  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug </title>

  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
  <script type="application/javascript;version=1.8" src="inspector-helpers.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
const inspector = require("devtools/server/actors/inspector");

window.onload = function() {

var gWalker = null;
var gStyles = null;
var gClient = null;

addTest(function setup() {
  let url = document.getElementById("inspectorContent").href;
  attachURL(url, function(err, client, tab, doc) {
    let {InspectorFront} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/inspector");
    let inspector = InspectorFront(client, tab);
    promiseDone(inspector.getWalker().then(walker => {
      ok(walker, "getWalker() should return an actor.");
      gClient = client;
      gWalker = walker;
      return inspector.getPageStyle();
    }).then(styles => {
      gStyles = styles;

addTest(function inheritedUserStyles() {
  promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#test-node").then(node => {
    return gStyles.getApplied(node, { inherited: true, filter: "user" });
  }).then(applied => {
    ok(!applied[0].inherited, "Entry 0 should be uninherited");
    is(applied[0].rule.type, 100, "Entry 0 should be an element style");
    ok(!!applied[0].rule.href, "Element styles should have a URL");
    is(applied[0].rule.cssText, "", "Entry 0 should be an empty style");

    is(applied[1].inherited.id, "uninheritable-rule-inheritable-style",
       "Entry 1 should be inherited from the parent");
    is(applied[1].rule.type, 100, "Entry 1 should be an element style");
    is(applied[1].rule.cssText, "color: red;", "Entry 1 should have the expected cssText");

    is(applied[2].inherited.id, "inheritable-rule-inheritable-style",
       "Entry 2 should be inherited from the parent's parent");
    is(applied[2].rule.type, 100, "Entry 2 should be an element style");
    is(applied[2].rule.cssText, "color: blue;", "Entry 2 should have the expected cssText");

    is(applied[3].inherited.id, "inheritable-rule-inheritable-style",
       "Entry 3 should be inherited from the parent's parent");
    is(applied[3].rule.type, 1, "Entry 3 should be a rule style");
    is(applied[3].rule.cssText, "font-size: 15px;", "Entry 3 should have the expected cssText");
    ok(!applied[3].matchedSelectors, "Shouldn't get matchedSelectors with this request.");

    is(applied[4].inherited.id, "inheritable-rule-uninheritable-style",
       "Entry 4 should be inherited from the parent's parent");
    is(applied[4].rule.type, 1, "Entry 4 should be an rule style");
    is(applied[4].rule.cssText, "font-size: 15px;", "Entry 4 should have the expected cssText");
    ok(!applied[4].matchedSelectors, "Shouldn't get matchedSelectors with this request.");

    is(applied.length, 5, "Should have 5 rules.");

addTest(function inheritedSystemStyles() {
  promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#test-node").then(node => {
    return gStyles.getApplied(node, { inherited: true, filter: "ua" });
  }).then(applied => {
    // If our system stylesheets are prone to churn, this might be a fragile
    // test.  If you're here because of that I apologize, file a bug
    // and we can find a different way to test.

    ok(!applied[1].inherited, "Entry 1 should not be inherited");
    ok(!applied[1].rule.parentStyleSheet.system, "Entry 1 should be a system style");
    is(applied[1].rule.type, 1, "Entry 1 should be a rule style");

    is(applied.length, 12, "Should have 12 rules.");

addTest(function noInheritedStyles() {
  promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#test-node").then(node => {
    return gStyles.getApplied(node, { inherited: false, filter: "user" });
  }).then(applied => {
    ok(!applied[0].inherited, "Entry 0 should be uninherited");
    is(applied[0].rule.type, 100, "Entry 0 should be an element style");
    is(applied[0].rule.cssText, "", "Entry 0 should be an empty style");
    is(applied.length, 1, "Should have 1 rule.");

addTest(function matchedSelectors() {
  promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#test-node").then(node => {
    return gStyles.getApplied(node, {
      inherited: true, filter: "user", matchedSelectors: true
  }).then(applied => {
    is(applied[3].matchedSelectors[0], ".inheritable-rule", "Entry 3 should have a matched selector");
    is(applied[4].matchedSelectors[0], ".inheritable-rule", "Entry 4 should have a matched selector");

addTest(function testMediaQuery() {
  promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#mediaqueried").then(node => {
    return gStyles.getApplied(node, {
      inherited: false, filter: "user", matchedSelectors: true
  }).then(applied => {
    is(applied[1].rule.type, 1, "Entry 1 is a rule style");
    is(applied[1].rule.parentRule.type, 4, "Entry 1's parent rule is a media rule");
    is(applied[1].rule.media[0], "screen", "Entry 1's rule has the expected medium");

addTest(function cleanup() {
  delete gStyles;
  delete gWalker;
  delete gClient;

<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=">Mozilla Bug </a>
<a id="inspectorContent" target="_blank" href="inspector-styles-data.html">Test Document</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test">