. * NOTE! If the two nodes aren't in the same connected subtree, * the result is 1, and the optional aDisconnected parameter * is set to true. * * XXX aOffset1 and aOffset2 should be uint32_t since valid offset value is * between 0 - UINT32_MAX. However, these methods work even with * negative offset values! E.g., when aOffset1 is -1 and aOffset is 0, * these methods return -1. Some root callers depend on this behavior. * On the other hand, nsINode can have ATTRCHILD_ARRAY_MAX_CHILD_COUN * (0x3FFFFF) at most. Therefore, they can be int32_t for now. */ static int32_t ComparePoints(nsINode* aParent1, int32_t aOffset1, nsINode* aParent2, int32_t aOffset2, bool* aDisconnected = nullptr); static int32_t ComparePoints(nsIDOMNode* aParent1, int32_t aOffset1, nsIDOMNode* aParent2, int32_t aOffset2, bool* aDisconnected = nullptr); /** * Brute-force search of the element subtree rooted at aContent for * an element with the given id. aId must be nonempty, otherwise * this method may return nodes even if they have no id! */ static Element* MatchElementId(nsIContent *aContent, const nsAString& aId); /** * Similar to above, but to be used if one already has an atom for the ID */ static Element* MatchElementId(nsIContent *aContent, const nsIAtom* aId); /** * Reverses the document position flags passed in. * * @param aDocumentPosition The document position flags to be reversed. * * @return The reversed document position flags. * * @see nsIDOMNode */ static uint16_t ReverseDocumentPosition(uint16_t aDocumentPosition); /** * Returns a subdocument for aDocument with a particular outer window ID. * * @param aDocument * The document whose subdocuments will be searched. * @param aOuterWindowID * The outer window ID for the subdocument to be found. This must * be a value greater than 0. * @return nsIDocument* * A pointer to the found nsIDocument. nullptr if the subdocument * cannot be found, or if either aDocument or aOuterWindowId were * invalid. If the outer window ID belongs to aDocument itself, this * will return a pointer to aDocument. */ static nsIDocument* GetSubdocumentWithOuterWindowId(nsIDocument *aDocument, uint64_t aOuterWindowId); static uint32_t CopyNewlineNormalizedUnicodeTo(const nsAString& aSource, uint32_t aSrcOffset, char16_t* aDest, uint32_t aLength, bool& aLastCharCR); static uint32_t CopyNewlineNormalizedUnicodeTo(nsReadingIterator<char16_t>& aSrcStart, const nsReadingIterator<char16_t>& aSrcEnd, nsAString& aDest); static const nsDependentSubstring TrimCharsInSet(const char* aSet, const nsAString& aValue); template<bool IsWhitespace(char16_t)> static const nsDependentSubstring TrimWhitespace(const nsAString& aStr, bool aTrimTrailing = true); /** * Returns true if aChar is of class Ps, Pi, Po, Pf, or Pe. */ static bool IsFirstLetterPunctuation(uint32_t aChar); static bool IsFirstLetterPunctuationAt(const nsTextFragment* aFrag, uint32_t aOffset); /** * Returns true if aChar is of class Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nd, Nl or No */ static bool IsAlphanumeric(uint32_t aChar); static bool IsAlphanumericAt(const nsTextFragment* aFrag, uint32_t aOffset); /* * Is the character an HTML whitespace character? * * We define whitespace using the list in HTML5 and css3-selectors: * U+0009, U+000A, U+000C, U+000D, U+0020 * * HTML 4.01 also lists U+200B (zero-width space). */ static bool IsHTMLWhitespace(char16_t aChar); /* * Returns whether the character is an HTML whitespace (see IsHTMLWhitespace) * or a nbsp character (U+00A0). */ static bool IsHTMLWhitespaceOrNBSP(char16_t aChar); /** * Is the HTML local name a block element? */ static bool IsHTMLBlock(nsIContent* aContent); enum ParseHTMLIntegerResultFlags { eParseHTMLInteger_NoFlags = 0, eParseHTMLInteger_IsPercent = 1 << 0, // eParseHTMLInteger_NonStandard is set if the string representation of the // integer was not the canonical one (e.g. had extra leading '+' or '0'). eParseHTMLInteger_NonStandard = 1 << 1, eParseHTMLInteger_DidNotConsumeAllInput = 1 << 2, // Set if one or more error flags were set. eParseHTMLInteger_Error = 1 << 3, eParseHTMLInteger_ErrorNoValue = 1 << 4, eParseHTMLInteger_ErrorOverflow = 1 << 5, // Use this flag to detect the difference between overflow and underflow eParseHTMLInteger_Negative = 1 << 6, }; static int32_t ParseHTMLInteger(const nsAString& aValue, ParseHTMLIntegerResultFlags *aResult); /** * Parse a margin string of format 'top, right, bottom, left' into * an nsIntMargin. * * @param aString the string to parse * @param aResult the resulting integer * @return whether the value could be parsed */ static bool ParseIntMarginValue(const nsAString& aString, nsIntMargin& aResult); /** * Parse the value of the <font size=""> attribute according to the HTML5 * spec as of April 16, 2012. * * @param aValue the value to parse * @return 1 to 7, or 0 if the value couldn't be parsed */ static int32_t ParseLegacyFontSize(const nsAString& aValue); static void Shutdown(); /** * Checks whether two nodes come from the same origin. */ static nsresult CheckSameOrigin(const nsINode* aTrustedNode, nsIDOMNode* aUnTrustedNode); static nsresult CheckSameOrigin(const nsINode* aTrustedNode, const nsINode* unTrustedNode); // Check if the (JS) caller can access aNode. static bool CanCallerAccess(nsIDOMNode *aNode); static bool CanCallerAccess(nsINode* aNode); // Check if the (JS) caller can access aWindow. // aWindow can be either outer or inner window. static bool CanCallerAccess(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow); /** * GetDocumentFromCaller gets its document by looking at the last called * function and finding the document that the function itself relates to. * For example, consider two windows A and B in the same origin. B has a * function which does something that ends up needing the current document. * If a script in window A were to call B's function, GetDocumentFromCaller * would find that function (in B) and return B's document. * * @return The document or null if no JS Context. */ static nsIDocument* GetDocumentFromCaller(); // Check if a node is in the document prolog, i.e. before the document // element. static bool InProlog(nsINode *aNode); static nsIParserService* GetParserService(); static nsNameSpaceManager* NameSpaceManager() { return sNameSpaceManager; } static nsIIOService* GetIOService() { return sIOService; } static nsIBidiKeyboard* GetBidiKeyboard(); /** * Get the cache security manager service. Can return null if the layout * module has been shut down. */ static nsIScriptSecurityManager* GetSecurityManager() { return sSecurityManager; } // Returns the subject principal. Guaranteed to return non-null. May only // be called when nsContentUtils is initialized. static nsIPrincipal* SubjectPrincipal(); // Returns the prinipal of the given JS object. This may only be called on // the main thread for objects from the main thread's JSRuntime. static nsIPrincipal* ObjectPrincipal(JSObject* aObj); static nsresult GenerateStateKey(nsIContent* aContent, const nsIDocument* aDocument, nsACString& aKey); /** * Create a new nsIURI from aSpec, using aBaseURI as the base. The * origin charset of the new nsIURI will be the document charset of * aDocument. */ static nsresult NewURIWithDocumentCharset(nsIURI** aResult, const nsAString& aSpec, nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIURI* aBaseURI); /** * Convert aInput (in encoding aEncoding) to UTF16 in aOutput. * * @param aEncoding the Gecko-canonical name of the encoding or the empty * string (meaning UTF-8) */ static nsresult ConvertStringFromEncoding(const nsACString& aEncoding, const char* aInput, uint32_t aInputLen, nsAString& aOutput); static nsresult ConvertStringFromEncoding(const nsACString& aEncoding, const nsACString& aInput, nsAString& aOutput) { return ConvertStringFromEncoding( aEncoding, aInput.BeginReading(), aInput.Length(), aOutput); } /** * Determine whether a buffer begins with a BOM for UTF-8, UTF-16LE, * UTF-16BE * * @param aBuffer the buffer to check * @param aLength the length of the buffer * @param aCharset empty if not found * @return boolean indicating whether a BOM was detected. */ static bool CheckForBOM(const unsigned char* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, nsACString& aCharset); /** * Returns true if |aName| is a valid name to be registered via * customElements.define. */ static bool IsCustomElementName(nsIAtom* aName); static nsresult CheckQName(const nsAString& aQualifiedName, bool aNamespaceAware = true, const char16_t** aColon = nullptr); static nsresult SplitQName(const nsIContent* aNamespaceResolver, const nsAFlatString& aQName, int32_t *aNamespace, nsIAtom **aLocalName); static nsresult GetNodeInfoFromQName(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, const nsAString& aQualifiedName, nsNodeInfoManager* aNodeInfoManager, uint16_t aNodeType, mozilla::dom::NodeInfo** aNodeInfo); static void SplitExpatName(const char16_t *aExpatName, nsIAtom **aPrefix, nsIAtom **aTagName, int32_t *aNameSpaceID); // Get a permission-manager setting for the given principal and type. // If the pref doesn't exist or if it isn't ALLOW_ACTION, false is // returned, otherwise true is returned. Always returns true for the // system principal, and false for a null principal. static bool IsSitePermAllow(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const char* aType); // Get a permission-manager setting for the given principal and type. // If the pref doesn't exist or if it isn't DENY_ACTION, false is // returned, otherwise true is returned. Always returns false for the // system principal, and true for a null principal. static bool IsSitePermDeny(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const char* aType); // Get a permission-manager setting for the given principal and type. // If the pref doesn't exist or if it isn't ALLOW_ACTION, false is // returned, otherwise true is returned. Always returns true for the // system principal, and false for a null principal. // This version checks the permission for an exact host match on // the principal static bool IsExactSitePermAllow(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const char* aType); // Get a permission-manager setting for the given principal and type. // If the pref doesn't exist or if it isn't DENY_ACTION, false is // returned, otherwise true is returned. Always returns false for the // system principal, and true for a null principal. // This version checks the permission for an exact host match on // the principal static bool IsExactSitePermDeny(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const char* aType); // Returns true if aDoc1 and aDoc2 have equal NodePrincipal()s. static bool HaveEqualPrincipals(nsIDocument* aDoc1, nsIDocument* aDoc2); static nsILineBreaker* LineBreaker() { return sLineBreaker; } static nsIWordBreaker* WordBreaker() { return sWordBreaker; } /** * Regster aObserver as a shutdown observer. A strong reference is held * to aObserver until UnregisterShutdownObserver is called. */ static void RegisterShutdownObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver); static void UnregisterShutdownObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver); /** * @return true if aContent has an attribute aName in namespace aNameSpaceID, * and the attribute value is non-empty. */ static bool HasNonEmptyAttr(const nsIContent* aContent, int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aName); /** * Method that gets the primary presContext for the node. * * @param aContent The content node. * @return the presContext, or nullptr if the content is not in a document * (if GetCurrentDoc returns nullptr) */ static nsPresContext* GetContextForContent(const nsIContent* aContent); /** * Method to do security and content policy checks on the image URI * * @param aURI uri of the image to be loaded * @param aContext the context the image is loaded in (eg an element) * @param aLoadingDocument the document we belong to * @param aLoadingPrincipal the principal doing the load * @param [aContentPolicyType=nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE] (Optional) * The CP content type to use * @param aImageBlockingStatus the nsIContentPolicy blocking status for this * image. This will be set even if a security check fails for the * image, to some reasonable REJECT_* value. This out param will only * be set if it's non-null. * @return true if the load can proceed, or false if it is blocked. * Note that aImageBlockingStatus, if set will always be an ACCEPT * status if true is returned and always be a REJECT_* status if * false is returned. */ static bool CanLoadImage(nsIURI* aURI, nsISupports* aContext, nsIDocument* aLoadingDocument, nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, int16_t* aImageBlockingStatus = nullptr, uint32_t aContentPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE); /** * Returns true if objects in aDocument shouldn't initiate image loads. */ static bool DocumentInactiveForImageLoads(nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Method to start an image load. This does not do any security checks. * This method will attempt to make aURI immutable; a caller that wants to * keep a mutable version around should pass in a clone. * * @param aURI uri of the image to be loaded * @param aContext element of document where the result of this request * will be used. * @param aLoadingDocument the document we belong to * @param aLoadingPrincipal the principal doing the load * @param aReferrer the referrer URI * @param aReferrerPolicy the referrer-sending policy to use on channel * creation * @param aObserver the observer for the image load * @param aLoadFlags the load flags to use. See nsIRequest * @param [aContentPolicyType=nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE] (Optional) * The CP content type to use * @return the imgIRequest for the image load */ static nsresult LoadImage(nsIURI* aURI, nsINode* aContext, nsIDocument* aLoadingDocument, nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIURI* aReferrer, mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy, imgINotificationObserver* aObserver, int32_t aLoadFlags, const nsAString& initiatorType, imgRequestProxy** aRequest, uint32_t aContentPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE); /** * Obtain an image loader that respects the given document/channel's privacy status. * Null document/channel arguments return the public image loader. */ static imgLoader* GetImgLoaderForDocument(nsIDocument* aDoc); static imgLoader* GetImgLoaderForChannel(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsIDocument* aContext); /** * Returns whether the given URI is in the image cache. */ static bool IsImageInCache(nsIURI* aURI, nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Method to get an imgIContainer from an image loading content * * @param aContent The image loading content. Must not be null. * @param aRequest The image request [out] * @return the imgIContainer corresponding to the first frame of the image */ static already_AddRefed<imgIContainer> GetImageFromContent(nsIImageLoadingContent* aContent, imgIRequest **aRequest = nullptr); /** * Helper method to call imgIRequest::GetStaticRequest. */ static already_AddRefed<imgRequestProxy> GetStaticRequest(imgRequestProxy* aRequest); /** * Method that decides whether a content node is draggable * * @param aContent The content node to test. * @return whether it's draggable */ static bool ContentIsDraggable(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Method that decides whether a content node is a draggable image * * @param aContent The content node to test. * @return whether it's a draggable image */ static bool IsDraggableImage(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Method that decides whether a content node is a draggable link * * @param aContent The content node to test. * @return whether it's a draggable link */ static bool IsDraggableLink(const nsIContent* aContent); /** * Convenience method to create a new nodeinfo that differs only by name * from aNodeInfo. */ static nsresult NameChanged(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo, nsIAtom* aName, mozilla::dom::NodeInfo** aResult); /** * Returns the appropriate event argument names for the specified * namespace and event name. Added because we need to switch between * SVG's "evt" and the rest of the world's "event", and because onerror * on window takes 5 args. */ static void GetEventArgNames(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom *aEventName, bool aIsForWindow, uint32_t *aArgCount, const char*** aArgNames); /** * Returns origin attributes of the document. **/ static mozilla::PrincipalOriginAttributes GetOriginAttributes(nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns origin attributes of the load group. **/ static mozilla::PrincipalOriginAttributes GetOriginAttributes(nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup); /** * Returns true if this document is in a Private Browsing window. */ static bool IsInPrivateBrowsing(nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns true if this loadGroup uses Private Browsing. */ static bool IsInPrivateBrowsing(nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup); /** * If aNode is not an element, return true exactly when aContent's binding * parent is null. * * If aNode is an element, return true exactly when aContent's binding parent * is the same as aNode's. * * This method is particularly useful for callers who are trying to ensure * that they are working with a non-anonymous descendant of a given node. If * aContent is a descendant of aNode, a return value of false from this * method means that it's an anonymous descendant from aNode's point of view. * * Both arguments to this method must be non-null. */ static bool IsInSameAnonymousTree(const nsINode* aNode, const nsIContent* aContent); /** * Return the nsIXPConnect service. */ static nsIXPConnect *XPConnect() { return sXPConnect; } /** * Report simple error message to the browser console * @param aErrorText the error message * @param classification Name of the module reporting error */ static void LogSimpleConsoleError(const nsAString& aErrorText, const char * classification); /** * Report a non-localized error message to the error console. * @param aErrorText the error message * @param aErrorFlags See nsIScriptError. * @param aCategory Name of module reporting error. * @param aDocument Reference to the document which triggered the message. * @param [aURI=nullptr] (Optional) URI of resource containing error. * @param [aSourceLine=EmptyString()] (Optional) The text of the line that contains the error (may be empty). * @param [aLineNumber=0] (Optional) Line number within resource containing error. * @param [aColumnNumber=0] (Optional) Column number within resource containing error. If aURI is null, then aDocument->GetDocumentURI() is used. * @param [aLocationMode] (Optional) Specifies the behavior if error location information is omitted. */ enum MissingErrorLocationMode { // Don't show location information in the error console. eOMIT_LOCATION, // Get location information from the currently executing script. eUSE_CALLING_LOCATION }; static nsresult ReportToConsoleNonLocalized(const nsAString& aErrorText, uint32_t aErrorFlags, const nsACString& aCategory, const nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIURI* aURI = nullptr, const nsAFlatString& aSourceLine = EmptyString(), uint32_t aLineNumber = 0, uint32_t aColumnNumber = 0, MissingErrorLocationMode aLocationMode = eUSE_CALLING_LOCATION); /** * Report a localized error message to the error console. * @param aErrorFlags See nsIScriptError. * @param aCategory Name of module reporting error. * @param aDocument Reference to the document which triggered the message. * @param aFile Properties file containing localized message. * @param aMessageName Name of localized message. * @param [aParams=nullptr] (Optional) Parameters to be substituted into localized message. * @param [aParamsLength=0] (Optional) Length of aParams. * @param [aURI=nullptr] (Optional) URI of resource containing error. * @param [aSourceLine=EmptyString()] (Optional) The text of the line that contains the error (may be empty). * @param [aLineNumber=0] (Optional) Line number within resource containing error. * @param [aColumnNumber=0] (Optional) Column number within resource containing error. If aURI is null, then aDocument->GetDocumentURI() is used. */ enum PropertiesFile { eCSS_PROPERTIES, eXBL_PROPERTIES, eXUL_PROPERTIES, eLAYOUT_PROPERTIES, eFORMS_PROPERTIES, ePRINTING_PROPERTIES, eDOM_PROPERTIES, eHTMLPARSER_PROPERTIES, eSVG_PROPERTIES, eBRAND_PROPERTIES, eCOMMON_DIALOG_PROPERTIES, eMATHML_PROPERTIES, eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, eNECKO_PROPERTIES, PropertiesFile_COUNT }; static nsresult ReportToConsole(uint32_t aErrorFlags, const nsACString& aCategory, const nsIDocument* aDocument, PropertiesFile aFile, const char *aMessageName, const char16_t **aParams = nullptr, uint32_t aParamsLength = 0, nsIURI* aURI = nullptr, const nsAFlatString& aSourceLine = EmptyString(), uint32_t aLineNumber = 0, uint32_t aColumnNumber = 0); static void ReportEmptyGetElementByIdArg(const nsIDocument* aDoc); static void LogMessageToConsole(const char* aMsg); /** * Get the localized string named |aKey| in properties file |aFile|. */ static nsresult GetLocalizedString(PropertiesFile aFile, const char* aKey, nsXPIDLString& aResult); /** * A helper function that parses a sandbox attribute (of an <iframe> or a CSP * directive) and converts it to the set of flags used internally. * * @param aSandboxAttr the sandbox attribute * @return the set of flags (SANDBOXED_NONE if aSandboxAttr is * null) */ static uint32_t ParseSandboxAttributeToFlags(const nsAttrValue* aSandboxAttr); /** * A helper function that checks if a string matches a valid sandbox flag. * * @param aFlag the potential sandbox flag. * @return true if the flag is a sandbox flag. */ static bool IsValidSandboxFlag(const nsAString& aFlag); /** * A helper function that returns a string attribute corresponding to the * sandbox flags. * * @param aFlags the sandbox flags * @param aString the attribute corresponding to the flags (null if aFlags * is zero) */ static void SandboxFlagsToString(uint32_t aFlags, nsAString& aString); /** * Helper function that generates a UUID. */ static nsresult GenerateUUIDInPlace(nsID& aUUID); static bool PrefetchEnabled(nsIDocShell* aDocShell); static nsresult CalculateBufferSizeForImage(const uint32_t& aStride, const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aImageSize, const mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat& aFormat, size_t* aMaxBufferSize, size_t* aUsedBufferSize); private: /** * Fill (with the parameters given) the localized string named |aKey| in * properties file |aFile|. */ static nsresult FormatLocalizedString(PropertiesFile aFile, const char* aKey, const char16_t** aParams, uint32_t aParamsLength, nsXPIDLString& aResult); public: template<uint32_t N> static nsresult FormatLocalizedString(PropertiesFile aFile, const char* aKey, const char16_t* (&aParams)[N], nsXPIDLString& aResult) { return FormatLocalizedString(aFile, aKey, aParams, N, aResult); } /** * Fill (with the parameters given) the localized string named |aKey| in * properties file |aFile| consuming an nsTArray of nsString parameters rather * than a char16_t** for the sake of avoiding use-after-free errors involving * temporaries. */ static nsresult FormatLocalizedString(PropertiesFile aFile, const char* aKey, const nsTArray<nsString>& aParamArray, nsXPIDLString& aResult); /** * Returns true if aDocument is a chrome document */ static bool IsChromeDoc(nsIDocument *aDocument); /** * Returns true if aDocument is in a docshell whose parent is the same type */ static bool IsChildOfSameType(nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns true if the content-type will be rendered as plain-text. */ static bool IsPlainTextType(const nsACString& aContentType); /** * Get the script file name to use when compiling the script * referenced by aURI. In cases where there's no need for any extra * security wrapper automation the script file name that's returned * will be the spec in aURI, else it will be the spec in aDocument's * URI followed by aURI's spec, separated by " -> ". Returns true * if the script file name was modified, false if it's aURI's * spec. */ static bool GetWrapperSafeScriptFilename(nsIDocument *aDocument, nsIURI *aURI, nsACString& aScriptURI, nsresult* aRv); /** * Returns true if aDocument belongs to a chrome docshell for * display purposes. Returns false for null documents or documents * which do not belong to a docshell. */ static bool IsInChromeDocshell(nsIDocument *aDocument); /** * Return the content policy service */ static nsIContentPolicy *GetContentPolicy(); /** * Map internal content policy types to external ones. */ static nsContentPolicyType InternalContentPolicyTypeToExternal(nsContentPolicyType aType); /** * Map internal content policy types to external ones or preload types: * * TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT_PRELOAD * * TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE_PRELOAD * * TYPE_INTERNAL_STYLESHEET_PRELOAD * * Note: DO NOT call this function unless you know what you're doing! */ static nsContentPolicyType InternalContentPolicyTypeToExternalOrPreload(nsContentPolicyType aType); /** * Map internal content policy types to external ones, worker, or preload types: * * TYPE_INTERNAL_WORKER * * TYPE_INTERNAL_SHARED_WORKER * * TYPE_INTERNAL_SERVICE_WORKER * * Note: DO NOT call this function unless you know what you're doing! */ static nsContentPolicyType InternalContentPolicyTypeToExternalOrWorker(nsContentPolicyType aType); /** * Returns true if the content policy type is any of: * * TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT_PRELOAD * * TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE_PRELOAD * * TYPE_INTERNAL_STYLESHEET_PRELOAD */ static bool IsPreloadType(nsContentPolicyType aType); /** * Quick helper to determine whether there are any mutation listeners * of a given type that apply to this content or any of its ancestors. * The method has the side effect to call document's MayDispatchMutationEvent * using aTargetForSubtreeModified as the parameter. * * @param aNode The node to search for listeners * @param aType The type of listener (NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_*) * @param aTargetForSubtreeModified The node which is the target of the * possible DOMSubtreeModified event. * * @return true if there are mutation listeners of the specified type */ static bool HasMutationListeners(nsINode* aNode, uint32_t aType, nsINode* aTargetForSubtreeModified); /** * Quick helper to determine whether there are any mutation listeners * of a given type that apply to any content in this document. It is valid * to pass null for aDocument here, in which case this function always * returns true. * * @param aDocument The document to search for listeners * @param aType The type of listener (NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_*) * * @return true if there are mutation listeners of the specified type */ static bool HasMutationListeners(nsIDocument* aDocument, uint32_t aType); /** * Synchronously fire DOMNodeRemoved on aChild. Only fires the event if * there really are listeners by checking using the HasMutationListeners * function above. The function makes sure to hold the relevant objects alive * for the duration of the event firing. However there are no guarantees * that any of the objects are alive by the time the function returns. * If you depend on that you need to hold references yourself. * * @param aChild The node to fire DOMNodeRemoved at. * @param aParent The parent of aChild. * @param aOwnerDoc The ownerDocument of aChild. */ static void MaybeFireNodeRemoved(nsINode* aChild, nsINode* aParent, nsIDocument* aOwnerDoc); /** * This method creates and dispatches a trusted event. * Works only with events which can be created by calling * nsIDOMDocument::CreateEvent() with parameter "Events". * @param aDoc The document which will be used to create the event. * @param aTarget The target of the event, should be QIable to * nsIDOMEventTarget. * @param aEventName The name of the event. * @param aCanBubble Whether the event can bubble. * @param aCancelable Is the event cancelable. * @param aDefaultAction Set to true if default action should be taken, * see nsIDOMEventTarget::DispatchEvent. */ static nsresult DispatchTrustedEvent(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsISupports* aTarget, const nsAString& aEventName, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, bool *aDefaultAction = nullptr); /** * This method creates and dispatches a untrusted event. * Works only with events which can be created by calling * nsIDOMDocument::CreateEvent() with parameter "Events". * @param aDoc The document which will be used to create the event. * @param aTarget The target of the event, should be QIable to * nsIDOMEventTarget. * @param aEventName The name of the event. * @param aCanBubble Whether the event can bubble. * @param aCancelable Is the event cancelable. * @param aDefaultAction Set to true if default action should be taken, * see nsIDOMEventTarget::DispatchEvent. */ static nsresult DispatchUntrustedEvent(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsISupports* aTarget, const nsAString& aEventName, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, bool *aDefaultAction = nullptr); /** * This method creates and dispatches a trusted event to the chrome * event handler (the parent object of the DOM Window in the event target * chain). Note, chrome event handler is used even if aTarget is a chrome * object. Use DispatchEventOnlyToChrome if the normal event dispatching is * wanted in case aTarget is a chrome object. * Works only with events which can be created by calling * nsIDOMDocument::CreateEvent() with parameter "Events". * @param aDocument The document which will be used to create the event, * and whose window's chrome handler will be used to * dispatch the event. * @param aTarget The target of the event, used for event->SetTarget() * @param aEventName The name of the event. * @param aCanBubble Whether the event can bubble. * @param aCancelable Is the event cancelable. * @param aDefaultAction Set to true if default action should be taken, * see nsIDOMEventTarget::DispatchEvent. */ static nsresult DispatchChromeEvent(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsISupports* aTarget, const nsAString& aEventName, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, bool *aDefaultAction = nullptr); /** * Helper function for dispatching a "DOMServiceWorkerFocusClient" event to * the chrome event handler of the given DOM Window. This has the effect * of focusing the corresponding tab and bringing the browser window * to the foreground. */ static nsresult DispatchFocusChromeEvent(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow); /** * This method creates and dispatches a trusted event. * If aTarget is not a chrome object, the nearest chrome object in the * propagation path will be used as the start of the event target chain. * This method is different than DispatchChromeEvent, which always dispatches * events to chrome event handler. DispatchEventOnlyToChrome works like * DispatchTrustedEvent in the case aTarget is a chrome object. * Works only with events which can be created by calling * nsIDOMDocument::CreateEvent() with parameter "Events". * @param aDoc The document which will be used to create the event. * @param aTarget The target of the event, should be QIable to * nsIDOMEventTarget. * @param aEventName The name of the event. * @param aCanBubble Whether the event can bubble. * @param aCancelable Is the event cancelable. * @param aDefaultAction Set to true if default action should be taken, * see nsIDOMEventTarget::DispatchEvent. */ static nsresult DispatchEventOnlyToChrome(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsISupports* aTarget, const nsAString& aEventName, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, bool *aDefaultAction = nullptr); /** * Determines if an event attribute name (such as onclick) is valid for * a given element type. Types are from the EventNameType enumeration * defined above. * * @param aName the event name to look up * @param aType the type of content */ static bool IsEventAttributeName(nsIAtom* aName, int32_t aType); /** * Return the event message for the event with the given name. The name is * the event name with the 'on' prefix. Returns eUnidentifiedEvent if the * event doesn't match a known event name. * * @param aName the event name to look up */ static mozilla::EventMessage GetEventMessage(nsIAtom* aName); /** * Returns the EventMessage and nsIAtom to be used for event listener * registration. */ static mozilla::EventMessage GetEventMessageAndAtomForListener(const nsAString& aName, nsIAtom** aOnName); /** * Return the EventClassID for the event with the given name. The name is the * event name *without* the 'on' prefix. Returns eBasicEventClass if the event * is not known to be of any particular event class. * * @param aName the event name to look up */ static mozilla::EventClassID GetEventClassID(const nsAString& aName); /** * Return the event message and atom for the event with the given name. * The name is the event name *without* the 'on' prefix. * Returns eUnidentifiedEvent on the aEventID if the * event doesn't match a known event name in the category. * * @param aName the event name to look up * @param aEventClassID only return event id for aEventClassID */ static nsIAtom* GetEventMessageAndAtom(const nsAString& aName, mozilla::EventClassID aEventClassID, mozilla::EventMessage* aEventMessage); /** * Used only during traversal of the XPCOM graph by the cycle * collector: push a pointer to the listener manager onto the * children deque, if it exists. Do nothing if there is no listener * manager. * * Crucially: does not perform any refcounting operations. * * @param aNode The node to traverse. * @param children The buffer to push a listener manager pointer into. */ static void TraverseListenerManager(nsINode *aNode, nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback &cb); /** * Get the eventlistener manager for aNode, creating it if it does not * already exist. * * @param aNode The node for which to get the eventlistener manager. */ static mozilla::EventListenerManager* GetListenerManagerForNode(nsINode* aNode); /** * Get the eventlistener manager for aNode, returning null if it does not * already exist. * * @param aNode The node for which to get the eventlistener manager. */ static mozilla::EventListenerManager* GetExistingListenerManagerForNode(const nsINode* aNode); static void UnmarkGrayJSListenersInCCGenerationDocuments(); /** * Remove the eventlistener manager for aNode. * * @param aNode The node for which to remove the eventlistener manager. */ static void RemoveListenerManager(nsINode *aNode); static bool IsInitialized() { return sInitialized; } /** * Checks if the localname/prefix/namespace triple is valid wrt prefix * and namespace according to the Namespaces in XML and DOM Code * specfications. * * @param aLocalname localname of the node * @param aPrefix prefix of the node * @param aNamespaceID namespace of the node */ static bool IsValidNodeName(nsIAtom *aLocalName, nsIAtom *aPrefix, int32_t aNamespaceID); /** * Creates a DocumentFragment from text using a context node to resolve * namespaces. * * Note! In the HTML case with the HTML5 parser enabled, this is only called * from Range.createContextualFragment() and the implementation here is * quirky accordingly (html context node behaves like a body context node). * If you don't want that quirky behavior, don't use this method as-is! * * @param aContextNode the node which is used to resolve namespaces * @param aFragment the string which is parsed to a DocumentFragment * @param aReturn the resulting fragment * @param aPreventScriptExecution whether to mark scripts as already started */ static nsresult CreateContextualFragment(nsINode* aContextNode, const nsAString& aFragment, bool aPreventScriptExecution, nsIDOMDocumentFragment** aReturn); static already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment> CreateContextualFragment(nsINode* aContextNode, const nsAString& aFragment, bool aPreventScriptExecution, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv); /** * Invoke the fragment parsing algorithm (innerHTML) using the HTML parser. * * @param aSourceBuffer the string being set as innerHTML * @param aTargetNode the target container * @param aContextLocalName local name of context node * @param aContextNamespace namespace of context node * @param aQuirks true to make <table> not close <p> * @param aPreventScriptExecution true to prevent scripts from executing; * don't set to false when parsing into a target node that has been * bound to tree. * @return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR if a re-entrant attempt to parse * fragments is made, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if aSourceBuffer is too * long and NS_OK otherwise. */ static nsresult ParseFragmentHTML(const nsAString& aSourceBuffer, nsIContent* aTargetNode, nsIAtom* aContextLocalName, int32_t aContextNamespace, bool aQuirks, bool aPreventScriptExecution); /** * Invoke the fragment parsing algorithm (innerHTML) using the XML parser. * * @param aSourceBuffer the string being set as innerHTML * @param aTargetNode the target container * @param aTagStack the namespace mapping context * @param aPreventExecution whether to mark scripts as already started * @param aReturn the result fragment * @return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR if a re-entrant attempt to parse * fragments is made, a return code from the XML parser. */ static nsresult ParseFragmentXML(const nsAString& aSourceBuffer, nsIDocument* aDocument, nsTArray<nsString>& aTagStack, bool aPreventScriptExecution, nsIDOMDocumentFragment** aReturn); /** * Parse a string into a document using the HTML parser. * Script elements are marked unexecutable. * * @param aSourceBuffer the string to parse as an HTML document * @param aTargetDocument the document object to parse into. Must not have * child nodes. * @param aScriptingEnabledForNoscriptParsing whether <noscript> is parsed * as if scripting was enabled * @return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR if a re-entrant attempt to parse * fragments is made, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if aSourceBuffer is too * long and NS_OK otherwise. */ static nsresult ParseDocumentHTML(const nsAString& aSourceBuffer, nsIDocument* aTargetDocument, bool aScriptingEnabledForNoscriptParsing); /** * Converts HTML source to plain text by parsing the source and using the * plain text serializer on the resulting tree. * * @param aSourceBuffer the string to parse as an HTML document * @param aResultBuffer the string where the plain text result appears; * may be the same string as aSourceBuffer * @param aFlags Flags from nsIDocumentEncoder. * @param aWrapCol Number of columns after which to line wrap; 0 for no * auto-wrapping * @return NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR if a re-entrant attempt to parse * fragments is made, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if aSourceBuffer is too * long and NS_OK otherwise. */ static nsresult ConvertToPlainText(const nsAString& aSourceBuffer, nsAString& aResultBuffer, uint32_t aFlags, uint32_t aWrapCol); /** * Sets the text contents of a node by replacing all existing children * with a single text child. * * The function always notifies. * * Will reuse the first text child if one is available. Will not reuse * existing cdata children. * * @param aContent Node to set contents of. * @param aValue Value to set contents to. * @param aTryReuse When true, the function will try to reuse an existing * textnodes rather than always creating a new one. */ static nsresult SetNodeTextContent(nsIContent* aContent, const nsAString& aValue, bool aTryReuse); /** * Get the textual contents of a node. This is a concatenation of all * textnodes that are direct or (depending on aDeep) indirect children * of the node. * * NOTE! No serialization takes place and <br> elements * are not converted into newlines. Only textnodes and cdata nodes are * added to the result. * * @see nsLayoutUtils::GetFrameTextContent * * @param aNode Node to get textual contents of. * @param aDeep If true child elements of aNode are recursivly descended * into to find text children. * @param aResult the result. Out param. * @return false on out of memory errors, true otherwise. */ MOZ_MUST_USE static bool GetNodeTextContent(nsINode* aNode, bool aDeep, nsAString& aResult, const mozilla::fallible_t&); static void GetNodeTextContent(nsINode* aNode, bool aDeep, nsAString& aResult); /** * Same as GetNodeTextContents but appends the result rather than sets it. */ static bool AppendNodeTextContent(nsINode* aNode, bool aDeep, nsAString& aResult, const mozilla::fallible_t&); /** * Utility method that checks if a given node has any non-empty children. This * method does not descend recursively into children by default. * * @param aDiscoverMode Set to eRecurseIntoChildren to descend recursively * into children. */ enum TextContentDiscoverMode : uint8_t { eRecurseIntoChildren, eDontRecurseIntoChildren }; static bool HasNonEmptyTextContent( nsINode* aNode, TextContentDiscoverMode aDiscoverMode = eDontRecurseIntoChildren); /** * Delete strings allocated for nsContentList matches */ static void DestroyMatchString(void* aData); /** * Unbinds the content from the tree and nulls it out if it's not null. */ static void DestroyAnonymousContent(nsCOMPtr<nsIContent>* aContent); static void DestroyAnonymousContent(nsCOMPtr<Element>* aElement); /* * Notify when the first XUL menu is opened and when the all XUL menus are * closed. At opening, aInstalling should be TRUE, otherwise, it should be * FALSE. */ static void NotifyInstalledMenuKeyboardListener(bool aInstalling); /** * Returns true if aPrincipal is the system principal. */ static bool IsSystemPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); /** * Returns true if aPrincipal is an nsExpandedPrincipal. */ static bool IsExpandedPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); /** * Returns true if aPrincipal is the system or an nsExpandedPrincipal. */ static bool IsSystemOrExpandedPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) { return IsSystemPrincipal(aPrincipal) || IsExpandedPrincipal(aPrincipal); } /** * Gets the system principal from the security manager. */ static nsIPrincipal* GetSystemPrincipal(); /** * Gets the null subject principal singleton. This is only useful for * assertions. */ static nsIPrincipal* GetNullSubjectPrincipal() { return sNullSubjectPrincipal; } /** * *aResourcePrincipal is a principal describing who may access the contents * of a resource. The resource can only be consumed by a principal that * subsumes *aResourcePrincipal. MAKE SURE THAT NOTHING EVER ACTS WITH THE * AUTHORITY OF *aResourcePrincipal. * It may be null to indicate that the resource has no data from any origin * in it yet and anything may access the resource. * Additional data is being mixed into the resource from aExtraPrincipal * (which may be null; if null, no data is being mixed in and this function * will do nothing). Update *aResourcePrincipal to reflect the new data. * If *aResourcePrincipal subsumes aExtraPrincipal, nothing needs to change, * otherwise *aResourcePrincipal is replaced with the system principal. * Returns true if *aResourcePrincipal changed. */ static bool CombineResourcePrincipals(nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>* aResourcePrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aExtraPrincipal); /** * Trigger a link with uri aLinkURI. If aClick is false, this triggers a * mouseover on the link, otherwise it triggers a load after doing a * security check using aContent's principal. * * @param aContent the node on which a link was triggered. * @param aPresContext the pres context, must be non-null. * @param aLinkURI the URI of the link, must be non-null. * @param aTargetSpec the target (like target=, may be empty). * @param aClick whether this was a click or not (if false, this method * assumes you just hovered over the link). * @param aIsUserTriggered whether the user triggered the link. This would be * false for loads from auto XLinks or from the * click() method if we ever implement it. * @param aIsTrusted If false, JS Context will be pushed to stack * when the link is triggered. */ static void TriggerLink(nsIContent *aContent, nsPresContext *aPresContext, nsIURI *aLinkURI, const nsString& aTargetSpec, bool aClick, bool aIsUserTriggered, bool aIsTrusted); /** * Get the link location. */ static void GetLinkLocation(mozilla::dom::Element* aElement, nsString& aLocationString); /** * Return top-level widget in the parent chain. */ static nsIWidget* GetTopLevelWidget(nsIWidget* aWidget); /** * Return the localized ellipsis for UI. */ static const nsDependentString GetLocalizedEllipsis(); /** * Hide any XUL popups associated with aDocument, including any documents * displayed in child frames. Does nothing if aDocument is null. */ static void HidePopupsInDocument(nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Retrieve the current drag session, or null if no drag is currently occuring */ static already_AddRefed<nsIDragSession> GetDragSession(); /* * Initialize and set the dataTransfer field of an WidgetDragEvent. */ static nsresult SetDataTransferInEvent(mozilla::WidgetDragEvent* aDragEvent); // filters the drag and drop action to fit within the effects allowed and // returns it. static uint32_t FilterDropEffect(uint32_t aAction, uint32_t aEffectAllowed); /* * Return true if the target of a drop event is a content document that is * an ancestor of the document for the source of the drag. */ static bool CheckForSubFrameDrop(nsIDragSession* aDragSession, mozilla::WidgetDragEvent* aDropEvent); /** * Return true if aURI is a local file URI (i.e. file://). */ static bool URIIsLocalFile(nsIURI *aURI); /** * Get the application manifest URI for this document. The manifest URI * is specified in the manifest= attribute of the root element of the * document. * * @param aDocument The document that lists the manifest. * @param aURI The manifest URI. */ static void GetOfflineAppManifest(nsIDocument *aDocument, nsIURI **aURI); /** * Check whether an application should be allowed to use offline APIs. */ static bool OfflineAppAllowed(nsIURI *aURI); /** * Check whether an application should be allowed to use offline APIs. */ static bool OfflineAppAllowed(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal); /** * If offline-apps.allow_by_default is true, we set offline-app permission * for the principal and return true. Otherwise false. */ static bool MaybeAllowOfflineAppByDefault(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal); /** * Increases the count of blockers preventing scripts from running. * NOTE: You might want to use nsAutoScriptBlocker rather than calling * this directly */ static void AddScriptBlocker(); /** * Decreases the count of blockers preventing scripts from running. * NOTE: You might want to use nsAutoScriptBlocker rather than calling * this directly * * WARNING! Calling this function could synchronously execute scripts. */ static void RemoveScriptBlocker(); /** * Add a runnable that is to be executed as soon as it's safe to execute * scripts. * NOTE: If it's currently safe to execute scripts, aRunnable will be run * synchronously before the function returns. * * @param aRunnable The nsIRunnable to run as soon as it's safe to execute * scripts. Passing null is allowed and results in nothing * happening. It is also allowed to pass an object that * has not yet been AddRefed. */ static void AddScriptRunner(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable); static void AddScriptRunner(nsIRunnable* aRunnable); /** * Returns true if it's safe to execute content script and false otherwise. * * The only known case where this lies is mutation events. They run, and can * run anything else, when this function returns false, but this is ok. */ static bool IsSafeToRunScript() { return sScriptBlockerCount == 0; } // XXXcatalinb: workaround for weird include error when trying to reference // ipdl types in WindowWatcher. static nsIWindowProvider* GetWindowProviderForContentProcess(); // Returns the browser window with the most recent time stamp that is // not in private browsing mode. static already_AddRefed<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> GetMostRecentNonPBWindow(); /** * Call this function if !IsSafeToRunScript() and we fail to run the script * (rather than using AddScriptRunner as we usually do). |aDocument| is * optional as it is only used for showing the URL in the console. */ static void WarnScriptWasIgnored(nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Add a "synchronous section", in the form of an nsIRunnable run once the * event loop has reached a "stable state". |aRunnable| must not cause any * queued events to be processed (i.e. must not spin the event loop). * We've reached a stable state when the currently executing task/event has * finished, see * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#synchronous-section * In practice this runs aRunnable once the currently executing event * finishes. If called multiple times per task/event, all the runnables will * be executed, in the order in which RunInStableState() was called. */ static void RunInStableState(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable); /* Add a "synchronous section", in the form of an nsIRunnable run once the * event loop has reached a "metastable state". |aRunnable| must not cause any * queued events to be processed (i.e. must not spin the event loop). * We've reached a metastable state when the currently executing task or * microtask has finished. This is not specced at this time. * In practice this runs aRunnable once the currently executing task or * microtask finishes. If called multiple times per microtask, all the * runnables will be executed, in the order in which RunInMetastableState() * was called */ static void RunInMetastableState(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable); /* Process viewport META data. This gives us information for the scale * and zoom of a page on mobile devices. We stick the information in * the document header and use it later on after rendering. * * See Bug #436083 */ static nsresult ProcessViewportInfo(nsIDocument *aDocument, const nsAString &viewportInfo); static nsIScriptContext* GetContextForEventHandlers(nsINode* aNode, nsresult* aRv); static JSContext *GetCurrentJSContext(); static JSContext *GetCurrentJSContextForThread(); /** * Case insensitive comparison between two strings. However it only ignores * case for ASCII characters a-z. */ static bool EqualsIgnoreASCIICase(const nsAString& aStr1, const nsAString& aStr2); /** * Convert ASCII A-Z to a-z. */ static void ASCIIToLower(nsAString& aStr); static void ASCIIToLower(nsACString& aStr); static void ASCIIToLower(const nsAString& aSource, nsAString& aDest); static void ASCIIToLower(const nsACString& aSource, nsACString& aDest); /** * Convert ASCII a-z to A-Z. */ static void ASCIIToUpper(nsAString& aStr); static void ASCIIToUpper(nsACString& aStr); static void ASCIIToUpper(const nsAString& aSource, nsAString& aDest); static void ASCIIToUpper(const nsACString& aSource, nsACString& aDest); /** * Return whether aStr contains an ASCII uppercase character. */ static bool StringContainsASCIIUpper(const nsAString& aStr); // Returns NS_OK for same origin, error (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI) if not. static nsresult CheckSameOrigin(nsIChannel *aOldChannel, nsIChannel *aNewChannel); static nsIInterfaceRequestor* SameOriginChecker(); /** * Get the Origin of the passed in nsIPrincipal or nsIURI. If the passed in * nsIURI or the URI of the passed in nsIPrincipal does not have a host, the * origin is set to 'null'. * * The ASCII versions return a ASCII strings that are puny-code encoded, * suitable for, for example, header values. The UTF versions return strings * containing international characters. * * @pre aPrincipal/aOrigin must not be null. * * @note this should be used for HTML5 origin determination. */ static nsresult GetASCIIOrigin(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsACString& aOrigin); static nsresult GetASCIIOrigin(nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& aOrigin); static nsresult GetUTFOrigin(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsAString& aOrigin); static nsresult GetUTFOrigin(nsIURI* aURI, nsAString& aOrigin); /** * This method creates and dispatches "command" event, which implements * nsIDOMXULCommandEvent. * If aShell is not null, dispatching goes via * nsIPresShell::HandleDOMEventWithTarget. */ static nsresult DispatchXULCommand(nsIContent* aTarget, bool aTrusted, nsIDOMEvent* aSourceEvent = nullptr, nsIPresShell* aShell = nullptr, bool aCtrl = false, bool aAlt = false, bool aShift = false, bool aMeta = false); static bool CheckMayLoad(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsIChannel* aChannel, bool aAllowIfInheritsPrincipal); /** * The method checks whether the caller can access native anonymous content. * If there is no JS in the stack or privileged JS is running, this * method returns true, otherwise false. */ static bool CanAccessNativeAnon(); MOZ_MUST_USE static nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, const nsIID* aIID, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp, bool aAllowWrapping = true) { return WrapNative(cx, native, nullptr, aIID, vp, aAllowWrapping); } // Same as the WrapNative above, but use this one if aIID is nsISupports' IID. MOZ_MUST_USE static nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp, bool aAllowWrapping = true) { return WrapNative(cx, native, nullptr, nullptr, vp, aAllowWrapping); } MOZ_MUST_USE static nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, nsWrapperCache *cache, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp, bool aAllowWrapping = true) { return WrapNative(cx, native, cache, nullptr, vp, aAllowWrapping); } /** * Creates an arraybuffer from a binary string. */ static nsresult CreateArrayBuffer(JSContext *aCx, const nsACString& aData, JSObject** aResult); static void StripNullChars(const nsAString& aInStr, nsAString& aOutStr); /** * Strip all \n, \r and nulls from the given string * @param aString the string to remove newlines from [in/out] */ static void RemoveNewlines(nsString &aString); /** * Convert Windows and Mac platform linebreaks to \n. * @param aString the string to convert the newlines inside [in/out] */ static void PlatformToDOMLineBreaks(nsString &aString); MOZ_MUST_USE static bool PlatformToDOMLineBreaks(nsString &aString, const mozilla::fallible_t&); /** * Populates aResultString with the contents of the string-buffer aBuf, up * to aBuf's null-terminator. aBuf must not be null. Ownership of the string * is not transferred. */ static void PopulateStringFromStringBuffer(nsStringBuffer* aBuf, nsAString& aResultString); static bool IsHandlingKeyBoardEvent() { return sIsHandlingKeyBoardEvent; } static void SetIsHandlingKeyBoardEvent(bool aHandling) { sIsHandlingKeyBoardEvent = aHandling; } /** * Utility method for getElementsByClassName. aRootNode is the node (either * document or element), which getElementsByClassName was called on. */ static already_AddRefed<nsContentList> GetElementsByClassName(nsINode* aRootNode, const nsAString& aClasses) { NS_PRECONDITION(aRootNode, "Must have root node"); return NS_GetFuncStringHTMLCollection(aRootNode, MatchClassNames, DestroyClassNameArray, AllocClassMatchingInfo, aClasses); } /** * Returns a presshell for this document, if there is one. This will be * aDoc's direct presshell if there is one, otherwise we'll look at all * ancestor documents to try to find a presshell, so for example this can * still find a presshell for documents in display:none frames that have * no presentation. So you have to be careful how you use this presshell --- * getting generic data like a device context or widget from it is OK, but it * might not be this document's actual presentation. */ static nsIPresShell* FindPresShellForDocument(const nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns the widget for this document if there is one. Looks at all ancestor * documents to try to find a widget, so for example this can still find a * widget for documents in display:none frames that have no presentation. */ static nsIWidget* WidgetForDocument(const nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns a layer manager to use for the given document. Basically we * look up the document hierarchy for the first document which has * a presentation with an associated widget, and use that widget's * layer manager. * * @param aDoc the document for which to return a layer manager. * @param aAllowRetaining an outparam that states whether the returned * layer manager should be used for retained layers */ static already_AddRefed<mozilla::layers::LayerManager> LayerManagerForDocument(const nsIDocument *aDoc); /** * Returns a layer manager to use for the given document. Basically we * look up the document hierarchy for the first document which has * a presentation with an associated widget, and use that widget's * layer manager. In addition to the normal layer manager lookup this will * specifically request a persistent layer manager. This means that the layer * manager is expected to remain the layer manager for the document in the * forseeable future. This function should be used carefully as it may change * the document's layer manager. * * @param aDoc the document for which to return a layer manager. * @param aAllowRetaining an outparam that states whether the returned * layer manager should be used for retained layers */ static already_AddRefed<mozilla::layers::LayerManager> PersistentLayerManagerForDocument(nsIDocument *aDoc); /** * Determine whether a content node is focused or not, * * @param aContent the content node to check * @return true if the content node is focused, false otherwise. */ static bool IsFocusedContent(const nsIContent *aContent); /** * Returns true if the DOM full-screen API is enabled. */ static bool IsFullScreenApiEnabled(); /** * Returns true if the unprefixed fullscreen API is enabled. */ static bool IsUnprefixedFullscreenApiEnabled() { return sIsUnprefixedFullscreenApiEnabled; } /** * Returns true if requests for full-screen are allowed in the current * context. Requests are only allowed if the user initiated them (like with * a mouse-click or key press), unless this check has been disabled by * setting the pref "full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only" to false. */ static bool IsRequestFullScreenAllowed(); /** * Returns true if calling execCommand with 'cut' or 'copy' arguments * is restricted to chrome code. */ static bool IsCutCopyRestricted() { return !sIsCutCopyAllowed; } /** * Returns true if calling execCommand with 'cut' or 'copy' arguments is * allowed in the current context. These are only allowed if the user initiated * them (like with a mouse-click or key press). */ static bool IsCutCopyAllowed(); /* * Returns true if the performance timing APIs are enabled. */ static bool IsPerformanceTimingEnabled() { return sIsPerformanceTimingEnabled; } /* * Returns true if user timing API should print to console. */ static bool IsUserTimingLoggingEnabled() { return sIsUserTimingLoggingEnabled; } /* * Returns true if the performance timing APIs are enabled. */ static bool IsResourceTimingEnabled() { return sIsResourceTimingEnabled; } /* * Returns true if the performance timing APIs are enabled. */ static bool IsPerformanceNavigationTimingEnabled() { return sIsPerformanceNavigationTimingEnabled; } /* * Returns true if notification should be sent for peformance timing events. */ static bool SendPerformanceTimingNotifications() { return sSendPerformanceTimingNotifications; } /* * Returns true if the frame timing APIs are enabled. */ static bool IsFrameTimingEnabled(); /* * Returns true if URL setters should percent encode the Hash/Ref segment * and getters should return the percent decoded value of the segment */ static bool EncodeDecodeURLHash() { return sEncodeDecodeURLHash; } /* * Returns true if URL getters should percent decode the value of the segment */ static bool GettersDecodeURLHash() { return sGettersDecodeURLHash && sEncodeDecodeURLHash; } /* * Returns true if the browser should attempt to prevent content scripts * from collecting distinctive information about the browser that could * be used to "fingerprint" and track the user across websites. */ static bool ResistFingerprinting() { return sPrivacyResistFingerprinting; } /* * Returns true if the browser should attempt to prevent the given caller type * from collecting distinctive information about the browser that could * be used to "fingerprint" and track the user across websites. */ static bool ResistFingerprinting(mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType) { return aCallerType != mozilla::dom::CallerType::System && ResistFingerprinting(); } /** * Returns true if the browser should show busy cursor when loading page. */ static bool UseActivityCursor() { return sUseActivityCursor; } /** * Return true if this doc is controlled by a ServiceWorker. */ static bool IsControlledByServiceWorker(nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Fire mutation events for changes caused by parsing directly into a * context node. * * @param aDoc the document of the node * @param aDest the destination node that got stuff appended to it * @param aOldChildCount the number of children the node had before parsing */ static void FireMutationEventsForDirectParsing(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsIContent* aDest, int32_t aOldChildCount); /** * Returns true if the content is in a document and contains a plugin * which we don't control event dispatch for, i.e. do any plugins in this * doc tree receive key events outside of our control? This always returns * false on MacOSX. */ static bool HasPluginWithUncontrolledEventDispatch(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Returns the root document in a document hierarchy. Normally this * will be the chrome document. */ static nsIDocument* GetRootDocument(nsIDocument* aDoc); /** * Returns true if aWin and the current pointer lock document * have common scriptable top window. */ static bool IsInPointerLockContext(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWin); /** * Returns the time limit on handling user input before * EventStateManager::IsHandlingUserInput() stops returning true. * This enables us to detect long running user-generated event handlers. */ static TimeDuration HandlingUserInputTimeout(); static void GetShiftText(nsAString& text); static void GetControlText(nsAString& text); static void GetMetaText(nsAString& text); static void GetOSText(nsAString& text); static void GetAltText(nsAString& text); static void GetModifierSeparatorText(nsAString& text); /** * Returns if aContent has a tabbable subdocument. * A sub document isn't tabbable when it's a zombie document. * * @param aElement element to test. * * @return Whether the subdocument is tabbable. */ static bool IsSubDocumentTabbable(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Returns if aNode ignores user focus. * * @param aNode node to test * * @return Whether the node ignores user focus. */ static bool IsUserFocusIgnored(nsINode* aNode); /** * Returns if aContent has the 'scrollgrab' property. * aContent may be null (in this case false is returned). */ static bool HasScrollgrab(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Flushes the layout tree (recursively) * * @param aWindow the window the flush should start at * */ static void FlushLayoutForTree(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow); /** * Returns true if content with the given principal is allowed to use XUL * and XBL and false otherwise. */ static bool AllowXULXBLForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); /** * Perform cleanup that's appropriate for XPCOM shutdown. */ static void XPCOMShutdown(); /** * Checks if internal PDF viewer is enabled. */ static bool IsPDFJSEnabled(); /** * Checks if internal SWF player is enabled. */ static bool IsSWFPlayerEnabled(); enum ContentViewerType { TYPE_UNSUPPORTED, TYPE_CONTENT, TYPE_PLUGIN, TYPE_UNKNOWN }; static already_AddRefed<nsIDocumentLoaderFactory> FindInternalContentViewer(const nsACString& aType, ContentViewerType* aLoaderType = nullptr); /** * This helper method returns true if the aPattern pattern matches aValue. * aPattern should not contain leading and trailing slashes (/). * The pattern has to match the entire value not just a subset. * aDocument must be a valid pointer (not null). * * This is following the HTML5 specification: * http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/forms.html#attr-input-pattern * * WARNING: This method mutates aPattern and aValue! * * @param aValue the string to check. * @param aPattern the string defining the pattern. * @param aDocument the owner document of the element. * @result whether the given string is matches the pattern. */ static bool IsPatternMatching(nsAString& aValue, nsAString& aPattern, nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Calling this adds support for * ontouch* event handler DOM attributes. */ static void InitializeTouchEventTable(); /** * Test whether the given URI always inherits a security context * from the document it comes from. */ static nsresult URIInheritsSecurityContext(nsIURI *aURI, bool *aResult); /** * Called before a channel is created to query whether the new * channel should inherit the principal. * * The argument aLoadingPrincipal must not be null. The argument * aURI must be the URI of the new channel. If aInheritForAboutBlank * is true, then about:blank will be told to inherit the principal. * If aForceInherit is true, the new channel will be told to inherit * the principal no matter what. * * The return value is whether the new channel should inherit * the principal. */ static bool ChannelShouldInheritPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIURI* aURI, bool aInheritForAboutBlank, bool aForceInherit); static nsresult Btoa(const nsAString& aBinaryData, nsAString& aAsciiBase64String); static nsresult Atob(const nsAString& aAsciiString, nsAString& aBinaryData); /** * Returns whether the input element passed in parameter has the autocomplete * functionality enabled. It is taking into account the form owner. * NOTE: the caller has to make sure autocomplete makes sense for the * element's type. * * @param aInput the input element to check. NOTE: aInput can't be null. * @return whether the input element has autocomplete enabled. */ static bool IsAutocompleteEnabled(nsIDOMHTMLInputElement* aInput); enum AutocompleteAttrState : uint8_t { eAutocompleteAttrState_Unknown = 1, eAutocompleteAttrState_Invalid, eAutocompleteAttrState_Valid, }; /** * Parses the value of the autocomplete attribute into aResult, ensuring it's * composed of valid tokens, otherwise the value "" is used. * Note that this method is used for form fields, not on a <form> itself. * * @return whether aAttr was valid and can be cached. */ static AutocompleteAttrState SerializeAutocompleteAttribute(const nsAttrValue* aAttr, nsAString& aResult, AutocompleteAttrState aCachedState = eAutocompleteAttrState_Unknown); /* Variation that is used to retrieve a dictionary of the parts of the * autocomplete attribute. * * @return whether aAttr was valid and can be cached. */ static AutocompleteAttrState SerializeAutocompleteAttribute(const nsAttrValue* aAttr, mozilla::dom::AutocompleteInfo& aInfo, AutocompleteAttrState aCachedState = eAutocompleteAttrState_Unknown); /** * This will parse aSource, to extract the value of the pseudo attribute * with the name specified in aName. See * http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/#NT-StyleSheetPI for the specification * which is used to parse aSource. * * @param aSource the string to parse * @param aName the name of the attribute to get the value for * @param aValue [out] the value for the attribute with name specified in * aAttribute. Empty if the attribute isn't present. * @return true if the attribute exists and was successfully parsed. * false if the attribute doesn't exist, or has a malformed * value, such as an unknown or unterminated entity. */ static bool GetPseudoAttributeValue(const nsString& aSource, nsIAtom *aName, nsAString& aValue); /** * Returns true if the language name is a version of JavaScript and * false otherwise */ static bool IsJavaScriptLanguage(const nsString& aName); /** * Returns the JSVersion for a string of the form '1.n', n = 0, ..., 8, and * JSVERSION_UNKNOWN for other strings. */ static JSVersion ParseJavascriptVersion(const nsAString& aVersionStr); static bool IsJavascriptMIMEType(const nsAString& aMIMEType); static void SplitMimeType(const nsAString& aValue, nsString& aType, nsString& aParams); /** * Function checks if the user is idle. * * @param aRequestedIdleTimeInMS The idle observer's requested idle time. * @param aUserIsIdle boolean indicating if the user * is currently idle or not. * * @return NS_OK NS_OK returned if the requested idle service and * the current idle time were successfully obtained. * NS_ERROR_FAILURE returned if the the requested * idle service or the current idle were not obtained. */ static nsresult IsUserIdle(uint32_t aRequestedIdleTimeInMS, bool* aUserIsIdle); /** * Takes a selection, and a text control element (<input> or <textarea>), and * returns the offsets in the text content corresponding to the selection. * The selection's anchor and focus must both be in the root node passed or a * descendant. * * @param aSelection Selection to check * @param aRoot Root <input> or <textarea> element * @param aOutStartOffset Output start offset * @param aOutEndOffset Output end offset */ static void GetSelectionInTextControl(mozilla::dom::Selection* aSelection, Element* aRoot, int32_t& aOutStartOffset, int32_t& aOutEndOffset); /** * Takes a frame for anonymous content within a text control (<input> or * <textarea>), and returns an offset in the text content, adjusted for a * trailing <br> frame. * * @param aOffsetFrame Frame for the text content in which the offset * lies * @param aOffset Offset as calculated by GetContentOffsetsFromPoint * @param aOutOffset Output adjusted offset * * @see GetSelectionInTextControl for the original basis of this function. */ static int32_t GetAdjustedOffsetInTextControl(nsIFrame* aOffsetFrame, int32_t aOffset); static nsIEditor* GetHTMLEditor(nsPresContext* aPresContext); /** * Returns true if the browser.dom.window.dump.enabled pref is set. */ static bool DOMWindowDumpEnabled(); /** * Returns true if the privacy.donottrackheader.enabled pref is set. */ static bool DoNotTrackEnabled(); /** * Returns a LogModule that dump calls from content script are logged to. * This can be enabled with the 'Dump' module, and is useful for synchronizing * content JS to other logging modules. */ static mozilla::LogModule* DOMDumpLog(); /** * Returns whether the children of the provided content are * nodes that are distributed to Shadow DOM insertion points. */ static bool HasDistributedChildren(nsIContent* aContent); /** * Returns whether a given header is forbidden for an XHR or fetch * request. */ static bool IsForbiddenRequestHeader(const nsACString& aHeader); /** * Returns whether a given header is forbidden for a system XHR * request. */ static bool IsForbiddenSystemRequestHeader(const nsACString& aHeader); /** * Returns whether a given Content-Type header value is allowed * for a non-CORS XHR or fetch request. */ static bool IsAllowedNonCorsContentType(const nsACString& aHeaderValue); /** * Returns whether a given header is forbidden for an XHR or fetch * response. */ static bool IsForbiddenResponseHeader(const nsACString& aHeader); /** * Returns the inner window ID for the window associated with a request, */ static uint64_t GetInnerWindowID(nsIRequest* aRequest); /** * If the hostname for aURI is an IPv6 it encloses it in brackets, * otherwise it just outputs the hostname in aHost. */ static nsresult GetHostOrIPv6WithBrackets(nsIURI* aURI, nsAString& aHost); static nsresult GetHostOrIPv6WithBrackets(nsIURI* aURI, nsCString& aHost); /* * Call the given callback on all remote children of the given top-level * window. Return true from the callback to stop calling further children. */ static void CallOnAllRemoteChildren(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, CallOnRemoteChildFunction aCallback, void* aArg); /* * Call nsPIDOMWindow::SetKeyboardIndicators all all remote children. This is * in here rather than nsGlobalWindow because TabParent indirectly includes * Windows headers which aren't allowed there. */ static void SetKeyboardIndicatorsOnRemoteChildren(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, UIStateChangeType aShowAccelerators, UIStateChangeType aShowFocusRings); /** * Given an nsIFile, attempts to read it into aString. * * Note: Use sparingly! This causes main-thread I/O, which causes jank and all * other bad things. */ static nsresult SlurpFileToString(nsIFile* aFile, nsACString& aString); /** * Returns true if the mime service thinks this file contains an image. * * The content type is returned in aType. */ static bool IsFileImage(nsIFile* aFile, nsACString& aType); /** * Given an IPCDataTransferItem that has a flavor for which IsFlavorImage * returns true and whose IPCDataTransferData is of type nsCString (raw image * data), construct an imgIContainer for the image encoded by the transfer * item. */ static nsresult DataTransferItemToImage(const mozilla::dom::IPCDataTransferItem& aItem, imgIContainer** aContainer); /** * Given a flavor obtained from an IPCDataTransferItem or nsITransferable, * returns true if we should treat the data as an image. */ static bool IsFlavorImage(const nsACString& aFlavor); static nsresult IPCTransferableToTransferable(const mozilla::dom::IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer, const bool& aIsPrivateData, nsIPrincipal* aRequestingPrincipal, nsITransferable* aTransferable, mozilla::dom::nsIContentParent* aContentParent, mozilla::dom::TabChild* aTabChild); static void TransferablesToIPCTransferables(nsIArray* aTransferables, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::IPCDataTransfer>& aIPC, bool aInSyncMessage, mozilla::dom::nsIContentChild* aChild, mozilla::dom::nsIContentParent* aParent); static void TransferableToIPCTransferable(nsITransferable* aTransferable, mozilla::dom::IPCDataTransfer* aIPCDataTransfer, bool aInSyncMessage, mozilla::dom::nsIContentChild* aChild, mozilla::dom::nsIContentParent* aParent); /* * Get the pixel data from the given source surface and return it as a buffer. * The length and stride will be assigned from the surface. */ static mozilla::UniquePtr<char[]> GetSurfaceData( mozilla::NotNull<mozilla::gfx::DataSourceSurface*> aSurface, size_t* aLength, int32_t* aStride); /* * Get the pixel data from the given source surface and fill it in Shmem. * The length and stride will be assigned from the surface. */ static void GetSurfaceData(mozilla::gfx::DataSourceSurface* aSurface, size_t* aLength, int32_t* aStride, mozilla::ipc::IShmemAllocator* aAlloc, mozilla::ipc::Shmem *aOutShmem); // Helpers shared by the implementations of nsContentUtils methods and // nsIDOMWindowUtils methods. static mozilla::Modifiers GetWidgetModifiers(int32_t aModifiers); static nsIWidget* GetWidget(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsPoint* aOffset); static int16_t GetButtonsFlagForButton(int32_t aButton); static mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint ToWidgetPoint(const mozilla::CSSPoint& aPoint, const nsPoint& aOffset, nsPresContext* aPresContext); static nsView* GetViewToDispatchEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell** aPresShell); /** * Synthesize a key event to the given widget * (see nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendKeyEvent). */ static nsresult SendKeyEvent(nsIWidget* aWidget, const nsAString& aType, int32_t aKeyCode, int32_t aCharCode, int32_t aModifiers, uint32_t aAdditionalFlags, bool* aDefaultActionTaken); /** * Synthesize a mouse event to the given widget * (see nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendMouseEvent). */ static nsresult SendMouseEvent(nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> aPresShell, const nsAString& aType, float aX, float aY, int32_t aButton, int32_t aButtons, int32_t aClickCount, int32_t aModifiers, bool aIgnoreRootScrollFrame, float aPressure, unsigned short aInputSourceArg, bool aToWindow, bool *aPreventDefault, bool aIsDOMEventSynthesized, bool aIsWidgetEventSynthesized); static void FirePageShowEvent(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aItem, mozilla::dom::EventTarget* aChromeEventHandler, bool aFireIfShowing); static void FirePageHideEvent(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aItem, mozilla::dom::EventTarget* aChromeEventHandler); static already_AddRefed<nsPIWindowRoot> GetWindowRoot(nsIDocument* aDoc); /* * Implements step 3.1 and 3.3 of the Determine request's Referrer algorithm * from the Referrer Policy specification. * * The referrer policy of the document is applied by Necko when using * channels. * * For documents representing an iframe srcdoc attribute, the document sets * its own URI correctly, so this method simply uses the document's original * or current URI as appropriate. * * aDoc may be null. * * https://w3c.github.io/webappsec/specs/referrer-policy/#determine-requests-referrer */ static nsresult SetFetchReferrerURIWithPolicy(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsIDocument* aDoc, nsIHttpChannel* aChannel, mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy); /* * Parse a referrer policy from a Referrer-Policy header * https://www.w3.org/TR/referrer-policy/#parse-referrer-policy-from-header * * @param aHeader the response's Referrer-Policy header to parse * @return referrer policy from the response header. */ static mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicyFromHeader(const nsAString& aHeader); static bool PushEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj); static bool IsNonSubresourceRequest(nsIChannel* aChannel); static uint32_t CookiesBehavior() { return sCookiesBehavior; } // The order of these entries matters, as we use std::min for total ordering // of permissions. Private Browsing is considered to be more limiting // then session scoping enum class StorageAccess { // Don't allow access to the storage eDeny = 0, // Allow access to the storage, but only if it is secure to do so in a // private browsing context. ePrivateBrowsing = 1, // Allow access to the storage, but only persist it for the current session eSessionScoped = 2, // Allow access to the storage eAllow = 3, }; /* * Checks if storage for the given window is permitted by a combination of * the user's preferences, and whether the window is a third-party iframe. * * This logic is intended to be shared between the different forms of * persistent storage which are available to web pages. Cookies don't use * this logic, and security logic related to them must be updated separately. */ static StorageAccess StorageAllowedForWindow(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow); /* * Checks if storage for the given principal is permitted by the user's * preferences. The caller is assumed to not be a third-party iframe. * (if that is possible, the caller should use StorageAllowedForWindow) */ static StorageAccess StorageAllowedForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); /* * Serializes a HTML nsINode into its markup representation. */ static bool SerializeNodeToMarkup(nsINode* aRoot, bool aDescendentsOnly, nsAString& aOut); /* * Returns true iff the provided JSObject is a global, and its URI matches * the provided about: URI. * @param aGlobal the JSObject whose URI to check, if it is a global. * @param aUri the URI to match, e.g. "about:feeds" */ static bool IsSpecificAboutPage(JSObject* aGlobal, const char* aUri); static void SetScrollbarsVisibility(nsIDocShell* aDocShell, bool aVisible); /* * Return the associated presentation URL of the presented content. * Will return empty string if the docshell is not in a presented content. */ static void GetPresentationURL(nsIDocShell* aDocShell, nsAString& aPresentationUrl); /* * Try to find the docshell corresponding to the given event target. */ static nsIDocShell* GetDocShellForEventTarget(mozilla::dom::EventTarget* aTarget); /** * Returns true if the "HTTPS state" of the document should be "modern". See: * * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-https-state * https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-response-https-state */ static bool HttpsStateIsModern(nsIDocument* aDocument); /** * Try to upgrade an element. * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/custom-elements.html#concept-try-upgrade */ static void TryToUpgradeElement(Element* aElement); /** * Looking up a custom element definition. * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#look-up-a-custom-element-definition */ static mozilla::dom::CustomElementDefinition* LookupCustomElementDefinition(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsIAtom* aNameAtom, uint32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aTypeAtom); static void RegisterUnresolvedElement(Element* aElement, nsIAtom* aTypeName); static void UnregisterUnresolvedElement(Element* aElement); static mozilla::dom::CustomElementDefinition* GetElementDefinitionIfObservingAttr(Element* aCustomElement, nsIAtom* aExtensionType, nsIAtom* aAttrName); static void EnqueueUpgradeReaction(Element* aElement, mozilla::dom::CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition); static void EnqueueLifecycleCallback(nsIDocument::ElementCallbackType aType, Element* aCustomElement, mozilla::dom::LifecycleCallbackArgs* aArgs = nullptr, mozilla::dom::LifecycleAdoptedCallbackArgs* aAdoptedCallbackArgs = nullptr, mozilla::dom::CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition = nullptr); static bool AttemptLargeAllocationLoad(nsIHttpChannel* aChannel); /** * Appends all "document level" native anonymous content subtree roots for * aDocument to aElements. Document level NAC subtrees are those created * by ancestor frames of the document element's primary frame, such as * the scrollbar elements created by the root scroll frame. */ static void AppendDocumentLevelNativeAnonymousContentTo( nsIDocument* aDocument, nsTArray<nsIContent*>& aElements); /** * Detect whether a string is a (CSS) local-url. * https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#local-urls */ static bool IsLocalRefURL(const nsString& aString); static bool IsWebComponentsEnabled() { return sIsWebComponentsEnabled; } /** * Walks up the tree from aElement until it finds an element that is * not native anonymous content. aElement must be NAC itself. */ static Element* GetClosestNonNativeAnonymousAncestor(Element* aElement); static bool IsCustomElementsEnabled() { return sIsCustomElementsEnabled; } private: static bool InitializeEventTable(); static nsresult EnsureStringBundle(PropertiesFile aFile); static bool CanCallerAccess(nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); static nsresult WrapNative(JSContext *cx, nsISupports *native, nsWrapperCache *cache, const nsIID* aIID, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> vp, bool aAllowWrapping); static nsresult DispatchEvent(nsIDocument* aDoc, nsISupports* aTarget, const nsAString& aEventName, bool aCanBubble, bool aCancelable, bool aTrusted, bool *aDefaultAction = nullptr, bool aOnlyChromeDispatch = false); static void InitializeModifierStrings(); static void DropFragmentParsers(); static bool MatchClassNames(mozilla::dom::Element* aElement, int32_t aNamespaceID, nsIAtom* aAtom, void* aData); static void DestroyClassNameArray(void* aData); static void* AllocClassMatchingInfo(nsINode* aRootNode, const nsString* aClasses); // Fills in aInfo with the tokens from the supplied autocomplete attribute. static AutocompleteAttrState InternalSerializeAutocompleteAttribute(const nsAttrValue* aAttrVal, mozilla::dom::AutocompleteInfo& aInfo); static bool CallOnAllRemoteChildren(nsIMessageBroadcaster* aManager, CallOnRemoteChildFunction aCallback, void* aArg); /* * Checks if storage for a given principal is permitted by the user's * preferences. If aWindow is non-null, its principal must be passed as * aPrincipal, and the third-party iframe and sandboxing status of the window * are also checked. * * Used in the implementation of StorageAllowedForWindow and * StorageAllowedForPrincipal. */ static StorageAccess InternalStorageAllowedForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow); static nsIXPConnect *sXPConnect; static nsIScriptSecurityManager *sSecurityManager; static nsIPrincipal *sSystemPrincipal; static nsIPrincipal *sNullSubjectPrincipal; static nsIParserService *sParserService; static nsNameSpaceManager *sNameSpaceManager; static nsIIOService *sIOService; static nsIUUIDGenerator *sUUIDGenerator; static nsIConsoleService* sConsoleService; static nsDataHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey, EventNameMapping>* sAtomEventTable; static nsDataHashtable<nsStringHashKey, EventNameMapping>* sStringEventTable; static nsCOMArray<nsIAtom>* sUserDefinedEvents; static nsIStringBundleService* sStringBundleService; static nsIStringBundle* sStringBundles[PropertiesFile_COUNT]; static nsIContentPolicy* sContentPolicyService; static bool sTriedToGetContentPolicy; static nsILineBreaker* sLineBreaker; static nsIWordBreaker* sWordBreaker; static nsIBidiKeyboard* sBidiKeyboard; static bool sInitialized; static uint32_t sScriptBlockerCount; static uint32_t sDOMNodeRemovedSuppressCount; // Not an nsCOMArray because removing elements from those is slower static AutoTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>, 8>* sBlockedScriptRunners; static uint32_t sRunnersCountAtFirstBlocker; static uint32_t sScriptBlockerCountWhereRunnersPrevented; static nsIInterfaceRequestor* sSameOriginChecker; static bool sIsHandlingKeyBoardEvent; static bool sAllowXULXBL_for_file; static bool sIsFullScreenApiEnabled; static bool sIsUnprefixedFullscreenApiEnabled; static bool sTrustedFullScreenOnly; static bool sIsCutCopyAllowed; static uint32_t sHandlingInputTimeout; static bool sIsPerformanceTimingEnabled; static bool sIsResourceTimingEnabled; static bool sIsPerformanceNavigationTimingEnabled; static bool sIsUserTimingLoggingEnabled; static bool sIsFrameTimingPrefEnabled; static bool sIsExperimentalAutocompleteEnabled; static bool sIsWebComponentsEnabled; static bool sIsCustomElementsEnabled; static bool sEncodeDecodeURLHash; static bool sGettersDecodeURLHash; static bool sPrivacyResistFingerprinting; static bool sSendPerformanceTimingNotifications; static bool sUseActivityCursor; static uint32_t sCookiesLifetimePolicy; static uint32_t sCookiesBehavior; static nsHtml5StringParser* sHTMLFragmentParser; static nsIParser* sXMLFragmentParser; static nsIFragmentContentSink* sXMLFragmentSink; /** * True if there's a fragment parser activation on the stack. */ static bool sFragmentParsingActive; static nsString* sShiftText; static nsString* sControlText; static nsString* sMetaText; static nsString* sOSText; static nsString* sAltText; static nsString* sModifierSeparator; #if !(defined(DEBUG) || defined(MOZ_ENABLE_JS_DUMP)) static bool sDOMWindowDumpEnabled; #endif static bool sDoNotTrackEnabled; static mozilla::LazyLogModule sDOMDumpLog; }; class MOZ_RAII nsAutoScriptBlocker { public: explicit nsAutoScriptBlocker(MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_ONLY_PARAM) { MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_INIT; nsContentUtils::AddScriptBlocker(); } ~nsAutoScriptBlocker() { nsContentUtils::RemoveScriptBlocker(); } private: MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER }; class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved : public nsAutoScriptBlocker { public: nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved() { ++nsContentUtils::sDOMNodeRemovedSuppressCount; } ~nsAutoScriptBlockerSuppressNodeRemoved() { --nsContentUtils::sDOMNodeRemovedSuppressCount; } }; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class TreeOrderComparator { public: bool Equals(nsINode* aElem1, nsINode* aElem2) const { return aElem1 == aElem2; } bool LessThan(nsINode* aElem1, nsINode* aElem2) const { return nsContentUtils::PositionIsBefore(aElem1, aElem2); } }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #define NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_TEAROFF(_interface, _allocator) \ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(_interface))) { \ foundInterface = static_cast<_interface *>(_allocator); \ if (!foundInterface) { \ *aInstancePtr = nullptr; \ return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \ } \ } else /* * In the following helper macros we exploit the fact that the result of a * series of additions will not be finite if any one of the operands in the * series is not finite. */ #define NS_ENSURE_FINITE(f, rv) \ if (!mozilla::IsFinite(f)) { \ return (rv); \ } #define NS_ENSURE_FINITE2(f1, f2, rv) \ if (!mozilla::IsFinite((f1)+(f2))) { \ return (rv); \ } #define NS_ENSURE_FINITE4(f1, f2, f3, f4, rv) \ if (!mozilla::IsFinite((f1)+(f2)+(f3)+(f4))) { \ return (rv); \ } #define NS_ENSURE_FINITE5(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, rv) \ if (!mozilla::IsFinite((f1)+(f2)+(f3)+(f4)+(f5))) { \ return (rv); \ } #define NS_ENSURE_FINITE6(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, rv) \ if (!mozilla::IsFinite((f1)+(f2)+(f3)+(f4)+(f5)+(f6))) { \ return (rv); \ } // Deletes a linked list iteratively to avoid blowing up the stack (bug 460444). #define NS_CONTENT_DELETE_LIST_MEMBER(type_, ptr_, member_) \ { \ type_ *cur = (ptr_)->member_; \ (ptr_)->member_ = nullptr; \ while (cur) { \ type_ *next = cur->member_; \ cur->member_ = nullptr; \ delete cur; \ cur = next; \ } \ } #endif /* nsContentUtils_h___ */