/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { Cc, Ci, Cu, ChromeWorker } = require("chrome"); const { Class } = require("sdk/core/heritage"); const { OS } = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); const { emit } = require("sdk/event/core"); const { Store } = require("devtools/client/projecteditor/lib/stores/base"); const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); const promise = require("promise"); const Services = require("Services"); const { on, forget } = require("devtools/client/projecteditor/lib/helpers/event"); const { FileResource } = require("devtools/client/projecteditor/lib/stores/resource"); const CHECK_LINKED_DIRECTORY_DELAY = 5000; const SHOULD_LIVE_REFRESH = true; // XXX: Ignores should be customizable const IGNORE_REGEX = /(^\.)|(\~$)|(^node_modules$)/; /** * A LocalStore object maintains a collection of Resource objects * from the file system. * * This object emits the following events: * - "resource-added": When a resource is added * - "resource-removed": When a resource is removed */ var LocalStore = Class({ extends: Store, defaultCategory: "js", initialize: function(path) { this.initStore(); this.path = OS.Path.normalize(path); this.rootPath = this.path; this.displayName = this.path; this.root = this._forPath(this.path); this.notifyAdd(this.root); this.refreshLoop = this.refreshLoop.bind(this); this.refreshLoop(); }, destroy: function() { clearTimeout(this._refreshTimeout); if (this._refreshDeferred) { this._refreshDeferred.reject("destroy"); } if (this.worker) { this.worker.terminate(); } this._refreshTimeout = null; this._refreshDeferred = null; this.worker = null; if (this.root) { forget(this, this.root); this.root.destroy(); } }, toString: function() { return "[LocalStore:" + this.path + "]" }, /** * Return a FileResource object for the given path. If a FileInfo * is provided the resource will use it, otherwise the FileResource * might not have full information until the next refresh. * * The following parameters are passed into the FileResource constructor * See resource.js for information about them * * @param String path * @param FileInfo info * @returns Resource */ _forPath: function(path, info=null) { if (this.resources.has(path)) { return this.resources.get(path); } let resource = FileResource(this, path, info); this.resources.set(path, resource); return resource; }, /** * Return a promise that resolves to a fully-functional FileResource * within this project. This will hit the disk for stat info. * options: * * create: If true, a resource will be created even if the underlying * file doesn't exist. */ resourceFor: function(path, options) { path = OS.Path.normalize(path); if (this.resources.has(path)) { return promise.resolve(this.resources.get(path)); } if (!this.contains(path)) { return promise.reject(new Error(path + " does not belong to " + this.path)); } return Task.spawn(function*() { let parent = yield this.resourceFor(OS.Path.dirname(path)); let info; try { info = yield OS.File.stat(path); } catch (ex if ex instanceof OS.File.Error && ex.becauseNoSuchFile) { if (!options.create) { throw ex; } } let resource = this._forPath(path, info); parent.addChild(resource); return resource; }.bind(this)); }, refreshLoop: function() { // XXX: Once Bug 958280 adds a watch function, will not need to forever loop here. this.refresh().then(() => { if (SHOULD_LIVE_REFRESH) { this._refreshTimeout = setTimeout(this.refreshLoop, CHECK_LINKED_DIRECTORY_DELAY); } }); }, _refreshTimeout: null, _refreshDeferred: null, /** * Refresh the directory structure. */ refresh: function(path=this.rootPath) { if (this._refreshDeferred) { return this._refreshDeferred.promise; } this._refreshDeferred = promise.defer(); let worker = this.worker = new ChromeWorker("chrome://devtools/content/projecteditor/lib/helpers/readdir.js"); let start = Date.now(); worker.onmessage = evt => { // console.log("Directory read finished in " + ( Date.now() - start ) +"ms", evt); for (path in evt.data) { let info = evt.data[path]; info.path = path; let resource = this._forPath(path, info); resource.info = info; if (info.isDir) { let newChildren = new Set(); for (let childPath of info.children) { childInfo = evt.data[childPath]; newChildren.add(this._forPath(childPath, childInfo)); } resource.setChildren(newChildren); } resource.info.children = null; } worker = null; this._refreshDeferred.resolve(); this._refreshDeferred = null; }; worker.onerror = ex => { console.error(ex); worker = null; this._refreshDeferred.reject(ex); this._refreshDeferred = null; } worker.postMessage({ path: this.rootPath, ignore: IGNORE_REGEX }); return this._refreshDeferred.promise; }, /** * Returns true if the given path would be a child of the store's * root directory. */ contains: function(path) { path = OS.Path.normalize(path); let thisPath = OS.Path.split(this.rootPath); let thatPath = OS.Path.split(path) if (!(thisPath.absolute && thatPath.absolute)) { throw new Error("Contains only works with absolute paths."); } if (thisPath.winDrive && (thisPath.winDrive != thatPath.winDrive)) { return false; } if (thatPath.components.length <= thisPath.components.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < thisPath.components.length; i++) { if (thisPath.components[i] != thatPath.components[i]) { return false; } } return true; } }); exports.LocalStore = LocalStore;