/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Services = require("Services"); const { extend } = require("sdk/core/heritage"); const { AutoRefreshHighlighter } = require("./auto-refresh"); const { CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper, createNode, createSVGNode, moveInfobar, } = require("./utils/markup"); const { getCurrentZoom, setIgnoreLayoutChanges } = require("devtools/shared/layout/utils"); const { stringifyGridFragments } = require("devtools/server/actors/utils/css-grid-utils"); const CSS_GRID_ENABLED_PREF = "layout.css.grid.enabled"; const ROWS = "rows"; const COLUMNS = "cols"; const GRID_LINES_PROPERTIES = { "edge": { lineDash: [0, 0], strokeStyle: "#4B0082" }, "explicit": { lineDash: [5, 3], strokeStyle: "#8A2BE2" }, "implicit": { lineDash: [2, 2], strokeStyle: "#9370DB" } }; // px const GRID_GAP_PATTERN_WIDTH = 14; const GRID_GAP_PATTERN_HEIGHT = 14; const GRID_GAP_PATTERN_LINE_DASH = [5, 3]; const GRID_GAP_PATTERN_STROKE_STYLE = "#9370DB"; /** * Cached used by `CssGridHighlighter.getGridGapPattern`. */ const gCachedGridPattern = new WeakMap(); // WeakMap key for the Row grid pattern. const ROW_KEY = {}; // WeakMap key for the Column grid pattern. const COLUMN_KEY = {}; /** * The CssGridHighlighter is the class that overlays a visual grid on top of * display:grid elements. * * Usage example: * let h = new CssGridHighlighter(env); * h.show(node, options); * h.hide(); * h.destroy(); * * Available Options: * - showGridArea(areaName) * @param {String} areaName * Shows the grid area highlight for the given area name. * - showAllGridAreas * Shows all the grid area highlights for the current grid. * - showGridLineNumbers(isShown) * @param {Boolean} * Displays the grid line numbers on the grid lines if isShown is true. * - showInfiniteLines(isShown) * @param {Boolean} isShown * Displays an infinite line to represent the grid lines if isShown is true. * * Structure: * <div class="highlighter-container"> * <canvas id="css-grid-canvas" class="css-grid-canvas"> * <svg class="css-grid-elements" hidden="true"> * <g class="css-grid-regions"> * <path class="css-grid-areas" points="..." /> * </g> * </svg> * <div class="css-grid-infobar-container"> * <div class="css-grid-infobar"> * <div class="css-grid-infobar-text"> * <span class="css-grid-infobar-areaname">Grid Area Name</span> * <span class="css-grid-infobar-dimensions"Grid Area Dimensions></span> * </div> * </div> * </div> * </div> */ function CssGridHighlighter(highlighterEnv) { AutoRefreshHighlighter.call(this, highlighterEnv); this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(this.highlighterEnv, this._buildMarkup.bind(this)); this.onNavigate = this.onNavigate.bind(this); this.onWillNavigate = this.onWillNavigate.bind(this); this.highlighterEnv.on("navigate", this.onNavigate); this.highlighterEnv.on("will-navigate", this.onWillNavigate); } CssGridHighlighter.prototype = extend(AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype, { typeName: "CssGridHighlighter", ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "css-grid-", _buildMarkup() { let container = createNode(this.win, { attributes: { "class": "highlighter-container" } }); // We use a <canvas> element so that we can draw an arbitrary number of lines // which wouldn't be possible with HTML or SVG without having to insert and remove // the whole markup on every update. createNode(this.win, { parent: container, nodeType: "canvas", attributes: { "id": "canvas", "class": "canvas", "hidden": "true" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); // Build the SVG element let svg = createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "svg", parent: container, attributes: { "id": "elements", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "hidden": "true" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); let regions = createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "g", parent: svg, attributes: { "class": "regions" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); createSVGNode(this.win, { nodeType: "path", parent: regions, attributes: { "class": "areas", "id": "areas" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); // Building the grid infobar markup let infobarContainer = createNode(this.win, { parent: container, attributes: { "class": "infobar-container", "id": "infobar-container", "position": "top", "hidden": "true" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); let infobar = createNode(this.win, { parent: infobarContainer, attributes: { "class": "infobar" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); let textbox = createNode(this.win, { parent: infobar, attributes: { "class": "infobar-text" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); createNode(this.win, { nodeType: "span", parent: textbox, attributes: { "class": "infobar-areaname", "id": "infobar-areaname" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); createNode(this.win, { nodeType: "span", parent: textbox, attributes: { "class": "infobar-dimensions", "id": "infobar-dimensions" }, prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX }); return container; }, destroy() { this.highlighterEnv.off("navigate", this.onNavigate); this.highlighterEnv.off("will-navigate", this.onWillNavigate); this.markup.destroy(); // Clear the pattern cache to avoid dead object exceptions (Bug 1342051). gCachedGridPattern.delete(ROW_KEY); gCachedGridPattern.delete(COLUMN_KEY); AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, getElement(id) { return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id); }, get ctx() { return this.canvas.getCanvasContext("2d"); }, get canvas() { return this.getElement("canvas"); }, /** * Gets the grid gap pattern used to render the gap regions. * * @param {Object} dimension * Refers to the WeakMap key for the grid dimension type which is either the * constant COLUMN or ROW. * @return {CanvasPattern} grid gap pattern. */ getGridGapPattern(dimension) { if (gCachedGridPattern.has(dimension)) { return gCachedGridPattern.get(dimension); } // Create the diagonal lines pattern for the rendering the grid gaps. let canvas = createNode(this.win, { nodeType: "canvas" }); canvas.width = GRID_GAP_PATTERN_WIDTH; canvas.height = GRID_GAP_PATTERN_HEIGHT; let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.setLineDash(GRID_GAP_PATTERN_LINE_DASH); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.translate(.5, .5); if (dimension === COLUMN_KEY) { ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(GRID_GAP_PATTERN_WIDTH, GRID_GAP_PATTERN_HEIGHT); } else { ctx.moveTo(GRID_GAP_PATTERN_WIDTH, 0); ctx.lineTo(0, GRID_GAP_PATTERN_HEIGHT); } ctx.strokeStyle = GRID_GAP_PATTERN_STROKE_STYLE; ctx.stroke(); let pattern = ctx.createPattern(canvas, "repeat"); gCachedGridPattern.set(dimension, pattern); return pattern; }, /** * Called when the page navigates. Used to clear the cached gap patterns and avoid * using DeadWrapper objects as gap patterns the next time. */ onNavigate() { gCachedGridPattern.delete(ROW_KEY); gCachedGridPattern.delete(COLUMN_KEY); }, onWillNavigate({ isTopLevel }) { if (isTopLevel) { this.hide(); } }, _show() { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(CSS_GRID_ENABLED_PREF) && !this.isGrid()) { this.hide(); return false; } return this._update(); }, /** * Shows the grid area highlight for the given area name. * * @param {String} areaName * Grid area name. */ showGridArea(areaName) { this.renderGridArea(areaName); this._showGridArea(); }, /** * Shows all the grid area highlights for the current grid. */ showAllGridAreas() { this.renderGridArea(); this._showGridArea(); }, /** * Clear the grid area highlights. */ clearGridAreas() { let box = this.getElement("areas"); box.setAttribute("d", ""); }, /** * Checks if the current node has a CSS Grid layout. * * @return {Boolean} true if the current node has a CSS grid layout, false otherwise. */ isGrid() { return this.currentNode.getGridFragments().length > 0; }, /** * The AutoRefreshHighlighter's _hasMoved method returns true only if the * element's quads have changed. Override it so it also returns true if the * element's grid has changed (which can happen when you change the * grid-template-* CSS properties with the highlighter displayed). */ _hasMoved() { let hasMoved = AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype._hasMoved.call(this); let oldGridData = stringifyGridFragments(this.gridData); this.gridData = this.currentNode.getGridFragments(); let newGridData = stringifyGridFragments(this.gridData); return hasMoved || oldGridData !== newGridData; }, /** * Update the highlighter on the current highlighted node (the one that was * passed as an argument to show(node)). * Should be called whenever node's geometry or grid changes. */ _update() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); // Clear the canvas the grid area highlights. this.clearCanvas(); this.clearGridAreas(); // Start drawing the grid fragments. for (let i = 0; i < this.gridData.length; i++) { let fragment = this.gridData[i]; let quad = this.currentQuads.content[i]; this.renderFragment(fragment, quad); } // Display the grid area highlights if needed. if (this.options.showAllGridAreas) { this.showAllGridAreas(); } else if (this.options.showGridArea) { this.showGridArea(this.options.showGridArea); } this._showGrid(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.highlighterEnv.window.document.documentElement); return true; }, /** * Update the grid information displayed in the grid info bar. * * @param {GridArea} area * The grid area object. * @param {Number} x1 * The first x-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} x2 * The second x-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} y1 * The first y-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} y2 * The second y-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. */ _updateInfobar(area, x1, x2, y1, y2) { let width = x2 - x1; let height = y2 - y1; let dim = parseFloat(width.toPrecision(6)) + " \u00D7 " + parseFloat(height.toPrecision(6)); this.getElement("infobar-areaname").setTextContent(area.name); this.getElement("infobar-dimensions").setTextContent(dim); this._moveInfobar(x1, x2, y1, y2); }, /** * Move the grid infobar to the right place in the highlighter. * * @param {Number} x1 * The first x-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} x2 * The second x-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} y1 * The first y-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. * @param {Number} y2 * The second y-coordinate of the grid area rectangle. */ _moveInfobar(x1, x2, y1, y2) { let bounds = { bottom: y2, height: y2 - y1, left: x1, right: x2, top: y1, width: x2 - x1, x: x1, y: y1, }; let container = this.getElement("infobar-container"); moveInfobar(container, bounds, this.win); }, clearCanvas() { let ratio = parseFloat((this.win.devicePixelRatio || 1).toFixed(2)); let width = this.win.innerWidth; let height = this.win.innerHeight; // Resize the canvas taking the dpr into account so as to have crisp lines. this.canvas.setAttribute("width", width * ratio); this.canvas.setAttribute("height", height * ratio); this.canvas.setAttribute("style", `width:${width}px;height:${height}px`); this.ctx.scale(ratio, ratio); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); }, getFirstRowLinePos(fragment) { return fragment.rows.lines[0].start; }, getLastRowLinePos(fragment) { return fragment.rows.lines[fragment.rows.lines.length - 1].start; }, getFirstColLinePos(fragment) { return fragment.cols.lines[0].start; }, getLastColLinePos(fragment) { return fragment.cols.lines[fragment.cols.lines.length - 1].start; }, /** * Get the GridLine index of the last edge of the explicit grid for a grid dimension. * * @param {GridTracks} tracks * The grid track of a given grid dimension. * @return {Number} index of the last edge of the explicit grid for a grid dimension. */ getLastEdgeLineIndex(tracks) { let trackIndex = tracks.length - 1; // Traverse the grid track backwards until we find an explicit track. while (trackIndex >= 0 && tracks[trackIndex].type != "explicit") { trackIndex--; } // The grid line index is the grid track index + 1. return trackIndex + 1; }, renderFragment(fragment, quad) { this.renderLines(fragment.cols, quad, COLUMNS, "left", "top", "height", this.getFirstRowLinePos(fragment), this.getLastRowLinePos(fragment)); this.renderLines(fragment.rows, quad, ROWS, "top", "left", "width", this.getFirstColLinePos(fragment), this.getLastColLinePos(fragment)); }, /** * Render the grid lines given the grid dimension information of the * column or row lines. * * @param {GridDimension} gridDimension * Column or row grid dimension object. * @param {Object} quad.bounds * The content bounds of the box model region quads. * @param {String} dimensionType * The grid dimension type which is either the constant COLUMNS or ROWS. * @param {String} mainSide * The main side of the given grid dimension - "top" for rows and * "left" for columns. * @param {String} crossSide * The cross side of the given grid dimension - "left" for rows and * "top" for columns. * @param {String} mainSize * The main size of the given grid dimension - "width" for rows and * "height" for columns. * @param {Number} startPos * The start position of the cross side of the grid dimension. * @param {Number} endPos * The end position of the cross side of the grid dimension. */ renderLines(gridDimension, {bounds}, dimensionType, mainSide, crossSide, mainSize, startPos, endPos) { let lineStartPos = (bounds[crossSide] / getCurrentZoom(this.win)) + startPos; let lineEndPos = (bounds[crossSide] / getCurrentZoom(this.win)) + endPos; if (this.options.showInfiniteLines) { lineStartPos = 0; lineEndPos = parseInt(this.canvas.getAttribute(mainSize), 10); } let lastEdgeLineIndex = this.getLastEdgeLineIndex(gridDimension.tracks); for (let i = 0; i < gridDimension.lines.length; i++) { let line = gridDimension.lines[i]; let linePos = (bounds[mainSide] / getCurrentZoom(this.win)) + line.start; if (this.options.showGridLineNumbers) { this.renderGridLineNumber(line.number, linePos, lineStartPos, dimensionType); } if (i == 0 || i == lastEdgeLineIndex) { this.renderLine(linePos, lineStartPos, lineEndPos, dimensionType, "edge"); } else { this.renderLine(linePos, lineStartPos, lineEndPos, dimensionType, gridDimension.tracks[i - 1].type); } // Render a second line to illustrate the gutter for non-zero breadth. if (line.breadth > 0) { this.renderGridGap(linePos, lineStartPos, lineEndPos, line.breadth, dimensionType); this.renderLine(linePos + line.breadth, lineStartPos, lineEndPos, dimensionType, gridDimension.tracks[i].type); } } }, /** * Render the grid line on the css grid highlighter canvas. * * @param {Number} linePos * The line position along the x-axis for a column grid line and * y-axis for a row grid line. * @param {Number} startPos * The start position of the cross side of the grid line. * @param {Number} endPos * The end position of the cross side of the grid line. * @param {String} dimensionType * The grid dimension type which is either the constant COLUMNS or ROWS. * @param {[type]} lineType * The grid line type - "edge", "explicit", or "implicit". */ renderLine(linePos, startPos, endPos, dimensionType, lineType) { this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.setLineDash(GRID_LINES_PROPERTIES[lineType].lineDash); this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.translate(.5, .5); if (dimensionType === COLUMNS) { this.ctx.moveTo(linePos, startPos); this.ctx.lineTo(linePos, endPos); } else { this.ctx.moveTo(startPos, linePos); this.ctx.lineTo(endPos, linePos); } this.ctx.strokeStyle = GRID_LINES_PROPERTIES[lineType].strokeStyle; this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.restore(); }, /** * Render the grid line number on the css grid highlighter canvas. * * @param {Number} lineNumber * The grid line number. * @param {Number} linePos * The line position along the x-axis for a column grid line and * y-axis for a row grid line. * @param {Number} startPos * The start position of the cross side of the grid line. * @param {String} dimensionType * The grid dimension type which is either the constant COLUMNS or ROWS. */ renderGridLineNumber(lineNumber, linePos, startPos, dimensionType) { this.ctx.save(); if (dimensionType === COLUMNS) { this.ctx.fillText(lineNumber, linePos, startPos); } else { let textWidth = this.ctx.measureText(lineNumber).width; this.ctx.fillText(lineNumber, startPos - textWidth, linePos); } this.ctx.restore(); }, /** * Render the grid gap area on the css grid highlighter canvas. * * @param {Number} linePos * The line position along the x-axis for a column grid line and * y-axis for a row grid line. * @param {Number} startPos * The start position of the cross side of the grid line. * @param {Number} endPos * The end position of the cross side of the grid line. * @param {Number} breadth * The grid line breadth value. * @param {String} dimensionType * The grid dimension type which is either the constant COLUMNS or ROWS. */ renderGridGap(linePos, startPos, endPos, breadth, dimensionType) { this.ctx.save(); if (dimensionType === COLUMNS) { this.ctx.fillStyle = this.getGridGapPattern(COLUMN_KEY); this.ctx.fillRect(linePos, startPos, breadth, endPos - startPos); } else { this.ctx.fillStyle = this.getGridGapPattern(ROW_KEY); this.ctx.fillRect(startPos, linePos, endPos - startPos, breadth); } this.ctx.restore(); }, /** * Render the grid area highlight for the given area name or for all the grid areas. * * @param {String} areaName * Name of the grid area to be highlighted. If no area name is provided, all * the grid areas should be highlighted. */ renderGridArea(areaName) { let paths = []; let currentZoom = getCurrentZoom(this.win); for (let i = 0; i < this.gridData.length; i++) { let fragment = this.gridData[i]; let {bounds} = this.currentQuads.content[i]; for (let area of fragment.areas) { if (areaName && areaName != area.name) { continue; } let rowStart = fragment.rows.lines[area.rowStart - 1]; let rowEnd = fragment.rows.lines[area.rowEnd - 1]; let columnStart = fragment.cols.lines[area.columnStart - 1]; let columnEnd = fragment.cols.lines[area.columnEnd - 1]; let x1 = columnStart.start + columnStart.breadth + (bounds.left / currentZoom); let x2 = columnEnd.start + (bounds.left / currentZoom); let y1 = rowStart.start + rowStart.breadth + (bounds.top / currentZoom); let y2 = rowEnd.start + (bounds.top / currentZoom); let path = "M" + x1 + "," + y1 + " " + "L" + x2 + "," + y1 + " " + "L" + x2 + "," + y2 + " " + "L" + x1 + "," + y2; paths.push(path); // Update and show the info bar when only displaying a single grid area. if (areaName) { this._updateInfobar(area, x1, x2, y1, y2); this._showInfoBar(); } } } let box = this.getElement("areas"); box.setAttribute("d", paths.join(" ")); }, /** * Hide the highlighter, the canvas and the infobar. */ _hide() { setIgnoreLayoutChanges(true); this._hideGrid(); this._hideGridArea(); this._hideInfoBar(); setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.highlighterEnv.window.document.documentElement); }, _hideGrid() { this.getElement("canvas").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); }, _showGrid() { this.getElement("canvas").removeAttribute("hidden"); }, _hideGridArea() { this.getElement("elements").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); }, _showGridArea() { this.getElement("elements").removeAttribute("hidden"); }, _hideInfoBar() { this.getElement("infobar-container").setAttribute("hidden", "true"); }, _showInfoBar() { this.getElement("infobar-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); }, }); exports.CssGridHighlighter = CssGridHighlighter;