/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

"use strict";

// Tests that graph widgets can handle clients getting/setting the
// selection or cursor.

const LineGraphWidget = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/LineGraphWidget");

add_task(function* () {
  yield addTab("about:blank");
  yield performTest();

function* performTest() {
  let [host,, doc] = yield createHost();
  let graph = new LineGraphWidget(doc.body, "fps");
  yield graph.once("ready");

  yield testSelection(graph);
  yield testCursor(graph);

  yield graph.destroy();

function* testSelection(graph) {
  ok(graph.getSelection().start === null,
    "The graph's selection should initially have a null start value.");
  ok(graph.getSelection().end === null,
    "The graph's selection should initially have a null end value.");
    "There shouldn't initially be any selection.");

  let selected = graph.once("selecting");
  graph.setSelection({ start: 100, end: 200 });

  yield selected;
  ok(true, "A 'selecting' event has been fired.");

    "There should now be a selection.");
  is(graph.getSelection().start, 100,
    "The graph's selection now has an updated start value.");
  is(graph.getSelection().end, 200,
    "The graph's selection now has an updated end value.");

  let thrown;
  try {
    graph.setSelection({ start: null, end: null });
  } catch (e) {
    thrown = true;
  ok(thrown, "Setting a null selection shouldn't work.");

    "There should still be a selection.");

  let deselected = graph.once("deselecting");

  yield deselected;
  ok(true, "A 'deselecting' event has been fired.");

    "There shouldn't be any selection anymore.");
  ok(graph.getSelection().start === null,
    "The graph's selection now has a null start value.");
  ok(graph.getSelection().end === null,
    "The graph's selection now has a null end value.");

function* testCursor(graph) {
  ok(graph.getCursor().x === null,
    "The graph's cursor should initially have a null X value.");
  ok(graph.getCursor().y === null,
    "The graph's cursor should initially have a null Y value.");
    "There shouldn't initially be any cursor.");

  graph.setCursor({ x: 100, y: 50 });

    "There should now be a cursor.");
  is(graph.getCursor().x, 100,
    "The graph's cursor now has an updated start value.");
  is(graph.getCursor().y, 50,
    "The graph's cursor now has an updated end value.");

  let thrown;
  try {
    graph.setCursor({ x: null, y: null });
  } catch (e) {
    thrown = true;
  ok(thrown, "Setting a null cursor shouldn't work.");

    "There should still be a cursor.");


    "There shouldn't be any cursor anymore.");
  ok(graph.getCursor().x === null,
    "The graph's cursor now has a null start value.");
  ok(graph.getCursor().y === null,
    "The graph's cursor now has a null end value.");