/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

 * Test simple requests using the protocol helpers.
var protocol = require("devtools/shared/protocol");
var {preEvent, types, Arg, Option, RetVal} = protocol;

var events = require("sdk/event/core");

function simpleHello() {
  return {
    from: "root",
    applicationType: "xpcshell-tests",
    traits: [],

var testTypes = {};

// Predeclaring the actor type so that it can be used in the
// implementation of the child actor.

const childSpec = protocol.generateActorSpec({
  typeName: "childActor",

  events: {
    "event1" : {
      a: Arg(0),
      b: Arg(1),
      c: Arg(2)
    "event2" : {
      a: Arg(0),
      b: Arg(1),
      c: Arg(2)
    "named-event": {
      type: "namedEvent",
      a: Arg(0),
      b: Arg(1),
      c: Arg(2)
    "object-event": {
      type: "objectEvent",
      detail: Arg(0, "childActor#detail1"),
    "array-object-event": {
      type: "arrayObjectEvent",
      detail: Arg(0, "array:childActor#detail2"),

  methods: {
    echo: {
      request: { str: Arg(0) },
      response: { str: RetVal("string") },
    getDetail1: {
      // This also exercises return-value-as-packet.
      response: RetVal("childActor#detail1"),
    getDetail2: {
      // This also exercises return-value-as-packet.
      response: RetVal("childActor#detail2"),
    getIDDetail: {
      response: {
        idDetail: RetVal("childActor#actorid")
    getIntArray: {
      request: { inputArray: Arg(0, "array:number") },
      response: RetVal("array:number")
    getSibling: {
      request: { id: Arg(0) },
      response: { sibling: RetVal("childActor") }
    emitEvents: {
      response: { value: "correct response" },
    release: {
      release: true

var ChildActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(childSpec, {
  // Actors returned by this actor should be owned by the root actor.
  marshallPool: function () { return this.parent(); },

  toString: function () { return "[ChildActor " + this.childID + "]"; },

  initialize: function (conn, id) {
    protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn);
    this.childID = id;

  destroy: function () {
    this.destroyed = true;

  form: function (detail) {
    if (detail === "actorid") {
      return this.actorID;
    return {
      actor: this.actorID,
      childID: this.childID,
      detail: detail

  echo: function (str) {
    return str;

  getDetail1: function () {
    return this;

  getDetail2: function () {
    return this;

  getIDDetail: function () {
    return this;

  getIntArray: function (inputArray) {
    // Test that protocol.js converts an iterator to an array.
    let f = function* () {
      for (let i of inputArray) {
        yield 2 * i;
    return f();

  getSibling: function (id) {
    return this.parent().getChild(id);

  emitEvents: function () {
    events.emit(this, "event1", 1, 2, 3);
    events.emit(this, "event2", 4, 5, 6);
    events.emit(this, "named-event", 1, 2, 3);
    events.emit(this, "object-event", this);
    events.emit(this, "array-object-event", [this]);

  release: function () { },

var ChildFront = protocol.FrontClassWithSpec(childSpec, {
  initialize: function (client, form) {
    protocol.Front.prototype.initialize.call(this, client, form);

  destroy: function () {
    this.destroyed = true;

  marshallPool: function () { return this.parent(); },

  toString: function () { return "[child front " + this.childID + "]"; },

  form: function (form, detail) {
    if (detail === "actorid") {
    this.childID = form.childID;
    this.detail = form.detail;

  onEvent1: preEvent("event1", function (a, b, c) {
    this.event1arg3 = c;

  onEvent2a: preEvent("event2", function (a, b, c) {
    return promise.resolve().then(() => this.event2arg3 = c);

  onEvent2b: preEvent("event2", function (a, b, c) {
    this.event2arg2 = b;

types.addDictType("manyChildrenDict", {
  child5: "childActor",
  more: "array:childActor",

types.addLifetime("temp", "_temporaryHolder");

const rootSpec = protocol.generateActorSpec({
  typeName: "root",

  methods: {
    getChild: {
      request: { str: Arg(0) },
      response: { actor: RetVal("childActor") },
    getChildren: {
      request: { ids: Arg(0, "array:string") },
      response: { children: RetVal("array:childActor") },
    getChildren2: {
      request: { ids: Arg(0, "array:childActor") },
      response: { children: RetVal("array:childActor") },
    getManyChildren: {
      response: RetVal("manyChildrenDict")
    getTemporaryChild: {
      request: { id: Arg(0) },
      response: { child: RetVal("temp:childActor") }
    clearTemporaryChildren: {}

var rootActor = null;
var RootActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(rootSpec, {
  toString: function () { return "[root actor]"; },

  initialize: function (conn) {
    rootActor = this;
    this.actorID = "root";
    this._children = {};
    protocol.Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn);
    // Root actor owns itself.

  sayHello: simpleHello,

  getChild: function (id) {
    if (id in this._children) {
      return this._children[id];
    let child = new ChildActor(this.conn, id);
    this._children[id] = child;
    return child;

  getChildren: function (ids) {
    return ids.map(id => this.getChild(id));

  getChildren2: function (ids) {
    let f = function* () {
      for (let c of ids) {
        yield c;
    return f();

  getManyChildren: function () {
    return {
      foo: "bar", // note that this isn't in the specialization array.
      child5: this.getChild("child5"),
      more: [ this.getChild("child6"), this.getChild("child7") ]

  // This should remind you of a pause actor.
  getTemporaryChild: function (id) {
    if (!this._temporaryHolder) {
      this._temporaryHolder = this.manage(new protocol.Actor(this.conn));
    return new ChildActor(this.conn, id);

  clearTemporaryChildren: function (id) {
    if (!this._temporaryHolder) {
    delete this._temporaryHolder;

var RootFront = protocol.FrontClassWithSpec(rootSpec, {
  toString: function () { return "[root front]"; },
  initialize: function (client) {
    this.actorID = "root";
    protocol.Front.prototype.initialize.call(this, client);
    // Root actor owns itself.

  getTemporaryChild: protocol.custom(function (id) {
    if (!this._temporaryHolder) {
      this._temporaryHolder = protocol.Front(this.conn);
      this._temporaryHolder.actorID = this.actorID + "_temp";
      this._temporaryHolder = this.manage(this._temporaryHolder);
    return this._getTemporaryChild(id);
  }, {
    impl: "_getTemporaryChild"

  clearTemporaryChildren: protocol.custom(function () {
    if (!this._temporaryHolder) {
      return promise.resolve(undefined);
    delete this._temporaryHolder;
    return this._clearTemporaryChildren();
  }, {
    impl: "_clearTemporaryChildren"

function run_test()
  DebuggerServer.createRootActor = (conn => {
    return RootActor(conn);

  let trace = connectPipeTracing();
  let client = new DebuggerClient(trace);
  client.connect().then(([applicationType, traits]) => {
    trace.expectReceive({"from":"<actorid>", "applicationType":"xpcshell-tests", "traits":[]});
    do_check_eq(applicationType, "xpcshell-tests");

    let rootFront = RootFront(client);
    let childFront = null;

    let expectRootChildren = size => {
      do_check_eq(rootActor._poolMap.size, size + 1);
      do_check_eq(rootFront._poolMap.size, size + 1);
      if (childFront) {
        do_check_eq(childFront._poolMap.size, 0);

    rootFront.getChild("child1").then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getChild", "str":"child1", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"actor":"<actorid>", "from":"<actorid>"});

      childFront = ret;
      do_check_true(childFront instanceof ChildFront);
      do_check_eq(childFront.childID, "child1");
    }).then(() => {
      // Request the child again, make sure the same is returned.
      return rootFront.getChild("child1");
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getChild", "str":"child1", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"actor":"<actorid>", "from":"<actorid>"});

      do_check_true(ret === childFront);
    }).then(() => {
      return childFront.echo("hello");
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"echo", "str":"hello", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"str":"hello", "from":"<actorid>"});

      do_check_eq(ret, "hello");
    }).then(() => {
      return childFront.getDetail1();
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getDetail1", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child1", "detail":"detail1", "from":"<actorid>"});
      do_check_true(ret === childFront);
      do_check_eq(childFront.detail, "detail1");
    }).then(() => {
      return childFront.getDetail2();
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getDetail2", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child1", "detail":"detail2", "from":"<actorid>"});
      do_check_true(ret === childFront);
      do_check_eq(childFront.detail, "detail2");
    }).then(() => {
      return childFront.getIDDetail();
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getIDDetail", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"idDetail": childFront.actorID, "from":"<actorid>"});
      do_check_true(ret === childFront);
    }).then(() => {
      return childFront.getSibling("siblingID");
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getSibling", "id":"siblingID", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"sibling":{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"siblingID"}, "from":"<actorid>"});

    }).then(ret => {
      return rootFront.getTemporaryChild("temp1").then(temp1 => {
        trace.expectSend({"type":"getTemporaryChild", "id":"temp1", "to":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"child":{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"temp1"}, "from":"<actorid>"});

        // At this point we expect two direct children, plus the temporary holder
        // which should hold 1 itself.
        do_check_eq(rootActor._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.size, 1);
        do_check_eq(rootFront._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.size, 1);

        return rootFront.getTemporaryChild("temp2").then(temp2 => {
          trace.expectSend({"type":"getTemporaryChild", "id":"temp2", "to":"<actorid>"});
          trace.expectReceive({"child":{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"temp2"}, "from":"<actorid>"});

          // Same amount of direct children, and an extra in the temporary holder.
          do_check_eq(rootActor._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.size, 2);
          do_check_eq(rootFront._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.size, 2);

          // Get the children of the temporary holder...
          let checkActors = rootActor._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.values();
          let checkFronts = rootFront._temporaryHolder.__poolMap.values();

          // Now release the temporary holders and expect them to drop again.
          return rootFront.clearTemporaryChildren().then(() => {
            trace.expectSend({"type":"clearTemporaryChildren", "to":"<actorid>"});

            for (let checkActor of checkActors) {
    }).then(ret => {
      return rootFront.getChildren(["child1", "child2"]);
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getChildren", "ids":["child1", "child2"], "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"children":[{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child1"}, {"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child2"}], "from":"<actorid>"});

      do_check_true(ret[0] === childFront);
      do_check_true(ret[1] !== childFront);
      do_check_true(ret[1] instanceof ChildFront);

      // On both children, listen to events.  We're only
      // going to trigger events on the first child, so an event
      // triggered on the second should cause immediate failures.

      let set = new Set(["event1", "event2", "named-event", "object-event", "array-object-event"]);

      childFront.on("event1", (a, b, c) => {
        do_check_eq(a, 1);
        do_check_eq(b, 2);
        do_check_eq(c, 3);
        // Verify that the pre-event handler was called.
        do_check_eq(childFront.event1arg3, 3);
      childFront.on("event2", (a, b, c) => {
        do_check_eq(a, 4);
        do_check_eq(b, 5);
        do_check_eq(c, 6);
        // Verify that the async pre-event handler was called,
        // setting the property before this handler was called.
        do_check_eq(childFront.event2arg3, 6);
        // And check that the sync preEvent with the same name is also
        // executed
        do_check_eq(childFront.event2arg2, 5);
      childFront.on("named-event", (a, b, c) => {
        do_check_eq(a, 1);
        do_check_eq(b, 2);
        do_check_eq(c, 3);
      childFront.on("object-event", (obj) => {
        do_check_true(obj === childFront);
        do_check_eq(childFront.detail, "detail1");
      childFront.on("array-object-event", (array) => {
        do_check_true(array[0] === childFront);
        do_check_eq(childFront.detail, "detail2");

      let fail = function () {
        do_throw("Unexpected event");
      ret[1].on("event1", fail);
      ret[1].on("event2", fail);
      ret[1].on("named-event", fail);
      ret[1].on("object-event", fail);
      ret[1].on("array-object-event", fail);

      return childFront.emitEvents().then(() => {
        trace.expectSend({"type":"emitEvents", "to":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"type":"event1", "a":1, "b":2, "c":3, "from":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"type":"event2", "a":4, "b":5, "c":6, "from":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"type":"namedEvent", "a":1, "b":2, "c":3, "from":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"type":"objectEvent", "detail":{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child1", "detail":"detail1"}, "from":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"type":"arrayObjectEvent", "detail":[{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child1", "detail":"detail2"}], "from":"<actorid>"});
        trace.expectReceive({"value":"correct response", "from":"<actorid>"});

        do_check_eq(set.size, 0);
    }).then(ret => {
      return rootFront.getManyChildren();
    }).then(ret => {
      trace.expectSend({"type":"getManyChildren", "to":"<actorid>"});
      trace.expectReceive({"foo":"bar", "child5":{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child5"}, "more":[{"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child6"}, {"actor":"<actorid>", "childID":"child7"}], "from":"<actorid>"});

      // Check all the crazy stuff we did in getManyChildren
      do_check_eq(ret.foo, "bar");
      do_check_eq(ret.child5.childID, "child5");
      do_check_eq(ret.more[0].childID, "child6");
      do_check_eq(ret.more[1].childID, "child7");
    }).then(() => {
      // Test accepting a generator.
      let f = function* () {
        for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) {
          yield i;
      return childFront.getIntArray(f());
    }).then((ret) => {
      do_check_eq(ret.length, 5);
      let expected = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
      for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        do_check_eq(ret[i], expected[i]);
    }).then(() => {
      return rootFront.getChildren(["child1", "child2"]);
    }).then(ids => {
      let f = function* () {
        for (let id of ids) {
          yield id;
      return rootFront.getChildren2(f());
    }).then(ret => {
      do_check_eq(ret.length, 2);
      do_check_true(ret[0] === childFront);
      do_check_true(ret[1] !== childFront);
      do_check_true(ret[1] instanceof ChildFront);
    }).then(() => {
      client.close().then(() => {
    }).then(null, err => {
      do_report_unexpected_exception(err, "Failure executing test");