/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

 * Packets contain read / write functionality for the different packet types
 * supported by the debugging protocol, so that a transport can focus on
 * delivery and queue management without worrying too much about the specific
 * packet types.
 * They are intended to be "one use only", so a new packet should be
 * instantiated for each incoming or outgoing packet.
 * A complete Packet type should expose at least the following:
 *   * read(stream, scriptableStream)
 *     Called when the input stream has data to read
 *   * write(stream)
 *     Called when the output stream is ready to write
 *   * get done()
 *     Returns true once the packet is done being read / written
 *   * destroy()
 *     Called to clean up at the end of use

const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils");
const { dumpn, dumpv } = DevToolsUtils;
const flags = require("devtools/shared/flags");
const StreamUtils = require("devtools/shared/transport/stream-utils");
const promise = require("promise");
const defer = require("devtools/shared/defer");

DevToolsUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "unicodeConverter", () => {
  const unicodeConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
  unicodeConverter.charset = "UTF-8";
  return unicodeConverter;

// The transport's previous check ensured the header length did not exceed 20
// characters.  Here, we opt for the somewhat smaller, but still large limit of
// 1 TiB.
const PACKET_LENGTH_MAX = Math.pow(2, 40);

 * A generic Packet processing object (extended by two subtypes below).
function Packet(transport) {
  this._transport = transport;
  this._length = 0;

 * Attempt to initialize a new Packet based on the incoming packet header we've
 * received so far.  We try each of the types in succession, trying JSON packets
 * first since they are much more common.
 * @param header string
 *        The packet header string to attempt parsing.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
 * @return Packet
 *         The parsed packet of the matching type, or null if no types matched.
Packet.fromHeader = function (header, transport) {
  return JSONPacket.fromHeader(header, transport) ||
         BulkPacket.fromHeader(header, transport);

Packet.prototype = {

  get length() {
    return this._length;

  set length(length) {
    if (length > PACKET_LENGTH_MAX) {
      throw Error("Packet length " + length + " exceeds the max length of " +
    this._length = length;

  destroy: function () {
    this._transport = null;


exports.Packet = Packet;

 * With a JSON packet (the typical packet type sent via the transport), data is
 * transferred as a JSON packet serialized into a string, with the string length
 * prepended to the packet, followed by a colon ([length]:[packet]). The
 * contents of the JSON packet are specified in the Remote Debugging Protocol
 * specification.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
function JSONPacket(transport) {
  Packet.call(this, transport);
  this._data = "";
  this._done = false;

 * Attempt to initialize a new JSONPacket based on the incoming packet header
 * we've received so far.
 * @param header string
 *        The packet header string to attempt parsing.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
 * @return JSONPacket
 *         The parsed packet, or null if it's not a match.
JSONPacket.fromHeader = function (header, transport) {
  let match = this.HEADER_PATTERN.exec(header);

  if (!match) {
    return null;

  dumpv("Header matches JSON packet");
  let packet = new JSONPacket(transport);
  packet.length = +match[1];
  return packet;

JSONPacket.HEADER_PATTERN = /^(\d+):$/;

JSONPacket.prototype = Object.create(Packet.prototype);

Object.defineProperty(JSONPacket.prototype, "object", {
   * Gets the object (not the serialized string) being read or written.
  get: function () { return this._object; },

   * Sets the object to be sent when write() is called.
  set: function (object) {
    this._object = object;
    let data = JSON.stringify(object);
    this._data = unicodeConverter.ConvertFromUnicode(data);
    this.length = this._data.length;

JSONPacket.prototype.read = function (stream, scriptableStream) {
  dumpv("Reading JSON packet");

  // Read in more packet data.
  this._readData(stream, scriptableStream);

  if (!this.done) {
    // Don't have a complete packet yet.

  let json = this._data;
  try {
    json = unicodeConverter.ConvertToUnicode(json);
    this._object = JSON.parse(json);
  } catch (e) {
    let msg = "Error parsing incoming packet: " + json + " (" + e +
              " - " + e.stack + ")";


JSONPacket.prototype._readData = function (stream, scriptableStream) {
  if (flags.wantVerbose) {
    dumpv("Reading JSON data: _l: " + this.length + " dL: " +
          this._data.length + " sA: " + stream.available());
  let bytesToRead = Math.min(this.length - this._data.length,
  this._data += scriptableStream.readBytes(bytesToRead);
  this._done = this._data.length === this.length;

JSONPacket.prototype.write = function (stream) {
  dumpv("Writing JSON packet");

  if (this._outgoing === undefined) {
    // Format the serialized packet to a buffer
    this._outgoing = this.length + ":" + this._data;

  let written = stream.write(this._outgoing, this._outgoing.length);
  this._outgoing = this._outgoing.slice(written);
  this._done = !this._outgoing.length;

Object.defineProperty(JSONPacket.prototype, "done", {
  get: function () { return this._done; }

JSONPacket.prototype.toString = function () {
  return JSON.stringify(this._object, null, 2);

exports.JSONPacket = JSONPacket;

 * With a bulk packet, data is transferred by temporarily handing over the
 * transport's input or output stream to the application layer for writing data
 * directly.  This can be much faster for large data sets, and avoids various
 * stages of copies and data duplication inherent in the JSON packet type.  The
 * bulk packet looks like:
 * bulk [actor] [type] [length]:[data]
 * The interpretation of the data portion depends on the kind of actor and the
 * packet's type.  See the Remote Debugging Protocol Stream Transport spec for
 * more details.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
function BulkPacket(transport) {
  Packet.call(this, transport);
  this._done = false;
  this._readyForWriting = defer();

 * Attempt to initialize a new BulkPacket based on the incoming packet header
 * we've received so far.
 * @param header string
 *        The packet header string to attempt parsing.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
 * @return BulkPacket
 *         The parsed packet, or null if it's not a match.
BulkPacket.fromHeader = function (header, transport) {
  let match = this.HEADER_PATTERN.exec(header);

  if (!match) {
    return null;

  dumpv("Header matches bulk packet");
  let packet = new BulkPacket(transport);
  packet.header = {
    actor: match[1],
    type: match[2],
    length: +match[3]
  return packet;

BulkPacket.HEADER_PATTERN = /^bulk ([^: ]+) ([^: ]+) (\d+):$/;

BulkPacket.prototype = Object.create(Packet.prototype);

BulkPacket.prototype.read = function (stream) {
  dumpv("Reading bulk packet, handing off input stream");

  // Temporarily pause monitoring of the input stream

  let deferred = defer();

    actor: this.actor,
    type: this.type,
    length: this.length,
    copyTo: (output) => {
      dumpv("CT length: " + this.length);
      let copying = StreamUtils.copyStream(stream, output, this.length);
      return copying;
    stream: stream,
    done: deferred

  // Await the result of reading from the stream
  deferred.promise.then(() => {
    dumpv("onReadDone called, ending bulk mode");
    this._done = true;
  }, this._transport.close);

  // Ensure this is only done once
  this.read = () => {
    throw new Error("Tried to read() a BulkPacket's stream multiple times.");

BulkPacket.prototype.write = function (stream) {
  dumpv("Writing bulk packet");

  if (this._outgoingHeader === undefined) {
    dumpv("Serializing bulk packet header");
    // Format the serialized packet header to a buffer
    this._outgoingHeader = "bulk " + this.actor + " " + this.type + " " +
                           this.length + ":";

  // Write the header, or whatever's left of it to write.
  if (this._outgoingHeader.length) {
    dumpv("Writing bulk packet header");
    let written = stream.write(this._outgoingHeader,
    this._outgoingHeader = this._outgoingHeader.slice(written);

  dumpv("Handing off output stream");

  // Temporarily pause the monitoring of the output stream

  let deferred = defer();

    copyFrom: (input) => {
      dumpv("CF length: " + this.length);
      let copying = StreamUtils.copyStream(input, stream, this.length);
      return copying;
    stream: stream,
    done: deferred

  // Await the result of writing to the stream
  deferred.promise.then(() => {
    dumpv("onWriteDone called, ending bulk mode");
    this._done = true;
  }, this._transport.close);

  // Ensure this is only done once
  this.write = () => {
    throw new Error("Tried to write() a BulkPacket's stream multiple times.");

Object.defineProperty(BulkPacket.prototype, "streamReadyForWriting", {
  get: function () {
    return this._readyForWriting.promise;

Object.defineProperty(BulkPacket.prototype, "header", {
  get: function () {
    return {
      actor: this.actor,
      type: this.type,
      length: this.length

  set: function (header) {
    this.actor = header.actor;
    this.type = header.type;
    this.length = header.length;

Object.defineProperty(BulkPacket.prototype, "done", {
  get: function () { return this._done; },

BulkPacket.prototype.toString = function () {
  return "Bulk: " + JSON.stringify(this.header, null, 2);

exports.BulkPacket = BulkPacket;

 * RawPacket is used to test the transport's error handling of malformed
 * packets, by writing data directly onto the stream.
 * @param transport DebuggerTransport
 *        The transport instance that will own the packet.
 * @param data string
 *        The raw string to send out onto the stream.
function RawPacket(transport, data) {
  Packet.call(this, transport);
  this._data = data;
  this.length = data.length;
  this._done = false;

RawPacket.prototype = Object.create(Packet.prototype);

RawPacket.prototype.read = function (stream) {
  // This hasn't yet been needed for testing.
  throw Error("Not implmented.");

RawPacket.prototype.write = function (stream) {
  let written = stream.write(this._data, this._data.length);
  this._data = this._data.slice(written);
  this._done = !this._data.length;

Object.defineProperty(RawPacket.prototype, "done", {
  get: function () { return this._done; }

exports.RawPacket = RawPacket;