<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>

<window id="303267Test"
        title="bug 303267 test">

  <script type="application/javascript" src= "chrome://mochikit/content/chrome-harness.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript" src="docshell_helpers.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
    // Define the generator-iterator for the tests.
    var tests = testIterator();

    // Execute the next test in the generator function.
    function nextTest() {

    // Generator function for test steps for bug 303267:  When a page is 
    // displayed from the bfcache, the script globals should
    // remain intact from the page's initial load.
    function testIterator()
      // Load an initial test page which should be saved in the bfcache.
      var navData = {
        uri: getHttpUrl("bug303267.html"),
        eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow"],
        expectedEvents: [ {type: "pageshow", title: "bug303267.html"} ],
        onNavComplete: nextTest
      yield undefined;
      // Save the HTML of the test page for later comparison.
      var originalHTML = getInnerHTMLById("div1");

      // Load a second test page.  The first test page's pagehide event should
      // have the .persisted property set to true, indicating that it was 
      // stored in the bfcache.
      navData = {
        uri: "data:text/html,<html><head><title>page2</title></head>" +
             "<body>bug303267, page2</body></html>",
        eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
        expectedEvents: [ {type: "pagehide", 
                           title: "bug303267.html", 
                           persisted: true},
                          {type: "pageshow", 
                           title: "page2"} ],
        onNavComplete: nextTest
      yield undefined;
      // Go back.  Verify that the pageshow event for the original test page 
      // had a .persisted property of true, indicating that it came from the 
      // bfcache.
      navData = {
        back: true,
        eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow", "pagehide"],
        expectedEvents: [ {type: "pagehide", 
                           title: "page2"},
                          {type: "pageshow", 
                           title: "bug303267.html", 
                           persisted: true} ],
        onNavComplete: nextTest
      yield undefined;
      // After going back, if showpagecount() could access a global variable
      // and change the test div's innerHTML, then we pass.  Otherwise, it
      // threw an exception and the following test will fail.
      var newHTML = getInnerHTMLById("div1");
        newHTML, "HTML not updated on pageshow; javascript broken?");

      // Tell the framework the test is finished.  Include the final 'yield' 
      // statement to prevent a StopIteration exception from being thrown.
      yield undefined;

    // Return the innerHTML of a particular element in the content document.
    function getInnerHTMLById(id) {
      return TestWindow.getDocument().getElementById(id).innerHTML;

  <browser type="content-primary" flex="1" id="content" src="about:blank"/>