/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

// Test for bug 673467.  In a new tab, load a page which inserts a new iframe
// before the load and then sets its location during the load.  This should
// create just one SHEntry.

var doc = "data:text/html,<html><body onload='load()'>" +
 "<script>" +
 "  var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');" +
 "  iframe.id = 'iframe';" +
 "  document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe);" +
 "  function load() {" +
 "    iframe.src = 'data:text/html,Hello!';" +
 "  }" +
 "</script>" +

function test() {

  let tab = gBrowser.addTab(doc);
  let tabBrowser = tab.linkedBrowser;

  BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
    return ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, () => {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        // The main page has loaded.  Now wait for the iframe to load.
        let iframe = content.document.getElementById('iframe');
        iframe.addEventListener('load', function listener(aEvent) {

          // Wait for the iframe to load the new document, not about:blank.
          if (!iframe.src)

          iframe.removeEventListener('load', listener, true);
          let shistory = content

          Assert.equal(shistory.count, 1, "shistory count should be 1.");
        }, true);
  }).then(() => {