/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that mosue interaction works fine with the table widget "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/xml;charset=UTF-8,<?xml version='1.0'?>" + "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://global/skin/global.css'?>" + // Uncomment these lines to help with visual debugging. When uncommented they // dump a couple of thousand errors in the log (bug 1258285) // "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://devtools/skin/light-theme.css'?>" + // "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://devtools/skin/widgets.css'?>" + "<window xmlns='http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul'" + " title='Table Widget' width='600' height='500'>" + "<box flex='1' class='theme-light'/></window>"; const TEST_OPT = "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen,resizable,dialog=no"; const {TableWidget} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/TableWidget"); var doc, table; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let win = Services.ww.openWindow(null, TEST_URI, "_blank", TEST_OPT, null); win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false); waitForFocus(function () { doc = win.document; table = new TableWidget(doc.querySelector("box"), { initialColumns: { col1: "Column 1", col2: "Column 2", col3: "Column 3", col4: "Column 4" }, uniqueId: "col1", emptyText: "This is dummy empty text", highlightUpdated: true, removableColumns: true, wrapTextInElements: true, }); startTests(); }); }); } function endTests() { table.destroy(); doc.defaultView.close(); doc = table = null; finish(); } var startTests = Task.async(function* () { populateTable(); yield testMouseInteraction(); endTests(); }); function populateTable() { table.push({ col1: "id1", col2: "value10", col3: "value20", col4: "value30" }); table.push({ col1: "id2", col2: "value14", col3: "value29", col4: "value32" }); table.push({ col1: "id3", col2: "value17", col3: "value21", col4: "value31", extraData: "foobar", extraData2: 42 }); table.push({ col1: "id4", col2: "value12", col3: "value26", col4: "value33" }); table.push({ col1: "id5", col2: "value19", col3: "value26", col4: "value37" }); table.push({ col1: "id6", col2: "value15", col3: "value25", col4: "value37" }); table.push({ col1: "id7", col2: "value18", col3: "value21", col4: "value36", somethingExtra: "Hello World!" }); table.push({ col1: "id8", col2: "value11", col3: "value27", col4: "value34" }); table.push({ col1: "id9", col2: "value11", col3: "value23", col4: "value38" }); } // Sends a click event on the passed DOM node in an async manner function click(node, button = 0) { if (button == 0) { executeSoon(() => EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, {}, doc.defaultView)); } else { executeSoon(() => EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, { button: button, type: "contextmenu" }, doc.defaultView)); } } /** * Tests if clicking the table items does the expected behavior */ var testMouseInteraction = Task.async(function* () { info("Testing mouse interaction with the table"); ok(!table.selectedRow, "Nothing should be selected beforehand"); let event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.ROW_SELECTED); let firstColumnFirstRowCell = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.children[1]; info("clicking on the first row"); ok(!firstColumnFirstRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "Node should not have selected class before clicking"); click(firstColumnFirstRowCell); let id = yield event; ok(firstColumnFirstRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "Node has selected class after click"); is(id, "id1", "Correct row was selected"); info("clicking on second row to select it"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.ROW_SELECTED); let firstColumnSecondRowCell = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.children[2]; // node should not have selected class ok(!firstColumnSecondRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "New node should not have selected class before clicking"); click(firstColumnSecondRowCell); id = yield event; ok(firstColumnSecondRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "New node has selected class after clicking"); is(id, "id2", "Correct table path is emitted for new node"); isnot(firstColumnFirstRowCell, firstColumnSecondRowCell, "Old and new node are different"); ok(!firstColumnFirstRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "Old node should not have selected class after the click on new node"); info("clicking on the third row cell content to select third row"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.ROW_SELECTED); let firstColumnThirdRowCell = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.children[3]; let firstColumnThirdRowCellInnerNode = firstColumnThirdRowCell.querySelector("span"); // node should not have selected class ok(!firstColumnThirdRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "New node should not have selected class before clicking"); click(firstColumnThirdRowCellInnerNode); id = yield event; ok(firstColumnThirdRowCell.classList.contains("theme-selected"), "New node has selected class after clicking the cell content"); is(id, "id3", "Correct table path is emitted for new node"); // clicking on table header to sort by it event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.COLUMN_SORTED); let node = table.tbody.children[6].firstChild.children[0]; info("clicking on the 4th coulmn header to sort the table by it"); ok(!node.hasAttribute("sorted"), "Node should not have sorted attribute before clicking"); ok(doc.querySelector("[sorted]"), "Although, something else should be sorted on"); isnot(doc.querySelector("[sorted]"), node, "Which is not equal to this node"); click(node); id = yield event; is(id, "col4", "Correct column was sorted on"); ok(node.hasAttribute("sorted"), "Node should now have sorted attribute after clicking"); is(doc.querySelectorAll("[sorted]").length, 1, "Now only one column should be sorted on"); is(doc.querySelector("[sorted]"), node, "Which should be this column"); // test context menu opening. // hiding second column // event listener for popupshown info("right click on the first column header"); node = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; let onPopupShown = once(table.menupopup, "popupshown"); click(node, 2); yield onPopupShown; is(table.menupopup.querySelectorAll("[disabled]").length, 1, "Only 1 menuitem is disabled"); is(table.menupopup.querySelector("[disabled]"), table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col1']"), "Which is the unique column"); // popup should be open now // clicking on second column label let onPopupHidden = once(table.menupopup, "popuphidden"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.HEADER_CONTEXT_MENU); node = table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col2']"); info("selecting to hide the second column"); ok(!table.tbody.children[2].hasAttribute("hidden"), "Column is not hidden before hiding it"); click(node); id = yield event; yield onPopupHidden; is(id, "col2", "Correct column was triggered to be hidden"); is(table.tbody.children[2].getAttribute("hidden"), "true", "Column is hidden after hiding it"); // hiding third column // event listener for popupshown info("right clicking on the first column header"); node = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; onPopupShown = once(table.menupopup, "popupshown"); click(node, 2); yield onPopupShown; is(table.menupopup.querySelectorAll("[disabled]").length, 1, "Only 1 menuitem is disabled"); // popup should be open now // clicking on second column label onPopupHidden = once(table.menupopup, "popuphidden"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.HEADER_CONTEXT_MENU); node = table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col3']"); info("selecting to hide the second column"); ok(!table.tbody.children[4].hasAttribute("hidden"), "Column is not hidden before hiding it"); click(node); id = yield event; yield onPopupHidden; is(id, "col3", "Correct column was triggered to be hidden"); is(table.tbody.children[4].getAttribute("hidden"), "true", "Column is hidden after hiding it"); // opening again to see if 2 items are disabled now // event listener for popupshown info("right clicking on the first column header"); node = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; onPopupShown = once(table.menupopup, "popupshown"); click(node, 2); yield onPopupShown; is(table.menupopup.querySelectorAll("[disabled]").length, 2, "2 menuitems are disabled now as only 2 columns remain visible"); is(table.menupopup.querySelectorAll("[disabled]")[0], table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col1']"), "First is the unique column"); is(table.menupopup.querySelectorAll("[disabled]")[1], table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col4']"), "Second is the last column"); // showing back 2nd column // popup should be open now // clicking on second column label onPopupHidden = once(table.menupopup, "popuphidden"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.HEADER_CONTEXT_MENU); node = table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col2']"); info("selecting to hide the second column"); is(table.tbody.children[2].getAttribute("hidden"), "true", "Column is hidden before unhiding it"); click(node); id = yield event; yield onPopupHidden; is(id, "col2", "Correct column was triggered to be hidden"); ok(!table.tbody.children[2].hasAttribute("hidden"), "Column is not hidden after unhiding it"); // showing back 3rd column // event listener for popupshown info("right clicking on the first column header"); node = table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; onPopupShown = once(table.menupopup, "popupshown"); click(node, 2); yield onPopupShown; // popup should be open now // clicking on second column label onPopupHidden = once(table.menupopup, "popuphidden"); event = table.once(TableWidget.EVENTS.HEADER_CONTEXT_MENU); node = table.menupopup.querySelector("[data-id='col3']"); info("selecting to hide the second column"); is(table.tbody.children[4].getAttribute("hidden"), "true", "Column is hidden before unhiding it"); click(node); id = yield event; yield onPopupHidden; is(id, "col3", "Correct column was triggered to be hidden"); ok(!table.tbody.children[4].hasAttribute("hidden"), "Column is not hidden after unhiding it"); // reset table state table.clearSelection(); table.sortBy("col1"); });