/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/CustomElementRegistry.h" #include "mozilla/dom/CustomElementRegistryBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLElementBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WebComponentsBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocGroup.h" #include "nsIParserService.h" #include "jsapi.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { void CustomElementCallback::Call() { IgnoredErrorResult rv; switch (mType) { case nsIDocument::eCreated: { // For the duration of this callback invocation, the element is being created // flag must be set to true. mOwnerData->mElementIsBeingCreated = true; // The callback hasn't actually been invoked yet, but we need to flip // this now in order to enqueue the attached callback. This is a spec // bug (w3c bug 27437). mOwnerData->mCreatedCallbackInvoked = true; // If ELEMENT is in a document and this document has a browsing context, // enqueue attached callback for ELEMENT. nsIDocument* document = mThisObject->GetComposedDoc(); if (document && document->GetDocShell()) { nsContentUtils::EnqueueLifecycleCallback( document, nsIDocument::eAttached, mThisObject); } static_cast<LifecycleCreatedCallback *>(mCallback.get())->Call(mThisObject, rv); mOwnerData->mElementIsBeingCreated = false; break; } case nsIDocument::eAttached: static_cast<LifecycleAttachedCallback *>(mCallback.get())->Call(mThisObject, rv); break; case nsIDocument::eDetached: static_cast<LifecycleDetachedCallback *>(mCallback.get())->Call(mThisObject, rv); break; case nsIDocument::eAttributeChanged: static_cast<LifecycleAttributeChangedCallback *>(mCallback.get())->Call(mThisObject, mArgs.name, mArgs.oldValue, mArgs.newValue, mArgs.namespaceURI, rv); break; } } void CustomElementCallback::Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCb) const { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(aCb, "mThisObject"); aCb.NoteXPCOMChild(mThisObject); NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(aCb, "mCallback"); aCb.NoteXPCOMChild(mCallback); } CustomElementCallback::CustomElementCallback(Element* aThisObject, nsIDocument::ElementCallbackType aCallbackType, mozilla::dom::CallbackFunction* aCallback, CustomElementData* aOwnerData) : mThisObject(aThisObject), mCallback(aCallback), mType(aCallbackType), mOwnerData(aOwnerData) { } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementConstructor already_AddRefed<Element> CustomElementConstructor::Construct(const char* aExecutionReason, ErrorResult& aRv) { CallSetup s(this, aRv, aExecutionReason, CallbackFunction::eRethrowExceptions); JSContext* cx = s.GetContext(); if (!cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(aRv.Failed()); return nullptr; } JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> constructor(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*mCallback)); if (!JS::Construct(cx, constructor, JS::HandleValueArray::empty(), &result)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR); return nullptr; } RefPtr<Element> element; if (NS_FAILED(UNWRAP_OBJECT(Element, &result, element))) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR); return nullptr; } return element.forget(); } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementData CustomElementData::CustomElementData(nsIAtom* aType) : CustomElementData(aType, CustomElementData::State::eUndefined) { } CustomElementData::CustomElementData(nsIAtom* aType, State aState) : mType(aType) , mElementIsBeingCreated(false) , mCreatedCallbackInvoked(true) , mState(aState) { } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementRegistry namespace { class MOZ_RAII AutoConstructionStackEntry final { public: AutoConstructionStackEntry(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsGenericHTMLElement>>& aStack, nsGenericHTMLElement* aElement) : mStack(aStack) { mIndex = mStack.Length(); mStack.AppendElement(aElement); } ~AutoConstructionStackEntry() { MOZ_ASSERT(mIndex == mStack.Length() - 1, "Removed element should be the last element"); mStack.RemoveElementAt(mIndex); } private: nsTArray<RefPtr<nsGenericHTMLElement>>& mStack; uint32_t mIndex; }; } // namespace anonymous // Only needed for refcounted objects. NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(CustomElementRegistry) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(CustomElementRegistry) tmp->mCustomDefinitions.Clear(); tmp->mConstructors.clear(); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mWhenDefinedPromiseMap) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mWindow) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_PRESERVED_WRAPPER NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(CustomElementRegistry) for (auto iter = tmp->mCustomDefinitions.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { auto& callbacks = iter.UserData()->mCallbacks; if (callbacks->mAttributeChangedCallback.WasPassed()) { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mCustomDefinitions->mCallbacks->mAttributeChangedCallback"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(callbacks->mAttributeChangedCallback.Value()); } if (callbacks->mCreatedCallback.WasPassed()) { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mCustomDefinitions->mCallbacks->mCreatedCallback"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(callbacks->mCreatedCallback.Value()); } if (callbacks->mAttachedCallback.WasPassed()) { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mCustomDefinitions->mCallbacks->mAttachedCallback"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(callbacks->mAttachedCallback.Value()); } if (callbacks->mDetachedCallback.WasPassed()) { NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mCustomDefinitions->mCallbacks->mDetachedCallback"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(callbacks->mDetachedCallback.Value()); } NS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_NOTE_EDGE_NAME(cb, "mCustomDefinitions->mConstructor"); cb.NoteXPCOMChild(iter.UserData()->mConstructor); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mWhenDefinedPromiseMap) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mWindow) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN(CustomElementRegistry) for (auto iter = tmp->mCustomDefinitions.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { aCallbacks.Trace(&iter.UserData()->mPrototype, "mCustomDefinitions prototype", aClosure); } for (ConstructorMap::Enum iter(tmp->mConstructors); !iter.empty(); iter.popFront()) { aCallbacks.Trace(&iter.front().mutableKey(), "mConstructors key", aClosure); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_PRESERVED_WRAPPER NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(CustomElementRegistry) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(CustomElementRegistry) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(CustomElementRegistry) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END /* static */ bool CustomElementRegistry::IsCustomElementEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject) { return nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementsEnabled() || nsContentUtils::IsWebComponentsEnabled(); } CustomElementRegistry::CustomElementRegistry(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) : mWindow(aWindow) , mIsCustomDefinitionRunning(false) { MOZ_ASSERT(aWindow); MOZ_ASSERT(aWindow->IsInnerWindow()); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mConstructors.init()); mozilla::HoldJSObjects(this); } CustomElementRegistry::~CustomElementRegistry() { mozilla::DropJSObjects(this); } CustomElementDefinition* CustomElementRegistry::LookupCustomElementDefinition(const nsAString& aLocalName, const nsAString* aIs) const { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> localNameAtom = NS_Atomize(aLocalName); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeAtom = aIs ? NS_Atomize(*aIs) : localNameAtom; CustomElementDefinition* data = mCustomDefinitions.Get(typeAtom); if (data && data->mLocalName == localNameAtom) { return data; } return nullptr; } CustomElementDefinition* CustomElementRegistry::LookupCustomElementDefinition(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aConstructor) const { JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructor(aCx, js::CheckedUnwrap(aConstructor)); const auto& ptr = mConstructors.lookup(constructor); if (!ptr) { return nullptr; } CustomElementDefinition* definition = mCustomDefinitions.Get(ptr->value()); MOZ_ASSERT(definition, "Definition must be found in mCustomDefinitions"); return definition; } void CustomElementRegistry::RegisterUnresolvedElement(Element* aElement, nsIAtom* aTypeName) { mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* info = aElement->NodeInfo(); // Candidate may be a custom element through extension, // in which case the custom element type name will not // match the element tag name. e.g. <button is="x-button">. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeName = aTypeName; if (!typeName) { typeName = info->NameAtom(); } if (mCustomDefinitions.Get(typeName)) { return; } nsTArray<nsWeakPtr>* unresolved = mCandidatesMap.LookupOrAdd(typeName); nsWeakPtr* elem = unresolved->AppendElement(); *elem = do_GetWeakReference(aElement); aElement->AddStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_UNRESOLVED); return; } void CustomElementRegistry::SetupCustomElement(Element* aElement, const nsAString* aTypeExtension) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tagAtom = aElement->NodeInfo()->NameAtom(); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeAtom = aTypeExtension ? NS_Atomize(*aTypeExtension) : tagAtom; if (aTypeExtension && !aElement->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::is)) { // Custom element setup in the parser happens after the "is" // attribute is added. aElement->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::is, *aTypeExtension, true); } // SetupCustomElement() should be called with an element that don't have // CustomElementData setup, if not we will hit the assertion in // SetCustomElementData(). aElement->SetCustomElementData(new CustomElementData(typeAtom)); CustomElementDefinition* definition = LookupCustomElementDefinition( aElement->NodeInfo()->LocalName(), aTypeExtension); if (!definition) { // The type extension doesn't exist in the registry, // thus we don't need to enqueue callback or adjust // the "is" attribute, but it is possibly an upgrade candidate. RegisterUnresolvedElement(aElement, typeAtom); return; } if (definition->mLocalName != tagAtom) { // The element doesn't match the local name for the // definition, thus the element isn't a custom element // and we don't need to do anything more. return; } // Enqueuing the created callback will set the CustomElementData on the // element, causing prototype swizzling to occur in Element::WrapObject. // We make it synchronously for createElement/createElementNS in order to // pass tests. It'll be removed when we deprecate custom elements v0. // SyncInvokeReactions(nsIDocument::eCreated, aElement, definition); } UniquePtr<CustomElementCallback> CustomElementRegistry::CreateCustomElementCallback( nsIDocument::ElementCallbackType aType, Element* aCustomElement, LifecycleCallbackArgs* aArgs, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition) { RefPtr<CustomElementData> elementData = aCustomElement->GetCustomElementData(); MOZ_ASSERT(elementData, "CustomElementData should exist"); // Let DEFINITION be ELEMENT's definition CustomElementDefinition* definition = aDefinition; if (!definition) { mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* info = aCustomElement->NodeInfo(); // Make sure we get the correct definition in case the element // is a extended custom element e.g. <button is="x-button">. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeAtom = elementData ? elementData->mType.get() : info->NameAtom(); definition = mCustomDefinitions.Get(typeAtom); if (!definition || definition->mLocalName != info->NameAtom()) { // Trying to enqueue a callback for an element that is not // a custom element. We are done, nothing to do. return nullptr; } } // Let CALLBACK be the callback associated with the key NAME in CALLBACKS. CallbackFunction* func = nullptr; switch (aType) { case nsIDocument::eCreated: if (definition->mCallbacks->mCreatedCallback.WasPassed()) { func = definition->mCallbacks->mCreatedCallback.Value(); } break; case nsIDocument::eAttached: if (definition->mCallbacks->mAttachedCallback.WasPassed()) { func = definition->mCallbacks->mAttachedCallback.Value(); } break; case nsIDocument::eDetached: if (definition->mCallbacks->mDetachedCallback.WasPassed()) { func = definition->mCallbacks->mDetachedCallback.Value(); } break; case nsIDocument::eAttributeChanged: if (definition->mCallbacks->mAttributeChangedCallback.WasPassed()) { func = definition->mCallbacks->mAttributeChangedCallback.Value(); } break; } // If there is no such callback, stop. if (!func) { return nullptr; } if (aType == nsIDocument::eCreated) { elementData->mCreatedCallbackInvoked = false; } else if (!elementData->mCreatedCallbackInvoked) { // Callbacks other than created callback must not be enqueued // until after the created callback has been invoked. return nullptr; } // Add CALLBACK to ELEMENT's callback queue. auto callback = MakeUnique<CustomElementCallback>(aCustomElement, aType, func, elementData); if (aArgs) { callback->SetArgs(*aArgs); } return Move(callback); } void CustomElementRegistry::EnqueueLifecycleCallback(nsIDocument::ElementCallbackType aType, Element* aCustomElement, LifecycleCallbackArgs* aArgs, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition) { RefPtr<CustomElementData> elementData = aCustomElement->GetCustomElementData(); MOZ_ASSERT(elementData, "CustomElementData should exist"); // Let DEFINITION be ELEMENT's definition CustomElementDefinition* definition = aDefinition; if (!definition) { mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* info = aCustomElement->NodeInfo(); // Make sure we get the correct definition in case the element // is a extended custom element e.g. <button is="x-button">. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> typeAtom = elementData ? elementData->mType.get() : info->NameAtom(); definition = mCustomDefinitions.Get(typeAtom); if (!definition || definition->mLocalName != info->NameAtom()) { return; } } auto callback = CreateCustomElementCallback(aType, aCustomElement, aArgs, definition); if (!callback) { return; } DocGroup* docGroup = mWindow->GetDocGroup(); if (!docGroup) { return; } if (aType == nsIDocument::eAttributeChanged) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> attrName = NS_Atomize(aArgs->name); if (definition->mObservedAttributes.IsEmpty() || !definition->mObservedAttributes.Contains(attrName)) { return; } } CustomElementReactionsStack* reactionsStack = docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(); reactionsStack->EnqueueCallbackReaction(this, aCustomElement, definition, Move(callback)); } void CustomElementRegistry::GetCustomPrototype(nsIAtom* aAtom, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aPrototype) { mozilla::dom::CustomElementDefinition* definition = mCustomDefinitions.Get(aAtom); if (definition) { aPrototype.set(definition->mPrototype); } else { aPrototype.set(nullptr); } } void CustomElementRegistry::UpgradeCandidates(nsIAtom* aKey, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition, ErrorResult& aRv) { DocGroup* docGroup = mWindow->GetDocGroup(); if (!docGroup) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } // TODO: Bug 1326028 - Upgrade custom element in shadow-including tree order nsAutoPtr<nsTArray<nsWeakPtr>> candidates; mCandidatesMap.RemoveAndForget(aKey, candidates); if (candidates) { CustomElementReactionsStack* reactionsStack = docGroup->CustomElementReactionsStack(); for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates->Length(); ++i) { nsCOMPtr<Element> elem = do_QueryReferent(candidates->ElementAt(i)); if (!elem) { continue; } reactionsStack->EnqueueUpgradeReaction(this, elem, aDefinition); } } } JSObject* CustomElementRegistry::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) { return CustomElementRegistryBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } nsISupports* CustomElementRegistry::GetParentObject() const { return mWindow; } static const char* kLifeCycleCallbackNames[] = { "connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", // The life cycle callbacks from v0 spec. "createdCallback", "attachedCallback", "detachedCallback" }; static void CheckLifeCycleCallbacks(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aConstructor, ErrorResult& aRv) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(kLifeCycleCallbackNames); ++i) { const char* callbackName = kLifeCycleCallbackNames[i]; JS::Rooted<JS::Value> callbackValue(aCx); if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, aConstructor, callbackName, &callbackValue)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(aCx); return; } if (!callbackValue.isUndefined()) { if (!callbackValue.isObject()) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(callbackName)); return; } JS::Rooted<JSObject*> callback(aCx, &callbackValue.toObject()); if (!JS::IsCallable(callback)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_NOT_CALLABLE>(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(callbackName)); return; } } } } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#element-definition void CustomElementRegistry::Define(const nsAString& aName, Function& aFunctionConstructor, const ElementDefinitionOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv) { aRv.MightThrowJSException(); AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(mWindow))) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return; } JSContext *cx = jsapi.cx(); JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructor(cx, aFunctionConstructor.Callable()); /** * 1. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, then throw a TypeError and abort * these steps. */ // For now, all wrappers are constructable if they are callable. So we need to // unwrap constructor to check it is really constructable. JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructorUnwrapped(cx, js::CheckedUnwrap(constructor)); if (!constructorUnwrapped) { // If the caller's compartment does not have permission to access the // unwrapped constructor then throw. aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); return; } if (!JS::IsConstructor(constructorUnwrapped)) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_NOT_CONSTRUCTOR>(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Argument 2 of CustomElementRegistry.define")); return; } /** * 2. If name is not a valid custom element name, then throw a "SyntaxError" * DOMException and abort these steps. */ nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> nameAtom(NS_Atomize(aName)); if (!nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementName(nameAtom)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR); return; } /** * 3. If this CustomElementRegistry contains an entry with name name, then * throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException and abort these steps. */ if (mCustomDefinitions.Get(nameAtom)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } /** * 4. If this CustomElementRegistry contains an entry with constructor constructor, * then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException and abort these steps. */ const auto& ptr = mConstructors.lookup(constructorUnwrapped); if (ptr) { MOZ_ASSERT(mCustomDefinitions.Get(ptr->value()), "Definition must be found in mCustomDefinitions"); aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } /** * 5. Let localName be name. * 6. Let extends be the value of the extends member of options, or null if * no such member exists. * 7. If extends is not null, then: * 1. If extends is a valid custom element name, then throw a * "NotSupportedError" DOMException. * 2. If the element interface for extends and the HTML namespace is * HTMLUnknownElement (e.g., if extends does not indicate an element * definition in this specification), then throw a "NotSupportedError" * DOMException. * 3. Set localName to extends. */ nsAutoString localName(aName); if (aOptions.mExtends.WasPassed()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> extendsAtom(NS_Atomize(aOptions.mExtends.Value())); if (nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementName(extendsAtom)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } nsIParserService* ps = nsContentUtils::GetParserService(); if (!ps) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); return; } // bgsound and multicol are unknown html element. int32_t tag = ps->HTMLCaseSensitiveAtomTagToId(extendsAtom); if (tag == eHTMLTag_userdefined || tag == eHTMLTag_bgsound || tag == eHTMLTag_multicol) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } localName.Assign(aOptions.mExtends.Value()); } /** * 8. If this CustomElementRegistry's element definition is running flag is set, * then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException and abort these steps. */ if (mIsCustomDefinitionRunning) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructorPrototype(cx); nsAutoPtr<LifecycleCallbacks> callbacksHolder(new LifecycleCallbacks()); nsCOMArray<nsIAtom> observedAttributes; { // Set mIsCustomDefinitionRunning. /** * 9. Set this CustomElementRegistry's element definition is running flag. */ AutoSetRunningFlag as(this); { // Enter constructor's compartment. /** * 10.1. Let prototype be Get(constructor, "prototype"). Rethrow any exceptions. */ JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, constructor); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> prototypev(cx); // The .prototype on the constructor passed from document.registerElement // is the "expando" of a wrapper. So we should get it from wrapper instead // instead of underlying object. if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, constructor, "prototype", &prototypev)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } /** * 10.2. If Type(prototype) is not Object, then throw a TypeError exception. */ if (!prototypev.isObject()) { aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>(NS_LITERAL_STRING("constructor.prototype")); return; } constructorPrototype = &prototypev.toObject(); } // Leave constructor's compartment. JS::Rooted<JSObject*> constructorProtoUnwrapped(cx, js::CheckedUnwrap(constructorPrototype)); if (!constructorProtoUnwrapped) { // If the caller's compartment does not have permission to access the // unwrapped prototype then throw. aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR); return; } { // Enter constructorProtoUnwrapped's compartment JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, constructorProtoUnwrapped); /** * 10.3. Let lifecycleCallbacks be a map with the four keys * "connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", and * "attributeChangedCallback", each of which belongs to an entry whose * value is null. * 10.4. For each of the four keys callbackName in lifecycleCallbacks: * 1. Let callbackValue be Get(prototype, callbackName). Rethrow any * exceptions. * 2. If callbackValue is not undefined, then set the value of the * entry in lifecycleCallbacks with key callbackName to the result * of converting callbackValue to the Web IDL Function callback type. * Rethrow any exceptions from the conversion. */ // Will do the same checking for the life cycle callbacks from v0 spec. CheckLifeCycleCallbacks(cx, constructorProtoUnwrapped, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } // Note: We call the init from the constructorProtoUnwrapped's compartment // here. JS::RootedValue rootedv(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*constructorProtoUnwrapped)); if (!JS_WrapValue(cx, &rootedv) || !callbacksHolder->Init(cx, rootedv)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } /** * 10.5. Let observedAttributes be an empty sequence<DOMString>. * 10.6. If the value of the entry in lifecycleCallbacks with key * "attributeChangedCallback" is not null, then: * 1. Let observedAttributesIterable be Get(constructor, * "observedAttributes"). Rethrow any exceptions. * 2. If observedAttributesIterable is not undefined, then set * observedAttributes to the result of converting * observedAttributesIterable to a sequence<DOMString>. Rethrow * any exceptions from the conversion. */ // TODO: Bug 1293921 - Implement connected/disconnected/adopted/attributeChanged lifecycle callbacks for custom elements if (callbacksHolder->mAttributeChangedCallback.WasPassed()) { // Enter constructor's compartment. JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, constructor); JS::Rooted<JS::Value> observedAttributesIterable(cx); if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, constructor, "observedAttributes", &observedAttributesIterable)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } if (!observedAttributesIterable.isUndefined()) { JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx); if (!iter.init(observedAttributesIterable)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } JS::Rooted<JS::Value> attribute(cx); while (true) { bool done; if (!iter.next(&attribute, &done)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } if (done) { break; } JSString *attrJSStr = attribute.toString(); nsAutoJSString attrStr; if (!attrStr.init(cx, attrJSStr)) { aRv.StealExceptionFromJSContext(cx); return; } observedAttributes.AppendElement(NS_Atomize(attrStr)); } } } // Leave constructor's compartment. } // Leave constructorProtoUnwrapped's compartment. } // Unset mIsCustomDefinitionRunning /** * 11. Let definition be a new custom element definition with name name, * local name localName, constructor constructor, prototype prototype, * observed attributes observedAttributes, and lifecycle callbacks * lifecycleCallbacks. */ // Associate the definition with the custom element. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> localNameAtom(NS_Atomize(localName)); LifecycleCallbacks* callbacks = callbacksHolder.forget(); CustomElementDefinition* definition = new CustomElementDefinition(nameAtom, localNameAtom, &aFunctionConstructor, Move(observedAttributes), constructorPrototype, callbacks, 0 /* TODO dependent on HTML imports. Bug 877072 */); /** * 12. Add definition to this CustomElementRegistry. */ if (!mConstructors.put(constructorUnwrapped, nameAtom)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return; } mCustomDefinitions.Put(nameAtom, definition); MOZ_ASSERT(mCustomDefinitions.Count() == mConstructors.count(), "Number of entries should be the same"); /** * 13. 14. 15. Upgrade candidates */ UpgradeCandidates(nameAtom, definition, aRv); /** * 16. If this CustomElementRegistry's when-defined promise map contains an * entry with key name: * 1. Let promise be the value of that entry. * 2. Resolve promise with undefined. * 3. Delete the entry with key name from this CustomElementRegistry's * when-defined promise map. */ RefPtr<Promise> promise; mWhenDefinedPromiseMap.Remove(nameAtom, getter_AddRefs(promise)); if (promise) { promise->MaybeResolveWithUndefined(); } } void CustomElementRegistry::Get(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aName, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetVal) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> nameAtom(NS_Atomize(aName)); CustomElementDefinition* data = mCustomDefinitions.Get(nameAtom); if (!data) { aRetVal.setUndefined(); return; } aRetVal.setObjectOrNull(data->mConstructor->Callable()); return; } already_AddRefed<Promise> CustomElementRegistry::WhenDefined(const nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = do_QueryInterface(mWindow); RefPtr<Promise> promise = Promise::Create(global, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> nameAtom(NS_Atomize(aName)); if (!nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementName(nameAtom)) { promise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR); return promise.forget(); } if (mCustomDefinitions.Get(nameAtom)) { promise->MaybeResolve(JS::UndefinedHandleValue); return promise.forget(); } if (mWhenDefinedPromiseMap.Contains(nameAtom)) { mWhenDefinedPromiseMap.Get(nameAtom, getter_AddRefs(promise)); } else { mWhenDefinedPromiseMap.Put(nameAtom, promise); } return promise.forget(); } namespace { static void DoUpgrade(Element* aElement, CustomElementConstructor* aConstructor, ErrorResult& aRv) { // Rethrow the exception since it might actually throw the exception from the // upgrade steps back out to the caller of document.createElement. RefPtr<Element> constructResult = aConstructor->Construct("Custom Element Upgrade", aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return; } if (constructResult.get() != aElement) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR); return; } } } // anonymous namespace // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#upgrades void CustomElementRegistry::Upgrade(Element* aElement, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition, ErrorResult& aRv) { aElement->RemoveStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_UNRESOLVED); RefPtr<CustomElementData> data = aElement->GetCustomElementData(); MOZ_ASSERT(data, "CustomElementData should exist"); // Step 1 and step 2. if (data->mState == CustomElementData::State::eCustom || data->mState == CustomElementData::State::eFailed) { return; } // Step 3. if (!aDefinition->mObservedAttributes.IsEmpty()) { uint32_t count = aElement->GetAttrCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { mozilla::dom::BorrowedAttrInfo info = aElement->GetAttrInfoAt(i); const nsAttrName* name = info.mName; nsIAtom* attrName = name->LocalName(); if (aDefinition->IsInObservedAttributeList(attrName)) { int32_t namespaceID = name->NamespaceID(); nsAutoString attrValue, namespaceURI; info.mValue->ToString(attrValue); nsContentUtils::NameSpaceManager()->GetNameSpaceURI(namespaceID, namespaceURI); LifecycleCallbackArgs args = { nsDependentAtomString(attrName), NullString(), (attrValue.IsEmpty() ? NullString() : attrValue), (namespaceURI.IsEmpty() ? NullString() : namespaceURI) }; EnqueueLifecycleCallback(nsIDocument::eAttributeChanged, aElement, &args, aDefinition); } } } // Step 4. // TODO: Bug 1334043 - Implement connected lifecycle callbacks for custom elements // Step 5. AutoConstructionStackEntry acs(aDefinition->mConstructionStack, nsGenericHTMLElement::FromContent(aElement)); // Step 6 and step 7. DoUpgrade(aElement, aDefinition->mConstructor, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { data->mState = CustomElementData::State::eFailed; // Empty element's custom element reaction queue. data->mReactionQueue.Clear(); return; } // Step 8. data->mState = CustomElementData::State::eCustom; // This is for old spec. EnqueueLifecycleCallback(nsIDocument::eCreated, aElement, nullptr, aDefinition); } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementReactionsStack void CustomElementReactionsStack::CreateAndPushElementQueue() { // Push a new element queue onto the custom element reactions stack. mReactionsStack.AppendElement(MakeUnique<ElementQueue>()); } void CustomElementReactionsStack::PopAndInvokeElementQueue() { // Pop the element queue from the custom element reactions stack, // and invoke custom element reactions in that queue. MOZ_ASSERT(!mReactionsStack.IsEmpty(), "Reaction stack shouldn't be empty"); const uint32_t lastIndex = mReactionsStack.Length() - 1; ElementQueue* elementQueue = mReactionsStack.ElementAt(lastIndex).get(); // Check element queue size in order to reduce function call overhead. if (!elementQueue->IsEmpty()) { // It is still not clear what error reporting will look like in custom // element, see https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/635. // We usually report the error to entry global in gecko, so just follow the // same behavior here. nsIGlobalObject* global = GetEntryGlobal(); MOZ_ASSERT(global, "Should always have a entry global here!"); InvokeReactions(elementQueue, global); } // InvokeReactions() might create other custom element reactions, but those // new reactions should be already consumed and removed at this point. MOZ_ASSERT(lastIndex == mReactionsStack.Length() - 1, "reactions created by InvokeReactions() should be consumed and removed"); mReactionsStack.RemoveElementAt(lastIndex); } void CustomElementReactionsStack::EnqueueUpgradeReaction(CustomElementRegistry* aRegistry, Element* aElement, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition) { Enqueue(aElement, new CustomElementUpgradeReaction(aRegistry, aDefinition)); } void CustomElementReactionsStack::EnqueueCallbackReaction(CustomElementRegistry* aRegistry, Element* aElement, CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition, UniquePtr<CustomElementCallback> aCustomElementCallback) { Enqueue(aElement, new CustomElementCallbackReaction(aRegistry, aDefinition, Move(aCustomElementCallback))); } void CustomElementReactionsStack::Enqueue(Element* aElement, CustomElementReaction* aReaction) { RefPtr<CustomElementData> elementData = aElement->GetCustomElementData(); MOZ_ASSERT(elementData, "CustomElementData should exist"); // Add element to the current element queue. if (!mReactionsStack.IsEmpty()) { mReactionsStack.LastElement()->AppendElement(do_GetWeakReference(aElement)); elementData->mReactionQueue.AppendElement(aReaction); return; } // If the custom element reactions stack is empty, then: // Add element to the backup element queue. mBackupQueue.AppendElement(do_GetWeakReference(aElement)); elementData->mReactionQueue.AppendElement(aReaction); if (mIsBackupQueueProcessing) { return; } CycleCollectedJSContext* context = CycleCollectedJSContext::Get(); RefPtr<ProcessBackupQueueRunnable> processBackupQueueRunnable = new ProcessBackupQueueRunnable(this); context->DispatchToMicroTask(processBackupQueueRunnable.forget()); } void CustomElementReactionsStack::InvokeBackupQueue() { // Check backup queue size in order to reduce function call overhead. if (!mBackupQueue.IsEmpty()) { // Upgrade reactions won't be scheduled in backup queue and the exception of // callback reactions will be automatically reported in CallSetup. // If the reactions are invoked from backup queue (in microtask check point), // we don't need to pass global object for error reporting. InvokeReactions(&mBackupQueue, nullptr); } } void CustomElementReactionsStack::InvokeReactions(ElementQueue* aElementQueue, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal) { // This is used for error reporting. Maybe<AutoEntryScript> aes; if (aGlobal) { aes.emplace(aGlobal, "custom elements reaction invocation"); } // Note: It's possible to re-enter this method. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aElementQueue->Length(); ++i) { nsCOMPtr<Element> element = do_QueryReferent(aElementQueue->ElementAt(i)); if (!element) { continue; } RefPtr<CustomElementData> elementData = element->GetCustomElementData(); MOZ_ASSERT(elementData, "CustomElementData should exist"); auto& reactions = elementData->mReactionQueue; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < reactions.Length(); ++j) { // Transfer the ownership of the entry due to reentrant invocation of // this funciton. The entry will be removed when bug 1379573 is landed. auto reaction(Move(reactions.ElementAt(j))); if (reaction) { ErrorResult rv; reaction->Invoke(element, rv); if (aes) { JSContext* cx = aes->cx(); if (rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx)) { aes->ReportException(); } MOZ_ASSERT(!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)); } MOZ_ASSERT(!rv.Failed()); } } reactions.Clear(); } aElementQueue->Clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementDefinition CustomElementDefinition::CustomElementDefinition(nsIAtom* aType, nsIAtom* aLocalName, Function* aConstructor, nsCOMArray<nsIAtom>&& aObservedAttributes, JSObject* aPrototype, LifecycleCallbacks* aCallbacks, uint32_t aDocOrder) : mType(aType), mLocalName(aLocalName), mConstructor(new CustomElementConstructor(aConstructor)), mObservedAttributes(Move(aObservedAttributes)), mPrototype(aPrototype), mCallbacks(aCallbacks), mDocOrder(aDocOrder) { } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementUpgradeReaction /* virtual */ void CustomElementUpgradeReaction::Invoke(Element* aElement, ErrorResult& aRv) { mRegistry->Upgrade(aElement, mDefinition, aRv); } //----------------------------------------------------- // CustomElementCallbackReaction /* virtual */ void CustomElementCallbackReaction::Invoke(Element* aElement, ErrorResult& aRv) { mCustomElementCallback->Call(); } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla