<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>

<window id="360511Test"
        title="bug 360511 test">

  <script type="application/javascript" src= "chrome://mochikit/content/chrome-harness.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript" src="docshell_helpers.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
    // Define the generator-iterator for the tests.
    var tests = testIterator();

    // Execute the next test in the generator function.
    function nextTest() {

    // Generator function for test steps for bug 360511:  
    // Fragment uri's in session history should be restored correctly
    // upon back navigation.
    function testIterator()
      // Case 1: load a page containing a fragment link; the page should be 
      // stored in the bfcache.
      // Case 2: load a page containing a fragment link; the page should NOT 
      // be stored in the bfcache.
      for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++)
        var url = "bug360511_case" + i + ".html";
        doPageNavigation( {
          uri: getHttpUrl(url),
          onNavComplete: nextTest,
          preventBFCache: i != 1
        } );
        yield undefined;
        // Store the original url for later comparison.
        var originalUrl = TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
        var originalDocLocation = TestWindow.getDocument().location.href;
        // Verify we're at the top of the page.
        is(TestWindow.getWindow().scrollY, 0, 
          "Page initially has a non-zero scrollY property");
        // Click the on the fragment link in the browser, and use setTimeout 
        // to give the event a chance to be processed.
        var event = TestWindow.getDocument().createEvent('MouseEvent');
        event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, TestWindow.getWindow(), 0,
          0, 0, 0, 0,
          false, false, false, false, 0, null);
        setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
        yield undefined;

        // Store the fragment url for later comparison.
        var fragmentUrl = TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
        var fragDocLocation = TestWindow.getDocument().location.href;
        // Verify we're no longer at the top of the page.
        ok(TestWindow.getWindow().scrollY > 0,
          "We're at the top of the page but we should be at the bottom");
        // Now navigate to any other page
        var expectedPageTitle = "bug360511 case " + i;
        doPageNavigation( {
          uri: getHttpUrl("generic.html"),
          eventsToListenFor: ["pagehide", "pageshow"],
          expectedEvents: [ {type: "pagehide", title: expectedPageTitle,
                             persisted: i == 1},
                            {type: "pageshow"} ],
          onNavComplete: nextTest
        } );
        yield undefined;
        // Go back
        doPageNavigation( {
          back: true,
          eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow"],
          expectedEvents: [ {type: "pageshow", title: expectedPageTitle, 
                             persisted: i == 1} ],
          onNavComplete: nextTest
        } );
        yield undefined;
        // Verify the current url is the fragment url
        is(TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec, fragmentUrl, 
          "current url is not the previous fragment url");
        is(TestWindow.getDocument().location.href, fragDocLocation,
          "document.location is not the previous fragment url");
        // Go back again.  Since we're just going from a fragment url to 
        // parent url, no pageshow event is fired, so don't wait for any 
        // events.  Rather, just wait for the page's scrollY property to 
        // change.
        var originalScrollY = TestWindow.getWindow().scrollY;
        doPageNavigation( {
          back: true,
          eventsToListenFor: []
        } );
          function() {
            return (TestWindow.getWindow().scrollY != originalScrollY);
          function() {
            setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
          }, 20);      
        yield undefined;
        // Verify the current url is the original url without fragment
        is(TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec, originalUrl, 
          "current url is not the original url");
        is(TestWindow.getDocument().location.href, originalDocLocation,
          "document.location is not the original url");
      // Tell the framework the test is finished.  Include the final 'yield' 
      // statement to prevent a StopIteration exception from being thrown.
      yield undefined;

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