<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590573 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 590573</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590573">Mozilla Bug 590573</a> <script type='application/javascript;version=1.7'> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); // Listen to the first callback, since this indicates that the page loaded. var page1LoadCallbackEnabled = true; function page1Load() { if (page1LoadCallbackEnabled) { page1LoadCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page1 load.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page1 load.\n'); } } var page1PopstateCallbackEnabled = false; function page1Popstate() { if (page1PopstateCallbackEnabled) { page1PopstateCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page1 popstate.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page1 popstate.\n'); } } var page1PageShowCallbackEnabled = false; function page1PageShow() { if (page1PageShowCallbackEnabled) { page1PageShowCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page1 pageshow.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page1 pageshow.\n'); } } var page2LoadCallbackEnabled = false; function page2Load() { if (page2LoadCallbackEnabled) { page2LoadCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page2 popstate.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page2 popstate.\n'); } } var page2PopstateCallbackEnabled = false; function page2Popstate() { if (page2PopstateCallbackEnabled) { page2PopstateCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page2 popstate.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page2 popstate.\n'); } } var page2PageShowCallbackEnabled = false; function page2PageShow() { if (page2PageShowCallbackEnabled) { page2PageShowCallbackEnabled = false; dump('Got page2 pageshow.\n'); pageLoad(); } else { dump('Ignoring page2 pageshow.\n'); } } function dumpSHistory(theWindow) { let sh = SpecialPowers.wrap(theWindow).QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .sessionHistory; if (!sh) { dump(" window has no shistory.\n"); return; } dump(" count: " + sh.count + "\n"); dump(" index: " + sh.index + "\n"); dump(" requestedIndex: " + sh.requestedIndex + "\n"); for (let i = 0; i < sh.count; i++) { let shentry = sh.getEntryAtIndex(i, false); dump(" " + i + ": " + shentry.URI.spec + '\n'); shentry.QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsISHContainer); for (let j = 0; j < shentry.childCount; j++) { let child = shentry.GetChildAt(j); dump(" child " + j + ": " + child.URI.spec + '\n'); } } return sh; } var popup = window.open('file_bug590573_1.html'); var gTestContinuation = null; var loads = 0; function pageLoad() { loads++; dump('pageLoad(loads=' + loads + ', page location=' + popup.location + ')\n'); dumpSHistory(window); if (!gTestContinuation) { gTestContinuation = testBody(); } var ret = gTestContinuation.next(); if (ret.done) { SimpleTest.finish(); } } function* testBody() { is(popup.scrollY, 0, "test 1"); popup.scroll(0, 100); popup.history.pushState('', '', '?pushed'); is(popup.scrollY, 100, "test 2"); popup.scroll(0, 200); // set state-2's position to 200 popup.history.back(); is(popup.scrollY, 100, "test 3"); popup.scroll(0, 150); // set original page's position to 150 popup.history.forward(); is(popup.scrollY, 200, "test 4"); popup.history.back(); is(popup.scrollY, 150, "test 5"); popup.history.forward(); is(popup.scrollY, 200, "test 6"); // At this point, the history looks like: // PATH POSITION // file_bug590573_1.html 150 <-- oldest // file_bug590573_1.html?pushed 200 <-- newest, current // Now test that the scroll position is persisted when we have real // navigations involved. First, we need to spin the event loop so that the // navigation doesn't replace our current history entry. setTimeout(pageLoad, 0); yield; page2LoadCallbackEnabled = true; popup.location = 'file_bug590573_2.html'; yield; ok(popup.location.href.match('file_bug590573_2.html$'), "Location was " + popup.location + " but should end with file_bug590573_2.html"); is(popup.scrollY, 0, "test 7"); popup.scroll(0, 300); // We need to spin the event loop again before we go back, otherwise the // scroll positions don't get updated properly. setTimeout(pageLoad, 0); yield; page1PageShowCallbackEnabled = true; popup.history.back(); yield; // Spin the event loop again so that we get the right scroll positions. setTimeout(pageLoad, 0); yield; is(popup.location.search, "?pushed"); ok(popup.document.getElementById('div1'), 'page should have div1.'); is(popup.scrollY, 200, "test 8"); popup.history.back(); is(popup.scrollY, 150, "test 9"); popup.history.forward(); is(popup.scrollY, 200, "test 10"); // Spin one last time... setTimeout(pageLoad, 0); yield; page2PageShowCallbackEnabled = true; popup.history.forward(); yield; // Bug 821821, on Android tegras we get 299 instead of 300 sometimes if (popup.scrollY >= 299 && popup.scrollY <= 300) { is(1, 1, "test 11"); } else { is(1, 0, "test 11, got " + popup.scrollY + " for popup.scrollY instead of 299|300"); } popup.close(); } </script> </body> </html>