/* * Copyright 2012, Mozilla Foundation and contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; /* globals document */ /** * For full documentation, see: * https://github.com/mozilla/domtemplate/blob/master/README.md */ /** * Begin a new templating process. * @param node A DOM element or string referring to an element's id * @param data Data to use in filling out the template * @param options Options to customize the template processing. One of: * - allowEval: boolean (default false) Basic template interpolations are * either property paths (e.g. ${a.b.c.d}), or if allowEval=true then we * allow arbitrary JavaScript * - stack: string or array of strings (default empty array) The template * engine maintains a stack of tasks to help debug where it is. This allows * this stack to be prefixed with a template name * - blankNullUndefined: By default DOMTemplate exports null and undefined * values using the strings 'null' and 'undefined', which can be helpful for * debugging, but can introduce unnecessary extra logic in a template to * convert null/undefined to ''. By setting blankNullUndefined:true, this * conversion is handled by DOMTemplate */ var template = function (node, data, options) { let state = { options: options || {}, // We keep a track of the nodes that we've passed through so we can keep // data.__element pointing to the correct node nodes: [] }; state.stack = state.options.stack; if (!Array.isArray(state.stack)) { if (typeof state.stack === "string") { state.stack = [ options.stack ]; } else { state.stack = []; } } processNode(state, node, data); }; if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { exports.template = template; } this.template = template; /** * Helper for the places where we need to act asynchronously and keep track of * where we are right now */ function cloneState(state) { return { options: state.options, stack: state.stack.slice(), nodes: state.nodes.slice() }; } /** * Regex used to find ${...} sections in some text. * Performance note: This regex uses ( and ) to capture the 'script' for * further processing. Not all of the uses of this regex use this feature so * if use of the capturing group is a performance drain then we should split * this regex in two. */ var TEMPLATE_REGION = /\$\{([^}]*)\}/g; /** * Recursive function to walk the tree processing the attributes as it goes. * @param node the node to process. If you pass a string in instead of a DOM * element, it is assumed to be an id for use with document.getElementById() * @param data the data to use for node processing. */ function processNode(state, node, data) { if (typeof node === "string") { node = document.getElementById(node); } if (data == null) { data = {}; } state.stack.push(node.nodeName + (node.id ? "#" + node.id : "")); let pushedNode = false; try { // Process attributes if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length) { // We need to handle 'foreach' and 'if' first because they might stop // some types of processing from happening, and foreach must come first // because it defines new data on which 'if' might depend. if (node.hasAttribute("foreach")) { processForEach(state, node, data); return; } if (node.hasAttribute("if")) { if (!processIf(state, node, data)) { return; } } // Only make the node available once we know it's not going away state.nodes.push(data.__element); data.__element = node; pushedNode = true; // It's good to clean up the attributes when we've processed them, // but if we do it straight away, we mess up the array index let attrs = Array.prototype.slice.call(node.attributes); for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { let value = attrs[i].value; let name = attrs[i].name; state.stack.push(name); try { if (name === "save") { // Save attributes are a setter using the node value = stripBraces(state, value); property(state, value, data, node); node.removeAttribute("save"); } else if (name.substring(0, 2) === "on") { // If this attribute value contains only an expression if (value.substring(0, 2) === "${" && value.slice(-1) === "}" && value.indexOf("${", 2) === -1) { value = stripBraces(state, value); let func = property(state, value, data); if (typeof func === "function") { node.removeAttribute(name); let capture = node.hasAttribute("capture" + name.substring(2)); node.addEventListener(name.substring(2), func, capture); if (capture) { node.removeAttribute("capture" + name.substring(2)); } } else { // Attribute value is not a function - use as a DOM-L0 string node.setAttribute(name, func); } } else { // Attribute value is not a single expression use as DOM-L0 node.setAttribute(name, processString(state, value, data)); } } else { node.removeAttribute(name); // Remove '_' prefix of attribute names so the DOM won't try // to use them before we've processed the template if (name.charAt(0) === "_") { name = name.substring(1); } // Async attributes can only work if the whole attribute is async let replacement; if (value.indexOf("${") === 0 && value.charAt(value.length - 1) === "}") { replacement = envEval(state, value.slice(2, -1), data, value); if (replacement && typeof replacement.then === "function") { node.setAttribute(name, ""); /* jshint loopfunc:true */ replacement.then(function (newValue) { node.setAttribute(name, newValue); }).then(null, console.error); } else { if (state.options.blankNullUndefined && replacement == null) { replacement = ""; } node.setAttribute(name, replacement); } } else { node.setAttribute(name, processString(state, value, data)); } } } finally { state.stack.pop(); } } } // Loop through our children calling processNode. First clone them, so the // set of nodes that we visit will be unaffected by additions or removals. let childNodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(node.childNodes); for (let j = 0; j < childNodes.length; j++) { processNode(state, childNodes[j], data); } /* 3 === Node.TEXT_NODE */ if (node.nodeType === 3) { processTextNode(state, node, data); } } finally { if (pushedNode) { data.__element = state.nodes.pop(); } state.stack.pop(); } } /** * Handle attribute values where the output can only be a string */ function processString(state, value, data) { return value.replace(TEMPLATE_REGION, function (path) { let insert = envEval(state, path.slice(2, -1), data, value); return state.options.blankNullUndefined && insert == null ? "" : insert; }); } /** * Handle <x if="${...}"> * @param node An element with an 'if' attribute * @param data The data to use with envEval() * @returns true if processing should continue, false otherwise */ function processIf(state, node, data) { state.stack.push("if"); try { let originalValue = node.getAttribute("if"); let value = stripBraces(state, originalValue); let recurse = true; try { let reply = envEval(state, value, data, originalValue); recurse = !!reply; } catch (ex) { handleError(state, "Error with '" + value + "'", ex); recurse = false; } if (!recurse) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } node.removeAttribute("if"); return recurse; } finally { state.stack.pop(); } } /** * Handle <x foreach="param in ${array}"> and the special case of * <loop foreach="param in ${array}">. * This function is responsible for extracting what it has to do from the * attributes, and getting the data to work on (including resolving promises * in getting the array). It delegates to processForEachLoop to actually * unroll the data. * @param node An element with a 'foreach' attribute * @param data The data to use with envEval() */ function processForEach(state, node, data) { state.stack.push("foreach"); try { let originalValue = node.getAttribute("foreach"); let value = originalValue; let paramName = "param"; if (value.charAt(0) === "$") { // No custom loop variable name. Use the default: 'param' value = stripBraces(state, value); } else { // Extract the loop variable name from 'NAME in ${ARRAY}' let nameArr = value.split(" in "); paramName = nameArr[0].trim(); value = stripBraces(state, nameArr[1].trim()); } node.removeAttribute("foreach"); try { let evaled = envEval(state, value, data, originalValue); let cState = cloneState(state); handleAsync(evaled, node, function (reply, siblingNode) { processForEachLoop(cState, reply, node, siblingNode, data, paramName); }); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } catch (ex) { handleError(state, "Error with " + value + "'", ex); } } finally { state.stack.pop(); } } /** * Called by processForEach to handle looping over the data in a foreach loop. * This works with both arrays and objects. * Calls processForEachMember() for each member of 'set' * @param set The object containing the data to loop over * @param templNode The node to copy for each set member * @param sibling The sibling node to which we add things * @param data the data to use for node processing * @param paramName foreach loops have a name for the parameter currently being * processed. The default is 'param'. e.g. <loop foreach="param in ${x}">... */ function processForEachLoop(state, set, templNode, sibling, data, paramName) { if (Array.isArray(set)) { set.forEach(function (member, i) { processForEachMember(state, member, templNode, sibling, data, paramName, "" + i); }); } else { for (let member in set) { if (set.hasOwnProperty(member)) { processForEachMember(state, member, templNode, sibling, data, paramName, member); } } } } /** * Called by processForEachLoop() to resolve any promises in the array (the * array itself can also be a promise, but that is resolved by * processForEach()). Handle <LOOP> elements (which are taken out of the DOM), * clone the template node, and pass the processing on to processNode(). * @param member The data item to use in templating * @param templNode The node to copy for each set member * @param siblingNode The parent node to which we add things * @param data the data to use for node processing * @param paramName The name given to 'member' by the foreach attribute * @param frame A name to push on the stack for debugging */ function processForEachMember(state, member, templNode, siblingNode, data, paramName, frame) { state.stack.push(frame); try { let cState = cloneState(state); handleAsync(member, siblingNode, function (reply, node) { // Clone data because we can't be sure that we can safely mutate it let newData = Object.create(null); Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) { newData[key] = data[key]; }); newData[paramName] = reply; if (node.parentNode != null) { let clone; if (templNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "loop") { for (let i = 0; i < templNode.childNodes.length; i++) { clone = templNode.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true); node.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, node); processNode(cState, clone, newData); } } else { clone = templNode.cloneNode(true); clone.removeAttribute("foreach"); node.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, node); processNode(cState, clone, newData); } } }); } finally { state.stack.pop(); } } /** * Take a text node and replace it with another text node with the ${...} * sections parsed out. We replace the node by altering node.parentNode but * we could probably use a DOM Text API to achieve the same thing. * @param node The Text node to work on * @param data The data to use in calls to envEval() */ function processTextNode(state, node, data) { // Replace references in other attributes let value = node.data; // We can't use the string.replace() with function trick (see generic // attribute processing in processNode()) because we need to support // functions that return DOM nodes, so we can't have the conversion to a // string. // Instead we process the string as an array of parts. In order to split // the string up, we first replace '${' with '\uF001$' and '}' with '\uF002' // We can then split using \uF001 or \uF002 to get an array of strings // where scripts are prefixed with $. // \uF001 and \uF002 are just unicode chars reserved for private use. value = value.replace(TEMPLATE_REGION, "\uF001$$$1\uF002"); // Split a string using the unicode chars F001 and F002. let parts = value.split(/\uF001|\uF002/); if (parts.length > 1) { parts.forEach(function (part) { if (part === null || part === undefined || part === "") { return; } if (part.charAt(0) === "$") { part = envEval(state, part.slice(1), data, node.data); } let cState = cloneState(state); handleAsync(part, node, function (reply, siblingNode) { let doc = siblingNode.ownerDocument; if (reply == null) { reply = cState.options.blankNullUndefined ? "" : "" + reply; } if (typeof reply.cloneNode === "function") { // i.e. if (reply instanceof Element) { ... reply = maybeImportNode(cState, reply, doc); siblingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(reply, siblingNode); } else if (typeof reply.item === "function" && reply.length) { // NodeLists can be live, in which case maybeImportNode can // remove them from the document, and thus the NodeList, which in // turn breaks iteration. So first we clone the list let list = Array.prototype.slice.call(reply, 0); list.forEach(function (child) { let imported = maybeImportNode(cState, child, doc); siblingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(imported, siblingNode); }); } else { // if thing isn't a DOM element then wrap its string value in one reply = doc.createTextNode(reply.toString()); siblingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(reply, siblingNode); } }); }); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } /** * Return node or a import of node, if it's not in the given document * @param node The node that we want to be properly owned * @param doc The document that the given node should belong to * @return A node that belongs to the given document */ function maybeImportNode(state, node, doc) { return node.ownerDocument === doc ? node : doc.importNode(node, true); } /** * A function to handle the fact that some nodes can be promises, so we check * and resolve if needed using a marker node to keep our place before calling * an inserter function. * @param thing The object which could be real data or a promise of real data * we use it directly if it's not a promise, or resolve it if it is. * @param siblingNode The element before which we insert new elements. * @param inserter The function to to the insertion. If thing is not a promise * then handleAsync() is just 'inserter(thing, siblingNode)' */ function handleAsync(thing, siblingNode, inserter) { if (thing != null && typeof thing.then === "function") { // Placeholder element to be replaced once we have the real data let tempNode = siblingNode.ownerDocument.createElement("span"); siblingNode.parentNode.insertBefore(tempNode, siblingNode); thing.then(function (delayed) { inserter(delayed, tempNode); if (tempNode.parentNode != null) { tempNode.parentNode.removeChild(tempNode); } }).then(null, function (error) { console.error(error.stack); }); } else { inserter(thing, siblingNode); } } /** * Warn of string does not begin '${' and end '}' * @param str the string to check. * @return The string stripped of ${ and }, or untouched if it does not match */ function stripBraces(state, str) { if (!str.match(TEMPLATE_REGION)) { handleError(state, "Expected " + str + " to match ${...}"); return str; } return str.slice(2, -1); } /** * Combined getter and setter that works with a path through some data set. * For example: * <ul> * <li>property(state, 'a.b', { a: { b: 99 }}); // returns 99 * <li>property(state, 'a', { a: { b: 99 }}); // returns { b: 99 } * <li>property(state, 'a', { a: { b: 99 }}, 42); // returns 99 and alters the * input data to be { a: { b: 42 }} * </ul> * @param path An array of strings indicating the path through the data, or * a string to be cut into an array using <tt>split('.')</tt> * @param data the data to use for node processing * @param newValue (optional) If defined, this value will replace the * original value for the data at the path specified. * @return The value pointed to by <tt>path</tt> before any * <tt>newValue</tt> is applied. */ function property(state, path, data, newValue) { try { if (typeof path === "string") { path = path.split("."); } let value = data[path[0]]; if (path.length === 1) { if (newValue !== undefined) { data[path[0]] = newValue; } if (typeof value === "function") { return value.bind(data); } return value; } if (!value) { handleError(state, "\"" + path[0] + "\" is undefined"); return null; } return property(state, path.slice(1), value, newValue); } catch (ex) { handleError(state, "Path error with '" + path + "'", ex); return "${" + path + "}"; } } /** * Like eval, but that creates a context of the variables in <tt>env</tt> in * which the script is evaluated. * @param script The string to be evaluated. * @param data The environment in which to eval the script. * @param frame Optional debugging string in case of failure. * @return The return value of the script, or the error message if the script * execution failed. */ function envEval(state, script, data, frame) { try { state.stack.push(frame.replace(/\s+/g, " ")); // Detect if a script is capable of being interpreted using property() if (/^[_a-zA-Z0-9.]*$/.test(script)) { return property(state, script, data); } if (!state.options.allowEval) { handleError(state, "allowEval is not set, however '" + script + "'" + " can not be resolved using a simple property path."); return "${" + script + "}"; } // What we're looking to do is basically: // with(data) { return eval(script); } // except in strict mode where 'with' is banned. // So we create a function which has a parameter list the same as the // keys in 'data' and with 'script' as its function body. // We then call this function with the values in 'data' let keys = allKeys(data); let func = Function.apply(null, keys.concat("return " + script)); let values = keys.map((key) => data[key]); return func.apply(null, values); // TODO: The 'with' method is different from the code above in the value // of 'this' when calling functions. For example: // envEval(state, 'foo()', { foo: function () { return this; } }, ...); // The global for 'foo' when using 'with' is the data object. However the // code above, the global is null. (Using 'func.apply(data, values)' // changes 'this' in the 'foo()' frame, but not in the inside the body // of 'foo', so that wouldn't help) } catch (ex) { handleError(state, "Template error evaluating '" + script + "'", ex); return "${" + script + "}"; } finally { state.stack.pop(); } } /** * Object.keys() that respects the prototype chain */ function allKeys(data) { let keys = []; for (let key in data) { keys.push(key); } return keys; } /** * A generic way of reporting errors, for easy overloading in different * environments. * @param message the error message to report. * @param ex optional associated exception. */ function handleError(state, message, ex) { logError(message + " (In: " + state.stack.join(" > ") + ")"); if (ex) { logError(ex); } } /** * A generic way of reporting errors, for easy overloading in different * environments. * @param message the error message to report. */ function logError(message) { console.error(message); } exports.template = template;