/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

"use strict";

// Tests that options-view OptionsView responds to events correctly.

const {OptionsView} = require("devtools/client/shared/options-view");

const BRANCH = "devtools.debugger.";
const BLACK_BOX_PREF = "auto-black-box";
const PRETTY_PRINT_PREF = "auto-pretty-print";

const originalBlackBox = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(BRANCH + BLACK_BOX_PREF);
const originalPrettyPrint = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(BRANCH + PRETTY_PRINT_PREF);

add_task(function* () {
  info("Setting a couple of preferences");
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + BLACK_BOX_PREF, false);
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + PRETTY_PRINT_PREF, true);

  info("Opening a test tab and a toolbox host to create the options view in");
  yield addTab("about:blank");
  let [host, win] = yield createHost("bottom", OPTIONS_VIEW_URL);

  yield testOptionsView(win);

  info("Closing the host and current tab");

  info("Resetting the preferences");
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + BLACK_BOX_PREF, originalBlackBox);
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + PRETTY_PRINT_PREF, originalPrettyPrint);

function* testOptionsView(win) {
  let events = [];
  let options = createOptionsView(win);
  yield options.initialize();

  let $ = win.document.querySelector.bind(win.document);

  options.on("pref-changed", (_, pref) => events.push(pref));

  let ppEl = $("menuitem[data-pref='auto-pretty-print']");
  let bbEl = $("menuitem[data-pref='auto-black-box']");

  // Test default config
  is(ppEl.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "`true` prefs are checked on start");
  is(bbEl.getAttribute("checked"), "", "`false` prefs are unchecked on start");

  // Test buttons update when preferences update outside of the menu
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + PRETTY_PRINT_PREF, false);
  Services.prefs.setBoolPref(BRANCH + BLACK_BOX_PREF, true);

  is(options.getPref(PRETTY_PRINT_PREF), false, "getPref returns correct value");
  is(options.getPref(BLACK_BOX_PREF), true, "getPref returns correct value");

  is(ppEl.getAttribute("checked"), "", "menuitems update when preferences change");
  is(bbEl.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "menuitems update when preferences change");

  // Tests events are fired when preferences update outside of the menu
  is(events.length, 2, "two 'pref-changed' events fired");
  is(events[0], "auto-pretty-print",
     "correct pref passed in 'pref-changed' event (auto-pretty-print)");
  is(events[1], "auto-black-box",
     "correct pref passed in 'pref-changed' event (auto-black-box)");

  // Test buttons update when clicked and preferences are updated
  yield click(options, win, ppEl);
  is(ppEl.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "menuitems update when clicked");
  is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(BRANCH + PRETTY_PRINT_PREF),
     true, "preference updated via click");

  yield click(options, win, bbEl);
  is(bbEl.getAttribute("checked"), "", "menuitems update when clicked");
  is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(BRANCH + BLACK_BOX_PREF),
     false, "preference updated via click");

  // Tests events are fired when preferences updated via click
  is(events.length, 4, "two 'pref-changed' events fired");
  is(events[2], "auto-pretty-print",
     "correct pref passed in 'pref-changed' event (auto-pretty-print)");
  is(events[3], "auto-black-box",
     "correct pref passed in 'pref-changed' event (auto-black-box)");

  yield options.destroy();

function createOptionsView(win) {
  return new OptionsView({
    branchName: BRANCH,
    menupopup: win.document.querySelector("#options-menupopup")

function* click(view, win, menuitem) {
  let opened = view.once("options-shown");
  let closed = view.once("options-hidden");

  let button = win.document.querySelector("#options-button");
  EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, win);
  yield opened;
  is(button.getAttribute("open"), "true", "button has `open` attribute");

  EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menuitem, {}, win);
  yield closed;
  ok(!button.hasAttribute("open"), "button does not have `open` attribute");