/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * This file tests the MdnDocsWidget object, and specifically its * loadCssDocs() function. * * The MdnDocsWidget is initialized with a document which has a specific * structure. You then call loadCssDocs(), passing in a CSS property name. * MdnDocsWidget then fetches docs for that property by making an XHR to * a docs page, and loads the results into the document. * * In this file we test that the tooltip can properly handle the different * structures that the docs page might have, including variant structures and * error conditions like parts of the document being missing. * * We also test that the tooltip properly handles the case where the page * doesn't exist at all. */ "use strict"; const { setBaseCssDocsUrl, MdnDocsWidget } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/MdnDocsWidget"); const BASIC_EXPECTED_SUMMARY = "A summary of the property."; const BASIC_EXPECTED_SYNTAX = [{type: "comment", text: "/* The part we want */"}, {type: "text", text: "\n"}, {type: "property-name", text: "this"}, {type: "text", text: ":"}, {type: "text", text: " "}, {type: "property-value", text: "is-the-part-we-want"}, {type: "text", text: ";"}]; const ERROR_MESSAGE = "Could not load docs page."; /** * Test properties * * In the real tooltip, a CSS property name is used to look up an MDN page * for that property. * In the test code, the names defined here are used to look up a page * served by the test server. We have different properties to test * different ways that the docs pages might be constructed, including errors * like pages that don't include docs where we expect. */ const SYNTAX_OLD_STYLE = "html-mdn-css-syntax-old-style.html"; const NO_SUMMARY = "html-mdn-css-no-summary.html"; const NO_SYNTAX = "html-mdn-css-no-syntax.html"; const NO_SUMMARY_OR_SYNTAX = "html-mdn-css-no-summary-or-syntax.html"; const TEST_DATA = [{ desc: "Test a property for which we don't have a page", docsPageUrl: "i-dont-exist.html", expectedContents: { propertyName: "i-dont-exist.html", summary: ERROR_MESSAGE, syntax: [] } }, { desc: "Test a property whose syntax section is specified using an old-style page", docsPageUrl: SYNTAX_OLD_STYLE, expectedContents: { propertyName: SYNTAX_OLD_STYLE, summary: BASIC_EXPECTED_SUMMARY, syntax: BASIC_EXPECTED_SYNTAX } }, { desc: "Test a property whose page doesn't have a summary", docsPageUrl: NO_SUMMARY, expectedContents: { propertyName: NO_SUMMARY, summary: "", syntax: BASIC_EXPECTED_SYNTAX } }, { desc: "Test a property whose page doesn't have a syntax", docsPageUrl: NO_SYNTAX, expectedContents: { propertyName: NO_SYNTAX, summary: BASIC_EXPECTED_SUMMARY, syntax: [] } }, { desc: "Test a property whose page doesn't have a summary or a syntax", docsPageUrl: NO_SUMMARY_OR_SYNTAX, expectedContents: { propertyName: NO_SUMMARY_OR_SYNTAX, summary: ERROR_MESSAGE, syntax: [] } } ]; add_task(function* () { setBaseCssDocsUrl(TEST_URI_ROOT); yield addTab("about:blank"); let [host, win] = yield createHost("bottom", "data:text/html," + "<div class='mdn-container'></div>"); let widget = new MdnDocsWidget(win.document.querySelector("div")); for (let {desc, docsPageUrl, expectedContents} of TEST_DATA) { info(desc); yield widget.loadCssDocs(docsPageUrl); checkTooltipContents(widget.elements, expectedContents); } host.destroy(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); /* * Utility function to check content of the tooltip. */ function checkTooltipContents(doc, expected) { is(doc.heading.textContent, expected.propertyName, "Property name is correct"); is(doc.summary.textContent, expected.summary, "Summary is correct"); checkCssSyntaxHighlighterOutput(expected.syntax, doc.syntax); }