/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local", "args": "none"}] */
/* import-globals-from ../../framework/test/shared-head.js */

"use strict";

// shared-head.js handles imports, constants, and utility functions
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/framework/test/shared-head.js", this);

const {DOMHelpers} = Cu.import("resource://devtools/client/shared/DOMHelpers.jsm", {});
const {Hosts} = require("devtools/client/framework/toolbox-hosts");

const TEST_URI_ROOT = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/shared/test/";
const OPTIONS_VIEW_URL = TEST_URI_ROOT + "doc_options-view.xul";

function catchFail(func) {
  return function () {
    try {
      return func.apply(null, arguments);
    } catch (ex) {
      ok(false, ex);
      throw ex;

 * Polls a given function waiting for the given value.
 * @param object options
 *        Options object with the following properties:
 *        - validator
 *        A validator function that should return the expected value. This is
 *        called every few milliseconds to check if the result is the expected
 *        one. When the returned result is the expected one, then the |success|
 *        function is called and polling stops. If |validator| never returns
 *        the expected value, then polling timeouts after several tries and
 *        a failure is recorded - the given |failure| function is invoked.
 *        - success
 *        A function called when the validator function returns the expected
 *        value.
 *        - failure
 *        A function called if the validator function timeouts - fails to return
 *        the expected value in the given time.
 *        - name
 *        Name of test. This is used to generate the success and failure
 *        messages.
 *        - timeout
 *        Timeout for validator function, in milliseconds. Default is 5000 ms.
 *        - value
 *        The expected value. If this option is omitted then the |validator|
 *        function must return a trueish value.
 *        Each of the provided callback functions will receive two arguments:
 *        the |options| object and the last value returned by |validator|.
function waitForValue(options) {
  let start = Date.now();
  let timeout = options.timeout || 5000;
  let lastValue;

  function wait(validatorFn, successFn, failureFn) {
    if ((Date.now() - start) > timeout) {
      // Log the failure.
      ok(false, "Timed out while waiting for: " + options.name);
      let expected = "value" in options ?
                     "'" + options.value + "'" :
                     "a trueish value";
      info("timeout info :: got '" + lastValue + "', expected " + expected);
      failureFn(options, lastValue);

    lastValue = validatorFn(options, lastValue);
    let successful = "value" in options ?
                      lastValue == options.value :
    if (successful) {
      ok(true, options.name);
      successFn(options, lastValue);
    } else {
      setTimeout(() => {
        wait(validatorFn, successFn, failureFn);
      }, 100);

  wait(options.validator, options.success, options.failure);

function oneTimeObserve(name, callback) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    let func = function () {
      Services.obs.removeObserver(func, name);
      if (callback) {
    Services.obs.addObserver(func, name, false);

let createHost =
Task.async(function* (type = "bottom", src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,") {
  let host = new Hosts[type](gBrowser.selectedTab);
  let iframe = yield host.create();

  yield new Promise(resolve => {
    let domHelper = new DOMHelpers(iframe.contentWindow);
    iframe.setAttribute("src", src);

  return [host, iframe.contentWindow, iframe.contentDocument];

 * Check the correctness of the data recorded in Telemetry after
 * loadTelemetryAndRecordLogs was called.
function checkTelemetryResults(Telemetry) {
  let result = Telemetry.prototype.telemetryInfo;

  for (let histId in result) {
    let value = result[histId];

    if (histId.endsWith("OPENED_COUNT")) {
      ok(value.length > 1, histId + " has more than one entry");

      let okay = value.every(function (element) {
        return element === true;

      ok(okay, "All " + histId + " entries are === true");
    } else if (histId.endsWith("TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS")) {
      ok(value.length > 1, histId + " has more than one entry");

      let okay = value.every(function (element) {
        return element > 0;

      ok(okay, "All " + histId + " entries have time > 0");

 * Open and close the toolbox in the current browser tab, several times, waiting
 * some amount of time in between.
 * @param {Number} nbOfTimes
 * @param {Number} usageTime in milliseconds
 * @param {String} toolId
function* openAndCloseToolbox(nbOfTimes, usageTime, toolId) {
  for (let i = 0; i < nbOfTimes; i++) {
    info("Opening toolbox " + (i + 1));
    let target = TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
    yield gDevTools.showToolbox(target, toolId);

    // We use a timeout to check the toolbox's active time
    yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, usageTime));

    info("Closing toolbox " + (i + 1));
    yield gDevTools.closeToolbox(target);

 * Synthesize a profile for testing.
function synthesizeProfileForTest(samples) {
  const RecordingUtils = require("devtools/shared/performance/recording-utils");

    time: 0,
    frames: []

  let uniqueStacks = new RecordingUtils.UniqueStacks();
  return RecordingUtils.deflateThread({
    samples: samples,
    markers: []
  }, uniqueStacks);

 * Waits until a predicate returns true.
 * @param function predicate
 *        Invoked once in a while until it returns true.
 * @param number interval [optional]
 *        How often the predicate is invoked, in milliseconds.
function waitUntil(predicate, interval = 10) {
  if (predicate()) {
    return Promise.resolve(true);
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(function () {
      waitUntil(predicate).then(() => resolve(true));
    }, interval);

 * Show the presets list sidebar in the cssfilter widget popup
 * @param {CSSFilterWidget} widget
 * @return {Promise}
function showFilterPopupPresets(widget) {
  let onRender = widget.once("render");
  return onRender;

 * Show presets list and create a sample preset with the name and value provided
 * @param  {CSSFilterWidget} widget
 * @param  {string} name
 * @param  {string} value
 * @return {Promise}
let showFilterPopupPresetsAndCreatePreset =
Task.async(function* (widget, name, value) {
  yield showFilterPopupPresets(widget);

  let onRender = widget.once("render");
  yield onRender;

  let footer = widget.el.querySelector(".presets-list .footer");
  footer.querySelector("input").value = name;

  onRender = widget.once("render");
    preventDefault: () => {}

  yield onRender;

 * Utility function for testing CSS code samples that have been
 * syntax-highlighted.
 * The CSS syntax highlighter emits a collection of DOM nodes that have
 * CSS classes applied to them. This function checks that those nodes
 * are what we expect.
 * @param {array} expectedNodes
 * A representation of the nodes we expect to see.
 * Each node is an object containing two properties:
 * - type: a string which can be one of:
 *   - text, comment, property-name, property-value
 * - text: the textContent of the node
 * For example, given a string like this:
 * "<comment> The part we want   </comment>\n this: is-the-part-we-want;"
 * we would represent the expected output like this:
 * [{type: "comment",        text: "<comment> The part we want   </comment>"},
 *  {type: "text",           text: "\n"},
 *  {type: "property-name",  text: "this"},
 *  {type: "text",           text: ":"},
 *  {type: "text",           text: " "},
 *  {type: "property-value", text: "is-the-part-we-want"},
 *  {type: "text",           text: ";"}];
 * @param {Node} parent
 * The DOM node whose children are the output of the syntax highlighter.
function checkCssSyntaxHighlighterOutput(expectedNodes, parent) {
   * The classes applied to the output nodes by the syntax highlighter.
   * These must be same as the definitions in MdnDocsWidget.js.
  const PROPERTY_NAME_COLOR = "theme-fg-color5";
  const PROPERTY_VALUE_COLOR = "theme-fg-color1";
  const COMMENT_COLOR = "theme-comment";

   * Check the type and content of a single node.
  function checkNode(expected, actual) {
    ok(actual.textContent == expected.text,
       "Check that node has the expected textContent");
    info("Expected text content: [" + expected.text + "]");
    info("Actual text content: [" + actual.textContent + "]");

    info("Check that node has the expected type");
    if (expected.type == "text") {
      ok(actual.nodeType == 3, "Check that node is a text node");
    } else {
      ok(actual.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SPAN", "Check that node is a SPAN");

    info("Check that node has the expected className");

    let expectedClassName = null;
    let actualClassName = null;

    switch (expected.type) {
      case "property-name":
        expectedClassName = PROPERTY_NAME_COLOR;
      case "property-value":
        expectedClassName = PROPERTY_VALUE_COLOR;
      case "comment":
        expectedClassName = COMMENT_COLOR;
        ok(!actual.classList, "No className expected");

    ok(actual.classList.length == 1, "One className expected");
    actualClassName = actual.classList[0];

    ok(expectedClassName == actualClassName, "Check className value");
    info("Expected className: " + expectedClassName);
    info("Actual className: " + actualClassName);

  info("Logging the actual nodes we have:");
  for (let j = 0; j < parent.childNodes.length; j++) {
    let n = parent.childNodes[j];
    info(j + " / " +
         "nodeType: " + n.nodeType + " / " +
         "textContent: " + n.textContent);

  ok(parent.childNodes.length == parent.childNodes.length,
    "Check we have the expected number of nodes");
  info("Expected node count " + expectedNodes.length);
  info("Actual node count " + expectedNodes.length);

  for (let i = 0; i < expectedNodes.length; i++) {
    info("Check node " + i);
    checkNode(expectedNodes[i], parent.childNodes[i]);