# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Web Console
# command line which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu
# -> 'Web Console'.
# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
# documentation on web development on the web.

# For each command there are in general two strings. As an example consider
# the 'pref' command.
# commandDesc (e.g. prefDesc for the command 'pref'): this string contains a
# very short description of the command. It's designed to be shown in a menu
# alongside the command name, which is why it should be as short as possible.
# commandManual (e.g. prefManual for the command 'pref'): this string will
# contain a fuller description of the command. It's diplayed when the user
# asks for help about a specific command (e.g. 'help pref').

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is used to describe any command or command
# parameter when no description has been provided.
canonDescNone=(No description)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The default name for a group of parameters.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (canonProxyDesc, canonProxyManual): These commands are
# used to execute commands on a remote system (using a proxy). Parameters: %S
# is the name of the remote system.
canonProxyDesc=Execute a command on %S
canonProxyManual=A set of commands that are executed on a remote system. The remote system is reached via %S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error message is displayed when we try to add a new
# command (using a proxy) where one already exists with the same name.
canonProxyExists=There is already a command called ‘%S’

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message describes the '{' command, which allows
# entry of JavaScript like traditional developer tool command lines.
cliEvalJavascript=Enter JavaScript directly

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is displayed when the command line has more
# arguments than the current command can understand.
cliUnusedArg=Too many arguments

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The title of the dialog which displays the options that
# are available to the current command.
cliOptions=Available Options

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The error message when the user types a command that
# isn't registered
cliUnknownCommand2=Invalid Command: ‘%1$S’.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: A parameter should have a value, but doesn't
cliIncompleteParam=Value required for ‘%1$S’.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Error message given when a file argument points to a file
# that does not exist, but should (e.g. for use with File->Open) %1$S is a
# filename
fileErrNotExists=‘%1$S’ doesn’t exist

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Error message given when a file argument points to a file
# that exists, but should not (e.g. for use with File->Save As) %1$S is a
# filename
fileErrExists=‘%1$S’ already exists

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Error message given when a file argument points to a
# non-file, when a file is needed. %1$S is a filename
fileErrIsNotFile=‘%1$S’ is not a file

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Error message given when a file argument points to a
# non-directory, when a directory is needed (e.g. for use with 'cd') %1$S is a
# filename
fileErrIsNotDirectory=‘%1$S’ is not a directory

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Error message given when a file argument does not match
# the specified regular expression %1$S is a filename %2$S is a regular
# expression
fileErrDoesntMatch=‘%1$S’ does not match ‘%2$S’

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: When the menu has displayed all the matches that it
# should (i.e. about 10 items) then we display this to alert the user that
# more matches are available.
fieldMenuMore=More matches, keep typing

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The command line provides completion for JavaScript
# commands, however there are times when the scope of what we're completing
# against can't be used. This error message is displayed when this happens.
jstypeParseScope=Scope lost

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jstypeParseMissing, jstypeBeginSyntax,
# jstypeBeginUnterm): These error messages are displayed when the command line
# is doing JavaScript completion and encounters errors.
jstypeParseMissing=Can’t find property ‘%S’
jstypeBeginSyntax=Syntax error
jstypeBeginUnterm=Unterminated string literal

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is displayed if the system for providing
# JavaScript completions encounters and error it displays this.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (typesNumberNan, typesNumberNotInt2, typesDateNan): These
# error messages are displayed when the command line is passed a variable
# which has the wrong format and can't be converted. Parameters: %S is the
# passed variable.
typesNumberNan=Can’t convert “%S” to a number.
typesNumberNotInt2=Can’t convert “%S” to an integer.
typesDateNan=Can’t convert “%S” to a date.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (typesNumberMax, typesNumberMin, typesDateMax,
# typesDateMin): These error messages are displayed when the command line is
# passed a variable which has a value out of range (number or date).
# Parameters: %1$S is the passed variable, %2$S is the limit value.
typesNumberMax=%1$S is greater than maximum allowed: %2$S.
typesNumberMin=%1$S is smaller than minimum allowed: %2$S.
typesDateMax=%1$S is later than maximum allowed: %2$S.
typesDateMin=%1$S is earlier than minimum allowed: %2$S.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error message is displayed when the command line is
# passed an option with a limited number of correct values, but the passed
# value is not one of them.
typesSelectionNomatch=Can’t use ‘%S’.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error message is displayed when the command line is
# expecting a CSS query string, however the passed string is not valid.
nodeParseSyntax=Syntax error in CSS query

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nodeParseMultiple, nodeParseNone): These error messages
# are displayed when the command line is expecting a CSS string that matches a
# single node, but more nodes (or none) match.
nodeParseMultiple=Too many matches (%S)
nodeParseNone=No matches

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (helpDesc, helpManual, helpSearchDesc, helpSearchManual3):
# These strings describe the "help" command, used to display a description of
# a command (e.g. "help pref"), and its parameter 'search'.
helpDesc=Get help on the available commands
helpManual=Provide help either on a specific command (if a search string is provided and an exact match is found) or on the available commands (if a search string is not provided, or if no exact match is found).
helpSearchDesc=Search string
helpSearchManual3=search string to use in narrowing down the displayed commands. Regular expressions not supported.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (helpManSynopsis, helpManDescription): These strings are
# displayed in the help page for a command in the console.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is displayed in the help page if the command
# has no parameters.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is displayed in response to the 'help'
# command when used without a filter, just above the list of known commands.
helpListAll=Available Commands:

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (helpListPrefix, helpListNone): These messages are
# displayed in response to the 'help <search>' command (i.e. with a search
# string), just above the list of matching commands. Parameters: %S is the
# search string.
helpListPrefix=Commands starting with ‘%S’:
helpListNone=No commands starting with ‘%S’

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (helpManRequired, helpManOptional, helpManDefault): When
# the 'help x' command wants to show the manual for the 'x' command, it needs
# to be able to describe the parameters as either required or optional, or if
# they have a default value.
helpManDefault=optional, default=%S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This forms part of the output from the 'help' command.
# 'GCLI' is a project name and should be left untranslated.
helpIntro=GCLI is an experiment to create a highly usable command line for web developers.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Text shown as part of the output of the 'help' command
# when the command in question has sub-commands, before a list of the matching
# sub-commands.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Text shown as part of the output of the 'help' command
# when the command in question should have sub-commands but in fact has none.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error message is displayed when the command line is
# cannot find a match for the parse types.
commandParseError=Command line parsing error

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextDesc, contextManual, contextPrefixDesc): These
# strings are used to describe the 'context' command and its 'prefix'
# parameter. See localization comment for 'connect' for an explanation about
# 'prefix'.
contextDesc=Concentrate on a group of commands
contextManual=Setup a default prefix to future commands. For example ‘context git’ would allow you to type ‘commit’ rather than ‘git commit’.
contextPrefixDesc=The command prefix

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message message displayed during the processing of
# the 'context' command, when the found command is not a parent command.
contextNotParentError=Can’t use ‘%S’ as a prefix because it is not a parent command.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextReply, contextEmptyReply): These messages are
# displayed during the processing of the 'context' command, to indicate
# success or that there is no command prefix.
contextReply=Using %S as a command prefix
contextEmptyReply=Command prefix is unset

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connectDesc, connectManual, connectPrefixDesc,
# connectMethodDesc, connectUrlDesc, connectDupReply): These strings describe
# the 'connect' command and all its available parameters. A 'prefix' is an 
# alias for the remote server (think of it as a "connection name"), and it
# allows to identify a specific server when connected to multiple remote
# servers.
connectDesc=Proxy commands to server
connectManual=Connect to the server, creating local versions of the commands on the server. Remote commands initially have a prefix to distinguish them from local commands (but see the context command to get past this)
connectPrefixDesc=Parent prefix for imported commands
connectMethodDesc=The method of connecting
connectUrlDesc=The URL to connect to
connectDupReply=Connection called %S already exists.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The output of the 'connect' command, telling the user
# what it has done. Parameters: %S is the prefix command. See localization
# comment for 'connect' for an explanation about 'prefix'.
connectReply=Added %S commands.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disconnectDesc2, disconnectManual2,
# disconnectPrefixDesc): These strings describe the 'disconnect' command and
# all its available parameters. See localization comment for 'connect' for an
# explanation about 'prefix'.
disconnectDesc2=Disconnect from server
disconnectManual2=Disconnect from a server currently connected for remote commands execution
disconnectPrefixDesc=Parent prefix for imported commands

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This is the output of the 'disconnect' command,
# explaining the user what has been done. Parameters: %S is the number of
# commands removed.
disconnectReply=Removed %S commands.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (globalDesc, globalWindowDesc, globalOutput): These
# strings describe the 'global' command and its parameters
globalDesc=Change the JS global
globalWindowDesc=The new window/global
globalOutput=JS global is now %S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings describe the 'clear' command
clearDesc=Clear the output area

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (langDesc, langOutput): These strings describe the 'lang'
# command and its parameters
langDesc=Enter commands in different languages
langOutput=You are now using %S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefDesc, prefManual, prefListDesc, prefListManual,
# prefListSearchDesc, prefListSearchManual, prefShowDesc, prefShowManual,
# prefShowSettingDesc, prefShowSettingManual): These strings describe the
# 'pref' command and all its available sub-commands and parameters.
prefDesc=Commands to control settings
prefManual=Commands to display and alter preferences both for GCLI and the surrounding environment
prefListDesc=Display available settings
prefListManual=Display a list of preferences, optionally filtered when using the ‘search’ parameter
prefListSearchDesc=Filter the list of settings displayed
prefListSearchManual=Search for the given string in the list of available preferences
prefShowDesc=Display setting value
prefShowManual=Display the value of a given preference
prefShowSettingDesc=Setting to display
prefShowSettingManual=The name of the setting to display

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This message is used to show the preference name and the
# associated preference value. Parameters: %1$S is the preference name, %2$S
# is the preference value.
prefShowSettingValue=%1$S: %2$S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefSetDesc, prefSetManual, prefSetSettingDesc,
# prefSetSettingManual, prefSetValueDesc, prefSetValueManual): These strings
# describe the 'pref set' command and all its parameters.
prefSetDesc=Alter a setting
prefSetManual=Alter preferences defined by the environment
prefSetSettingDesc=Setting to alter
prefSetSettingManual=The name of the setting to alter.
prefSetValueDesc=New value for setting
prefSetValueManual=The new value for the specified setting

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefResetDesc, prefResetManual, prefResetSettingDesc,
# prefResetSettingManual): These strings describe the 'pref reset' command and
# all its parameters.
prefResetDesc=Reset a setting
prefResetManual=Reset the value of a setting to the system defaults
prefResetSettingDesc=Setting to reset
prefResetSettingManual=The name of the setting to reset to the system default value

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This string is displayed in the output from the 'pref
# list' command as a label to an input element that allows the user to filter
# the results.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefOutputName, prefOutputValue): These strings are
# displayed in the output from the 'pref list' command as table headings.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (introDesc, introManual): These strings describe the
# 'intro' command. The localization of 'Got it!' should be the same used in
# introTextGo.
introDesc=Show the opening message
introManual=Redisplay the message that is shown to new users until they click the ‘Got it!’ button

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (introTextOpening3, introTextCommands, introTextKeys2,
# introTextF1Escape, introTextGo): These strings are displayed when the user
# first opens the developer toolbar to explain the command line, and is shown
# each time it is opened until the user clicks the 'Got it!' button.
introTextOpening3=GCLI is an experiment to create a highly usable command line for web developers.
introTextCommands=For a list of commands type
introTextKeys2=, or to show/hide command hints press
introTextGo=Got it!

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This is a short description of the 'hideIntro' setting.
hideIntroDesc=Show the initial welcome message

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This is a description of the 'eagerHelper' setting. It's
# displayed when the user asks for help on the settings. eagerHelper allows
# users to select between showing no tooltips, permanent tooltips, and only
# important tooltips.
eagerHelperDesc=How eager are the tooltips