/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// Test that editor scrolls to correct line if it's selected with
// * selectStyleSheet (specified line)
// * click on the sidebar item (line before the editor was unselected)
// See bug 1148086.
const SIMPLE = TEST_BASE_HTTP + "simple.css";
const LONG = TEST_BASE_HTTP + "doc_long.css";
const DOCUMENT_WITH_LONG_SHEET = "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," +
" Editor scroll test page",
' ',
' ',
" ",
" Editor scroll test page",
const LINE_TO_SELECT = 201;
add_task(function* () {
let { ui } = yield openStyleEditorForURL(DOCUMENT_WITH_LONG_SHEET);
is(ui.editors.length, 2, "Two editors present.");
let simpleEditor = ui.editors[0];
let longEditor = ui.editors[1];
info(`Selecting doc_long.css and scrolling to line ${LINE_TO_SELECT}`);
// We need to wait for editor-selected if we want to check the scroll
// position as scrolling occurs after selectStyleSheet resolves but before the
// event is emitted.
let selectEventPromise = waitForEditorToBeSelected(longEditor, ui);
ui.selectStyleSheet(longEditor.styleSheet, LINE_TO_SELECT);
yield selectEventPromise;
info("Checking that the correct line is visible after initial load");
let { from, to } = longEditor.sourceEditor.getViewport();
info(`Lines ${from}-${to} are visible (expected ${LINE_TO_SELECT}).`);
ok(from <= LINE_TO_SELECT, "The editor scrolled too much.");
ok(to >= LINE_TO_SELECT, "The editor scrolled too little.");
let initialScrollTop = longEditor.sourceEditor.getScrollInfo().top;
info(`Storing scrollTop = ${initialScrollTop} for later comparison.`);
info("Selecting the first editor (simple.css)");
yield ui.selectStyleSheet(simpleEditor.styleSheet);
info("Selecting doc_long.css again.");
selectEventPromise = waitForEditorToBeSelected(longEditor, ui);
// Can't use ui.selectStyleSheet here as it will scroll the editor back to top
// and we want to check that the previous scroll position is restored.
let summary = yield ui.getEditorSummary(longEditor);
ui._view.activeSummary = summary;
info("Waiting for doc_long.css to be selected.");
yield selectEventPromise;
let scrollTop = longEditor.sourceEditor.getScrollInfo().top;
is(scrollTop, initialScrollTop,
"Scroll top was restored after the sheet was selected again.");
* A helper that waits "editor-selected" event for given editor.
* @param {StyleSheetEditor} editor
* The editor to wait for.
* @param {StyleEditorUI} ui
* The StyleEditorUI the editor belongs to.
var waitForEditorToBeSelected = Task.async(function* (editor, ui) {
info(`Waiting for ${editor.friendlyName} to be selected.`);
let selected = yield ui.once("editor-selected");
while (selected != editor) {
info(`Ignored editor-selected for editor ${editor.friendlyName}.`);
selected = yield ui.once("editor-selected");
info(`Got editor-selected for ${editor.friendlyName}.`);