<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test the web console output - 02</title>
  - Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
  - http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
  <p>hello world!</p>
  <script type="text/javascript">
function testfn1() { return 42; }

var testobj1 = {
  testfn2: function() { return 42; },

function testfn3() { return 42; }
testfn3.displayName = "testfn3DisplayName";

var array1 = [1, 2, 3, "a", "b", "c", "4", "5"];

var array2 = ["a", document, document.body, document.body.dataset,

var array3 = [1, window, null, "a", "b", undefined, false, "", -Infinity, testfn3, testobj1, "foo", "bar"];

var array4 = new Array(5);

var typedarray1 = new Int32Array([1, 287, 8651, 40983, 8754]);

var set1 = new Set([1, 2, null, array3, "a", "b", undefined, document.head]);

var bunnies = new String("bunnies")
var weakset = new WeakSet([bunnies, document.head]);

var testobj2 = {a: "b", c: "d", e: 1, f: "2"};
testobj2.foo = testobj1;
testobj2.bar = testobj2;
Object.defineProperty(testobj2, "getterTest", {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function() {
    return 42;

var testobj3 = {a: "b", c: "d", e: 1, f: "2", g: true, h: null, i: undefined,
                j: "", k: document.styleSheets, l: document.body.childNodes,
                o: new Array(125), m: document.head};

var testobj4 = {a: "b", c: "d"};
Object.defineProperty(testobj4, "nonEnumerable", { value: "hello world" });

var map1 = new Map([["a", "b"], [document.body.children, testobj2]]);
map1.set(map1, set1);

var weakmap = new WeakMap([[bunnies, 23], [document.body.children, testobj2]]);
