/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";

const { JITOptimizations } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/logic/jit");
const FrameUtils = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/logic/frame-utils");

 * A call tree for a thread. This is essentially a linkage between all frames
 * of all samples into a single tree structure, with additional information
 * on each node, like the time spent (in milliseconds) and samples count.
 * @param object thread
 *        The raw thread object received from the backend. Contains samples,
 *        stackTable, frameTable, and stringTable.
 * @param object options
 *        Additional supported options
 *          - number startTime
 *          - number endTime
 *          - boolean contentOnly [optional]
 *          - boolean invertTree [optional]
 *          - boolean flattenRecursion [optional]
function ThreadNode(thread, options = {}) {
  if (options.endTime == void 0 || options.startTime == void 0) {
    throw new Error("ThreadNode requires both `startTime` and `endTime`.");
  this.samples = 0;
  this.sampleTimes = [];
  this.youngestFrameSamples = 0;
  this.calls = [];
  this.duration = options.endTime - options.startTime;
  this.nodeType = "Thread";
  this.inverted = options.invertTree;

  // Total bytesize of all allocations if enabled
  this.byteSize = 0;
  this.youngestFrameByteSize = 0;

  let { samples, stackTable, frameTable, stringTable } = thread;

  // Nothing to do if there are no samples.
  if (samples.data.length === 0) {

  this._buildInverted(samples, stackTable, frameTable, stringTable, options);
  if (!options.invertTree) {

ThreadNode.prototype = {
   * Build an inverted call tree from profile samples. The format of the
   * samples is described in tools/profiler/ProfileEntry.h, under the heading
   * "ThreadProfile JSON Format".
   * The profile data is naturally presented inverted. Inverting the call tree
   * is also the default in the Performance tool.
   * @param object samples
   *        The raw samples array received from the backend.
   * @param object stackTable
   *        The table of deduplicated stacks from the backend.
   * @param object frameTable
   *        The table of deduplicated frames from the backend.
   * @param object stringTable
   *        The table of deduplicated strings from the backend.
   * @param object options
   *        Additional supported options
   *          - number startTime
   *          - number endTime
   *          - boolean contentOnly [optional]
   *          - boolean invertTree [optional]
  _buildInverted: function buildInverted(samples, stackTable, frameTable, stringTable,
                                         options) {
    function getOrAddFrameNode(calls, isLeaf, frameKey, inflatedFrame, isMetaCategory,
                               leafTable) {
      // Insert the inflated frame into the call tree at the current level.
      let frameNode;

      // Leaf nodes have fan out much greater than non-leaf nodes, thus the
      // use of a hash table. Otherwise, do linear search.
      // Note that this method is very hot, thus the manual looping over
      // Array.prototype.find.
      if (isLeaf) {
        frameNode = leafTable[frameKey];
      } else {
        for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
          if (calls[i].key === frameKey) {
            frameNode = calls[i];

      if (!frameNode) {
        frameNode = new FrameNode(frameKey, inflatedFrame, isMetaCategory);
        if (isLeaf) {
          leafTable[frameKey] = frameNode;

      return frameNode;

    const SAMPLE_STACK_SLOT = samples.schema.stack;
    const SAMPLE_TIME_SLOT = samples.schema.time;
    const SAMPLE_BYTESIZE_SLOT = samples.schema.size;

    const STACK_PREFIX_SLOT = stackTable.schema.prefix;
    const STACK_FRAME_SLOT = stackTable.schema.frame;

    const getOrAddInflatedFrame = FrameUtils.getOrAddInflatedFrame;

    let samplesData = samples.data;
    let stacksData = stackTable.data;

    // Caches.
    let inflatedFrameCache = FrameUtils.getInflatedFrameCache(frameTable);
    let leafTable = Object.create(null);

    let startTime = options.startTime;
    let endTime = options.endTime;
    let flattenRecursion = options.flattenRecursion;

    // Reused options object passed to InflatedFrame.prototype.getFrameKey.
    let mutableFrameKeyOptions = {
      contentOnly: options.contentOnly,
      isRoot: false,
      isLeaf: false,
      isMetaCategoryOut: false

    let byteSize = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < samplesData.length; i++) {
      let sample = samplesData[i];
      let sampleTime = sample[SAMPLE_TIME_SLOT];

      if (SAMPLE_BYTESIZE_SLOT !== void 0) {
        byteSize = sample[SAMPLE_BYTESIZE_SLOT];

      // A sample's end time is considered to be its time of sampling. Its
      // start time is the sampling time of the previous sample.
      // Thus, we compare sampleTime <= start instead of < to filter out
      // samples that end exactly at the start time.
      if (!sampleTime || sampleTime <= startTime || sampleTime > endTime) {

      let stackIndex = sample[SAMPLE_STACK_SLOT];
      let calls = this.calls;
      let prevCalls = this.calls;
      let prevFrameKey;
      let isLeaf = mutableFrameKeyOptions.isLeaf = true;
      let skipRoot = options.invertTree;

      // Inflate the stack and build the FrameNode call tree directly.
      // In the profiler data, each frame's stack is referenced by an index
      // into stackTable.
      // Each entry in stackTable is a pair [ prefixIndex, frameIndex ]. The
      // prefixIndex is itself an index into stackTable, referencing the
      // prefix of the current stack (that is, the younger frames). In other
      // words, the stackTable is encoded as a trie of the inverted
      // callstack. The frameIndex is an index into frameTable, describing the
      // frame at the current depth.
      // This algorithm inflates each frame in the frame table while walking
      // the stack trie as described above.
      // The frame key is then computed from the inflated frame /and/ the
      // current depth in the FrameNode call tree.  That is, the frame key is
      // not wholly determinable from just the inflated frame.
      // For content frames, the frame key is just its location. For chrome
      // frames, the key may be a metacategory or its location, depending on
      // rendering options and its position in the FrameNode call tree.
      // The frame key is then used to build up the inverted FrameNode call
      // tree.
      // Note that various filtering functions, such as filtering for content
      // frames or flattening recursion, are inlined into the stack inflation
      // loop. This is important for performance as it avoids intermediate
      // structures and multiple passes.
      while (stackIndex !== null) {
        let stackEntry = stacksData[stackIndex];
        let frameIndex = stackEntry[STACK_FRAME_SLOT];

        // Fetch the stack prefix (i.e. older frames) index.
        stackIndex = stackEntry[STACK_PREFIX_SLOT];

        // Do not include the (root) node in this sample, as the costs of each frame
        // will make it clear to differentiate (root)->B vs (root)->A->B
        // when a tree is inverted, a revert of bug 1147604
        if (stackIndex === null && skipRoot) {

        // Inflate the frame.
        let inflatedFrame = getOrAddInflatedFrame(inflatedFrameCache, frameIndex,
                                                  frameTable, stringTable);

        // Compute the frame key.
        mutableFrameKeyOptions.isRoot = stackIndex === null;
        let frameKey = inflatedFrame.getFrameKey(mutableFrameKeyOptions);

        // An empty frame key means this frame should be skipped.
        if (frameKey === "") {

        // If we shouldn't flatten the current frame into the previous one, advance a
        // level in the call tree.
        let shouldFlatten = flattenRecursion && frameKey === prevFrameKey;
        if (!shouldFlatten) {
          calls = prevCalls;

        let frameNode = getOrAddFrameNode(calls, isLeaf, frameKey, inflatedFrame,
        if (isLeaf) {
                                      inflatedFrame.implementation, sampleTime,

          if (byteSize) {
            frameNode.youngestFrameByteSize += byteSize;

        // Don't overcount flattened recursive frames.
        if (!shouldFlatten) {
          if (byteSize) {
            frameNode.byteSize += byteSize;

        prevFrameKey = frameKey;
        prevCalls = frameNode.calls;
        isLeaf = mutableFrameKeyOptions.isLeaf = false;

      if (byteSize) {
        this.byteSize += byteSize;

   * Uninverts the call tree after its having been built.
  _uninvert: function uninvert() {
    function mergeOrAddFrameNode(calls, node, samples, size) {
      // Unlike the inverted call tree, we don't use a root table for the top
      // level, as in general, there are many fewer entry points than
      // leaves. Instead, linear search is used regardless of level.
      for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
        if (calls[i].key === node.key) {
          let foundNode = calls[i];
          foundNode._merge(node, samples, size);
          return foundNode.calls;
      let copy = node._clone(samples, size);
      return copy.calls;

    let workstack = [{ node: this, level: 0 }];
    let spine = [];
    let entry;

    // The new root.
    let rootCalls = [];

    // Walk depth-first and keep the current spine (e.g., callstack).
    do {
      entry = workstack.pop();
      if (entry) {
        spine[entry.level] = entry;

        let node = entry.node;
        let calls = node.calls;
        let callSamples = 0;
        let callByteSize = 0;

        // Continue the depth-first walk.
        for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
          workstack.push({ node: calls[i], level: entry.level + 1 });
          callSamples += calls[i].samples;
          callByteSize += calls[i].byteSize;

        // The sample delta is used to distinguish stacks.
        // Suppose we have the following stack samples:
        //   A -> B
        //   A -> C
        //   A
        // The inverted tree is:
        //     A
        //    / \
        //   B   C
        // with A.samples = 3, B.samples = 1, C.samples = 1.
        // A is distinguished as being its own stack because
        // A.samples - (B.samples + C.samples) > 0.
        // Note that bottoming out is a degenerate where callSamples = 0.

        let samplesDelta = node.samples - callSamples;
        let byteSizeDelta = node.byteSize - callByteSize;
        if (samplesDelta > 0) {
          // Reverse the spine and add them to the uninverted call tree.
          let uninvertedCalls = rootCalls;
          for (let level = entry.level; level > 0; level--) {
            let callee = spine[level];
            uninvertedCalls = mergeOrAddFrameNode(uninvertedCalls, callee.node,
                                                  samplesDelta, byteSizeDelta);
    } while (entry);

    // Replace the toplevel calls with rootCalls, which now contains the
    // uninverted roots.
    this.calls = rootCalls;

   * Gets additional details about this node.
   * @see FrameNode.prototype.getInfo for more information.
   * @return object
  getInfo: function (options) {
    return FrameUtils.getFrameInfo(this, options);

   * Mimicks the interface of FrameNode, and a ThreadNode can never have
   * optimization data (at the moment, anyway), so provide a function
   * to return null so we don't need to check if a frame node is a thread
   * or not everytime we fetch optimization data.
   * @return {null}

  hasOptimizations: function () {
    return null;

 * A function call node in a tree. Represents a function call with a unique context,
 * resulting in each FrameNode having its own row in the corresponding tree view.
 * Take samples:
 *  A()->B()->C()
 *  A()->B()
 *  Q()->B()
 * In inverted tree, A()->B()->C() would have one frame node, and A()->B() and
 * Q()->B() would share a frame node.
 * In an uninverted tree, A()->B()->C() and A()->B() would share a frame node,
 * with Q()->B() having its own.
 * In all cases, all the frame nodes originated from the same InflatedFrame.
 * @param string frameKey
 *        The key associated with this frame. The key determines identity of
 *        the node.
 * @param string location
 *        The location of this function call. Note that this isn't sanitized,
 *        so it may very well (not?) include the function name, url, etc.
 * @param number line
 *        The line number inside the source containing this function call.
 * @param number category
 *        The category type of this function call ("js", "graphics" etc.).
 * @param number allocations
 *        The number of memory allocations performed in this frame.
 * @param number isContent
 *        Whether this frame is content.
 * @param boolean isMetaCategory
 *        Whether or not this is a platform node that should appear as a
 *        generalized meta category or not.
function FrameNode(frameKey, { location, line, category, isContent }, isMetaCategory) {
  this.key = frameKey;
  this.location = location;
  this.line = line;
  this.youngestFrameSamples = 0;
  this.samples = 0;
  this.calls = [];
  this.isContent = !!isContent;
  this._optimizations = null;
  this._tierData = [];
  this._stringTable = null;
  this.isMetaCategory = !!isMetaCategory;
  this.category = category;
  this.nodeType = "Frame";
  this.byteSize = 0;
  this.youngestFrameByteSize = 0;

FrameNode.prototype = {
   * Take optimization data observed for this frame.
   * @param object optimizationSite
   *               Any JIT optimization information attached to the current
   *               sample. Lazily inflated via stringTable.
   * @param number implementation
   *               JIT implementation used for this observed frame (baseline, ion);
   *               can be null indicating "interpreter"
   * @param number time
   *               The time this optimization occurred.
   * @param object stringTable
   *               The string table used to inflate the optimizationSite.
  _addOptimizations: function (site, implementation, time, stringTable) {
    // Simply accumulate optimization sites for now. Processing is done lazily
    // by JITOptimizations, if optimization information is actually displayed.
    if (site) {
      let opts = this._optimizations;
      if (opts === null) {
        opts = this._optimizations = [];

    if (!this._stringTable) {
      this._stringTable = stringTable;

    // Record type of implementation used and the sample time
    this._tierData.push({ implementation, time });

  _clone: function (samples, size) {
    let newNode = new FrameNode(this.key, this, this.isMetaCategory);
    newNode._merge(this, samples, size);
    return newNode;

  _merge: function (otherNode, samples, size) {
    if (this === otherNode) {

    this.samples += samples;
    this.byteSize += size;
    if (otherNode.youngestFrameSamples > 0) {
      this.youngestFrameSamples += samples;

    if (otherNode.youngestFrameByteSize > 0) {
      this.youngestFrameByteSize += otherNode.youngestFrameByteSize;

    if (this._stringTable === null) {
      this._stringTable = otherNode._stringTable;

    if (otherNode._optimizations) {
      if (!this._optimizations) {
        this._optimizations = [];
      let opts = this._optimizations;
      let otherOpts = otherNode._optimizations;
      for (let i = 0; i < otherOpts.length; i++) {

    if (otherNode._tierData.length) {
      let tierData = this._tierData;
      let otherTierData = otherNode._tierData;
      for (let i = 0; i < otherTierData.length; i++) {
      tierData.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time);

   * Returns the parsed location and additional data describing
   * this frame. Uses cached data if possible. Takes the following
   * options:
   * @param {ThreadNode} options.root
   *                     The root thread node to calculate relative costs.
   *                     Generates [self|total] [duration|percentage] values.
   * @param {boolean} options.allocations
   *                  Generates `totalAllocations` and `selfAllocations`.
   * @return object
   *         The computed { name, file, url, line } properties for this
   *         function call, as well as additional params if options specified.
  getInfo: function (options) {
    return FrameUtils.getFrameInfo(this, options);

   * Returns whether or not the frame node has an JITOptimizations model.
   * @return {Boolean}
  hasOptimizations: function () {
    return !this.isMetaCategory && !!this._optimizations;

   * Returns the underlying JITOptimizations model representing
   * the optimization attempts occuring in this frame.
   * @return {JITOptimizations|null}
  getOptimizations: function () {
    if (!this._optimizations) {
      return null;
    return new JITOptimizations(this._optimizations, this._stringTable);

   * Returns the tiers used overtime.
   * @return {Array<object>}
  getTierData: function () {
    return this._tierData;

exports.ThreadNode = ThreadNode;
exports.FrameNode = FrameNode;