/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * The nsIDocShellTreeOwner

interface nsIDocShellTreeItem;
interface nsITabParent;

[scriptable, uuid(0e3dc4b1-4cea-4a37-af71-79f0afd07574)]
interface nsIDocShellTreeOwner : nsISupports
	 * Called when a content shell is added to the docshell tree.  This is
	 * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
	 * chrome shell).
	 * @param aContentShell the shell being added.
	 * @param aPrimary whether the shell is primary.
	 * @param aTargetable whether the shell can be a target for named window
	 *					targeting.
	 * @param aID the "id" of the shell.  What this actually means is
	 *			undefined. Don't rely on this for anything.
	void contentShellAdded(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell,
						   in boolean aPrimary, in boolean aTargetable,
						   in AString aID);

	 * Called when a content shell is removed from the docshell tree.  This is
	 * _only_ called for "root" content shells (that is, ones whose parent is a
	 * chrome shell).  Note that if aContentShell was never added,
	 * contentShellRemoved should just do nothing.
	 * @param aContentShell the shell being removed.
	void contentShellRemoved(in nsIDocShellTreeItem aContentShell);

	Returns the Primary Content Shell
	readonly attribute nsIDocShellTreeItem primaryContentShell;

	void tabParentAdded(in nsITabParent aTab, in boolean aPrimary);
	void tabParentRemoved(in nsITabParent aTab);

	In multiprocess case we may not have primaryContentShell but
	readonly attribute nsITabParent primaryTabParent;

	Tells the tree owner to size its window or parent window in such a way
	that the shell passed along will be the size specified.
	void sizeShellTo(in nsIDocShellTreeItem shell, in long cx, in long cy);

	Gets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
	for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
	void getPrimaryContentSize(out long width, out long height);
	Sets the size of the primary content area in CSS pixels. This should work
	for both in-process and out-of-process content areas.
	void setPrimaryContentSize(in long width, in long height);

	Gets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
	void getRootShellSize(out long width, out long height);
	Sets the size of the root docshell in CSS pixels.
	void setRootShellSize(in long width, in long height);

	Sets the persistence of different attributes of the window.
	void setPersistence(in boolean aPersistPosition,
                            in boolean aPersistSize,
                            in boolean aPersistSizeMode);

	Gets the current persistence states of the window.
	void getPersistence(out boolean aPersistPosition,
                            out boolean aPersistSize,
                            out boolean aPersistSizeMode);

	Gets the number of targettable docshells.
	readonly attribute unsigned long targetableShellCount;

	Returns true if there is a primary content shell or a primary
	tab parent.
	readonly attribute bool hasPrimaryContent;