/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* Bug 1140839 */ // Test that view menu items are remembered across scratchpad invocations. function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); // To test for this bug we open a Scratchpad window and change all // view menu options. After each change we compare the correspondent // preference value with the expected value. gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); openScratchpad(runTests); }, true); content.location = "data:text/html,
test Scratchpad should remember View options"; } function runTests() { let sp = gScratchpadWindow.Scratchpad; let doc = gScratchpadWindow.document; let testData = [ {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-line-numbers", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.lineNumbers", expectedVal: false}, {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-word-wrap", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.wrapText", expectedVal: true}, {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-highlight-trailing-space", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.showTrailingSpace", expectedVal: true}, {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-larger-font", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.editorFontSize", expectedVal: 13}, {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-normal-size-font", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.editorFontSize", expectedVal: 12}, {itemMenuId: "sp-menu-smaller-font", prefId: "devtools.scratchpad.editorFontSize", expectedVal: 11}, ]; testData.forEach(function (data) { let getPref = getPrefFunction(data.prefId); try { let menu = doc.getElementById(data.itemMenuId); menu.doCommand(); let newPreferenceValue = getPref(data.prefId); ok(newPreferenceValue === data.expectedVal, newPreferenceValue + " !== " + data.expectedVal); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(data.prefId); } catch (exception) { ok(false, "Exception thrown while executing the command of menuitem #" + data.itemMenuId); } }); finish(); } function getPrefFunction(preferenceId) { let preferenceType = Services.prefs.getPrefType(preferenceId); if (preferenceType === Services.prefs.PREF_INT) { return Services.prefs.getIntPref; } else if (preferenceType === Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL) { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref; } }