<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="../testcommon.js"></script>
@keyframes animLeft {
  to { left: 100px }
@keyframes animTop {
  to { top: 100px }
@keyframes animBottom {
  to { bottom: 100px }
@keyframes animRight {
  to { right: 100px }
'use strict';

test(function(t) {
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 0,
    'getAnimations returns an empty sequence for a document'
    + ' with no animations');
}, 'getAnimations for non-animated content');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t);

  // Add an animation
  div.style.animation = 'animLeft 100s';
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 1,
                'getAnimations returns a running CSS Animation');

  // Add another animation
  div.style.animation = 'animLeft 100s, animTop 100s';
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 2,
                'getAnimations returns two running CSS Animations');

  // Remove both
  div.style.animation = '';
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 0,
                'getAnimations returns no running CSS Animations');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t);
  div.style.animation = 'animLeft 100s, animTop 100s, animRight 100s, ' +
                        'animBottom 100s';

  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, 4,
                'getAnimations returns all running CSS Animations');
  assert_equals(animations[0].animationName, 'animLeft',
                'Order of first animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[1].animationName, 'animTop',
                'Order of second animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[2].animationName, 'animRight',
                'Order of third animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[3].animationName, 'animBottom',
                'Order of fourth animation returned');
}, 'Order of CSS Animations - within an element');

test(function(t) {
  var div1 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  var div2 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  var div3 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  var div4 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });

  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, 4,
                'getAnimations returns all running CSS Animations');
  assert_equals(animations[0].effect.target, div1,
                'Order of first animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[1].effect.target, div2,
                'Order of second animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[2].effect.target, div3,
                'Order of third animation returned');
  assert_equals(animations[3].effect.target, div4,
                'Order of fourth animation returned');

  // Order should be depth-first pre-order so add some depth as follows:
  //      <parent>
  //       /  |
  //      2   3
  //    /  \
  //   1   4
  // Which should give: 2, 1, 4, 3
  animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations[0].effect.target, div2,
                'Order of first animation returned after tree surgery');
  assert_equals(animations[1].effect.target, div1,
                'Order of second animation returned after tree surgery');
  assert_equals(animations[2].effect.target, div4,
                'Order of third animation returned after tree surgery');
  assert_equals(animations[3].effect.target, div3,
                'Order of fourth animation returned after tree surgery');

}, 'Order of CSS Animations - across elements');

test(function(t) {
  var div1 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s, animTop 100s' });
  var div2 = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animBottom 100s' });

  var expectedResults = [ [ div1, 'animLeft' ],
                          [ div1, 'animTop' ],
                          [ div2, 'animBottom' ] ];
  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, expectedResults.length,
                'getAnimations returns all running CSS Animations');
  animations.forEach(function(anim, i) {
    assert_equals(anim.effect.target, expectedResults[i][0],
                  'Target of animation in position ' + i);
    assert_equals(anim.animationName, expectedResults[i][1],
                  'Name of animation in position ' + i);

  // Modify tree structure and animation list
  div1.style.animation = 'animLeft 100s, animRight 100s, animTop 100s';

  expectedResults = [ [ div2, 'animBottom' ],
                      [ div1, 'animLeft' ],
                      [ div1, 'animRight' ],
                      [ div1, 'animTop' ] ];
  animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, expectedResults.length,
                'getAnimations returns all running CSS Animations after ' +
                'making changes');
  animations.forEach(function(anim, i) {
    assert_equals(anim.effect.target, expectedResults[i][0],
                  'Target of animation in position ' + i + ' after changes');
    assert_equals(anim.animationName, expectedResults[i][1],
                  'Name of animation in position ' + i + ' after changes');
}, 'Order of CSS Animations - across and within elements');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s, animTop 100s' });
  var animLeft = document.getAnimations()[0];
  assert_equals(animLeft.animationName, 'animLeft',
                'Originally, animLeft animation comes first');

  // Disassociate animLeft from markup and restart
  div.style.animation = 'animTop 100s';

  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
                'getAnimations returns markup-bound and free animations');
  assert_equals(animations[0].animationName, 'animTop',
                'Markup-bound animations come first');
  assert_equals(animations[1], animLeft, 'Free animations come last');
}, 'Order of CSS Animations - markup-bound vs free animations');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s, animTop 100s' });
  var animLeft = document.getAnimations()[0];
  var animTop  = document.getAnimations()[1];

  // Disassociate both animations from markup and restart in opposite order
  div.style.animation = '';

  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
                'getAnimations returns free animations');
  assert_equals(animations[0], animTop,
                'Free animations are returned in the order they are started');
  assert_equals(animations[1], animLeft,
                'Animations started later are returned later');

  // Restarting an animation should have no effect
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations()[0], animTop,
                'After restarting, the ordering of free animations' +
                ' does not change');
}, 'Order of CSS Animations - free animations');

test(function(t) {
  // Add an animation first
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  div.style.top = '0px';
  div.style.transition = 'all 100s';

  // *Then* add a transition
  div.style.top = '100px';

  // Although the transition was added later, it should come first in the list
  var animations = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
                'Both CSS animations and transitions are returned');
  assert_class_string(animations[0], 'CSSTransition', 'Transition comes first');
  assert_class_string(animations[1], 'CSSAnimation', 'Animation comes second');
}, 'Order of CSS Animations and CSS Transitions');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s forwards' });
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 1,
                'Forwards-filling CSS animations are returned');
}, 'Finished but filling CSS Animations are returned');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 0,
                'Non-filling finished CSS animations are not returned');
}, 'Finished but not filling CSS Animations are not returned');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s 100s' });
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 1,
                'Yet-to-start CSS animations are returned');
}, 'Yet-to-start CSS Animations are returned');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 0,
                'CSS animations cancelled by the API are not returned');
}, 'CSS Animations cancelled via the API are not returned');

test(function(t) {
  var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: animLeft 100s' });
  var anim = div.getAnimations()[0];
  assert_equals(document.getAnimations().length, 1,
                'CSS animations cancelled and restarted by the API are ' +
}, 'CSS Animations cancelled and restarted via the API are returned');

test(function(t) {
  addStyle(t, { '#parent::after': 'animation: animLeft 10s;',
                '#parent::before': 'animation: animRight 10s;' });
  // create two divs with these arrangement:
  //       parent
  //     ::before,
  //     ::after
  //        |
  //       child
  var parent = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'parent' });
  var child = addDiv(t);
  [parent, child].forEach((div) => {
    div.setAttribute('style', 'animation: animBottom 10s');

  var anims = document.getAnimations();
  assert_equals(anims.length, 4,
                'CSS animations on both pseudo-elements and elements ' +
                'are returned');
  assert_equals(anims[0].effect.target, parent,
                'The animation targeting the parent element comes first');
  assert_equals(anims[1].effect.target.type, '::before',
                'The animation targeting the ::before element comes second');
  assert_equals(anims[2].effect.target.type, '::after',
                'The animation targeting the ::after element comes third');
  assert_equals(anims[3].effect.target, child,
                'The animation targeting the child element comes last');
}, 'CSS Animations targetting (pseudo-)elements should have correct order ' +
   'after sorting');
